高考英语一轮复习 Modules 4~6 外研版选修6

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111Modules 46维A 单项填空1All of them try to use the power of the workstation_information in a more effective way.Apresenting BpresentedCbeing presented Dto present答案D考查句子结构。句意:他们都努力使用工作站的力量以便用一种更有效的方式提供情报。to present information in a more effective way是不定式短语作目的状语。2They can_behavior from their daughter but not anyone else.Aget along with Bcome up withCmake contact with Dput up with答案D考查动词短语。句意:他们可以忍受女儿的行为,但不能忍受别人的行为。3We were dancing to _music when all of_sudden the power went off.(2013晋中模拟)Athe;a Bthe;/ C/;/ D/;a答案Adance to the music“伴着音乐跳舞”;all of a sudden“突然间”。句意:我们正在伴着音乐跳舞,这时突然停电了。4He_his childhood memories for the material of most of his stories.(2013海口一模)Aturns on Bworks onCdraws on Dtries on答案C句意:他从童年的记忆中获取大多数小说的写作素材。draw on意为“利用或依靠(财力、智慧等),从中获得”,是固定搭配。turn on“打开”;work on“从事”;try on“试穿”,故选C项。5A boy named Tom_you all day,and each time he says he has something urgent to tell you.Oh,Ill call him back soon.Aphones Bhad phonedChas been phoning Dphoned答案C考查时态。现在完成进行时表示一直到说话时为止的一段时间内一再重复的动作。句意:“一个名叫汤姆的男孩一整天一直给你打电话,每次都说有急事要告诉你。”“哦,我马上给他回电话。”6Having lived in the town for many years,Mr.Smith no longer felt_among the local people.Aout of control Bout of touchCout of place Dout of use答案C考查介词短语。句意:Mr.Smith在这座城市住了好多年,因此在当地人中他不再觉得被排斥在外了。四个介词短语的主要含义:A项意为“失去控制”;B项意为“没有联系”;C项意为“不在适当的位置;不恰当,格格不入”;D项意为“不再被使用”。从语意的连贯判断选C项。7Sometimes the police are not absolutely sure that someone has committed a crime,but_him of having done it.Acharge BsuspectCinspect Ddoubt答案B考查动词辨析。suspect sb of doing sth“怀疑某人干过某事”。charge应该和with搭配;inspect“检查,视察”;doubt“怀疑”。8The results are_follows;First was Sweden,then Germany,then Ireland.Awhat Bwhich Cas Dthere答案C由句意可知,此处应指结果如下,as follows为固定搭配,表此意,故选C项。there follows指“随后是”。9I regret having said those words to my daughter.If I_you,I would apologize to her and have a hearttoheart talk with her.Aam Bwere Cshould be Dhad been答案B句意:“我后悔和我女儿说了那些话。如果我是你,我就会向她道歉,然后和她敞开心扉进行交流。”这是与现在情况相反的虚拟语气,故从句用一般过去时。因此B项正确。10The hat the actors wearing_sharply with her dress.Ain contrast Bis in contrastCcontrasted Dby contrast答案C根据句意,此处所缺应作谓语,故选C项,contrast作不及物动词和with构成短语,B项应跟介词to。 维B1 阅读理解选材网站:http:/www.yuloo.com/news高考曾用材料:2011上海卷A篇选材相似度:设题相似度:Food Standards Agency(FSA) research found that most British people think that cloning animals is interfering_with nature,and that the only winners would be organizations like biotech companies and food retailers,with no benefit to consumers.The public are worried about the animal welfare horrors that cloning involves,and concerned about the safety of food from cloned animals.Yet FSA boss Tim Smith says he has“no concerns”Who is right?Cloning and GM crops takes farming in a direction which the public rightly distrust.The only major international scientific assessment of the future of agriculture,in the face of climate change and increased population,supports the public.Some 400 international scientists concluded that in future we must farm in ways which increase diversity of cropping to improve food security.and rely less on artificial fertilizers (made from fossil fuels)as oil becomes scarcer and more expensive.The development of cloned animals dramatically narrows the genetic base on which our food production relies,just when we need to widen it.Cloned dairy and beef cattle are designed for maximum meat and milk output,but that requires massive inputs of grain and soya.Cattle should eat grass we cant eat,not grain we can.Soya increasingly comes from cleared rainforests.This is the wrong direction not just for farming,but for the