高一英语备课《Module 6 Films and TV Programmes》 Vocabulary学案 外研版必修2

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111课题名称Book Two Module6 Films and TV ProgrammesHandout 1 VocabularyLearning Aims1. Get students to be familiar with some words related to films and TV programmes2. To accumulate enough vocabulary to prepare for writing a film review. Vocabulary1. the types of films爱情片_恐怖片_功夫片_喜剧片_探险电影_2. words related to a film海报_角色;人物_男演员_女演员_ 广告_导演_ 明星_ 情节_(电影)背景_ 部分;节_影评_3. phrases related to a film出版_ 扮演角色_ 讲述_ 发生_ 关注_ 4. phrases in the text爱上_ _ 令某人惊奇的是 _吃惊地_许多的,大量的_ 属于 _有时;偶尔_ 在岁时_5. List some words and phrases that tell us how often something happens.(列出课文中出现的频度副词)_ _ _ _. Exercise1. Complete the sentences with the following words.Every now and then; graceful; masterpiece; moving; take placePlay; character; rooftop; leap(1) I cried at the end of the film because it was so _.(2) Jackie Chen _the part of a martial arts master.(3) Xiulian is the _ we are most interested in.(4) He climbed on to the _ of the house.(5) He tried to _ over the wall but did not succeed.(6) I hear from him _.(7) The film “ Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” is a martial arts film _.(8) Her movements were _ and elegant.(9) The next meeting will _ on Thursday.2. 单词拼写(1)Math doesnt _(使感兴趣) me at all.(2) The boss in that company is unwilling to employ_(女性的)workers .(3) She looked at me in _(惊奇) .(4) She was deeply _ by the _ film. ( 感动 move )(5) The _(海报)of an exhibition was put up on the wall.(6)Whats the artists _(代表作)?3. 完成句子(1)这些书属于我的叔叔 These books_ _ my uncle.(2)这首诗叙述的是一位著名武士的事迹。The poem _ _ the deeds (事迹) of a famous warrior.(3)在过去的十年中乡下发生了巨大的变化Great changes have _ _ in the countryside in the past ten years.(4)能请谁来扮演罗密欧吗?Could someone _ _ _ _ Romeo, please?(5)他好像只在乎钱。The only thing he seems to _ _ is money.Teachers PrayerI want to teach my students how to live this life onearth, To face its struggle and its strife and improve their worth. Not just the lesson in a book or how the rivers flow, But how to choose the proper path wherever they maygo. To understand eternal truth and know the right fromwrong,And gather all the beauty of a flower and a song. For if I help the world to grow in wisdom and ingrace, Then, I shall feel that I have won and I have filledmy place. And so I ask my guidance, God, that I may do my part, For character and confidence and happiness of heart.教师的心愿 我想教会学生如何去生活, 如何面对困难 完善自我。 不只是书本知识或是自然奥秘, 而是如何走好人生之旅。 学会去辨别是非,找寻真理, 从平凡的点滴中发掘美的韵律。 如果我的存在使这个世界更加绚丽,那么我也就实现了自己的人生目的。所以苍天作证,我已全心全意, 诠释了品格、信心和幸福的真谛111

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