Module 4《Music》cultural corner and task学案1(外研版选修6)

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Module 4《Music》cultural corner and task学案1(外研版选修6)_第1页
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Module 4《Music》cultural corner and task学案1(外研版选修6)_第2页
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111基础知识练习 (Module 4)I. 根据所给首字母和汉语提示完成句子。 1. The failure in the exam d_ him, and he was in a bad mood for a long time. 2. You shouldnt d_ on your parents, you should be independent. 3. One of his _ (抱负)is to study abroad.4. The woman was _ (抢劫)of her gold necklace on her way home. 5. The young bird _ (展开) its wings and flew away. II 根据提示翻译下列句子。1. 这些漂亮的花给整个房间增加了生气。 (give life to) 2. 我已经好几年不和那些朋友来往了。(make contact with)3. 马克思出生在德国,会说英语,恩格斯也是这样。(It was the same with. )4. 他从不把父母的话当回事。 (take. seriously)5. 昨天晚上班主任当众宣布了这项规定。(in public) III. 单句改错。1. There are ten members in this medical team, included 7 specialists. 2. The bad news added his sorrow. 3. The old man lives alone, but he doesnt feel alone. 4. When I was at college, I shared a room to other seven people. 5. My boyfriend gave me a cake on the shape of a heart.I. 1. depressed 2. depend 3. ambitions 4. robbed 5. spreadII. 1. The beautiful flowers give life to the whole room. 2. I havent made contact with those friends for several years. 3. Marx was born in Germany and could speak English. It was the same with Engels. 4. He has never taken what his parents said seriously. 5. The headteacher announced the rule in public last night. III. 1. included 改为including 2. added后加 to 3. alone 改为lonely 4. to 改为with 5. on改为 in111


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