Module 6《The Internet and Telecommunications》cultural corner and task学案2(外研版必修1)

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Module 6《The Internet and Telecommunications》cultural corner and task学案2(外研版必修1)_第1页
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Module 6《The Internet and Telecommunications》cultural corner and task学案2(外研版必修1)_第2页
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Module 6《The Internet and Telecommunications》cultural corner and task学案2(外研版必修1)_第3页
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111模块六 Cultural Corner学案Aims: Get the students to know something about text messages. Get the students to master the important points in the passage.Step One: Review and Lead-inReview: Fill in the blanks with a word given in the box.accessible permission independent average shorten concentrate contain pass.1. May I have _ to leave early?2. Susan is not _to strangers.3. My dress is too long-I must _ it.4. He is tired and cant _.5. I _by your house last night.6. The goods are of _ quality.7. As is known, India became _ in the year 1947.8. How much will this bottle _? Step Two: Lead-inI. 你是新新人类吗?如果你能猜出下面的劲爆网络缩略语,那就可以证明你是.1111. AFK- away from keyboard2. ATB-all the best3. BBL-be back later4. BRB-be right back5. CCN-cant chat now6. JAM-just a minute7. LTNS-long time no see8. PG -preety good111II. DiscussionHave you ever sent text messages to your friends?Can you guess the meaning of the following message?Wy nt gv me a cll? Iv bn wtng fr a lng tme? Im so sd._Can you think of some other text messages?Step Three: Reading阅读CULTURAL CORNER的文章,回答下列问题.1. Why do people prefer to use text messages instead of talking on the phones?A. They want to keep secret. B. They want to save money.C. They want to make jokes. D. They want to play word games.2. If you want to understand the emoticon, youd better look at_.A. upside down B. in the face C. from the upside D. from the side 3. The passage is mainly about _. A. how to make your phone call cheaper B. text message and emoticons C. how to read text message and to shorten your text message 4. From the passage, we know that _ A. it is easy to understand some short messages if you are a Chinese. B. it is hard to understand the emoticons if you dont know English. C. the short message cannot be made by Chinese. D. short messages sometimes make us puzzled.Step Four: While-reading1. Find out the following phrases in the passage.1) 许多人 _ 2) 缩短单词_3) 使得更便宜_4) 去掉; 减去_5) 代替;而不_6) give sb. A call_7)一系列_8) 其他一些_ 2. Points:1) shorten v. 缩短;(使)变短 -en 作后缀,表示”使成为,引起” Eg. quick-quicken weak-weaken soft-soften hard-harden en作前缀, 表示”使处于状态” Eg. able-enable rich-enrich danger-endanger large-enlarge2) invert v. 倒置, 翻转, 颠倒-n. inversion3) emotion n.情感; 情绪eg. Love, hate and fear are emotions. He is a man of strong control ones emotion表达/控制感情4) take out 拿出;去掉eg. Please take out your books. This word is unnecessory in the sentence. Take it out.5) inetead of 代替; 而不eg. I cant go. Shell go instead of me. She went to school instead of staying at home.6) give sb. a call给某人打电话eg. Ill give you a call at the weekend.3. Sentence Patterns:1) Here is an example.2) Here are some others. 这两句均为完全倒装句型. 以here,there或out,in, up, down, away等词开头的句子里表示强调时须用此句型. Eg. There goes the bell. Here comes the bus. Out rushed the children.111

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