Unit1 《Tales of the unexplained》word power 同步练习(牛津译林版必修2)

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Unit1 《Tales of the unexplained》word power 同步练习(牛津译林版必修2)_第1页
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Unit1 《Tales of the unexplained》word power 同步练习(牛津译林版必修2)_第2页
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Unit1 《Tales of the unexplained》word power 同步练习(牛津译林版必修2)_第3页
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111Unit1 Tales of the unexplained- Word power测试1.一个令人愉快、令人兴奋的经历an enjoyable and exciting experience 2.对上课时间感到很满意子be very happy with the school hours 3.和某人在一起感觉很自在be at ease with sb. 4. 和某人讨论某事discuss sth. with sb. 5. 做某事的最好的办法 the best way to do sth. 6. 赢得他人尊重 earn respect from others 7. 听起来像我在中国的学校 sound like my school in China 8. 为某事感谢某人thank sb. for sth. 9. 注意某事pay attention to sth.10. 要求某人做某事require sb to do sth. 22. 在学期末at the end of term11. 达到目标 achieve ones goals 12. 参加集会attend assembly 13. 获得高分achieve high grades 14. 在过去的一年里in the past year 15. 在午饭时间at lunchtime 16. 免费给某人发E-mail E-mail sb. for free 17. 放弃一些学科 drop some subjects 18. 在学校的操场上玩play on the school field 19. 在树下休息relax under a tree 21.想起某人think of sb20. 体验这种不同的生活方式experience this different way of life 23. 通常大小,正常规模the average size 24. 把某物捐献给某人 donate sth. To sb. 25.查字典 refer to the dictionary 26. 从大学毕业 graduate from college27. 住在某人隔壁live next door to sb 28. 有了做某事的兴趣 develop an interest in doing sth. 29. 发现某人很难取悦 find sb hard to please 30. 在这种情况下 in this case 31. 不止一个答案 more than one answer 32. 跟校长一起开会have a meeting with the headmaster 33. 做决定 make decisions 34. 把同作比较compare with 35. 轮流 take turns to do sth 36. 把某事通知某人inform sb. of sth. 37. 吸引读者注意catch the eye of the reader 38. 向某人朗读某物 read sth. out loud to sb.39. listen to sb. talking about sth.听某人谈某物 40. 提出自己的看法 come up with your own ideas Unit one 知识点复习.单项选择:1.At _ assembly, the headmaster wanted each of us to learn how to use _ equipment in labs. A. / ; / B. the ; the C. an; an D. / ; an2.Do you think _ any need to read the passage word by word?A. is there B. there is C. is it D. it is 3.All the pupils in the primary school are _ teachers.A. at ease with B. easy with C. at ease to D. easy to4._, let me introduce my friends to you, Mr. Smith. A. In all B. After all C. Above all D. First of all 5.The first man I _ was you, from whom I had learnt a lot during my stay in your school.A. have thought of B. have thought out C. thought of D. thought up6.He is the only one of the people here who _ how to operate this computer.A. knows B. know C. had known D. known 7.He is one of the people here who _ how to operate this computer.A. knows B. know C. had known D. known8.My hometown is no longer _ she used to be.A. whom B. that C. who D. what 9.My hometown is no longer the one_ she used to be.A. whom B. that C. who D. what10.She decided to buy the house, _ windows faced the blue sea.A. whose B. which C. of which D. that11.She decided to sell the house, the windows _ faced the blue sea.A. whose B. which C. of which D. that12.Ill never forget the days _ I spent on the farm.A. when B. that C. in which D. in that 13.Ill never forget the days _ I worked on the farm.A. when B. that C. in which D. in that 14.Is that exhibition _ they visited last Sunday?A. where B. that C. in which D. the one15.Is that the exhibition _ they visited last Sunday?A. where B. that C. in which D. the one 16.The _ in the labs that offers students should be taken good care of.A. equipment B. facility C. equipments D. facilities17.They _ David for his kindness at the open day.A. hope us to thank B. wish us to thank C. hope we thank D. wish we will thank18.Children in our country are often _ flowers, arent they?A. comparing with B. compared with C. comparing to D. compared to19.There was only one toy, so the boys had to _ with it in the garden.A. turn to play B. take turns to play C. take turns by playing D. take a turn by playing 20.To our surprise, the six-year-old girl, who looked _ a normal child of six, won the first place at last.A. as a little girl B. as little girl as C. so little girl D. as little a girl as21.Below _ with two poems written in it.A. is a notebook B. are a notebook C. a notebook is D. a notebook are22.The surprised look on her face suggested that she _ that. A. had expected B. hadnt expected C. would expected D. shouldnt expect23.He suggested _ not only _ to the concert but also give a performance.A. we; went B. we; go C. us; go D. our; going 24.I have already told our class teacher that the windows of our room require _. A. repairing B. being repaired C. to repair D. repaired25.How clever of you it is _ such a wonderful idea!A. coming up with B. to come with C. to come up with D. coming with26.The medical team to be sent there _ 5 doctors and 12 nurses.A. is made up from B. is consisted of C. makes up D. consists of 27.I wonder who is willing to be responsible _ it if something is done