高三外研版英语单元测试Book2 Module4《Fine Arts—Western Chinese and Pop Arts》Word版含解析

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111山东外研版2014届一轮复习单元检测必修2 Module 4 (时间:45分钟满分:65分).单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 1I will be away for at least a year;I would appreciate_from you now and then,_me how everyone is getting along.Ahearing;tell Bto hear;tellChearing;telling Dto hear;to tell2This special school accepts all disabled students,_educational level and background.Aaccording to Bregardless ofCin addition to Din terms of3Steps must be taken_this kind of disaster will never happen again.(2012山东诸城市高三月考)Abecause Beven ifCso that Das4Why dont we choose that road to save time? The bridge to it_.Ahas repaired Bis repairedCis being repaired Dwill be repaired5In the last few years thousands of films_all over the world.Ahave produced Bhave been produced Care producing Dare being produced6The conference has been held to discuss the_of the Japans nuclear radiation on peoples lives in this area.Aeffects BconcernCprotection Dattitudes7Many wild animals_,so we must take measures to protect them.(2012山东实验中学高三模拟)Aare dying out Bhave died outCdied out Ddie out8According to the record reports, one of the rare animals,_crocodile is in_danger of dying out.Aa; the B/ ;asC/ ; the Dthe ; /9Many developing countries are unwilling to pursue their economic development_destroying the environment despite there being several financial crises. (2012江苏淮安高三调研)Aat the risk of Bat the cost ofCat the end of Dat the mercy of10Good dietary sources of calcium should_leafy green vegetables, fish,yogurt, tofu and breakfast cereals(谷类食物)Acontain Bpossess Cshare Dinclude11What is that noise?Oh, I forgot to tell you that the new machine_.(2012安徽百校论坛高三联考)Awas tested Bwill be testedChas been tested Dis being tested12_moment he saw Zhao Benshans funny performances, he burst into_ laughter.(2012浙江学军中学高三模拟)AA;/ BA;theCThe;/ DThe; a13Always remember that your own decision_is more important than anything else.Ato succeed BsucceedingChaving succeeded Dsucceeded14It was not what he said but_he said it that made me surprised.Athe way Bin the way that Cin the way Dthe way which15_in volunteering work,the couple lead a busy and rich life they retired.AEmploying BEmployedCTo employ DBeing employed.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)You have waited 45 minutes for the valuable 10 minutes break between classes.But when the bell for the next class rings,you cant _16_ how quickly time has passed.If you are familiar with this _17_,youll know how time flies when you are having fun and _18_ when you are bored.Now scientists have _19_ a reason why this is the case.Scans have shown that patterns of activity in the brain _20_ according to how we focus on a task.When we are _21_,we concentrate more on how time is passing.And this makes us _22_ the clock is ticking more slowly. In an experiment _23_ by a French laboratory,12 volunteers watched an image _24_ researchers monitored their brain activity.The volunteers were told to _25_ concentrate on how long an image appeared,then _26_ the color of the image,and third,study both the duration and the color.The results showed that the _27_ was more active when the volunteers paid attention to _28_ subjects.It is thought that if the brain is _29_ focusing on many aspects of a task,it has to _30_ its resources,and pays less attention to the clock._31_,time really passes without us _32_ it,and seems to go quickly.If the brain is not so active,it concentrates its _33_ energies on monitoring the passing of time._34_,time seems to drag.Next time you feel bored _35_,perhaps you should pay more attention to what the teacher is saying!16A.guess Blearn