高考英语复习冲刺训练:外研版选修6 Module5《Cloning》(附解析)

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高考英语复习冲刺训练:外研版选修6 Module5《Cloning》(附解析)_第1页
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高考英语复习冲刺训练:外研版选修6 Module5《Cloning》(附解析)_第3页
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111Module 5Cloning 能 力 闯 关 .单词拼写1Jurassic Park is an i_ land where there live dinosaurs.2It is known to all that sunshine is b_ to plants.3My opinion is i_ with his.I completely agree with him.4The black mountain c_ sharply with the white snow.5At present,a c_ of the birth rate is still an emergency in some Asian countries.6His _(皱巴巴的)skins suggest that he is quite old.7_(陪伴)by Hammonds two grandchildren,they are sent on a tour through Jurassic Park.8The government is _(鼓励)people to take steps to protect the environment.9The hostages(人质)suffered a _(可怕的)ordeal(折磨)10It is completely _(胡扯)to say that scientists can clone an entire human being at the moment.答案:1.imaginary2.beneficial3.identical4.contrasts5.control6.wrinkled 7.Accompanied 8encouraging9.terrifying10.nonsense.单项填空1News reports say peace talks between the two countries _ with no agreement reached. Ahave broken down Bhave broken outChave broken in Dhave broken up解析:该题考查动词短语的用法区别。break down表示“(计划、谈判等)失败;坚持不下去了”;break out表示“(战争、火灾、疾病等)爆发;发生”;break in意思是“强行进入;插嘴”;break up表示“分开;拆散;散会;放学”。根据句中with no agreement reached可知,两国和平谈判失败。答案:A2The ceremony has already started.Look!The flag is _ now.Abeing raised Brisen Cbeing rose Draising解析:本题考查时态和语态。is being raised表示“正在被升起”。答案:A3Isnt it time that you_someones life_easier?Awill make;a bit Bmade;a lot of Cmade;a bit Dhave;a little解析:句意:“难道不该是你使别人生活得舒适的时候了吗?”Its time that.从句用虚拟语气,谓语动词用made或should make;a lot of不可修饰比较级,故答案是C。答案:C4I was still sleeping when the fire_,and then it spread quickly.Abroke out Bput out Ccame out Dgot out解析:句意:“我还在睡觉突然失火了,而且火势迅速蔓延”。本题旨在考查词义辨析,根据题意答案为A。答案:A5I have got a headache.No wonder. You _ in front of that computer too long.Awork Bare working Chave been working Dworked解析:句意:“我现在头痛。”“这不奇怪;你在电脑前一直工作这么长时间。”考查时态,work这个动作从过去开始,一直延续到现在仍在进行,故答案是C。答案:C6The village has developed a lot_we learned farming two years ago.Awhen Bwhich Cthat Dwhere解析:考查定语从句。首先应确定先行词为the village,再根据从句中不缺主语、宾语且已有时间状语,很容易得出答案。答案:D7After graduation from high school,I went to college;_,all my friends got wellpaid jobs.Ameanwhile Bwhile Cwhen Dbesides解析:句意是:“高中毕业后,我上大学去了,同时,我的朋友全都找到了收入不错的工作”。此处指“我去上大学的同时”,所以要用meanwhile。另外,while和when后面不会出现逗号。besides意为“除此之外”。答案:A8Congratulations!Thank you.But for your help,we _ in the experiment.Awill never succeed Bshouldnt have succeededCcouldnt have succeeded Dmustnt have succeeded解析:句意:“祝贺!”“谢谢你!要不是你的帮助,我们的实验不会成功的。”根据“But for your help”可知,要用虚拟语气,couldnt have succeeded“本来不可能成功”。答案:C.翻译句子1我如果能有一天飞到月球就好了。_2自丈夫去世后,她便一心投入到工作之中。(throw.into)_3消防队员已经使火势得到了控制。(control)_4所有的捐款都用于残疾儿童的福利。_5我在他们掌控之中,知道抗拒毫无意义。(resist)_答案:1.I wish I could fly to the moon some day.2Since her husband died,shes thrown herself into her work.3Firefighters now have the blaze under control.4All donations are used for the benefit of disabled children.5I was in their power,and knew it was pointless to resist.阅读理解Talk Now Learn Arabic Special Price $29.99 Regular Price $45.00It is the worlds bestselling language learning CDROM series for beginners because it gets results fast.Used by more than two million people,its innovative(创新的)and fun learning methods give you the key words you want and the help you need to remember them.Ideal for travelers,holidaymakers,business people,students and families.Talk Now SUPER BUNDLEEnglish(US) Special Price $109.00 Regular Price $217.95It is designed for people who want to learn a language quickly.Its fun,fast,and makes learning easy.If you dont have time to become fluent,but need the basics in a hurry,it is for you.Word Translator 25 Languages Special Price $29.95 Regular Price $99.95This special release has Bosnian,Bulgarian,British English,Croatian,Czech,Danish,Dutch,Finnish,French,German,Greek,Hungarian,Icelandic,Italian,Latin,Norwegian,Polish,Portuguese,Romanian,Russian,Serbian,Slovenian,Spanish and Swedishto/from American English.Kingsoft Power World 2007 Chinese English Special Price $74.95 Regular Price $120.00It is designed for people learning or practicing Chinese at all levels.For beginners,it guides you word by word through Pinyin,pronunciations,Chinese characters,phrases,cultures,translations,etc.For professionals,it provides the most comprehensive Chinese,English and Japanese dictionaries,and reference sources that cover all areas with its easy to use interface for all of your study.For more information please click here!【语篇导读】 本文主要介绍了几种用于语言学习的电子产品及价格。1If Jane is a translator,which of the products helps her most? ATalk Now Learn Arabic.BTalk Now SUPER BUNDLEEnglish(US)CWord Translator 25 Languages.DKingsoft Power World 2007 Chinese English.解析:推理判断题。根据对第三种产品的介绍可知它是和翻译有关的,故对翻译工作者最有帮助。答案:C2If you want to buy two products now,how much will you pay at least?A$59.94. B$74.95. C$59.54. D$74.99.解析:推理判断题。根据产品价格可知,即使购买最便宜的两种产品也需要花费59.94美元。答案:A3Which of the following about Kingsoft Power Word 2007 Chinese English is true?AIts for Chinese who want to learn English.BIt costs you $120.00 at present.CIt provides Japanese and Russian dictionaries.DIt is suitable for both beginners and professionals.解析:推理判断题。由该产品介绍的第一句可知。答案:D4The passage is most probably taken from _.Aa website Ba newspaper Ca textbook Da magazine解析:推理判断题。根据文章的格式及末尾处的click here可推测本文最有可能摘自一个网站。答案:A111


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