高二英语课下作业北师大版选修7《Unit 21 Human Biology》Section Ⅲ课时跟踪检测

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高二英语课下作业北师大版选修7《Unit 21 Human Biology》Section Ⅲ课时跟踪检测_第1页
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高二英语课下作业北师大版选修7《Unit 21 Human Biology》Section Ⅲ课时跟踪检测_第2页
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111 Section Communication Workshop.单词拼写1Under no circumstances (情形) are you to leave the house.2The boys equipped (装备) themselves with food and water, and set off.3He had observed how greatly customs and ideas vary, and he had grown sceptical (怀疑的)4My house is being painted, so I have to stay in a temporary ( 临时的) one.5There is growing concern (担忧) about the effects of pollution on health.6All the papers must be submitted (提交) by Monday.7Unfortunately, the disaster robbed (使丧失) him of his left leg.8He considered it a sacred (神圣的) duty to fulfill the task on time.9Did you vote (投票表决) for or against him?10It is absurd (荒谬的) to go out in such terrible weather.单项填空1If we cant agree, well have to vote _ it.AforBagainstCon Dto解析:选C。句意:如果我们的意见不能统一,我们就得投票表决。vote on“就投票表决”。2I offered to give them a lift but they _.Aaccepted BbelievedCagreed Ddeclined解析:选D。句意:我主动提出送他们一程,但是他们拒绝了。由but可知,此处表示转折,故用decline表示拒绝。3The passengers were robbed _ all their money.Aof BoffCfrom Daway解析:选A。句意:所有乘客的钱都被抢光了。此处为rob sb. of sth.“抢劫某人的某物”的被动结构,所以用介词of。4The course is designed to _ students for a career in nursing.Aaid BequipChelp Dforbid解析:选B。aid“帮助,援助”;equip“配备,装备”;help“帮助”;forbid“不许,禁止”。5The epidemic must be wiped out _ or the chicken raisers will suffer a terrible loss.Aat home Bat any rateCin the sales Dat a time解析:选B。由句意“无论如何要把这种流行病消灭掉,否则,养鸡户将会遭受巨大的损失”看出空白处应该填入at any rate“无论如何”。at a time“每一次”;in the sales“大减价”。6The millionaire passed away, leaving his children with a large _.Afortune BluckCmoney Damount解析:选A。考查名词辨析。句意:那个百万富翁死了,留给他的孩子们一大笔财产。fortune“大笔财产”;luck“运气”;money“钱”,不可数名词,不用a修饰;amount“数目”。7Applied science is _ discovering ways to use the knowledge of theoretical science.Aconcerned about Bconcerned withCfocused on Dcombined with解析:选B。考查be concerned about和be concerned with的区别。前者意为“关心,关注”,后者意为“与有关联,牵涉到”。根据句意“应用科学研究涉及探究理论科学知识的应用方法。”可知应选B。8He _ his proposal for urban development to the city council.Aturned out Bhanded overCsubmitted to Dsubmitted解析:选D。考查submit的用法。句意:他向市议会提交了城市发展的建议书。turn out“生产;结果是”;hand over“移交”;submit to“顺从,屈服”。submit . to .“向提交”,故选D项。9Now that he _ that he had stolen the money, you should have forgiven him.Aexcused BsufferedCoffered Dadmitted解析:选D。句意:既然他承认偷了钱,你就应该原谅他。根据句意,空格处应该是表示“承认”意义的词,故选D项。excuse“原谅”;suffer“遭受”;offer“提供”。10It is _ that 125,000 people died in Russia as a result of illness caused by this accident.Asaid BsayCto say Dsaying解析:选A。句意:据说,在俄罗斯有125 000 人死于由这次事故引起的疾病。此题考查:It is过去分词that从句。故选择A项。.完形填空Granny lives four hours away, and I dont see her nearly as often as I should. _1_ I write her long letters and she sends me sweet cards in between visits. She _2_ the busyness of everyday living Granny _3_ understands. Short in height and elflike (像小精灵的) in appearance, her presence appears large in my life in spite of the _4_.The wrinkles (皱纹) on her face _5_ the strength of her beliefs. Draw her into a _6_ and she will debate politics, religion and baseball in one sitting. I am _7_ for the valuable moments shes brought to my life.While standing at the side of Grandpas deathbed, I _8_ her tight when the nurses advised her to speak to her unconscious husband. As she _9_ close to his ear, I held my breath, _10_ the heartbreaking moment would send me off in _11_. But before a tear was shed (流出), she straightened up and said, “He cant _12_ me. Hes not wearing his hearing aid.” That response taught me to _13_ the sad process without allowing _14_ to completely swallow me up.Granny was at my side when I woke from the operation last year. Before the _15_ a handful of her soft broken words drove away the _16_ in my head. “I want you to know how very much I love you.” When I turned toward her _17_, I saw something shining in her eyes. The anesthetic (麻醉剂) pulled me back from consciousness before I could ask. _18_, I gradually fell asleep with the knowledge that nothing is carved in stone, and youre never too old to _19_ new feelings.I catch pieces of Grannys personality _20_ their way into mine. They are qualities that improve my character and fit comfortably inside my skin.