planet.For human health,no evidence of danger is not the same as safe.Theres been no long term safety testing of meat or milk from cloned cattleif business interests get their way,there never will be.It is a scandal that were even considering cloning animals,given that we already know that terrible suffering it imposes on surrogate mothers and the many cloned offspring where things go wrong.On this,the public are right.Notes:assessment n估计scandal n丑行surrogate n代理1Why do people refuse the meat from cloned animals?AThey think they get no benefit from it.BThey think biotech companies and food retailers get more interest from it.CThey dont think it is fit to eat the meat.DThey worry about the farming.2What does the underlined phrase in the first paragraph mean? AAgree with. BGo against.CReflect on. DDepend on.3Many scientists disagree with food from cloned animals on the point that_Athe meat is not safe to eatBcloning animals costs a lot of time and moneyCcloning animals goes in the opposite direction of the genetic baseDcloned animals cannot provide enough food4With more cattle there will be_Aless land for rainforestsBless land for grassCmore land for soyaDmore land for rainforests5It has not been proved_Aorganizations like biotech companies and food retailers will get interest from the cloned animalsBwe can get lots of food from cloned animalsCcloning animals makes terrible suffering on surrogate mothersDfood from cloned animals is safe【语篇解读】 有研究表明,英国民众对克隆动物的肉食安全产生怀疑。科学家也提出,人们想从克隆动物中获得更多的奶与肉,于是加大了饲料的喂养,这样越来越多的雨林就会被铲除用以种植草,这严重违背了基因食品的初衷,何况现在还没有确切的证据表明克隆动物的肉食安全。克隆动物带来了一系列的问题。1C细节理解题。联系“concerned about the safety of food from cloned animals”可知,公众担心食品的安全。2B词义理解题。联系cloning animals可知,人们觉得克隆动物违背自然。3C细节理解题。从“The development of cloned animals dramatically narrows the genetic base on which our food production relies.just,when we need to widen it.”可知,克隆动物食品违背了基因食品的初衷。4A推理判断题。从“Cloned dairy and beef cattle are designed for maximum meat and milk output,but that requires massive inputs of grain and soya.Cattle should eat grass we cant eat,not grain we can.Soya increasingly comes from cleared rainforests.”可以知道,为了给越来越多的克隆动物创造饲料,我们必须砍伐更多的森林。5D细节理解题。从“Theres been no long term safety testing of meat or milk from cloned cattle”可知,还没有最终测定克隆动物食品是安全的。维B2 阅读理解(2012天津,B)Barditch High School decided to have an AllSchool Reunion.Over 450 people came to the event.There were tours of the old school building and a picnic at Confederate Park. Several former teachers were on hand to tell stories about the old days.Ms.Mabel Yates, the English teacher for over fifty years, was wheeled to the Park.Some eyes rolled and there were a few low groans(嘟囔声)when Ms. Yates was about to speak.Many started looking at their watches and coming up with excuses to be anywhere instead of preparing to listen to a lecture from an old woman who had few kind words for her students and made them work harder than all the other teachers combined.Then Ms. Yates started to speak:“I cant tell you how pleased I am to be here.I havent seen many of you since your graduation, but I have followed your careers and enjoyed your victories as well as crying for your tragedies.I have a large collection of newspaper photographs of my students.Although I havent appeared in person,I have attended your college graduations, weddings and even the births of your children,in my imagination.”Ms. Yates paused and started crying a bit. Then she continued:“It was my belief that if I pushed you as hard as I could, some of you would succeed to please me and others would succeed to annoy me.Regardless of our motives, I can see that you have all been successful in your chosen path.”