Cbelieve Ddoubt17A.view Bpoint Cscene Dexperience 18A.drags Bstops Cbacks Dgains19A.thought over Bmade up Ccame out Dcome up with20A.change Bdevelop Cgrow Dslow21A.sleepy Bbored Cexcited Dactive22A.report Bthink Cdecide Dsee23A.produced Bcarried Ctried Dperformed24A.so Bwhen Cwhile Dbut25A.partly Bquickly Cslowly Dfirst26A.remember Bfocus on Cforget Dtell apart27A.researchers Bexperiment Cclock Dbrain28A.much Bmany Cless Dmore29A.busy Blikely Cready Dsure 30A.focus Bgather Creach Dspread31A.However BFurthermore CTherefore DFinally32A.recognizing Bwatching Cnoticing Dcounting33A.enough Bfull Cright Dproper34A.In fact BAs a resultCFor example DInstead of35A.in class Bwith workCin mind Dof lessons.阅读理解(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分) AA recent study of ancient and modern elephant has come up with the unexpected conclusion that the African elephant is divided into two distinct (不同的)species.The discovery was made by researchers at York and Harvard University when they were examing the genetic relationship between the ancient woolly mammoth and mastodon modern elephantsthe Asian elephant, African forest elephant, and African savanna elephant.Once they obtained DNA sequences(序列)from two fossils(化石),mammoths and mastodons, the team compated them with DNA from modern elephants. They found their amazement that modern forest and savanna elephants are as distinct from each other as Asian elephants and mammoths.The scientists used detailed genetic analysis to prove that the African savanna elephant and the African forest elephant have been distinct species for several million years. The_divergence of the two species took place around the time of the divergence of Asian elephants and woolly mammoths. This result amazed all the scientists.There has long been debate in the scientific community that the two might be separate species, but this is the most convincing scientific evidence so far that they are indeed different species.Previously, many naturalists believed that African savanna elephants and African forest elephants were two populations of the same species, despite the elephants significant size differences. The savanna elephant has an average shoulder height of 3.5 metres while the forest elephant has an average shoulder double the weight of the forest elephant. But the fact that they look so different does not necessarily mean they are different species. However,the proof lay in the analysis of the DNA.Alfried Roca, assistant professor in the Department of Animal Sciences at the University of Illinois, said, “We now have to treat the forest and savanna elephants as two difficult units for conservation purpose. Since 1950, all African elephants have been conserved as one species. Now that we know the forest and savanna elephants have been distinct animals, the forest elephant should become a bigger priority(优先)for conservation purposes.”36One of the fossils studied by the researchers is that of _.Athe Asian elephantBthe forest elephant Cthe savanna elephantDthe mastodon elephant37The underlined word “divergence” in Paragraph 4 means“_”Aevolution BexhibitionCseparation Dexamination38The researchers conclusion was based on a study of the African elephants_.ADNA BheightCweight Dpopulation39What are Alfred Rocas words mainly about?AThe conservation of African elephant.BThe purpose of studying African elephant.CThe way to divide African elephants into two units.DThe reason for the distinction of African elephants.40Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?ANaturalist Beliefs about ElephantsBAmazing Experiments about ElephantsCAn Unexpected Finding about ElephantsDA Long Scientific Debate about Elephants BWhat will power your house in the