Unit 2 Section A 1a-2d教案

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Unit 2Section A (1a-2d)一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标:1) 能掌握对家庭成员的称呼的词汇及指示代词:sister, father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, brother, parent (s), grandparent (s), who, they, this, that, these, those 2)能掌握以下句型: This/That is his sister. These/Those are his parents. Whos she? Shes my sister. Is this/that your sister? Yes, she is./No, she isnt. Are these/those your parents? Yes, they are./No, they arent.3) 掌握指示代词this, that, these, those及它们所构成的介绍他人的句型。4) 能运用所学的词汇及句型介绍自己的家庭成员。2. 情感态度价值观目标:让学生知道他们应当尊敬自己的父母、祖父母及其他家庭成员,在家庭中应多帮助父母做力所能及家务劳动。通过学习对自己的家庭成员会有更清晰的印象,学会与家庭成员和睦相处,从而激发起他们对家人的热爱。二、教学重难点1. 教学重点:1)the names of family members. 2)The usage of demonstratives pronouns: this, that, these, those 2. 教学难点:1) the plural forms of the demonstratives pronouns.2) Train Ss ability to apply what theyve learned to their daily life.三、教学过程. Warming-up and revision 1. Greetings T: How are you? Whats your name? Nice to meet you! Whats your telephone number? etc. 2 . Let some students show their ID card. T: Whats your first name? Whats your last name? Whats your telephone number? 3. Let Ss introduce their ID card information to class. My first name is My last name is My telephone number is. Presentation1. Show Ss a piece of video “家有儿女”. T: (show Xia Yus photo) Whats his name?Ss: His name is Xia Yu.T: We know Xia Yu has a happy Family. Now lets come into his family. Who is this?Ss: This is Xia Xue.T: Xia Xue is Xia Yus?Ss: Sister.T: Good! Who can spell sister?T: Read after me, sister. (Ask a group of Ss to read the word)2. Show Ss another photos and teach the new words by the same way. (Bb: brother, father, mother, parent (s), grandfather, grandmother, grandparent (s) )T: Now lets chant. Father, father, this is father. Mother, mother, that is mother. Grandfather, grandfather. Grandmother, grandmother. Parents, parents, these are my parents. Brother, sister, those are my friends.3. Work on 1a. Let Ss look at the picture in 1a. Then read the words on the left side. Then match the words with the people in the picture. Check the answers with the class: 1. a 2. d 3. b 4. h 5. f 6. e 7. i 8. d 9. g. Listening T: A boy is talking about his family. Who is he talking about? Now listen and circle the people the boy talks about. Ss: OK. (Play the recording of 1b twice. Students work.) T: Whats the answer? S: Two brothers and a sister. . Pair work 1. Role-play the conversation in 1a. Ss work in pairs. Role-play the conversation. Try to remember the sentence structure: This is ; That is; These are; Those are Whos she/he? Shes/Hes 2. Look at the picture in 1a. Talk about the other people in the picture with your partner. Using the sentence structure: This is ; That is; These are; Those are Whos she/he? Shes/Hes 3. Let some pairs act out their conversation. . Listening1. T: Here are two girls. They are talking about the family members. Please listen to the recording of 2a in Section A and circle the family members you hear.First lets read the words in the box together. mother father sister brothergrandmother grandfather friend grandparentsSS: OK. (Read the words together. Then play the recording of 2a twice. Students work.) T: Check the answer. (Ask two students to say the answers.) 2. Listen and match.T: Now lets look at the photo of this family. We know this is Jenny. But we dont know who is Bob, who is Jack, who is Linda, who is John and who is Mary. Lets listen and find them.(Play the recording of 2b. Students work.)T: Who find them? (Many students may say they do. Choose two of them to answer.) . Pair workT: You come to this home. You see a picture on the wall. There are many people in the picture. You want to know who they are. Use “Whos she/he? Shes/Hes” to find them, please. When you finish, change roles to do it. Now begin. (Students work. Teacher walks round the classroom to see how they are doing and helps the students who need.)来源:Z#xx#k.ComT: Lets check your work, please.SS: OK. (Ask one pair to do it.)S1: Whos she?S2: Shes Jenny.S1: Whos he?S2: Hes John. (Ask two more pairs to do it.) . Role-play1. Now look at the picture in 2d. This is Janes family. Read the conversation first. Then look at the picture and guess who they are. (Ss read the conversation then guess who the people are. They can discuss in pairs.) 2. Let some students introduce the people in the picture. They can say: This/That is These/Those are 3. Let Ss read the conversation after the teacher aloud. Then work in groups of three. Practice the conversation. They may change roles as they like. 4. Ask some pairs to act out the dialogue in front of the class.5. 评价:让学生们对自己的表现及语言表达能力进行自我评价,在小组内评价,然后进行评出最优秀的小组。并鼓励学生们下一次争取做最优秀的小组及个人。教师对学生们的相互评价及表现记录在学生评价表上。(学生从心理年龄及认知水平上都处于很单纯、好表现的时期 , 因此恰当的评价能激发他们的学习兴趣,有利于形成良好的学习习惯。)Homework: 1. Remember the new words. 2. Collect a family photo. Introduce your family members in the photo. 板书设计:Section A (1a-2d) 1. sister, father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, brother, parent (s), grandparent (s), 2. who, they, this, that, these, those 3. 1a: 1. a 2. d 3. b 4. h 5. f 6. e 7. i 8. d 9. g3. This/That is These/Those are4. Whos she/he? She/He is5. This is Sally. This is Jane. This is Kate. Those are her parents. That is her brother, Paul. 5


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