高一英语备课《Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab》单元学案 外研版必修1

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111Module 5 a lesson in a lab单元学案知识点回顾1 .react with _ react to _ react on _2.add to _ add.to _ add up_ add up to_3.keep out _ keep out of _ keep off_keep down_ keep up _ keep away _4. used to do_ 否定结构_5. be proud of sb/ sth / doing _ take proud in_6. find out find 填空: We should _ who took the machine away. He has _ his lost bike.7. putin order _8. in turn_ by turns_ in return _9. follow sbs instructions_10.electrical equipment_ electric fan_11.air-free water_ trouble-free areas_12.at the top _ at the bottom _13.be supposed to do _ be supposed to be done_14.go ahead_ 15.got it _ make it_ 16.Its your turn_17.Keep the noise down_18.Where do we go from here? _重点句型:1. 修饰比较级的词语: a bit / a little / a lot / a great deal / much / rather / any / still / even / far / by far /E.g: Is he _ better today? This one is _ worse.2. the more the more _ more and more_E.g: It is _ (越来越冷). The more you read,_(你发现越容易). The more you sleep, _(你越懒)单词拼写1)Is steel a _ (混合物) of iron and other substances?2)Professor Wang will give us two _ (演讲) tomorrow morning.3)The science facilities are very good , with laboratories that have all the latest _ (设备).4)After discussing it for several days ,they finally drew a _ (结论) .5)Montreal and Ottawa University both have good Physics _(系).6)Its important to know how they _(反应) with different substances.7)I saw some fallen leaves _(漂浮) in the river.8)His parents were _ (吃惊的) at what he said.9)Its important for us to keep the _ (平衡) of nature.10)When you heat a metal ,it _(膨胀).单项选择 1. I am proud _what I have done. A. for B. in C. of D. to 2. There are only _natural resources as there were thirty years ago. A. as half much B. as half many C. half so much D. half as many3. Her hairs the same colour _. A. of her mother B. as her mother C. with her mothers D. as her mothers4. Would you please put these sentences _? They are jumbled now. A. in the order B. in order C. to the order D. to order5. Medical experts of China are devoted to _the _of SARS and ways of dealing with it. A. finding out; cause B. find out; cause C. finding out; reason D. find out; reason6. _you forget it, _youll suffer from it. A. Sooner; less B. The earlier; less C. The earlier; the less D. The sooner; the less7. The Great Wall has been _several times. The repair work is done every year. A. added B. adding to C. added to D. added in8. You cant, imagine that rats eat 40 to 50 times _. A. in weight B. by weight C. of weight D. their weight9. Mr Smith is _a teacher. He is also our good friend. A. only B. more than C. no more than D. nor more than10. This is the _model, which has just been developed. A. late B. latest C. later D. lately11. We dont do it in this way now, but it _in this way. A. used to do B. used to be done C. was used to be done D. was used to doing12. He _to come at eight, but in fact he never comes before nine. A. is supposing B. supposes C. is supposed D. supposed13. Look! The _leaf is floating just like a little plane. A. falling B. growing C. grown D. fallen14. _of the forest is covered with trees of broad leaves, while the rest pine trees. A. Three quarters; is B. Three quarters; are C. Three fourths; are D. Three fourth; is15 With a lot of difficult problems _, the _ president is having a hard time.A. settling; newly-elected B. to settle; newly-electedC .settled; newly-elected D. to settle; new-elected16 Canadian researchers have shown that the shorter the index finger is , _ the ring finger,_ aggressive men are likely to be.A. compared with; more B. comparing to; the muchC. compared to; the more D. comparing with; the more17Make sure that electricity in the lab _ when you finish doing experiment.A. will be turned off B. have been turned off C. is turned off D. turns off 18. _ production up by 60% , the company has had another excellent year.A. As B. For C. With D. Through19-It was careless _ you to have left your clothes outside all night.- My God! _.A. of; So did I B. for; So did you C. for; So were you D. of; So I did20The engine of the ship was out of order and the bad weather _ the helplessness of the crew at sea.A. turned out B. resulted from C. added to D. made up参考答案:1.mixture 2.lectures 3.equipment 4.conclusion 5.department 6.react 7.floating 8.astonished 9.balanced 10.expands 15CDDBA 610DCABB 11-15BCAAB 16-20 CCCBC111


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