高二英语课下作业北师大版选修8《Unit 23 Conflict》SectionⅢCommunicationWorkshop课时跟踪检测

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高二英语课下作业北师大版选修8《Unit 23 Conflict》SectionⅢCommunicationWorkshop课时跟踪检测_第1页
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高二英语课下作业北师大版选修8《Unit 23 Conflict》SectionⅢCommunicationWorkshop课时跟踪检测_第2页
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高二英语课下作业北师大版选修8《Unit 23 Conflict》SectionⅢCommunicationWorkshop课时跟踪检测_第3页
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111Section Communication Workshop.单词拼写1The actress named Dong Jie possesses (拥有)a happy family.2The university hopes to strengthen (加强) its ties with the local community.3He has sponsored (赞助) the poor student every term in the last few years.4I didnt intend (打算) her to see the painting until it was finished.5An arbitrary (任意的) decision can easily cause failure.单项填空1Id like to go to the cinema with you, dad.Sorry, my darling, but the film is _ for adults only.ApromisedBpermittedCadmitted Dintended解析:选D。句意:“爸爸,我想和你一起去看电影。”“抱歉,亲爱的,这部电影是仅为成年人设计的。”promise“答应,允诺”;permit“允许”;admit“承认;录取”;intend“打算,计划”。be intended for“专供使用”,符合句意。2Jackson as well as his classmates _ going to learn Shakespeares works next week, and some _ hard to understand.Aare; is Bare; areCis; is Dis; are解析:选D。考查主谓一致。as well as连接两个并列成分作主语时,谓语动词的人称和数应根据as well as前面的成分而定,故第一空用is;some在此指works(文学作品)中的一些,故第二空用are。综上可知本题选D。3The little boy was told by the shop owner to _ the apples out by the size.Awork BmakeCfigure Dsort解析:选D。句意:店主让这个小男孩把这些苹果按大小分开。work out“解决”;make out“弄清”;figure out“算出来”;sort out“分类,区分”。4His dad _ at the beginning of the war and _ many hard battles.Ajoined in; got throughBjoined in; went throughCjoined up; went throughDjoined up; got through解析:选Cjoin up“参军”;go through“经历”。5As soon as the accident took place, two policemen were sent there to _ the case.Alook over Blook upClook into Dlook through解析:选C。句意:事故一发生,两个警察就被派去那里调查那个案件。look into“调查”。6In recent years travel companies have succeeded in selling us the idea that the further we go, _.Aour holiday will be betterBour holiday will be the betterCthe better our holiday will beDthe better will our holiday be解析:选C。“the比较级陈述句,the 比较级陈述句”意思是“越越”。7After the war, that country _ their defense works.Aimproved BincreasedCstrengthened Dpowered解析:选C。improve和increase虽然也有“提高,增加”的意思,但与宾语defense works(防御工事)相搭配不合适;power“以动力驱使”;strengthen“加强;增强”。8Most children in Britain are educated at public _.Acost BpriceCexpense Dsalary解析:选C。句意:大多数的英国孩子接受公费教育。at public expense“公费”。其他选项无此意思。.阅读理解安徽、河南专用Starbucks coffee shops can be found all over America and in more than thirty countries around the world.Many people think they are great places to enjoy a cup of hot coffee or tea.But others dislike the company.If you are in any major city in America,the chances are great that you are not far from a Starbucks.In fact, you might be very close to several of these coffee shops.The company started in the West Coast city of Seattle, Washington, in 1971.Starbucks was named after a character in the famous American novel Moby?Dick by Herman Melville.Today, there are more than 12,000 Starbucks around the world.Sales in 2008 were almost eight billion dollars.Starbucks sells more than just plain coffee.It started a whole coffee culture with its own special language and coffee workers called “baristas”It sells many kinds of hot and cold coffee drinks; like White Chocolate Mocha and Frappuccino.It also sells music recorders, coffee makers, food, and even books.But most of all, it sells the idea of being a warm and friendly place for people to sit, read or talk.Starbucks is a great successful story.Buyers are willing to pay as much as five dollars for coffee drink.Many people say they go to Starbucks because they can depend on it to have exactly what they want and it is nearby.Some say Starbucks has helped to educate people about coffee from many countries.However, some people do not like the companys expansion.Owners of independent coffee stores cannot compete with Starbucks.Some small coffee sellers even took the company to court, saying Starbucks controls the market and forces out competition.1Which of the following may be the best title of the passage?AStarbucks, the Coffee Giant (巨人) BThe Worlds StarbucksCStarbucks, Selling IdeasDStarbucks, In or Out解析:选A。标题归纳题。文章主要介绍拥有众多连锁店的咖啡店巨无霸Starbucks,B、C、D三项都只是介绍Starbucks coffee shops的某一个侧面,较片面。2People will go to Starbucks for coffee drink because of_.Athe sense of satisfaction thereBthe highly educated baristasCthe plain taste of the drinkDthe low price there解析:选A。细节理解题。由第四段第三句“Many people say they go to Starbucks because they can depend on it to have exactly what they want”由此推断人们去Starbucks是由于一种满足感。