高一英语《Unit 11 The Media》学案(1)(北师大版必修模块4)

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111 核心词汇 1He raised some p_ to reform the Labor Party.2We attended a dinner party _(以主人身份招待)by the president of the company.3He resolved never to tell anyone about the _(事件;事变)4They _(试图)to finish the task before July.5He has no r_ for her feelings.6Have you a_ the manager about taking a day off next week?7The war _(中断)the trade between the two countries.8His clothes were thrown down just _(随便地)9There are e_ that somebody has been living here.10Unexpected difficulties _(产生)in the course of their experiment.11When you drive,you must not exceed the _(法定的)limit.12What can you _(得出结论)from these observations?13He enjoyed the d_ of New Yorks night life.14I am ready to take the b_ for the mistake.15A large office requires the _(雇佣)of many people to _(利用)their limited time to complete the task.1.proposals2.hosted3.incident4.attempted5.respect6.approached7.interrupted8.anyhow9.evidences10.arose11.legal12.conclude13.delights14.blame15.employment;employ高频短语1_代表,支持2_ 支持,赞同3_ 由组成4_ 突出,显眼5_ 详细地6_ 参加7_ 对的态度8_ 对作出评论9_ 帮助做事,帮助克服困难10_ 继续干11_ 把归功于12_ 结果是13_ 挡的路14_ 习惯于15_ 与相关联1stand for2.in favour of3.consist of4.stand out5.in detail6.participate in7.the attitude to/towards8.comment on9.help out10.go ahead with11.owe.to.12.come down to13.in the way14.be used to15.be linked to/with重点句式1However,_ advertising is about selling products and services for a profit.然而,并非所有的广告都是关于为了利润而销售产品和提供服务。2_ for you _ watch too much TV对你来说,看太多的电视是有坏处的。3“I _ if Id stayed in the truck.”“如果我呆在货车里,我也死了。”4.people dont mind bad language on television _ it is not used in programmes watched by children电视中的不良语言,只要不用于儿童节目,人们并不介意。1.not all2.Its bad;to3.would have been killed4.as long as 111

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