Module 4《Fine Arts—Western Chinese and Pop Arts》grammar学案(2)(外研版必修2)

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111Module4 Fine ArtsWestern Chinese and Pop ArtsGrammar学案导学Learning aims: 1To master the use of theing form used as the object and the subject2To gather the use of the infinitive used as the objectLearning contents: Grammar 1Grammar 2Learning difficult and important points:1the use of theing form used as the object and the subject2the use of the infinitive used as the objectLearning methods: Make a thorough enquiry between SS-Ss; Ss- Teacher; Ss-alone.(三探一练四步学习法。)Learning Procedures:Step 1【课前预习】-【个人探究】1) Ss read the following sentences and try to observe the underlined words (1)Pop art aimed to show ordinary twentieth century city life(2)Instead,picture should attempt to show the “life” of its subject (3)I can get tired of looking at pictures all the time (4)My parents are fond of going to art galleries (5)The artist finished drawing a horse in five minutes (6)They succeeded in crossing the river2) Read the sentences and decide what the infinitive and theing form used as in each sentence (1)Pop art aimed to show ordinary city life (2)I enjoy listening to classical music (3)I get tired of looking at pictures all the time (4)He doesnt feel like eating. (5)To make an excuse is useless (6)It is my pleasure to help you (7)Looking after those people is my job (8)It is great fun sailing a boat. (9)To see is to believe (10)Seeing is believing参考答案 (1)object (2)object (3)object (4)object (5)subject (6)subject (7)subject (8)subject (9)subject (10)subjectStep 2Grammar 1【课上探究】-【合作探究】1)Pair work Choose the following statements are true(T)or false(F) (1)When verbal phrases are followed by a verbthe second verb must be the -ing form (2)When verbal phrases are followed by a verb,the second verb must be the infinitive (3)Certain verbs can be followed by an infinitive参考答案 (1)F(2)F(3)T 2)Pair work (1)Ask Ss to finish Activity 2 on P35参考答案 The verbs that can be followed by theing form: like,enjoy,hate,dislike,love The verbs that can be followed by the infinitive: like,decide,hope,agree,hate,love,plan,refuse,aim,attempt,promise,learn (2)Try to give a summary of the use of theing form and the infinitive form used as the object_ 参考答案 v + doing:enjoy,admit,avoid,finish,keep,imagine,practise,suggest,cant help,mind,keep,etc v + to do:decide,hope,agree,plan,refuse,aim,attempt,promise,learn,expect,afford,etc v+ prep+ doing:put off,go on,give up,be good at,look forward to,be crazy about,succeed in,etc3)Pair work To finish Activity 3 on P35参考答案 (1)g (2)h (3)C (4)ai (5)de (6)af (7)ei (8)b (9)ae4)【全员探究】-教师点拨Finish the table to get different meanings of the verbs that followed by theing form and the infinitive form Verbs V+ to do V+ doing remember,forget,regret go on,stop want,need,require try mean consider参考答案 verbs V+ to do V+ doingremember,forget,regret 表示该去做的事不定式动作在后 表示曾经做过的事动名词动作在前 go on,stop 转到另外的事情上继续(或停止)原来在做的事情 want,need,require 表示主动含义 表示被动含义 try 尽力去做 尝试去做 mean 打算做 意味着 consider 认为 考虑Step3:Practice【当堂训练】 Translate the following sentences: (1)我忘记已买这本书,因此又买了一本。 (2)别忘了给我买一台MP3。 (3)我记得把钱还他了。 (4)你要记得把钱还我啊! (5)没能帮上忙,我很遗憾。 (6)我很抱歉地告诉你,我不能跟你去那。 (7)尽管天下雨了,农民们仍在地里干活。 (8)他对新生表示欢迎,接着解释了校规。 (9)我们停止了谈话。 (10)我们停下来休息一下。参考答案 (1)I forgot buying the book,so I bought one more copy (2)Dont forget to buy me an MP3 (3)I remembered paying him back the money (4)Please remember to pay the money back to me (5)I regret being unable to help (6)I regret to tell you that I Cant go there with you (7)Although it started to rain,the farmers went on working in the field (8)He welcomed the new students and then went on to explain the school rules (9)We stopped talking (10)We stopped to have a restStep4Grammar 2【合作探究】-小组合作1)Pair work Finish Activity 2 on P37参考答案 (1)Being able to (2)drinking (3)Copying (4)Drawing (5)Helping (6)Spending2)【全员探究】-教师点拨 Compare the differences betweening form and to do form used as subject参考答案 (1)动名词作主语时,表示一般的,抽象概念;而动词不定式作主语,表示具体的特定情景下或有待于完成的动作。如: To finish such a long novel will take me several days(“to finish such a long novel”表示具体的、尚未完成的动作) Swimming is good for health,but to swim in such a polluted river is harmful to health(“to swim in such a polluted river”指特定情景下的动作) (2)当it为形式主语时,两者常可以互用。如: Its difficult to make the air clean Its difficult making the air clean (3)necessary,important等词后只用不定式。如: It is necessary to spend enough time on English if you want to learn it well It is important to keep our classroom clean (4)no use,no good,a waste of time后常用动名词。如: It is no use crying It is no good cheating in the exams It is a waste of time reading a silly book like thisStep 5Homework Finish the Grammar exercises in the Workbook on P8586 111


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