3. What do you think takes the most important role in Starbucks success?ASelling their ideas.BThe coffee culture they have created.CTheir great economic power.DAll kinds of their coffee drinks.解析:选B。判断推理题。由第三段中“Starbucks sells more than just plain coffee.It started a whole coffee culture with its own special language .But most of all it sells the idea of being a warm and friendly place for people to sit, read or talk”可推断Starbucks成功之处在于他们创立的咖啡文化。4The writers attitude towards Starbucks is_in writing the passage.AsupportiveBcritical (批评的)Cobjective Ddoubtful解析:选C。观点态度题。本文介绍Starbucks咖啡连锁店特有的文化经营理念,所以作者的态度是客观的。福建专用A篇同安徽、河南专用BI was waiting for a phone call from my agent. He had left a message the night before, telling me that my show was to be cancelled. I called him several times, but each time his secretary told me that he was in a meeting and that he would call me later. So I waited and waited, but there was still no call. Three hours passing by, I became more and more impatient. I was certain that my agent didnt care about my work, and he didnt care about me. I was overcome with that thought. I started to shout at the phone,“ Let me wait, will you? Who do you think you are?”At that time I didnt realize my wife was looking on. Without showing her surprise, she rushed in, seized the phone, tore off the wires, and shouted at the phone,“Yeah! Who do you think you are?Bad telephone ! Bad telephone!”And she swept it into the wastebasket.I stood watching her, speechless. What on earth?She stepped to the doorway and shouted at the rest of the house, “Now hear this ! All objects in this room if you do anything to upset my husband, out you go!”Then she turned to me, kissed me, and said calmly,“Honey,you just have to learn how to take control. ”With that, she left the room.After watching a crazy woman rushing in and out, shouting at everything in sight, I noticed that something in my mood (情绪) had changed. I was laughing. How could I have trouble with that phone?Her antics helped me realize I had been driven crazy by small things. Twenty minutes later my agent did call. I was able to listen to him and talk to him calmly.语篇解读:“我”对自己的经纪人取消我的表演并且不及时接电话的行为大为恼火,冲电话大吼以泄愤,但接着妻子就此事的一系列异常及夸张的行为让我意识到自己对小事情反应过火,最后我的情绪得到好转,冷静了下来。5Why did the author shout at the telephone?A. He was mad at the telephone.B. He was angry with his agent.C. He was anxious about his wife.D. He was impatient with the secretary.解析:选B。推理判断题。从文中第一段“经纪人要取消我的表演、不接我的电话”等内容可得知我很生气。6What did the authors wife do after she heard his shouting?A. She said nothing.B. She shouted at him.C. She called the agent.D. She threw the phone away.解析:选D。事实细节题。从文中第二段最后一句得知她把电话丢进了垃圾桶里。7What made the author laugh?A. His own behavior.B. His wifes suggestion.C. His changeable feelings.D. His wifes sweet kiss.解析:选A。推理判断题。从文中最后一段中“How could I have trouble with that telephone?Her antics helped me realize I had been driven crazy by small things.”得知“我”为自己刚才的行为感到好笑。8What does the underlined word“ antics” refer to?A. Smart words.B. Unusual actions.C. Surprising looks. D. Anxious feelings.解析:选B。猜测词义题。由文章的最后一段第一句可知妻子行为异常。.选做题任务型读写(安徽专用)Some people are pessimistic when they think about the future. They say that, a hundred years from now, we will have used up most of the earths resources. We will have polluted our seas badly, and be unable to eat fish from them. We will have made the air so dirty that we will need to wear masks. The worlds population will have doubled, and we will have used all the countryside for housing; there will be no farmland left.Other people believe that Man adapts very easily. They have a different idea of the future. How, in their views, will people be living in a hundred years time?One architect believes that Man will move off the land. He suggests that the city of the future will be a huge, pyramidshaped building, which will be floating on the surface of the sea.As for oil, people will no longer need it: we will be heating our homes with power from the sun. And we will not be short of minerals, because there are plenty under our oceans. What will be in the shops in the year 3000? What will people be wearing? How will people be traveling? Scientists who make predictions about the future suggest that, by the year 3000, shops will no longer exist. Computers will have replaced them; and people will order goods from home.People will be wearing very light, thin clothes. By that time, scientists will have invented a fabric that keeps us cool in hot weather and warm in cold weather.As for travel, the experts say that most people will be using public transport. Electric cars will be traveling through the streets day and night. Anybody will be able to stop one and use it.TitleWhat Will Life Be (1)_in the Future?IntroductionThere are two opinions about the life in the future.The pessimistic opinionsThe earths resources will be (2)_out of.Seas will be polluted badly and no fish to eat.People will have to wear masks because of bad air (3)_.As a result of increasing population, the countryside will be used for housing with no farmland (4)_.The optimistic opinionsInstead of on the(5)_, people will live on the surface of the sea.Oil will not be (6)_.Computers will (7)_the place of shops and goods will be ordered from home.