Module 5《Newspapers and Magazines》grammar学案1(外研版必修2)

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111Module5 Grammar Adverbial Clause学案教学目标:1、掌握并学会运用引导时间状语从句的从属连词when, while, as, before, after, since, till(until), as soon as等的用法。2、掌握引导原因状语从句的从属连词because, as , since, for等词的用法与区别。同时了解并掌握now that, seeing that, considering that, in that引导原因状语从句的用法。3、复习前面学过的so that; such that及so that, in order that引导状语从句自学导引:1、课前预习和归纳because, as , since, for的运用(结合课本P112)2、课前复习本册书第2模块所复习的语法专题结果专语从句。3、课前完成本学案中合作探究部分练习合作探究:1、通过讨论下列例题复习时间状语从句1)When did he leave the classroom? He left _ you turned back to write on the blackboard.A. the time B. the moment C. until D. since2) Have you known each other for long? Not very, _we started to work in the ABC Motor Company.A. before B. since C. when D. after3) I didnt make great progress in my English study _ my teacher had given me some advice on how to learn the language well. A. unless B. before C. until D. when4). That was really a splendid evening. Its years _ I enjoyed myself so much. A. when B. that C. before D. since5) Did Jack come back early last night? Yes. It was not yet eight oclock _ he arrived home. A. before B. when C. that D. until 2、通过讨论下列例题归纳出because, as , since, for的用法区别以及now that的用法。6) _ Youve got a chance, you might as well make full use of it. A. Now that B. After C . Although D. As soon as7) He found it increasingly difficult to read, _ his eyesight was beginning to fail. A. though B. for C. but D. so 8) Did you return Freds call? I didnt need to _Ill see him tomorrow.A. though B. unless C. whenD. because9)_ you know it, I wont repeat it. A. For B. Because of C. Since D. Till10) May I go and play with Dick this afternoon, Mum?No, you cant go out _ your work is being done.”A. before B. until C. as D. the momentbecause, as , since, for归纳:_3、通过用不同的句型翻译该句,复习so/suchthat等引导的状语从句。他是一个如此可爱的男孩,以至于人人都非常喜欢他。_.教师点拨: 1. 重点点拨归纳合作探究练习中的1)4)5)小题和课上学生普遍有疑问的问题。 2. Seeing that its raining, wed better stay indoors. 3. I wont tell you when you wont listen. 典例评析: 1._ everyone else wouldnt go to the mountain area, he went without a second thought.A. As long as B. While C. Where D. In spite of2. Are you ready for Spain? Yes, I want the girls to experience that _ they are young A. while B. until C. if D. before巩固分层练习:(一)必做题1) Its going to rain, _ the clouds are gathering.A. for B. because C. since D. as2)_ there are only five minutes to go, Ill talk about the project in short. A. As if B. Even if C. Because of D. Now that3)Id like to arrive 20 minutes early _ I can have time for a cup of tea. A. as soon as B. as a result C. in case D. so that3. We were told that we should follow the main road _ we reached the railway station. A. whenever B. until C. while D. wherever4)The doorkeeper gave the alarm _ he saw the smoke.A. while B. the instant C. suddenly D. before(二)选做题1. _ the Internet is of great help. I dont think its a good idea to spend too much time on it. A. If B. While C. Because D. As 2. I do every single bit of housework _ my husband Bob just does the dishes now and then. A. since B. while C. when D. as拓展提高:1. Animals suffered at the hands of Man _ they were destroyed by people to make way for agricultural had to provide food for more people. A. in which B. for which C. so that D. in that2. Why do you want a new job _ youve got such a good one already? A. that B. where C. which D. when答案:1-5BBCDB 6-10ABDCCHe is so clever that everyone likes him very much.He is so clever a boy that everyone likes him very much.He is such clever a boy that everyone likes him very much.典例评析:1、解析:B。while在此引导状语从句,在此相当于although,意为“虽然,尽管”句意为:尽管别人不愿到山区去,然而他毫不犹豫地去了一、必做题1-5ADBB(二)选做题1-2BB111

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