语篇解读:“我”和祖母虽然离得远,不能经常见面,但通过祖父过世和“我”生病做手术的事情,“我”从祖母身上学到了要坚强面对生活。1A.OrBForCBut DAnd解析:选C。“不经常去看望祖母”和“给她写长长的信”之间构成转折关系。2A.enjoys BunderstandsCappreciates Dwants解析:选B。作者虽然不经常去看望祖母,但会给祖母写信,祖母也给作者寄贺卡,因此祖母理解作者每天忙碌的生活。下文的understands为提示。3A.seldom BneverCever Dalways解析:选D。由“she sends me sweet cards”可知,祖母一向理解作者。4A.distance BtimeCemotion Dgap解析:选A。互通书信、寄卡片说明距离遥远。尽管如此,祖母在作者心中的形象是伟大的。5A.prove BmeanCshow Dfeel解析:选C。额头上的皱纹显示出祖母信念的力量。6A.meeting BconcertCplay Ddiscussion解析:选D。由debate可知是参与讨论。7A.grateful BanxiousCready Dlate解析:选A。祖母给作者的生活带来珍贵的时刻,因此作者对祖母怀有感激之情。8A.visited BpulledCwatched Dheld解析:选D。面对即将离世的祖父,作者怕祖母伤心,就紧紧地握着她的手。9A.stood BbentCcried Dslept解析:选B。由下文的“straightened up”可知,祖母弯腰靠近祖父的耳朵,准备和他说话。10A.afraid BsureCglad Duncertain解析:选A。由“held my breath”可知作者担心自己会悲痛不已。11A.dreams BtearsCworries Dthoughts解析:选B。由“heartbreaking moment .; But before a tear was shed (流出)”以及当时的情境可知是哭泣。12A.leave BseeChear Dknow解析:选C。由下文的“Hes not wearing his hearing aid”可知,祖母认为祖父没有戴助听器,因此听不见她说话。13A.go through Bgo overCgo along Dgo after解析:选A。本来是伤痛的时刻,祖母却坦然面对,她对伤心事的处理教会了作者如何度过伤心时刻。14A.happiness BprideCcourage Dsorrow解析:选D。作者本以为这个场景会令人悲痛欲绝,但祖母的回答让作者没有被悲伤吞没。15A.test BdebateCperformance Doperation解析:选D。由上一句的“I woke from the operation”可知是在手术前。16A.fog BrainCwind Dsnow解析:选A。此处的fog是困惑、疑惑的意思。17A.back BvoiceCbed Ddesk解析:选B。因为作者看见了祖母的眼泪,所以不会是back;另外是作者在住院,所以也不是祖母的bed或desk,只能是循声转过去。18A.Therefore BHoweverCMeanwhile DMoreover解析:选B。尽管麻药让作者失去知觉,但他脑子里却牢记着没有什么是一成不变的。19A.expect BteachCgrow Dneed解析:选C。由上文的“nothing is carved in stone”可知,每个人再老也会有新感情。20A.running BdrawingCsliding Dturning解析:选C。既然是pieces, 自然是指祖母的点点滴滴悄无声息地融入到作者的生活中,对作者的生活起了潜移默化的影响。.阅读理解Mountain biking is one of my favorite sports in adventure racing. It was a skill that was put_on_the_back_burner for a while, but learning to ride a mountain bike well really improved our teams times.I used to fall all the time. It is a strange feeling as you dont think of falling off your bike as an adult. I had my first crash at age 8. I rode down a huge hill. I wanted to see if I could brake when I got to the driveway and still stop before hitting the garage. Well, I could not. I bent my brand new frame.I have now moved to a much better bike with knobby fat wheels. Mountain biking takes place either on mountain bikes that have been specially equipped to be ridden on the trail, or on hybrid road bikes, that have been modified.The mountain bikes themselves are ready for the rough trail, with tires that are wide and knobby, and a frame tubing that is large and round. The bikes usually have a front fork or dual suspension, and often come with shock absorbers. The bikes are heavy, but work well under their riding conditions.I say the bikes are heavy. I actually ride a 21pound bike which is quite light for mountain bikes. It is a hard tail so it is not as heavy as a full suspension. It is important to get the right sized bike for your sport.In adventure racing, mountain biking is one of the most fun things we do. There is often a steep climb, but the reward is flying down the mountain. It is always nice to be off your feet for a while. At Primal Quest Montana we rode up a ski slope for 7 hours! I was ready to be back on my feet that time.1The underlined phrase “put on the back burner” in the first paragraph probably means “_”Adelayed using for some timeBdeserted foreverCforgotten completelyDpaid enough attention to解析:选A。词义猜测题。根据下文可知,作者小时候就喜欢骑自行车,但8岁时遭遇一次重大骑车事故,所以中间就与自行车隔绝了数年,现在是重拾旧技,故选A。2The authors first crash at age 8 _.Awas an accident that could hardly avoidedBwas completely due to his adventurous spiritCis fresh in his mind as an experience of prideDshows that mountain biking needs being specially equipped解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第二段第四、五两句可知,车祸完全归咎于作者的冒失,故选B。3What does the author want to tell us in Paragraphs 35?AHow to choose a mountain bike.BHow mountain biking came about.CWhat makes a qualified maintain bike.DThe importance of riding a right sized bike.解析:选C。主旨大意题。这三段主要讨论自行山地车运动所需要的合格的自行车的性能,故选C。4The author finds mountain biking _.Aa sport out of dateBtoo dangerous a sportCa real sport of adventureDa sport for children, not for adults解析:选C。推理判断题。根据最后一段首句可判断选C。111

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