Module 3《Adventure in Literature and the Cinema》-Grammar学案1(外研版必修5)

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Module 3《Adventure in Literature and the Cinema》-Grammar学案1(外研版必修5)_第3页
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111Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the CinemaTeaching aim: Verb forms非谓语动词包括分词、不定式和动名词,可以担当谓语之外的多种语法功能,表达多种语义关系,是英语中使用的频率很高、综合性很强的一个语言项目。众所周知,一个句子中不能有两个或两个以上的谓语动词,除非动词为并列的谓语形式或多个谓语动词分别出现在主从复合句或并列句中。根据这个语法规则,我们可以确定所选动词该用谓语形式还是非谓语形式。1. 非谓语动词的结构与特点非谓语动词结构语法功能逻辑主语特点主动语态被动语态不定式to doto be done相当于adj. adv.和n.可作主、宾、表、定、宾补及状语句子主语或谓语动词的宾语一般表示动作的将来或同时发生to have doneto have been doneto be doing-ing形式doingbeing done相当于adj. n. adv.可作主、宾定、表、宾补及状语与句子主语一致表示动作的进行或主动having doneHaving been done-ed形式done相当于adj.和 adv.可作定、表、宾补及状语与句子主语一致表示动作的完成或被动直击高考1. Its a long time since I saw my sister. _ her this weekend? 2007 全国卷I A. Why not visit B. why not to visit C. Why not visiting D. Why dont visit2. The last one _ pays the meal. Agreed! 2007 全国卷I A. arrived B. arrives C. to arrive D. arriving 3. I smell something _ in the kitchen. Can I call you back in a minute? 2007 全国卷IA. burning B. burnt C. being burnt D. to be burnt4. At the beginning of class, the noise of desks _ could be heard outside the classroom. 07 全II A. opened and closedB. to be opened and closed C. being opened and closed D. to open and close5. After a knock at the door, the child heard his mothers voice _ him. 2007 上海卷A. callingB. calledC. being called D. to call6. There is nothing more I can try _ you to stay, so I wish you good luck. 2007 上海卷A. being persuadedB. persuadingC. to be persuaded D. to persuade7. The Town Hall _ in the 1800s was the most distinguished building at that time. 07上海A. to be completedB. having been completed C. completed D. being completed8. The country has already sent up three unmanned spacecraft, the most recent _at the end of last March. 2007 山东卷Ahas been launched Bhaving been launched Cbeing launched Dto be launched 9. Please remain _ until the plane has come to a complete stop. 2007 山东卷 Ato seal Bto be seated Cseating Dseated 10. John received an invitation to dinner, and with his work _, he gladly accepted it. 07安徽A. finished B. finishing C. having finished D. was finished11. Robert is indeed a wise man. Oh, yes. How often I have regretted _ his advice! 2007 安徽卷A. to take B. taking C. not to take D. not taking12. Excuse me sir, where is Room 301? Just a minute. Ill have Bob _you to your room. 2007 北京卷A. show B. shows C. to show D. showing13. He is a student at Oxford University, _ for a degree in computer science. 2007 北京卷A. studied B. studying C. to have studied D. to be studying14. Jenny hopes that Mr. Smith will suggest a good way to have her written English _ in a short period. 2007 福建卷A. improvedB. improvingC. to improve D. improve15. Come on, please give me some ideas about the project.Sorry. With so much work _ my mind, I almost break down. 2007 福建卷A. filledB. filling C. to fillD. being filled16. As the light turned green, I stood for a moment, not _, and asked myself what I was going to do. 2007 湖南卷A. moved B moving C. to move D. being moved 17. “Things _ never come again!” I couldnt help talking to myself. 2007 湖南卷A. lost B. losing C. to lose D. have lost 18. Can I smoke here? Sorry. We dont allow _ here. 2007 江苏卷A. people smokingB. people smoke C. to smoke D. smoking19. My parents have always made me _ about myself, even when I was twelve. 07江苏卷A. feeling wellB. feeling good C. feel well D. feel good20. He is very popular among his students as he always tries to make them _ in his lectures. 07江苏A. interestedB. interestingC. interest D. to interest 21. When asked why he went there, he said he was sent there _for a space flight. 07 江西A. training B. being trained C. to have trained D. to be trained22. _ that she didnt do a good job, I dont think I am abler than her. 2007 陕西卷A. To have saidB. Having said C. To say D. Saying23. All the staff in our company are considering _to the city centre for the fashion show. 07 上海春 Ato goBgoingCto have gone Dhaving gone24._the safety of gas, the government has checked the citys gas supply system thoroughly. 07 上海春 ATo ensure BEnsuring CHaving ensured.DTo have ensured25. She wants her paintings _in the gallery, but we don t think they would be very popular. 07上海春 AdisplayBto displayCdisplaying Ddisplayed26. Peter received a letter just now _ his grandma would come to see him soon. 07四川卷Asaid Bsays Csaying Dto say27. The flowers his friend gave him will die unless _ every day. 2007 四川卷A. watered B. watering C. water D. to water28. The glass doors have taken the place of the wooden ones at the entrance, _ in the natural light during the day. 2007 天津卷A. to let B. letting C. let D. having let29. The children talked so loudly at dinner table that I had to struggle _.2007 浙江卷A. to be heard B. to have heard C. hearing D. being heard 30. _ by a greater demand of vegetables, farmers have built more green houses. 