高二英语牛津译林版必修5《Unit 3 Science versus nature》Man and nature》学案

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高二英语牛津译林版必修5《Unit 3 Science versus nature》Man and nature》学案_第1页
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高二英语牛津译林版必修5《Unit 3 Science versus nature》Man and nature》学案_第3页
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111M5U3 Project (1) Man and natureLearning aims:1. Improve students reading ability and provide practice 2. Master and use some useful words and expressions. Teaching procedures:Step1: Leading in:Step2: Reading: 1. Read the passage quickly and answer the following questions:1).What have people done to nature?2).If we continue in this way, what might happen?2. Read the passage carefully and finish the task-based reading:Different _1_ nature is destroyedEarths _2_ are developed endlessly through farming, fishing, hunting, and travelling.Earth is damaged by constructing water _3_ or building factories.More _4_ waste creates more pollution.Arguments about the relationships between man and nature.Should we focus only on environmental const ruction or _5_ developme nt?Is everything best for nature food or people ?Improvement of _6_ in relationship with nature Many developed nations are concerned about saving nature rather than developing or _7 _ it. All the countries, rich or poor, need to work together to _8_ peoples healthy and productive lives.Conclusion Humans can only really win by _9_ nature.Its mankinds _10_ to find solutions accepted by all.Step3:Useful phrases 1111.总有一天 _ 2.关注保护自然 _3.赞同,支持 _ 4.根据有些人的观点_5.引起灾难 _ 6.以极快的速度 _7.因责备某人 _ 8.保护自然 _9.对关心 _ 10.满足某人的需要 _11.毕竟;别忘了 _ 12. 发达国家 _13.以这种方式 _ 14. 毕竟;别忘了 _ 111Step 4: Complete the following Sentences 1. For a long time, our environment has been damaged because humans have been _ (care).2., we are only doing what humans have always done, _(use) nature to _(满足我们自己的需要)。3., unless we start to look around and _ (懂得清洁的环境为什么会对大家有益)4(.在破坏自然,用竭自然资源数十年之后)_,many _(发达的)nations _(关注)saving nature _ _ _(而不是发展)or destroying it.5.to make sure that people enjoy _ (health) and happy lives, without the environment around them _(suffer).6It should not be a question of humans _(win ) and nature _(lose )7., and we all need clean air _ (breath) and pure water _(drink).8.找到对人类,对万物皆有利的解决方案,这是人类的职责。 _answers that _ everyone, and everything.Step4.Consolidation :I. Fill in the blanks using the phrases given.be blamed for , at a fast rate ,be harmful to ,in favor of ,meet the needs ,point of view ,turn out , be cautious of 1. If earths resources are developed _ such _, sooner or later, they will be used up.2. We will buy more computers_ of the students.3. Since everyone is _ this resolution, lets pass it and put it in practice soon.4. You should be bold enough to have your _ expressed clearly at the meeting.5. The concert where he first performed _ a great success, which made him famous nationwide afterwards.6. Having suffered a great loss in business, he _ investment than ever before.7. The conductor _ the accident.8. A lot of these chemicals _ very _ the environment.II. Multiple choices:1. In my opinion the company donated money to the Project Hope with the intention of making an advertisement for itself _ the poor children.A. rather than help B. other than help C. rather than helping D. other than helping2. All the candidates were _ the street to be named after a great man _ his great contributions to the city.A. in favor of; in need of B. in praise of; in favor ofC. in praise of; in need of D. in favor of; in honor of Feedback:111

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