Module 1《Small Talk》Function,Everyday English and文字素材1(外研版选修6)

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Module 1《Small Talk》Function,Everyday English and文字素材1(外研版选修6)_第1页
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Module 1《Small Talk》Function,Everyday English and文字素材1(外研版选修6)_第2页
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Module 1《Small Talk》Function,Everyday English and文字素材1(外研版选修6)_第3页
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1111. It is estimated that 80% of all conversation in English is small talk.据估计80% 的英语会话是聊天。 It is estimated that据估计 it为形式主语, 真正的主语是that引导的从句类似的结构还有:It is said that 据说It is known that 众所周知It is thought that人们认为It is believed that人们相信It is hoped that人们希望It is reported that据报道It is suggested that人们建议2. Imagine a situation where two strangers are talking to each other after someone they both know has left the room. 设想一下两个陌生人都认识的人离开房间之后他们互相交谈的情景。where引导的定语从句, situation是先行词. situation, case, point, Internet, stage等表示抽象地点的词作先行词时,如果定语从句不缺少主要成分,一般要用关系词where来引导.I can think of many cases where students knew a lot of English words and expressions but couldnt write a good essay. 我能说出许多例子,(在这些例子中)学生掌握了很多英语词汇和短语,却写不出好文章。The treatment will continue until the patient reaches the point where he can walk correctly and safely. 治疗要一直坚持到病人能够正常且安全地行走为止。It is estimated that 据估计A function is to do 作用就是establish a relationship 建立关系imagine a situation 想象一种情况Whats the purpose of .的目的是什么?continue with=go on with 继续an embarrassing silence 令人尴尬的沉默have in common 有共同点1. function n. 功能,作用the function of the nerves 神经机能the function of education 教育功能2.imagine v. (1)I cant imagine her marrying a man of that sort. 我无法想象她竟能嫁给那种人。3. purpose on purpose 故意地 for the purpose of 为了目的4. apologize apologize to sb for sth. 因为某事而向某人道歉apology n.make an apology to sb. for sth.因为某事而向某人道歉Talking about obligation or lack of obligationobligation: must do必须做 have to do不得不做(客观上的需要)lack of obligation: dont have to do dont need to do neednt do 没有必要做不必要做didnt need to do and neednt have done1. didnt need to do: 不需要做而且也没做2. neednt have done: 本不需要做而做了avoid doing sth. 避免干make friends 交朋友lack the confidence 缺乏信心(vt.)be nervous about 对紧张at a social event 在社交活动中lack:1)for lack of由于缺乏 (n.) The plants died for lack of water. 2)lack for 缺少(vi.)(通常与否定连用) She doesnt lack for friends.confidence: 1) He answered the questions with confidence.(2) I have confidence in my ability.对.有信心worry about 担心social skills 社交技能have a conversation 说话do planning 做计划do advance planning 预先计划一下advance:(1) She advanced the minute hand ten minutes. (向)前进; 她将分针调快了10分钟。(2)John worked so well that his boss advanced him to a higher position.升职(3)They advanced the date of the meeting将(日期)提前4)China has made great advances in industry. n.前进,进展,进行(5)They booked the tickets in advance.预先,事前prepare you for sth. 使你为作准备prepare to do sth. 准备干某事be prepared有备无患have/get/make ready做好准备think of想起,回忆起safe things不会出错的事情damage confidence伤害自信心a two-way process双向过程make sb. sth. 使某人成为(make you a better listener) (使你成为一个较好的听众)keep good eye contact保持得体的目光接触positive body language积极肯定的身体语言look away from. 把目光从.移开Prime Minister首相,总理a social occasion社交场合social rules社交规则in addition另外a certain colour某种颜色In addition, you need to know how long you should stay, and when you have to leave.In addition to English, he can speak two other foreign languages.impress sb. 给某人留下印象encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事smile at sb. 对某人微笑apply v.申请(1)I applied for a job as an English teacher(2)She applied to the government for financial help.她向政府申请经济援助。(3)You should apply in person/by 当面/写信申请v.对适应,适合,被适应You cant apply this rule to every case.=This rule cant be applied to every case .这个规则不能适应于所有的情况。What you said doesnt apply to me.你所说的并不适合我。apply laser to an operation应用apply oneself to “致力于”application n.申请;申请书,申请表He made an application to the club for membership.他申请加入俱乐部。reading and writing我可以请你帮点忙吗?I have a favour to ask.=May I ask a favour of you?=Will you do me a favour?=Will you do a favour for me?what sort of=what kind of什么种类的reply to a question 回答问题(正式)=answer a question (口语)in reply to. 作为对的答复make a reply答复business supplies商业必需品outspoken human being坦率的人every time每次(连词)put my foot in my mouth说错话basic rules of social communication社交的基本原则as a consequence因此make systematic mistakes犯经常的错误look awkward看起来尴尬put on weight增加体重be cautious about. 对.小心go through. 经历a messy divorce棘手的离婚cheer sb. up使某人振作起来What a coincidence真巧合be modest about. 对.谦虚discourage sb. from doing. 使某人打消做某事的念头On the anniversary of. 在.的纪念日be secretive about. 对秘而不宣ethnic background种族背景a genuine desire真实的要求be aware of知道violate private life骚扰私生活make compliments做出赞美a fabulous dress极好的衣服elderly people老人an accurate reply精确的答复show off炫耀be sensitive to. (P12) 对.敏感111


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