future?Nuclear,wind,or solar power?According to scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT)in the US,it might be leavesbut artificial(人造的)ones.Natural leaves are able to change sunlight and water into energy.It is known as photosynthesis(光合作用)Now researchers have found a way to imitate this seemingly simple process.The artificial leaf developed by Daniel Nocera and his colleagues at MIT can be seen as a special silicon chip with catalysts(催化剂)Similar to natural leaves,it can split water into hydrogen and oxygen when put into a bucket of water.The hydrogen and oxygen gases are then stored in a fuel cell,which uses those two materials to produce electricity,located either on top of a house or beside the house.Though the leaf is only about the shape of a poker card,scientists claimed that it is promising to be an inexpensive source of electricity in developing countries.“One can imagine villages in India and Africa not long from now purchasing an affordable basic power system based on this technology,”said Nocera at a conference of the American Chemical Society.The artificial leaf is not a new idea.The first artificial leaf was invented in 1997 but was too expensive and unstable for practical use.The new leaf,by contrast,is made of cheap materials,easy to use and highly stable.In laboratory studies,Nocera showed that an artificial leaf prototype(原型)could operate continuously for at least 45 hours without a drop in activity.The wonderful improvements come from Noceras recent discovery of several powerful,new and inexpensive catalysts.These catalysts make the energy transformation inside the leaf more efficient with water and sunlight.Right now,the new leaf is about 10 times more efficient at carrying out photosynthesis than a natural one.Besides,the device can run in whatever water is available;that is,it doesnt need pure water.This is important for some countries that dont have access to pure water.With the goal to “make each home its own power station” and “give energy to the poor”,scientists believe that the new technology could be widely used in developing countries,especially in India and rural China.41.Which of the following orders correctly shows how the artificial leaf is used to produce electricity?aartificial leaves split water into hydrogen and oxygenbthe hydrogen and oxygen gases are stored in a fuel cellcthe artificial leaves are put in waterdthe fuel cell uses hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricityAc,b,a,d Bc,a,b,dCb,c,a,d Dc,a,d,b42.Which of the following statements about new artificial leaves is NOT WRONG according to the article?AThey are inexpensive but unstable.BThey are as efficient at carrying out photosynthesis as natural leaves.CThey can work only in pure water.DThey need several catalysts to help them work efficiently. 43The purpose of the scientists at MIT in developing the new artificial leaf is to_.Abuild up more power stations in the world Bprovide cheaper energy for developing countriesCoffer people in developing countries access to pure waterDgain a deeper understanding of the photosynthesis process 44The main idea of this passage is _.Aan introduction to the history of artificial leavesBan invention copying photosynthesisCgiving energy to the poorDa mixture of water power and solar energy45.The underlined word “imitate” in Paragraph 2 can be replaced by “_”Aproduce Bhold Cprevent Dcopy 答案与解析1.答案C考查动词的非谓语形式。appreciate后接动名词作宾语;第二空为现在分词形式作状语。句意:我要离开至少一年的时间,时不时收到你的信告诉我大家的现状,我会很高兴的。2.答案B考查介词短语的辨析。according to根据;regardless of 不管;不顾;in addition to除之外;in terms of 就而言。句意:这家特校接受所有残疾的学生,不管他们的教育水平和背景。 3.答案C考查状语从句的连接词。so that 以便于;为了,引导目的状语从句,复合句意及句子结构,故C项正确。句意:必须采取措施以避免这种灾难不再发生。because因为,引导原因状语从句;even if 即使,引导条件状语从句;as因为;由于,引导原因状语从句。