(8)_the light, thin clothes in the future, people will (9)_ cool in hot weather and warm in cold weather.Public transport will mainly be (10)_ for traveling. 答案:1.Like2.run3.pollution4.left5.land6needed7.take8.Wearing9.feel10.used短文填词(福建专用)Dear Jenny, In your letter, you asked me something about how to keep healthy. Here are my tips. First_all, try to1._keep a_(平衡) diet. Every day, youd better eat2._different kinds of food,_as fish, meat and beans,3._e_fresh vegetables and fruits. Also, do remember4._not to eat too much_(糖)for your age. Secondly,5._t_regular exercise is necessary to you. You can do6._sports which_(适合)yourself, like running and7._swimming. Thirdly, be sure that you have p_of8._ sleep. Never stay up late . F_, always be optimistic9._about anything unlucky _comes your way so you10._can stay in a good mood for the challenges in life. Best wishes! Yours, Li Hua答案:1.of2.balanced3.such4.especially5.sugar6.taking7.suit8.plenty9.Finally10.that任务型阅读(河南专用)It doesnt come as a surprise to you to realize that it makes no difference what you read or study if you cant remember it. You just waste your valuable time.1._One dependable aid that does help you remember what you study is to have a specific purpose or reason for reading.Why does a clerk in a store go away when your reply to her offer to help is, “No, thank you.Im just looking.”? Both you and she know that if you arent sure what you want, you are not likely to find it.But suppose you say instead, “Yes, thank you.I want a pair of sunglasses.” She says, “Right this way, please”2_If you choose a book, “just looking” for nothing in particular, you are likely to get just thatnothing.But if you do know what you want, you are almost sure to get it.Your reasons will vary; they will include reading or studying “to find out more about”, “to understand the reasons for” and “to find out how”3_Before you start to study, you say to yourself something like this, “I want to know why Stephen Vincent Benet happened to write about America”Because you know why you are reading or studying, you relate the information to your purpose and remember it better.4_At least two important processes go on at the same time.As you read, you take in ideas rapidly and accurately.But at the same time you express your own ideas to yourself as you react to what you read. You have a kind of mental conversation with the author.This additional process of thinking about what you read includes evaluating it, relating it to what you already know, and using it for your own purposes.5._One part of critical reading, as you have discovered, is distinguishing between facts and opinions.Facts can be checked by evidence. Opinions are ones own personal reactions.Another part of critical reading is judging sources.Still another part is drawing accurate inferences.AMaybe you have already discovered some clever ways to keep yourself from forgetting.BIt is important for students to have a positive attitude to their study.CYou remember better when you know what youre reading.DIn other words, a good reader is a critical reader.EIts quite the same with your studying.FReading is not one single activity.GThis is the way it works.答案:15AEGFD短文改错(河南专用)A survey basing on 1,000 students found that 80% of senior students sleep less than nine hours every night. Too much homework being given by school teachers is the main cause. Another cause lies at students bad habits. Some students are absentminded while their homework, and some wasting their afterclass time. The third cause is some students have to get up earlier on weekdays to get to school which is far away from home. Experts think the amount of homeworks for the students should be cut down. Beside, teachers should encourage their students make good use of their spare time.答案:第一句:basingbased第二句:去掉being第三句:atin第四句:wastingwaste第五句:is后加that;earlierearly第六句:homeworkshomework第七句:BesideBesides;在make前加to111

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