高一(上)英语 M2U2《Wish you were here》语言点(学生版)

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高一(上)英语 M2U2《Wish you were here》语言点(学生版)_第1页
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1112. in case conj. “以防, 万一 ”,引导条件状语从句,或adv 置于于句末,作状语in case of +名词或代词 in that case 要那样的话 in any case无论如何 in no case 决不(1)John may phone tonight. I dont want to go out _he phones. (2)Youd better take an umbrella _ the rain.(3)Youd better take an umbrella _it rains.(4)I dont think Ill need any money but I will bring some_.(5)I hope it will be fine tomorrow. _, we can go out for a picnic.(6)Its too late in any case. (7)In no case will I give in. 3. arrange Vt./Vi. 安排,准备 arrangement n. arrange sth. arrange to do sth arrange for sb. to do(1) 我们会安排好一切的。 . (2) 我已经安排今晚同他们见面 . (3) 我已经安排玛丽去机场接你。 . 4We eat and drink whatever they doWhatever adv./conj. 可引导名词性从句和状语从句 (1) no matter +who(m) /where/which/what/how/when.=wh-+ever均能引导让步状语从句 Whenever he comes to Beijing, he will visit his teacher.=No matter when he comes(2) 引导主语从句和宾语从句只能用who(m)ever, whatever, whichever,不可用no matter who(m) , no matter what, no matter which (3)however=no matter how引导让步状语从句时,常与形容词与副词连用Have a try:(1)No matter what he says, I wont believe him. = he says, I wont believe him.(2) You can eat (无论什么)you want.(3) (无论谁)breaks the law should be punished.(4) (不管多么)difficult the job is, we must try our best. 5 supply v. 供应,供给supply sth to sb=supply sb. with sth provide sth for sb=provide sb with sth 提供offer sb sth=offer sth to sb(主动)提供(1) The media supplies lots of information _us every day. =The media supplies us _ lots of information every day.(2) A pipe line will be built to some eastern provinces gas. A. send B. provide C. supply D. offer n.供应,供给,供给物 the supply of sth(1)The water company cut off the _ of water for no good reasons.6. scare vt.惊吓,使害怕,使恐惧 adj. scared惊恐的; scary令人惊恐be scared at .对感到害怕. be scared to do 害怕做 scare away吓跑1) His idea _ me. 2) She _ at the strange noise.3) People keep a dog _ thieves.4) He _ 他害怕晚上出去。 5) It was a _ story and children were _ after they heard it.7. up closeclose: adj(时间,空间上)接近;亲密的;仔细的,严密的 adv靠近地 常与to连用closely : adv 仔细地,严密地Our new house is _to the school. Jane and I are _ friends.It was raining heavily. Little Mary felt cold, so she stood _to her mother.She stood _ to her teacher so that she could watch _. The policeman examined his room_. Our health is _ (和紧密相关)our diet.8. tire vt. 使劳累/使厌倦 adj. tired 困倦的,厌烦的; tiring 令人厌烦的be tired of .厌倦 be tired from/with因疲劳Too much work tired me (out)._I was tired from/with too much work._He was very talkative and I was tired of talking with him._His speech was tiring. I cant put up with it. 9Its the biggest desert in the world-the size of the US. the size of the US= _ the US= the as the US 倍数表达法 A is once/twice/three times as +原级+as +B A is once/twice/three times 比较级+than B A is once/twice/three times the +名词(size/ length) of B新图书馆是老图书馆的4倍大。(3种表达) 9. The sun can be so brilliant that youll need to keep covered or youll get burnt. get done 表被动(1) His car got (steal)at the weekend.(2) Our car gets (clean) about once every two month. (3) She got (pay) before she went on a holiday. Word power, Grammar, Task10. Its a zoo that is open at night. 此句为强调句,它的基本形式为:It is/was +强调部分+that+其他部分强调部分可以是句子的主语,宾语,状语,状语从句等。其特征是:去掉It is/wasthat句子依然成立。 Eg. (划线部分为被强调部分)It is in the garden that his party will be hold. It is Tom that/who helped us in the accident. It was because his father changed his job that they moved to California.是他昨天送那个男孩回家的。 是上个星期天小张买了辆汽车。 是因为他妈妈生病他昨天没来上课 是直到他回来我们才知道这个消息 11. total adj. 完全的,全然的, 全部的, 总计的, in total = in all 总计Its a total failure . . The room is in total darkness._。Can you tell me the ? 总数 n.总数,总计What does the total come to? _There are 50 students _总共50名学生。Project12. reach: v/n 够得着,延伸,达成(1) Vt. We reached Beijing to reach an agreement yesterday_; 到达某地:reach sp.= arrive in/at sp.=get to sp.Can you reach the book for me? _You letter reached me yesterday. _ Vi. The land reaches as far as the river._比较:The baby reached for the apple but he couldnt reach it. reach for _; reach _; reach out for 设法抓住(拿到)(2) n. 够到 out of ones reach 够不着beyond the reach of sb. =out of the reach of sb.某人手够不到的地方 within ones reach某人手够到的地方He _ the book on the shelf, but failed. = The book on the shelf was 13view视野;风景,景色;观点The house has a view over the sea._You can get a good view of the city from the tower._ Whats your view on school punishment? _14. tower vi 高耸,屹立He is the tallest in class; thats to say, he towers over/above any other boy._He did best in that exam. He towered over/above his classmates._ 15.surround v. 环绕;围绕;包围 surroundings n. 复数 周围的环境Tall trees surround the lake.The lake is surrounded with /by tall trees.The police surrounded the house./The house was surrounded with the police.With the mountains _the village, it is not easy for villagers to go to town to buy things._by the students, the teacher explained the problems patiently.16. harmony n. 调和,一致;和谐 in harmony 和睦地;和谐地 harmonious adj 和谐的be in harmony with 和一致,和谐be out of harmony with 与不一致live/work in (perfect) harmony 一起生活,工作得(十分)融洽人类应该和大自然和谐相处。 .他们之间不和谐, 经常吵架。 .他们一起工作十分融洽。 .17. In this perfect world lived people who had discovered how to stay young forever. (1)完全倒装句: 表示位置,位移的副词及介词短语充当的状语位于句首;在以here, there, out, up, down, away, now 等副词位于句首而且主语是名词时,用倒装From the window came the sound of music. The sound of music came from the window(正常语序)一位老人坐在树下。 (用过去时)。There comes the bus._门口正站着一个小男孩。 (用进行时)(2) perfect: adj. 完美的, 极好的 be perfect in 精通Nobody is perfect. 人无完人。 熟能生巧。 18.form v. 形成;组成;构成;养成form sth (from) form the habit of 养成习惯n. form 形式;外形;格式,表格in the form of 以 形式这个女孩养成饭前洗手的好习惯。 这个集训是以讲座的形式。 .19. be covered with cover v. 覆盖;够付;占有;报到;走完(1) The journalist is covering the Olympic Games in Beijing.(2) The Red Army covered 25,000 li on their Long March.(3) The city covers an area of ten square miles.(4) Will 10,000 dollars cover the bill? 111


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