wrongly. A. for B. with C. from D. at 28.Since you cant work it out in these ways, why not _ the problem another way?A. to try to do B. try to do C. try doing D. to try doing 29.I am afraid that you have made a mistake . You have to _ the letter “a ”from the word.A. take out B. get out C. leave out D. bring out 30._ our arriving at the airport, we were given a warm welcome by the local(当地的)people.A. With B. For C. Upon D. Until31.If you want to get it _, you cannot expect it to be of the right quality.A. for free B. freely C. as free D. to be free32.The boy spent more time on computer than _ all his lessons at school.A. learn B. learning C. learns D. learned33.The American girl found that it was difficult _ the names of her Chinese classmates.A. remember B. to remember C. to be remembered D. remembered34.You can hardly imagine how difficult _ was to find a taxi at that time.A. this B. that C. it D. I 35.We do not allow _ magazines out of the reading room, so you are not allowed _ any of them away.A. taking; to take B. to take; taking C. taking; taking D. to take; to take36.I _ you have failed again. I hope you can do better next time.A. regret to say B. wish to inform C. feel sorry to tell D. have to let you know it 37.My new dictionary _ . I have looked for it everywhere but still _ it. A. has lost; dont find B. is missing ; dont find C. has lost; havent found D. is missing ; havent found 38.What are you going to inform your friend Mr. Smith?A. of B. in C. to D. at39.He will pay a visit to the university next week, _ he graduated ten years ago.A. which B. when C. that D. From which40.China Daily is _ a newspaper, it also helps us to learn English.A. more than B. no more than C. not more than D. much than.句型转换:1.After she left university, she went to Japan for further study.After _ _ university, she went to Japan for further study.2.On hearing the news, she burst into tears._ _ _ she heard the news, she burst into tears.3.It looks as if it is going to rain.It looks _ _.4.I am getting interested in reading English plays.I am _ an _ _ English plays.5.As soon as I returned home, I began to do my homework._ _ home, I began to do my homework.6.You have such a wonderful chance to improve your English.You have such a wonderful chance _ _ your English7.He was really interested in teaching English.He _ _ _ _ _ teaching English.8.I apologize to you for not letting you know how serious the situation was.I _ _ _ _ you _ not letting you know how serious the situation was.9.Id like to inform you that a new program will be on.Id like to _ you _ a new program.10.Im sorry I didnt inform you in advance.Im sorry I didnt inform you _ _ _. 11.All of my classmates, including our teachers, are invited to watch the program.All of my classmates, our teachers _, are invited to watch the program.12.We brought up a lot of questions at the meeting.A lot of questions _ _ at the meeting.13.Our teachers dont allow us to speak loudly in the classroom.Speaking loudly _ _ in the classroom.14.Its time that we should have our class. Its time _ us _ _ our class.15.Our class is made up of 60 students.Our class _ _ 60 students.16.Ill try my best to write carefully.Ill write _ carefully _ _ _.17.If you work harder, youll get better result. _ _ you work, _ _ result youll get.18.I used to get up at 6 oclock. But now I get up at 5:30.Now I get up half an hour _ _ _.19.Have you found the best way to work out the problem.Have you found the best way _ _ _ the problem?20.All of our teachers help us a lot and are kind to us.All of our teachers are _ and kind to us .单词拼写:1.He is not a good doctor because he is short of e_. 2.About 300 students from our school a_ the lecture given by the famous professor.3.She is gaining weight because she likes eating d_ too much. 4.Hanson is going to study l_ in a university because he wants to be a writer in the future. 5.It is said that the m_ boy has not been found yet. 6.- Where are all your classmates, Jim?- They have gone to the a_ hall.7.In order to achieve high g_, Jack works very hard and often gets up early in the morning.8.I came _(马上)I heard the news.9.All the students look forward to a_ high grades in examinations, but not everyone can do that.10.There are less and less fresh water _ (可用的)for us.参考答案:.单项选择:1.ABADC 6. ABDBA 11. CBADB 16. ABDBD 21. ABBAC 26. DACCC 31. ABBCA 36. ADADA.句型转换:1.graduating from 2. As soon as 3. like rain 4. developing ; interest in 5. upon returning 6.of improving 7.showed a great interest in 8. made an apology to ; for 9. inform; of 10. ahead of time 11. included 12.were raised 13.isnt allowed / is forbidden 14. for; to have 15. consists of 16.consists of 17. The harder; the better 18. earlier than usual 19. of working our 20. helpful . 单词拼写:1. experience 2. attended 3. dessert 4. literature 5. missing 6. assembly 7. grades 8. immediately 9. achieving 10. available111


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