外研版七上Module 1 模块测试题

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Module1 My classmates一、单项选择 1.It sunny today, but it cloudy yesterday.A. is; isB. was; wasC. is; wasD. was; is 2.Tom like reading at all. He interested in playing basketball.A. doesnt; isB. doesnt; wereC. is; doesD. was; is 3.This is a girl. name is Kate. She is friend.A. Her; myB. His; youC. His; myD. My; her 4. name is Li Hong. name is Liu Fang.A. He; SheB. Her; SheC. My; HerD. His; She 5. you usually late for school?No, .A. Do; I amB. Does; notC. Are; Im notD. Are; I arent 6.How old your brother? And how old you?A. is; areB. are; isC. are; areD. is; is 7.Where you ?Im from Beijing.A. are; fromB. do; fromC. are; come 8.The man is David Smith. Smith is his name and David is his name.A. family, firstB. first, familyC. first, lastD. family, full 9.How about to the movie?OK.A. goingB. to goC. goD. went10.Hi, John! Long time no see. Very well, thanks.A. How do you do? B. Nice to meet you.C. How are you doing? D. What do you do?11.I have two friends the United States. They tall and thin.A. from; areB. from; have C. are from; areD. are from; have12.He of medium height and he curly hair.A. is; ofB. has; hasC. is; hasD. has; is13.Mr. Zhang teaches Chinese. We like class very much.A. my; herB. me; hisC. our; hisD. us; his14. bag is new and is new, too.A. Our; heB. Ours; hisC. My; hisD. My; her15.Are you a student? .A. Yes, we areB. Yes, I amC. No, we areD. No, I am二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)16. We are from China and we are C .17. Ted is an A boy; he comes from the U.S.A.18. Washington D.C. is a beautiful modern city and its the c of America.19. E in our class likes Miss Zhou, because she speaks English quite well.20. My new friend is an English boy. Hes from E .21. Wang Wei is from China. He speaks C .22. Pat is an A boy. He is from the USA.23. Jinan is the c of Shandong Province.24. Is e here today?Yes, we are.25. Brian is from the U.K. He has lived in E for twelve years.三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)26. Do you know the (首都) of America ?27. My family and I are going to (英格兰) for vacation this summer.28. People in Singapore can speak (汉语) and English.29. He is a lazy boy. He never gets good (成绩).30. (每个人) in our class likes our math teacher because he is an interesting teacher.31. All of us want to visit Beijing, the (首都) of China next week.32. My uncle has been to (英格兰) twice.33. There are (中国) restaurants in every country now.34. We study hard because we want to get good (成绩).35. (每个人) loves to have a trip there.四、完形填空 Good afternoon, everyone! Im Tom Smith. 36 is my first name. Smith is my 37 name. I am 38 student. My favorite 39 is green. My telephone number is 3563967. There are 40 numbers in it. This girl is my friend. 41 name is Linda. 42 is her favorite color. Look! Her schoolbag and jacket are red! Whats her telephone number? 43 9904732. Ms. Gao is our(我们的) English teacher. We like(喜欢) her very much. That 44 my classroom. 45 the number, please. FIVE. Yes, Im in Class(班级) Five.36.A. TomB. SmithC. Tom SmithD. Smith Tom37.A. EnglishB. cardC. lastD. middle38.A. /B. aC. anD. the39.A. mapB. cupC. colorD. school40.A. fourB. fiveC. sixD. seven41.A. MyB. YourC. HisD. Her42.A. BlueB. WhiteC. RedD. Yellow43.A. ItB. ItsC. TheyD. Theyre44.A. isB. amC. beD. are45.A. NameB. SpellC. MeetD. Phone五、阅读理解APersonality Quiz(竞答游戏) ResultsKekeXiaoxiao Have you got many friends? No Yes Do you often go to parties? No Yes Do you do your homework carefully?Yes No Do you often get good marks? Yes No Do you often help your parents do housework? No Yes Do you often go to KFC for dinner? Yes Yes Do your friends often tell you about their worries?No Yes Do you often show your different ideas in class? NoYes46. The quiz is most probably read in a .A. dictionaryB. magazineC. novelD. storybook47. From the quiz, we can know Xiaoxiao .A. is shy B. is outgoing(外向的) C. is good at lessonsD. has no friends48. Which of the following statements is TRUE?A. Xiaoxiao never goes to KFC.B. Kekes friends often ask him for help.C. Xiaoxiao often does housework at home.D. Keke often goes to parties.49. What advice would you like to give Keke?A. He should do his homework carefully.B. He should study hard.C. He shouldnt do any housework.D. He should show his ideas bravely in class.B Hello! My name is Maria Green. I come from the UK. I speak English and it is my first language. And I also know some Japanese because my mother comes from Japan(日本). I know a little German(德语), too, because its my second language at school. Next year I want to learn French and Chinese. They are interesting languages. And I think its very interesting to