2013届高考英语一轮复习课时作业4:Unit 4《Earthquakes》(新人教版必修1福建专用)

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2013届高考英语一轮复习课时作业4:Unit 4《Earthquakes》(新人教版必修1福建专用)_第1页
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2013届高考英语一轮复习课时作业4:Unit 4《Earthquakes》(新人教版必修1福建专用)_第2页
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2013届高考英语一轮复习课时作业4:Unit 4《Earthquakes》(新人教版必修1福建专用)_第3页
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111课时作业(四)必修1Unit 4 Earthquakes限时:35分钟 .单项填空12011上海卷 After getting lost in a storm, a member of the navy team _ four days later.Arescued Bwas rescuedChas rescued Dhad been rescued2What does the notice say?All the storytellers should meet at the same hall _ won the first three prizes.Awhat Bas Cwho Dwhich 3The number of people invited _ fifty, but a number of them _ not seen at the meeting.Awas; were Bwas; wasCwere; was Dwere; were4We cant have lunch at the restaurant, because _.Aall of us dont have moneyBnot all of us have moneyCeveryone of us dont have moneyDnone of us have money5Hi,Maria! I got the first place in the exam._! Everyone knows you cheated and you just copied Tonys paper.ACongratulations BCome onCGood luck DCheer up6Our team will play against the Rockets this weekend. Im sure well win._!ACheers BGood luckCCongratulations DGo ahead7After graduation Id like to find a job _ I can use what I have learnt at school.Awhose Bwhich Cwhere Dthat8The sports meeting of our school will be held next month.Which_ are you going to enter for?Aaffairs BeventsCmatters Dprograms9His sudden _ of violent anger put an unpleasant end to the meeting.Abreak Bburst Cattack Dexpress10Let me congratulate _ you _ the birth of your daughter.Ato; for B/; on Con; for D/; for11As he _ in the river for five hours, the thief looked very pale and hopeless.Atrapped Bhas been trappedCtrapping Dhad been trapped12Although he was disabled when he was only ten years of age, yet he aimed _, for which his classmates spoke _ of him.Ahigh; high Bhighly; highlyChighly; high Dhigh; highly13_ from what he said, he must be an honest man.ATo judge BJudgingCBeing judged DJudged14This information allows businessmen to keep_ of their list of goods by showing which items are being sold and how fast they are moving.Asight Btrack Ctouch Dsign15How do you find the new book by Mary?_. I think reading it is a complete waste of time.AVery good BBy accidentCIn the library DVery boring.完形填空The Foreign Ministry on May 19,2008 opened a book of condolences(吊唁簿) for foreign diplomats(外交官) to express their sympathies for the _16_ of the Sichuan earthquake. It_17_ open for three days, until the _18_ of the national mourning(全国哀悼). Ambassadors and diplomats _19_ more than 150 countries and international organizations on May 19,2008 _20_ to sign the book and _21_ their heads at a mourning board.The diplomats also expressed their _22_ for the Chinese government, the PLA and the Chinese people in _23_ the disaster.Coffie Alain N. Papatchi, the Ivory Coasts ambassador to China, was the first _24_ the book of condolences,_25_ Jorge Eugenio Guajardo Gonzalez, the Mexican ambassador, led embassy_26_ in paying their respects.Nirupama Rao, the Indian ambassador,_27_ arrived back in Beijing after _28_ quakehit areas, was also _29_.Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi _30_ the visitors and expressed his _31_ for their friendship and support.The foreign ministrys overseas _32_ also on May 19,2008 opened books of condolences and flew the Chinese flag at halfmast.As of May 18,2008, the leaders of 166 countries and heads of more than 30 international organizations had offered _33_ condolences(哀悼) to China.As well as sending _34_ teams to the country, the international community has _35_ $246 million by May 20,2008. 16A.victims Bpeople Csoldiers Dwounded17A.left BmaintainedCexpanded Dremained18A.permission BdecisionCconclusion Dcelebration19A.off Bin Cfrom Dto20A.signed up Blined upCmade up Dstood up21A.bowed Blifted Cshook Dhit 22A.desire Brespect Cunderstanding Dsupport23A.connecting with Bdealing withCarguing with Dbeginning with 24A.to design Bto resignCto sign Dto respect25A.while Bwhen Cas Dfor 26A.crew Bteam Cfaculty Dstaff27A.which Bwho Cthat Dwhom 28A.visiting BdescribingCrescuing Dscanning29A.consistent BabsentCpresent Dcontent 30A.received Bmade Cled Ddirected 31A.attitude BaltitudeClatitude Dgratitude32A.organizations BgovernmentCcountry Dmissions 33A.our Btheir Chis Dher 34A.chief Bbelief Crelief Dbrief35A.made Bdonated Cgave Dcollected .阅读理解Nuclear radiation from power plant leaks and bomb tests resulted in millions of fewer baby girls born worldwide, according to a new study.Scientists noted these types of atmospheric blasts rather than ontheground incidents like Chernobyl(切尔诺贝利), effected birth gender across the globe.Scientists at Helmholtz Zentrum Mnchen, Germany, analysed population data from 1975 to 2007 for the US. and 39 European countries.There was an increase in the number of baby boys relative to girls in all of the countries from 1964 to 1975. This was the case in many eastern European countries for several years after 1986.Scientists are putting the first spike down to the atomic bomb tests of the 1960s and 1970s where radioactive atoms were blasted into the atmosphere. Air currents caught these atoms and then distributed them around the world.They think the second spike is due to the 1986 Chernobyl disaster in which the reactor exploded in the Ukraine(乌克兰)The effects of Chernobyl were felt locally and no effect was seen in the US., probably because it was too far from the disaster to have an effect.