高考英语同步练习《Unit 1 The written word》译林版选修8

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111选修八 Unit 1The written word.单项填空1.The company isto improve pay and conditions.A.under constructionB.under influenceC.under pressure D.under control解析:考查短语的区别。句意:该公司面临着提高工资并改善工作条件的压力。under pressure“处在压力下”。A项“在建设中”;B项“在影响下”;D项“处于控制之下”。答案:C2.Young peoplefor growing independence,while parents want their children to listen to them.A.tend to ask B.tend askingC.tended to ask D.tend towards asking解析:tend to do sth.“倾向于做某事”,并且此处是陈述一种现实情况,故用一般现在时。答案:A3.The waiter is clearing the table,which serves as athat it is time to leave.A.respect B.requirementC.reminder D.reward解析:句意:服务员在清理桌子,这说明该离开了。reminder“提示”。respect“尊重”;requirement“要求”;reward“报酬”。答案:C4.When he got married,hedown in Tokyo.A.lived B.gotC.took D.settled解析:句意:他结婚后,定居在了东京。settle down“定居下来”。答案:D5.Most insurance agents would rather youanything about collecting claims until they investigate the situation.A.hadnt done B.dontC.didnt D.didnt do解析:would rather 后接从句时,常使用虚拟语气,由until 从句中的谓语动词可知would rather后的从句动作发生在将来,故用过去式表示。答案:D6.The manager is a (n)of mine,so I can introduce you to him.A.acquaint B.acquaintanceC.familiarity D.friendship解析:句意:那位经理是我的一个熟人,所以我能把你介绍给他。acquaintance“熟人”;acquaint vt.“使熟悉”;familiarity“熟悉”;friendship“友谊”。答案:B7.(2009南阳模拟)The film company plansthe film before Christmas.A.releasing B.coming outC.to be published D.to release解析:plan to do.“计划做”;release vt. “放映,发行”。故选D项。答案:D8.His father died,leaving him with a.A.money B.fortuneC.luck D.amount解析:fortune“财产,财富”。money是不可数名词;luck“运气”;amount指“数量”。答案:B9.Intelligence doesntmean success.You need to work hard as well.A.honestly B.formallyC.simply D.necessarily解析:考查副词辨析。句意:聪明并不一定就意味着成功,你还需要努力。honestly“诚实地”;formally“正式地”;simply“简单地”;necessarily“必定地”。答案:D10.The English teacher laid particular the need of reading aloud.A.stress on B.importanceC.stress D.strain on解析:lay stress on“把重点放在上,强调”。答案:A11.Some students admitting they werecomputer games.A.resisted;hooked on B.accepted;addicted toC.distributed;involved in D.refused;devoted to解析:句意:有些学生不承认他们对电脑游戏上瘾。resist doing“反对做”;refuse to do sth.“拒绝做某事”。be hooked on“对上瘾,着迷”;be addicted to“着迷”;be involved in“从事”;be devoted to“致力于”。 答案:A12.This chair isof Anthonys way of designing furniture.A.typical B.possessedC.starved D.symbol解析:be typical of“是的典型”。答案:A13.People may have their hearingby loud noise of machines.A.wounded B.hitC.harmed D.beaten解析:句意:许多人的听力也许会被机器发出的噪音伤害。harm“损害”。Wound多指在战斗中受伤;hit击打某一点;beat“击打,打败”。答案:C14.All the historic sites within the range of Three Gorges Reservoir have beento some new locations high above.A.transformed B.transmittedC.transferred D.transported解析:句意:所有三峡水库范围内的历史遗迹已被转移到新的高处去了。transfer“转移”。transform“转化,转变”;transmit“播送”;transport“运输,运送”。答案:C15.Mr.Graham is greedy and mean.You must be .He is and often helps those in need.A.abnormal;wealthy B.prejudiced;talentedC.mistaken;generous D.drunk;coldhearted解析:abnormal“反常的”;wealthy“富有的”;prejudiced“有偏见的”;talented“有才能的”;mistaken“错误的”;generous“大方的”;drunk“醉酒的”;coldhearted“无情的”。根据对话第一句中的greedy and mean(贪婪、吝啬)及第二句前半部分可以判断第二空填generous。因此本题答案是C项。答案:C.阅读理解 Many Chinese use instant messenger tools such as MSN or QQ,listen to music on MP3 players and log on the Internet using ADSLwithout knowing the literal Chinese translation of the abbreviations(缩写).But they dont have to,as many English letters have become part of the local lexicon(词典).A dozen abbreviations including GDP, NBA, IT, MP3, QQ,DVD and CEO are among the 5,000 mostfrequently used words in the Chineselanguage media last year,according to a report on the 2006 Language Situation in China, which was released in Beijing.The report said some parents are so keen on English letters that recently a couple tried to name their baby “”,claiming the character used in email addresses reflects their love for the child. While the“”is obviously familiar to Chinese email users,they often use the English word “at” to pronounce it,which sounds something like“ai ta”, or “love him”, to Putonghua speakers.The study collected more than 1 billion language samples from newspapers, magazines, TV, radio and websites. The annual report is compiled(编辑) by the Ministry of Education and the State Language Commission.“Nowadays,more and more English abbreviations are being used in Chinese, making them an important part of the contemporary language,”said Hou Min, a professor at Communication University of China.