高二英语《Unit 22 Environmental Protection》训练案(2)(北师大版选修模块8)

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111.重点单词1_vt.& n改变,变化_adj.多变的2_vt.灌溉_n灌溉3_adj.独立的_n分开;分离;分居_adj.分开的4_vt.建造_n建造;建设5_adj.破烂的_adv.破烂地 6_vi.滑落_adj.滑的;滑溜的7_adj.多山的_n山,山脉8_adj.潜在的;可能的n.潜在的可能性_adv.潜在地;可能地答案:1.change;changeable2.irrigate;irrigation3.separate;separation;separated4.construct;construction5.shabby;shabbily6.slip;slippery7.mountainous;mountain8.potential;potentially.重点短语1apart _除之外2_ for (对已产生的不良后果)负责任3call _an end _ sth. 要求结束4or _ 否则,不然5_ up 结束6_ones behalf 代表7for _ 永远8_off 掠去,夺走9_ in _ 总的来说10_in 导致11_ones living 谋生答案:1.from2.answer3.for;to4.else5.wrap6.on7good8.carry9.all;all10.result11.earn.必背句型1The last few years have _environmental disasters _.过去的几年见证了大规模的环境灾难。答案:seen;on a grand scale2In May 20th,thousands of Indonesians living near Mt Merapi had to flee as they thought it _erupt.5月20日,当火山爆发时,默拉皮火山附近的几千上万的印度尼西亚人纷纷逃离。答案:was about to3Atlantic hurricane are 40% _ they were 30 years ago.大西洋飓风比30年前的强度增加了40%。答案:stronger now than4Most disaster experts believe _that things could get a lot worse.大多数研究灾难的专家认为情况可能会变得更加严重。答案:there is the potential图画类作文【体裁导航】图画类的材料直观、形象、生动,具有很大的自由发挥空间,所以,近几年一直是高考英语写作题的考查形式。图画类材料的图片可能是一幅或几幅,也可能以漫画形式出现;其写作体裁更不固定,可以记叙,可以说明,也可以议论。但无论是何种形式,何种体裁,其写作的过程及要求基本相同。1认真观察图片所表达的内容或内涵,分清图与图之间的关系,甚至要考虑到图片表达的是何时、何地、什么人、什么事、过程和结果等。2考虑用什么样的体裁来写(记叙、说明、议论都有可能),从而确定你的写作模式。是日记、通知,要注意其格式;是书信、Email,要注意其特定的要求或组成部分;是议论,则要把握好论点的设立,论据的选择和论证的拓展等。3文章的过渡词、过渡段在图画类的书面表达中起着关键的“润滑”作用,可见,如何串点成文,整体划一,关联词必不可少。4如何开头才能做到“先声夺人”,怎样结尾才能令人“回味无穷”,也是要通盘考虑的问题。【写作示例】请仔细观察以下五幅图,根据图中信息用英语写一篇有关第三中学优秀学生方芳的短文。要求:1.要点齐全,适当增加细节; 2.条理清晰,行文连贯; 3.词数:150左右。【写作要领】本篇书面表达属于看图说话类。写作时,首先看清要求,认真审题,确定文体、人称和时态。这是一篇故事性的记叙文,主体时态应为一般过去时,应用第三人称来写。其次,通过对五幅图的认真观察,得出故事的主要情节:一天夜里,风刮得很大。方芳凌晨两点钟起床,赶到学校,把窗户关好后回家。然后仔细观察每一幅图,注意图画之间的内在联系,不放过每一处细节,如图画中钟表的时间为两点钟。最后,根据以上的观察和分析,开始用英文进行写作。写作时注意不但要把每一幅图的信息表达出来,还要注意图画之间的衔接,注意使用必要的连接词并照顾到首尾呼应。【金点模板】第一幅和第二幅图(两幅图可根据需要放在一起进行描述)One night,at about 2 oclock,it began to blow outside./It was at 2 oclock in the early morning that it began to blow.The wind was so strong that the noise woke up Fang Fang.The wind stuck the window open,and she felt a bit cold.She knew a heavy rain would soon arrive.She thought of her classroom.She wondered whether the students on duty had closed the windows properly.She got up and put on her clothes.第三幅图She decided to go out right away and get to the school before the rain came.She opened the door and rushed out into the dark to the school.On the way,the strong wind made it difficult for her to go forward quickly.In spite of this,she ran as fast as possible,and finally she got to the school.第四幅图She hurried to her classroom and opened the door.She turned on the lights and found that all the windows were open.The strong wind made it difficult for her to shut up all the windows.It was difficult for her to ./She made great efforts to. She made sure that all the windows were closed properly.第五幅图 She turned off the lights and left the classroom.As soon as she got home,the rain started to pour down.No sooner had she got home than the rain began to pour down.Hardly had she got home when the rain began to pour down.Upon/On getting home,she found the rain began to pour down.【范文点评】It was nearly at 2 oclock in the early morning that the wind began to blow outside.It was so strong that the noise woke up Fang Fang.The wind blowing through the windows that were struck open made her feel a bit cold.She realized that a heavy rain would soon arrive.Suddenly she thought of the windows in the classroom and wondered whether the students on duty had closed the windows properly or not.Without hesitation,she began to put on her clothes,opened the door and rushed out into the dark to her school.On the way,the strong wind made it difficult for her to go forward.In spite of this,she ran as fast as possible and finally managed to get to the school before the rain came.She hurried to her classroom,turned on the lights,and found that some of the windows were open.She made great efforts to shut up all the windows one by one,fighting against the heavy wind.After making sure that all the windows were properly closed,she turned off the lights and left the classroom.Hardly had she got home when the rain started to pour down.Tired and sleepy as she was,she felt happy about the meaningful thing she had done.点评:该句使用强调句型,突出事件发生的时间是凌晨两点。现在分词作定语修饰the wind,更加生动形象;用定语从句强调风大。使用并列复合句,使文章句式更加多样化。介词短语用得恰到好处;一系列谓语动词的并列使用展现出她当时急切的心情和迅速的动作。it作形式宾语。三个并列谓语表明动作的连贯与迅速,符合她当时的心情。短语make efforts to do 的使用非常贴切;现在分词作伴随状语,突出她当时关窗的难度之大。准确地应用了hardly.when.句式。使用as引导的倒装句式,使文章句式丰富。【类题尝试】(2010年北京海淀区第二学期期末考试)假设你是某中学的学生,3月22日(世界水日)你参加了你班开展的一系列节水宣传活动。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,以日记的形式记录当天的活动内容。注意:词数不少于150。参考词汇:宣传材料leaflets;危机crisisMarch 22,2010MondaySunnyToday is World Water Day._One possible version:March_22,2010MondaySunnyToday_is_World_Water_Day.In the morning,we had a class meeting talking about what to do on this special day.Finally,we reached an agreement and immediately began to make preparations for the afternoons activities.At 200 pm.,we went to the neighboring community to hand out leaflets,calling on people to save water.Around 3 oclock,the expert we invited made an excellent speech on the current water crisis in China.He talked about the draught in the Southeast and the severe shortage of water in out city.The speech had a strong appeal to all the people present,including me.After the speech,we had a discussion with our neighbors about various ways of saving water in our daily life.I suggested turning off the tap water immediately after use,and a granny came up with the idea of reusing the water from kitchen,for example,the water after washing fruits and vegetables can be used to water flowers and so on.Today,I have had a better understanding of the importance of saving water and really learned a lot about saving water 111

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