07 浙江卷A. Driven B. Being driven C. To drive D. Having driven 31. The children went home from the grammar school, their lessons _ for the day. 07重庆A. finishing B. finished C. had finished D. were finished32. The crowd cheered wildly at the sight of Liu Xiang, who was reported _ the world record in the 110-meter hurdle race. 2007 辽宁卷A. breaking B. having broken C. to have broken D. break33. You cant imagine what difficulty we had _ home in the snowstorm. 2007 辽宁卷A. walked B. walk C. to walk D. walking08非谓语1. _ in the queen for half an hour, the old man suddenly realized he had left the cheque in the car. (2008福建) A. Waiting B. To wait C. Having Waited D. To have waited 2. Can those _ at the back of the classroom hear me? (2008福建) No problem. A. seat B. sit C. seated D. sat 3. The message is very important, so it is supposed as soon as possible. 2008陕西卷 A. to be sent B. to send C. being sent D. sending 4. _ around the Water Cube, we were then taken to see the Birds Nest for the 2008 Olympic Games. 2008陕西卷 A. Having shown B. To be shown C. Having been shownD. To show 5. _ to reach them on the phone, we sent an email instead(2008重庆) A. Fail B. Failed C. To fail D. Having failed 6. - They are quiet, arent they? - Yes. They are accustomed _ at meals. (2008江苏卷) A. to talk B. to not talk C. to talking D. to not talking 7. To learn English well, we should find opportunities to hear English _ as much as we can.(2008江苏卷) A. speak B. speaking C. spoken D. to speak 8. _ their hats into the air, the fans of the winning team let out loud shouts of victory.(08天津) A. To throw B. ThrownC. Throwing D. Being thrown 9. We had an anxious couple of weeks _ for the results of the experiment. (2008四川卷) A. wait B. to be waitingC. waited D. waiting 10. Lucys new job paid twice as much as she had made _ in the restaurant. (2008山东) A. working B. work C. to work D. worked 11. The director had her assistant _ some hot dogs for the meeting. (全国卷II) A. picked up B. picks upC. pick upD. picking up 12. I like getting up very early in summer. The morning air is so good_.(2008全国卷1) A. to be breathedB. to breatheC. breathingD. being breathed 13. He was busy writing a story, only _ once in a while to smoke a cigarette. 2008辽宁卷 A. to stopB. stopping C. to have slopped D. having stopped 14. Please remain_; the winner of the prize will be announced soon. 2008辽宁卷B A. seatingB. seated C. to seatD. to be seated 15. We finished the run in less than half the time _ .(2008江西卷C) A. allowing B. to allow C. allowedD. allows 16. _ the website of the Fire Department in your city, and you will learn a lot about firefighting. 2008湖南卷 A. Having searched B. To search C. Searching D. Search 17. The trees _ in the storm have been moved off the road. 2008湖南卷 A. being blown downB. blown down C. blowing downD to blow down 18. _ the project as planned, well have to work two more hours a day. 2008湖南卷 A. Completing B. Complete C. Completed D. To complete 19. Susan wanted to be independent of her parents. She tried _alone, but she didnt like it and moved back home. 2008湖南卷 A. living B. to liveC. to be living D. having lived 20. _ that she was going off to sleep, I asked if shed like that little doll on her bed. (08北京) A. Seeing B. To seeC. See D. Seen 21. Did the book give the information you needed? Yes. But _ it, I had to read the entire book. (2008北京卷) A. to find B. find C. to findingD. finding 22. I feel greatly honored _ into their society. (2008北京卷) A. to welcome B. welcoming C. to be welcomedD. welcomed 23. It is worth considering what makes “convenience” foods so popular, and _ better ones of your own. (2008北京卷) A. introducesB. to introduce C. introducing D. introduced 24._ in the fields on a March afternoon, he could feel the warmth of spring. (2008安徽卷) A. To walk. B. Walking C. Walked D. Having walked 25. As a new driver, I have to practise _ the car in my small garage again and again. A. parkingB. to park C. parked D. park 08上海春26. Due to the heavy rain and flooding, ten million people have been forced _their homes. 08上海春A. leaving B. to leave C. to be left D. being left 27. Throughout history, the language _ by a powerful group spreads across a civilization. 08上海春A. speaking B. spoken C. to speak D. to be spoken 28. If we have illegal immigrants _ in, many local workers will lose their jobs. 2008上海春招 A. came B. coming C. to comeD. having come 29. My sister, an inexperienced rider, was found sitting on the bicycle _ to balance it. 08上海A. having tried B. trying C. to try D. tried 30. If theres a lot of work _, Im happy to just keep on until it is finished. 2008年上海卷A. to do B. to be doingC. done D. doing 31. Something as simple as _ some cold water may clear your mind and relive pressure. 08上海A. to drink B. drinking C. to be drinking D. drunk 32. Ideally _ for Broadway theatres and Fifth Avenue, the New York Park hotel is a favorite with many guests. 2008年上海卷A. locatingB. being located C. having been located D. located 答案07 非谓语1-5 ACACA 6-10 DBCD 11-15 DABAB 16-20 BADDA 21-25 DBBAD 26-30 CABAA 31-33BCD08非谓语1-5 CCBBD 6-10 DCCDA 11-15 CBBBC 16-20 DBDAA 21-25 ACCBA 26-30 BBBBA 31-32 BD 111


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