“The closer the country was to Chernobyl, the stronger the effect,” said study coauthor Hagen Scherb, a biostatistician(生物统计学家) at the German Research Center for Environmental Health in Munich.More males were born relative to females in Belarusthe Ukraines neighbourthan in France.The study is based largely on Cold Warera statistics, but the findings are highly relevant for how gender could be affected after future nuclear disasters.And in the wake of Japans Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident experts are predicting another baby boy boom could come, especially on the US. West Coast.Previous radiation experiments on animals may give a clue for the increase in male births. Tests showed that radiation caused damage to the X chromosome(染色体) in sperm, Dr Scherb said.A human sperm cell contains either an X or Y chromosome, while an egg only has an X chromosome. An XY combination will become a boy, while an XX combination will be a girl.36How many nuclear radiation accidents are mentioned in the passage?A1.B2.C3.D4.37Which of the following is true according to the passage?AThe ontheground incidents like Chernobyl, effected birth gender across the globe.BThere was an increase in the number of baby boys in many eastern European countries for several years after 1986.CThe Japans nuclear accident will not effect the birth gender of the US. because of the long distance.DWhere radioactive material has spread, women cant give birth to children.38How does radiation effect birth gender?AIt damages the Y chromosome in sperm.BIt stops X chromosomes and Y chromosomes combining.CIt kills baby girls before they are born.DIt damages the X chromosome in sperm.39What does the passage mainly tell us?ANuclear age has led to millions of fewer baby girls being born.BNuclear radiation has bad effects upon peoples health.CWorries about radiation risks.DNuclear age helps reduce the world population.短文填词阅读下面短文,根据以下提示:1)汉语提示,2)首字母提示,3)语境提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的英语单词,并将该词完整地写在下边相对应的横线上。所填单词要求意义准确,拼写正确。Dear Li Hua,Congratulations! We are pleased to tell you that you have won the high school speaking _40_ (竞赛) about new Tangshan. Your speech was heard by a group of five j_41_, all of whom _42_(同意) that it was the best one this year. Your parents and your school should be very _43_ of you!In 2013 the city will open a new park to h_44_ those who died in the terrible disaster. The park will also show respect _45_ those who helped the _46_ (幸存者). Our office would like to have you speak to the park v_47_ on July 28 at 11:00 am. _48_ you know, this is the day the quake happened over thirty years ago.We i_49_ you to bring your family and friends on that special day.Sincerely,Zhang Sha40_41._42._43._44_45._46._47._48_49._答案课时作业(四).1.B句意为:海军中的一员在四天后被救了。这里只是对过去事实的描述,所以用一般过去时。2C在交际用语中考查分隔式定语从句的引导词。代替指人的先行词All the storytellers,在从句中作主语,所以用who。3Athe number of “的数量”,修饰可数名词,谓语动词用单数;a number of “许多,很多”,后接可数名词复数形式,作主语时谓语动词用复数。4D句意:我们不能在饭店吃午餐,因为没有一个人带钱。这里要用完全否定,故选D项。A、B项都是部分否定;C项形式不对。5B考查交际用语。根据答语的后一句可知答话人认为对方虽然在考试中得了第一名,但是名不副实,此处come on意为“得了吧”,表示知道某人所说的话不正确,符合语境。6B考查交际用语。对方的队要和别人进行比赛,说话人应表示良好的祝愿,因此用Good luck。7C考查定语从句的用法。句意:毕业后我想找一份能把我在学校学的知识用上的工作。在这里a job是先行词,I can use what I have learnt at school是定语从句,在定语从句中缺少地点状语in the job。