4.答案C考查动词时态及语态。由语境可知,桥还在修理中,故用进行时的被动形式。句意:我们为什么不走那条路以节约时间呢?通往那条路的桥还在修理中。5.答案B考查动词时态及语态。由时间状语in the last few years可知,空格处应用现在完成时,且films 与produce 之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,故用完成时的被动形式。句意:在过去的几年里,全世界共制作了数千部电影。6.答案A考查名词词义辨析。effect 影响;结果;concern关心;担心;protection保护;attitude态度。the effect on sth 对的影响。句意:举行了一次会议来讨论日本的核辐射对这一地区人们的生活的影响。7.答案A考查动词的时态。die out灭绝。由so we must take measures to protect them可知A项正确。句意:许多野生动物正在灭绝,因此,我们必须采取措施来保护它们。8.答案D考查语境中冠词的用法。可数名词单数前可以加a/an /the来表达泛指概念;in danger of 有的危险,为短语搭配形式,danger前不加冠词,故D项正确。句意:根据调查报告显示,鳄鱼正面临灭绝的危险。9.答案B考查介词短语的辨析。at the risk of 冒着的危险;at the cost of 以为代价;at the end of在的末端/尽头;at the mercy of听凭的处置。句意:尽管存在金融危机,但许多发展中国家并不愿意以破坏环境为代价来追求经济的发展。10.答案D考查动词词义辨析。contain包含,强调宾语是主语的组成部分;possess拥有;share 分享;include包含;包括在内。由语境可知D项正确。句意:良好的饮食结构中钙的来源主要包括绿叶蔬菜、鱼、酸奶、豆腐及适合早餐的谷类食物。11.答案D考查动词的时态及语态。由What is that noise?可知某一动作正在进行,故D项正确。句意:什么声?噢,我忘记告诉你了,那台新机器正在检测。12.答案C考查语境中冠词的用法。the moment句子,表示“一就”;burst into laughter 突然大笑起来。句意:他一看到赵本山滑稽的表演就大笑起来。13.答案A考查动词的非谓语形式作后置定语。不定式作定语表示该动作还没有发生;现在分词作定语表示该动作正在进行;过去分词作定语则表示动作的完成。由语境可知A项正确。句意:永远牢记你要成功的决定比其它任何东西都重要。14答案A考查名词way 的用法。the way 表示“的方式”且后接定语从句时从句的引导词有三种形式,即:in which,that 或什么也不加,由此可知A 项正确。句意:使我吃惊的不是他说的话而是他说话的方式。15.答案B考查动词的非谓语形式做状语。be employed in doing sth 忙于干某事,作状语时去掉be动词。句意:由于忙于做志愿工作,那对夫妇退休后过着忙碌而充实的生活。【解题导语】 本文讲述了为什么有时我们感觉一节课时间过得很快,有时过得很慢,这主要是因为人的大脑对于一个任务的专注程度不同。当大脑专注于一个任务的多个方面时,它的精力就会被分散,因而就转移了对时间的注意。16.答案C考查语境与动词的辨析。课间十分钟玩得很开心,时间在不知不觉中就过去了。此处用cant believe表示对这段时间飞快流逝的惊讶与感叹。17.答案C考查语境与名词的辨析。上文提到的是一种特定的心理场面,而不是人所经历的某一件具体的事情,故此处表示如果你对这个场景熟悉的话。scene意为“情景,场面”。18.答案A考查上下文的语境。根据文中倒数第二段的解释可得知答案。也可从此处与前面相同的结构推出答案。drag“过得很慢,拖沓地进行”。19.答案D考查动词短语的辨析。think over意为“仔细考虑”;make up意为“组成”;come out意为“出现,露出”;come up with意为“找到,提出”。科学家是以实验为基础进行研究而给出的一种解释。20.答案A考查上下文的语境。联系下文的实验可知,当人的大脑集中于一个任务的多个方面时,就变得比较活跃,反之,则变得不那么活跃。所以当大脑所注意的任务不同时,大脑的活动状态是不一样的。故A项符合题意。21.答案B考查上下文的语境。联系上下文可知,人在比较厌烦或感到无事可做的时候,才感觉时间过得很慢。22.答案B考查生活常识。时间过得很慢只是人的主观感受。23.答案D考查语境与动词搭配。空白处所缺的词作定语,应与前面的experiment构成动宾关系,结合下文进行的实验可知,只有D项符合。B项若为carried out也是正确答案。24.答案C考查语境与逻辑关系,此处用while强调在实验过程中,被实验者与研究人员的任务对比关系。25.答案D考查上下文的语境。根据后面的“then.third”可得知答案。26.答案B考查上下文的语境。根据下文第29空后的解释可知,实验的目的是让大脑不停地专注于一个任务的多个方面。27.答案D考查语境。此处指被研究人员的大脑思维比较活跃。28.答案D考查上下文的语境。结合上文的实验可知,研究人员是让实验者的大脑专注于一个任务的多个方面。由上文中的“brain was more active”中的more可知,答案为D。29.答案A考查语境与固定短语搭配。be busy doing.意为“忙于”,为固定搭配;be likely to do.意为“可能做”;be ready to。30.答案D考查上下文的语境。联系上下文可知,当大脑专注于一个任务的多个方面时,它的精力就会被分散,因而就转移了对时间的注意。spread意为“使分散,使分布”,符合题意。31.答案C考查语境。此处是上述实验所得出的一个结论。32.答案C考查上下文的语境。根据此处的语境可知,此处是指不管我们有没有注意时间,时间都在流逝。33.答案B考查语境与形容词的辨析。right和proper意为“正确的,恰当的”,同义,可排除;enough意为“足够的”,上下文没有相应的语境,可排除;full意为“最大量的,尽量多的”,符合语境。如果大脑不太活跃的话,就会把大量的精力集中在计算时间的流逝上。34.答案B考查上下文的语境。本句是根据前面的分析得出的结论。35.答案A考查上下文的语境。本句与文章第一段相对应,是对第一段在课堂上出现的问题的一种解决方法。另外,根据文章最后一句也可得出答案。【解题导语】 本文为说明文。最近的一项研究表明非洲大象被分为两种截然不同的物种。36.答案D细节理解题。根据第三段的第一句Once they obtained DNA sequences(序列)from two fossils(化石),mammoths and mastodons.可知答案为D。37.答案C词义猜测题。前面一句讲到了这两种大象分离成不同的物种已有数百万年了,由此可判断divergence在此是“分离”之意。38.答案A细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的最后一句可知研究人员的结论是在检测非洲大象DNA的基础上得出来的。 39.答案A推理判断题。根据最后一段的内容可知Alfred Roca的话主要讲的是对不同的非洲大象要分别采取不同的保护措施。40.答案C主旨大意题。根据本文的主题句(第一段)可知选C。【解题导语】 本文是一篇科普文。文章介绍了科学家利用人造树叶仿效光合作用进行发电这一新发明。41.答案B细节排序题。文章的第三段提到人造树叶发电的过程:先把它放在一桶水里,然后树叶将水分解为氢气和氧气,而氢气和氧气被存储于燃料电池里,随后电池利用氢气和氧气的反应发电。42.答案D细节理解题。根据文章第六段中的“The wonderful improvements come from Noceras recent discovery of several powerful,new and inexpensive catalysts.”可知,人造树叶发电能够更有效率的关键在于催化剂。43.答案B推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,人造树叶发电这一技术可以帮助发展中国家获得便宜的能源。44.B主旨大意题。综观全文可知,本文主要讲述了人造树叶模拟光合作用发电这一新发明。45.D词义猜测题。画线部分的前文介绍了什么是光合作用,后文介绍了利用人造树叶效仿这种光合作用进行发电的内容,所以该词的含义应该是“仿效”,故D项是最佳答案。111

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