“The abbreviations have gained popularity because of the convenience of usage,”Hou said.For example,DNA is much simpler to use than its Chinese version tuoyang hetang hesuan.“As more Chinese people learn foreign languages, especially English,in recent years,using abbreviations has become a trend among educated people,”she said.Some language scholars fear such usage will contaminate the purity of Chinese and cause confusion in communication.语篇解读:本文讲述了现在有越来越多的英文缩写在中文中得到了广泛的使用,以及人们对此的看法。1.A couple want to name their child“”because of its.A.popularity B.pronunciationC.meaning D.usage解析:推理判断题。由文章第四段和第五段的内容我们不难发现这对夫妇用的发音来表达对孩子的爱意。答案:B2.The underlined word“contaminate”in the last paragraph probably means.A.make impure B.smooth awayC.make clear D.make up解析:词义猜测题。从文章最后一段的内容可以看出人们担心这样使用语言会“污染、弄脏”中文的纯净性。所以这里选A项。 答案:A3.The usage of English abbreviations will bein China.A.limited by the Ministry of EducationB.encouraged by most language scholarsC.more popular among educated peopleD.officially forbidden by the government解析:细节理解题。从文章倒数第二段的内容可以看出选C项。答案:C4.The passage aims to tell us.A.English abbreviations become popular in ChinaB.English abbreviations will take the place of PutonghuaC.the arguments about English abbreviationsD.how we can use abbreviations properly解析:主旨大意题。从全文可知,本篇文章主要告诉我们现在有越来越多的英文缩写在中文中得到了广泛的使用。由此可以推断选A项。答案:A.任务型阅读/任务型读写阅读下面短文,根据所读内容在表格中的空白处填入恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填一个单词。A Cool Way to Keep Food From SpoilingA few degrees can make a big difference when it comes to food storage.Foods can go bad if they get too warm.But for many of the worlds poor,finding a good way to keep food cool is difficult.Refrigerators are costly and they need electricity.Yet spoiled food not only creates health risks but also economic losses.Farmers lose money when they have to throw away products that they cannot sell quickly.But in nineteen ninetyfive a teacher in northern Nigeria named Mohammed Bah Abba found a solution.He developed the “PotinPot Preservation/Cooling System.”It uses two round containers made of clay.A smaller pot is placed inside a larger one.The space between the two pots is filled with wet sand.The inner pot can be filled with fruit,vegetables or drinks.A wet cloth covers the whole cooling system.Food stored in the smaller pot is kept from spoiling through a simple evaporation process.Water in the sand between the two pots evaporates through the surface of the larger pot,where drier outside air is moving.The evaporation process creates a drop in temperature of several degrees.This cools the inner pot and helps keep food safe from harmful bacteria.Some foods can be kept fresh this way for several weeks.People throughout Nigeria began using the invention.And it became popular with farmers in other African countries.Mohammed Bah Abba personally financed the first five thousand potinpot systems for his own community and five villages nearby.In two thousand,the Rolex Watch Company of Switzerland honored him with the Rolex Award for Enterprise.This award recognizes people trying to develop projects aimed at improving human knowledge and wellbeing.A committee considers projects in science and medicine,technology,exploration and discovery,the environment and cultural history.Winners receive financial assistance to help develop and extend their projects.The award is given every two years.The next one will be given in two thousand eight.Title:A New Cooling SystemColumnContentBackgroundIt is difficult for the poor to keep food fresh,for both refrigerators and electricity are (1).Besides,spoiled food results in (2) and losses of money.WhenIn 1995(3)In Northern NigeriaWhoMohammed Bah Abba(4)“PotinPot Preservation/Cooling System.”HowA smaller pot filled with fruit,vegetables or drinks is placed in a larger one,with the space between them full of wet sand.All the cooling system is covered with a wet cloth.If the water in the sand is evaporated,it will take in (5) from the inner pot,thus (6) the temperature of the inner pot to drop several degrees,so that the foods can stay fresh for several weeks.EffectThe invention was(7) among farmers.In 2000,the inventor was honored with the Rolex Award for Enterprise,a reward (8) people whose invention can help to make people (9) and(10).答案:1.expensive/costly2.illness/sickness/disease3.Where4.What5.heat6.causing7.popular8.recognizing9.knowledgeable10.happy111


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