learn different languages. I have a pen pal in Japan. He can speak four languages, because his parents are multilingual(会说数种语言的)! He often writes to me in Japanese. Sometimes I cant understand(懂) him. And I have to ask my mother to read the letters for me.50. is Marias first language.A. EnglishB. GermanC. FrenchD. Chinese51. Marias mother comes from .A. JapanB. the UK.C. the U.S.D. Australia52. Marias pen pal can speak languages.A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four53. Maria thinks its to learn languages.A. boringB. excitedC. interestingD. tired54. Maria often asks to help read her pen pals letters.A. her motherB. her fatherC. her friendD. her classmateC Most English people have three names: a first name, a middle name and a family name. For example(例如), my full name is Ann Allan Green is my family name. Ann and Allan are my given names(名字). People dont use(不用) their middle names very much. So we can say Ann Green. We can say Miss Green or Mrs. Green. But we cant say Miss Ann or Mrs. Ann. Its different from(不同于) Chinese. In China the first name is the family name and the last(最后) name is the given name.55. In China, the first name is the .A. give nameB. family nameC. middle name56. In English-speaking countries, the first name is the .A. given nameB. family nameC. middle name57. In England, the last name is the .A. given nameB. middle nameC. family name58. The boys name is John Allan King, you can say .A. Mr JohnB. Mr AllanC. Mr King59. The teachers name is Mary Joan Read, you can say .A. Miss ReadB. Miss MaryC. Miss JoanDDear Daming, Thanks for your email. And thank you for introducing your Chinese friend Wang Fang to me. You are the cleaning monitor for this term. Thats good. Work hard! Try to help your teacher. My classmates choose me as the P.E. monitor in our class because I run very fast. My P.E. teacher and my classmates like me. They also want me to organize the P.E. Club. I think that is a good idea. We can play basketball or football at weekends. Please send some of your photos to me.Yours,Mike 60. Daming is the for this term.A. P.E. monitorB. cleaning monitorC. class monitorD. studying monitor61. Mike is the P.E. monitor because he .A. plays basketball well B. enjoys sportsC. does well at school D. runs very fast62. The underlined word organize means in Chinese.A. 参加B. 组织C. 举办D. 计划63. Mike asks Daming to .A. write an email to him soon B. send some photos to himC. join the P.E. Club with him D. introduce some Chinese friends to him64. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Wang Fang is Damings friend.B. This email is from Mike to Daming.C. Mike feels happy to organize the P.E. Club.D. Mike wants to join the P.E. Club because he wants to play tennis.六、阅读与表达(判断式) A South Korea company showed a new kind of video, which is the worlds first watch-shaped mobile video phone. The 3G watch phone model has a touch-screen dialing system with a camera and a speaker to let users make video calls over a high speed Internet connection. The phone also recognizes voices, transforms text to speech, and plays MP3 music. The product has a 3.63 cm2 screen and is 13.9 millimeters thick. The company plans to sell the mobile video phone in European markets sometime in 2009. 根据短文内容,判断正误,正确的为T,错误的为F。65. The mobile video phone is invented in Europe.66. The users of 3G watch phone can enjoy music with the phone.67. People can see each other when they make phone calls by using 3G watch phone.68. The screen of this kind of mobile video phone is 13.9 cm2.69. You can buy the new product in China in 2009.七、补全对话(选择) (Li Kai-L; Ma Jun-M; Peter-P)L:70. M: Hello, Li Kai.L: How are you?M: 71. How are you, Li Kai?L: Im fine, too. 72. M: Good morning, Peter. 73. P: Good morning, Ma Jun.M: Nice to meet you!P: 74. A. Hello, Peter! B. This is my friend, Peter.C. Good afternoon, Li Kai! D. Hello, Ma Jun!E. Nice to meet you too. F. Im Ma Jun.G. Fine, thank you答案一、单项选择 1. C 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. C 6. A 7. A 8. A 9. A10. C11. A12. C13. D14. C15. B二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)16. Chinese 17. American 18. Capital 19. Everyone 20. England21. Chinese 22. American 23. Capital 24. everybody/everyone 25. England三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)26. Capital 27. England 28. Chinese 29. Grades 30. Everyone31. Capital 32. England 33. Chinese 34. Grades 35. Everyone四、完形填空36. A37. C38. B39. C40. D41. D42. C43. B44. A45. B五、阅读理解46. B47. B48. C49. D50. A51. A52. D53. C54. A55. B56. A57. C58. C59. A60. B61. D62. B63. B64. D六、阅读与表达(判断式)65. F66. T67. T68. F69. F七、补全对话(选择)70. D71. G72. B73. F74. E


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