“There is no greater comfort for an educator than to see the end result of his or her years of work.You have all been a great source of pleasure and pride for me and I want you to know I love you all from the bottom of my heart.”There was a silence over the crowd for a few seconds and then someone started clapping.The clapping turned into cheering, then into a deafening roar (呼喊)Lawyers, truck drivers,bankers and models were rubbing their eyes or crying openly with no shame all because of the words from a long forgotten English teacher from their hometown.1What activity was organized for the school reunion?ASightseeing in the park.BA picnic on the school playground.CTelling stories about past events.DGraduates reports in the old building.2What can be inferred from Paragraph 2?ASome graduates were too busy to listen to Ms.Yates speech.BMany graduates disliked Ms. Yates ways of teaching.CSome people got tired from the reunion activities.DMost people had little interest in the reunion.3We can learn from Ms. Yates speech that she_Akept track of her students progressBgave her students advice on their careersCattended her students college graduationsDwent to her students wedding ceremonies4What was Ms. Yates belief in teaching teenagers?ATeachers knowledge is the key to students achieve ments.BPressure on students from teachers should be reduced.CHardpushed students are more likely to succeed.DStudents respect is the best reward for teachers.5Which of the following can best describe Ms. Yates?AReliable and devoted. BTough and generous.CProud but patient. DStrict but caring.【语篇解读】 本文为一篇记叙文,描述了在Barditch高中全校聚会时,一名教龄50多年的英语老师Ms.Mabel Yates通过自己的发言表达了自己对学生的爱,多年来她一直默默关注学生们的事业和生活,赢得了那些曾经不理解她的教学方式的学生的掌声。1C细节理解题。根据第一段可知,“校友会”活动包括对老校建筑的游览、在“Confederate Park”的野餐以及几名前任教师讲述过去的故事。所以A项错在“in the park”,B项错在“on the school playground”。D项原文中没有涉及。C项和原文表述一致。2B推断暗示题。第二段主要描述了在Ms.Yates发言前很多人的表现翻着眼睛、嘟囔、看手表、找借口走开,所以A项所述“一些毕业生太忙而不能听Ms.Yates的发言”、C项所述“有的人因为聚会活动而劳累”、D项所述“大部分人对聚会不太感兴趣”都与原文描述不一致。他们的种种表现体现了他们都不想听Ms.Yates的发言。原文用who引导的定语从句表明Ms.Yates对她的学生极少有友善的言辞,并比其他所有的老师更注重让同学们努力学习,所以通过第二段所述可知,很多毕业生并不喜欢Ms.Yates的教学方式。3A推理判断题。从Ms.Yates的发言可知,自从学生毕业以来很多人她都没见过,但她一直关注着学生们的事业,为他们的成功而高兴,也为他们的悲剧事件而哭泣,所以A项“留心她学生的进步”是正确的。根据“I havent appeared in person”可知她并没有亲身去参加学生的毕业典礼、婚礼等,因此可排除C、D两项。B项错在“给她学生事业方面的建议”,原文中“followed your careers”是指“关注、密切注意你们的事业”。4C细节理解题。根据第六段可知Ms.Yates所坚守的信念尽可能去督促学生(学习),有的人会为了取悦于她而成功,有的人会为了惹恼她而成功。而不管动机是什么,他们总是很成功。所以C项“被尽力督促的学生更有可能成功”是符合Ms.Yates的想法的。A项“老师的知识是学生成就的关键”、B项“老师给学生的压力应减少”和D项“学生的尊敬是对老师最好的回报”都不是原文所提及的。5D总结推断题。通过第二段中“Ms.Yates对她的学生极少有友善的言辞,比其他老师更注重让学生更为努力地学习”以及第六段中她所陈述的自己的观点“尽可能地督促学生(努力学习)”可知Ms.Yates是个很严格甚至严厉的老师,所以strict符合文意。根据第四段可知Ms.Yates也一直关注学生的事业、生活,与他们同喜、同悲,所以能看出她又是一个很有爱心的人,因此可用caring来形容Ms.Yates。A项“可靠并专一的”、B项“固执并慷慨的”、C项“骄傲但耐心的”都不能从本文所述中读出。冲击“211”(长难句分析)Many started looking at their watches and coming up with excuses to be anywhere instead of preparing to listen to a lecture from an old woman who had few kind words for her students and made them work harder than all the other teachers combined.分析该句是一个较长的主从复合句,主句是Many_started_looking_at_their _watches_and_coming_up_with_excuses.句中“looking_at_their_watches_and _coming_up_with_excuses_to_be_anywhere”作started的宾语;“instead_of _preparing_to_listen_to_a_lecture_from_an_old_woman”为状语;“who_had _few_kind_words_for_her_students_and_made_them_work_harder_than_all_the_other_teachers_combined”为定语修饰先行词an old woman。译文许多人开始看表并且提出借口去别的地方,而不是准备听一个老太太的演讲,这个老太太对她的学生从来不说和蔼的话,比其他所有老师综合起来还要让他们更努力地学习。111


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