故选C项。8B考查名词辨析。这几个词中只有event可以作“比赛项目”讲。句意为:校运动会下个月就要举行了,你打算报名参加哪些项目呢?9B考查名词辨析。句意为:他的突然发怒,使会议不愉快地结束了。burst在这里强调的是感情的突然释放或突然迸发。干扰项express作名词时,意为“快车,快递”,没有“表情”之意。10Bcongratulate sb. on (doing)sth 表示“祝贺某人某事”,其中介词 on 不能换成介词for。11D考查时态和语态。句意为:被困在河里五个小时,小偷看上去很苍白无望。be trapped in“被困在”。从主句的时态和整个语境看,此处应用过去完成时的被动语态。12D考查副词辨析。high表示具体高度; highly则表示抽象意义,此处二者均为副词。句意为:尽管他左十岁时就残疾了,然而他目标很高,他的同学对此评价很高。13B考查judge的用法。judging from是固定用法,常用作插入语。句意为:根据他所说的话判断,他一定是一个诚实的人。14. B考查名词辨析和常用搭配。keep track of为固定短语,表示“跟踪,追踪,了解”。15D考查交际用语。问句问的是对玛丽的新书的看法,故排除B、C;结合第二句答语可知,Very boring “非常乏味”适合作答语。.汶川地震发生后,来自世界150多个国家的驻华使节和国际组织代表陆续抵达外交部,在吊唁簿上签名留言,向中国政府和人民表示深切同情和诚挚慰问,对地震中的罹难者表示沉痛哀悼,还表达了他们对中国政府、军队以及中国人民对抗震救灾的支持。我驻外使馆也开展了一系列悼念活动。除了慰问外,国际组织还进行了捐款。16A由上文的“a book of condolences(吊唁簿)”和下文的“the national mourning(全国哀悼)”可以看出,这里要表达的意思是:各国外交使节到外交部对地震中的罹难者表示沉痛哀悼。victim意思是“牺牲者,罹难者”。the wounded(受伤者)有很大的干扰性,但不符合上下文语境。17Dremain和形容词连用,意思是“保持某个状态”,强调继续停留于一处或保持原状态。而最大的干扰项是maintain “维持;保持;使继续”,但该词是及物动词,后面要加宾语。18Cconclusion用作名词,意思是“结束”。外交部举行的此次悼念活动将持续三天,直到全国哀悼日结束为止。如果不注意一词多义现象,忽略了conclusion还可以指“结束”,就很容易误选其他选项。19C句意为:来自150多个国家和国际组织的大使及外交官from意思是“来自”。20B150多个国家和国际组织的驻华使节排队在留言簿上签名,表达他们的哀悼之情。所以只有line up “排成行,排成列”符合语境。sign up “签约”; make up “编造”; stand up “起立”。21A这里要表达的意思是,这些外交官员,向我们的遇难同胞低头致哀。bow ones head意思是“向低头”。22Dsupport “支持,支援”。这些外交官还表达了他们对中国政府、军队以及中国人民处理灾难的支持。understanding(理解,了解)有很大的干扰性,但不符合他们积极捐款捐物支援我国灾区的事实,所以应该排除。23Bdeal with在这里表示“处理,应对”。24Cthe first to sign the book of condolences意思是“第一个在吊唁簿上签名留言,向中国政府和人民表示深切同情和诚挚慰问”的人。design “设计,策划”; resign “辞职”;sign “签名;在签字”;respect “尊敬,尊重”。25Awhile “而,然而”,表示对比。26Dstaff “全体员工”。墨西哥大使率领所有的大使馆工作人员参加了悼念活动,以表尊重。crew “全体船员”,不符合语境。27B代替表示人的先行词,在从句中作主语,引导一个非限制性定语从句,所以只能用关系代词who。28A这里指的是该大使刚刚视察完灾区。所以要用visit。describe “描述”; rescue “营救,援救”; scan “浏览,细看”。29C刚从灾区返回的印度大使也出席了悼念活动。因为前文介绍的都是出席悼念活动的大使们,结合空前的also,所以应选“present(出席的)”作表语。consistent “一致的,始终如一的”;absent “缺席的”;content “甘愿的,满意的”。30Areceive在这里表示“接待或欢迎客人或来访者”。句意为:外交部长杨洁篪接待了来宾,并表达了对外宾们友谊和支持的感激之情。31Dgratitude “感激之情”。对于来慰问我们遇难同胞的友人的友谊和支持,自然应该是心存感激。 attitude “态度”;latitude “纬度”;altitude “海拔”。32Dmission “大使馆”。上文介绍的是外交部在国内举办的悼念活动,各国驻华大使前去签名悼念。这里介绍的是我驻外使馆开展的悼念活动。句意为:外交部驻外使馆也开展悼念活动,并降半旗致哀。33B此处所填的词指代的是“the leadersand heads”,且限定中心词condolences,所以要用their。句意为:已有166个国家元首和30 多个国际组织的代表向中国表达了他们的哀悼。34C这里要表达的意思是:除了派救济(relief)队到我们国家外,国际组织到2008年5月20日已经捐款246,000,000美元(支援中国灾区)。relief此处意为“救济”;chief “首领”;belief “信条,信念”;brief “简洁的”。35Bdonate意为“捐赠,捐献”,一般要接表示具体物体、金钱的名词。句意见上一题。.根据一项新研究,实验表明核辐射会对精子的X染色体造成损害。核电站核泄漏事故和炸弹试验释放的放射性物质导致全世界女婴出生数量减少了数百万。36B细节理解题。文章提到了1986年的Chernobyl 事故;2011年的Japans Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident。37B细节判断题。由第四段可知B项正确。由第二段可知A项错误;由倒数第三段可知C项错误;D项文章没提到。38D细节理解题。由倒数第二段可知“核辐射会对精子的X染色体造成损害。” 也就是说 D项正确。39A主旨大意题。通读全文可知, 这是一篇科普类的说明文。文章开篇点题,向我们说明了文章的主要内容:根据一项新研究,核电站核泄漏事故和炸弹试验释放的放射性物质导致全世界女婴出生数量减少了数百万。由此可见A项最能概括全文。.40.competition41.judges42.agreed43.proud44honor45.for46.survivors47.visitors48.As49invite111

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