高一英语备课《Module 3 Music》reading and vocabulary学案 外研版必修2

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111必修2 Module 3 Music-reading and vocabulary学案1. Other composers had written symphonies before Haydn, but he changed the symphony into a long piece for a large orchestra.在海顿之前,其他的作曲家也已经写过交响乐曲,但是他把交响乐演绎成管弦乐协奏曲.辨析: other , the other, others, the others 与 another1 other + C(可数名词复数)= others. someothers 一些. 另一些.2 The other + C(可数名词复数)= the others 3 Onethe other.(两者) 一个.另一个.4 One.another.三者以上中的另一个eg : 1. I have many other things to do. 2. I dont like this tie; show me some others, please.3. Some of the boys went swimming, while the others sat on the beach for sunbathing.4. He has two sons. One is thin and the other is fat.5. Mary is cleverer than any girl in the class.6. Can you swim to the other side of the lake?7. Theres a crack in this glass. Bring me another one, please2. Having worked there for 30 years, Haydn moved to London, where he was very successful. 在那里工作了30年之后,海顿搬到了伦敦,在那里他获得了巨大的成功.辨析: doing ; having doing(1) 现在分词的完成形式作状语,表示动作发生在主句谓语动词之前.(2) 现在分词的一般形式做状语,表示动作与谓语动词同时发生.eg:1. Arriving at the village, he could not find his home. = When he arrived at the village, he could not find his home.2. Being blind, how could they see the elephant? 3. Having put up the tent, they started to cook the supper. =After they had put up the tent, they started to cook the supper.4.Not having finished her homework, the girl was still doing it in the classroom.3. He only lived 35 years and he composed more than 600 pieces of music.More than 的用法:1 more than +数词, 意思是 “超过.以上” “多于”Her report lasted more than three hours._2 more than + one +n. =many a +n.More than one student has read the novels written by David._3 more than +形容词或动词, 意思为 “非常”.She is more than pleased with the result.What he did more than surprised me.4 more than +n. 意思是 “不仅仅是”China Daily is more than a newspaper; it also helps me learn English. 5 more than +从句, 意思是 “超出某人力量,知识等的范围”Thats more than I can do.The beauty of the girl is more than I can describe.4. By the time he was 14, Mozart had composed many pieces for the harpsichord, piano and violin, as well as for orchestras. 到他14岁的时候,莫扎特就不仅为管弦乐队,还为大键琴,钢琴和小提琴创作了许多首曲子.by the time 的用法:1by the time +一般过去时, 主句时态为过去完成式eg. By the time he came back from abroad, his hometown had completely changed. 到他从国外回来的时候, 他的家乡已完全发生了变化.到他12 岁的时候,他已自学了数学._.2 by the time+ 一般现在时, 主句用一般将来时或将来完成时.Eg. a. Ill finish paying for my house by the time I retireb. 到他来的时候, 我就完成这幅画了._as well as 的用法:作为固定短语, 意思是 “除以外还”, “和.一样也”eg. a. English, as well as maths and Chinese, is of great importance._ b. 这男孩既健康有活泼_i. as well as 之后连接动词,则要用动名词.eg. As well as being a pop star, John teaches at a well-known university. 除了一名歌星外,约翰还在一所知名大学任教.5. While he was still a teenager, Mozart was already a big star and toured Europe giving concerts.giving concerts 作伴随状语,表示 “ give” 伴随着主句动作 “tour” 发生.eg. a. The children walked, singing. 孩子们边走边唱. b. 她躺在草地上,想着什么._ c. She stayed up late, preparing her speech.6. Haydn met Mozart in 1781 and was very impressed with him.1781年,海顿遇到莫扎特,并对他留下了深刻的印象.eg. The book did not impress me at all. The headmaster impressed me with his kindness.常用搭配: impress sb (with sth ) 给予某人深刻印象 impress sth on /upon sb 使某人铭记某物 be impressed with/ by 给留下印象eg. My father impressed me with the importance of work.= My father impressed on me the importance of work. He was deeply impressed by what he had seen in China.7. However, it was Haydn who encouraged Beethoven to move to Vienna. 然而,正是海顿鼓励贝多芬搬到维也纳去的.强调句结构: It be + 要强调部分+ that/ who +其他部分i. It was John who wore his best suit to the party yesterday.(主语)ii. It was his best suit that John wore to the party.(宾语)iii. It was yesterday that John wore his best suit to the party.(时间状语)使用强调句应注意的几点:a. 强调句结构中的时态主句和从句一致.eg. It was my two brothers who knew him best.b. 强调主语时,从句中的谓语动词在人称和数上应与强调部分一致.eg. It is I who am hungry.c. 如果强调一般疑问句中的成分时,要用一般疑问式:即:Is/Was + it + 被强调部分 +that/who +句子剩余部分eg: Was it my brother who told you this?d. 强调特殊疑问句中的成分时,要用其特殊疑问式, 既:特殊疑问式+ is/was + it + that + 句子剩余成分eg. Why is it that they dont like me ?8. As he grew older, he began to go deaf.go 为系动词, 表示变得, 变成(某中状态). 常表示由好变坏的情况.eg. Fish goes bad in hot weather.The well has gone dry.辨析: get, grow, turn, become, be.1 get 指变的结果,通常接形容词.eg. I got tired for hard work.2 grow表示渐次成为新的状态,后接形容词或动词不定式.eg. Its growing warm3 turn表示 “突变”,接单数可数名词时不加冠词eg. My face turned red.4 become是最普通的用语,后接名词或形容词。eg. He became an artist.5 表示将来时常用beeg. He will be a teacher.常用的系动词有:表示主语特征或状态的系动词:feel. look, sound, smell, taste, seem, appear, 表示发生变化的有: fall, drop, go, come, run. 表示某种状态的系动词有:remain, stand, continue, stay, keep, rest, prove, turn out.等 111

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