2012届高考英语一轮复习教案:6.4《Global warming》(人教版选修6)

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111Unit 4Global warming教 材 面 面 观单词拓展1._vt.消费;消耗;耗尽;吃完_n消费者;用户_n消费(量);消耗_adj.消费的;消耗性的2_adj.胡乱的;任意的_adv.胡乱地3_vi.同意;捐赠;订阅vt.(签署)文件;捐助_n签署者;预订者;认购者_n签署;同意;赞助4_n量;数量_n质量5_vi.趋向;易于;照顾vt.照顾;护理_n服侍;照料;看护_n趋向;趋势;倾向6_n大灾难;浩劫7_vt.反对;反抗;与(某人)较量_adj.反对的;对应的_adj.对面的;相对的prep.在对面_n反对;反抗;相反;对应8_n结果;后果;影响_adj.作为结果的;随之发生的_adv.因而;所以9_vt.陈述;说明_n陈述;声明;声明书10_adj.平衡的;持续的;稳固的_adv.平稳地;稳固地11_adj.平均的_adv.平均地12_vt.拥护;提倡;主张_n提倡者;拥护者13_adj.随便的;漫不经心的;偶然的_adv.随便地;偶然地_n伤亡;受害者14_vt.使恢复;使振作_adj.使精神振作的;使人耳目一新的_n恢复;爽快;茶点;点心15_n分歧;不一致_vi.不同意;不一致_adj.不合宜的;不爽快的;难相处的短语回顾1.come_发生;造成2go_ 上升;增长;升起3be_to 反对4keep_ 继续5_average 平均来看_/_average 低于/高于平均水平6put up_ 忍受;容忍7_of 大量的8result_ 导致9on_of 代表一方;作为 的代言人10so_as 只要句型背诵1._ _ _ _ _the earth is becoming warmer and that.毫无疑问,地球正在变暖,而且2_ _we start reducing the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases,the climate.即使我们开始减少二氧化碳及其他温室气体的含量,气候3As Im not sure_ _ _with my project,I would.因为我还不清楚我该从哪里着手开始我的研究,所以我会自我诊断单词拓展1consume;consumer;consumption;consumptive2.random;randomly3.subscribe;subscribe;subscription4.quantity;quality5.tend;tendance;tendency6.catastrophe7oppose;opposed;opposite;opposition8.consequence;consequent;consequently9.state;statement10.steady;steadily11.average;averagely12.advocate;advocator13.casual;casually;casualty14.refresh;refreshing;refreshment15disagreement;disagree;disagreeable短语回顾1about2.up3.opposed4.on5.on;below;above6.with7.quantities8.in9.behalf10.long句型背诵1There is no doubt that2.Even if3.where to start考 点 串 串 讲重点单词1.state vt.陈述;说明The writer stated his views in his latest book.那位作者在最近出版的书中阐明了他的观点。I heard the official stated that no children were to be admitted.我听见那位官员说不接纳儿童。用法拓展state n还可以表示“状态,状况;国家,政府;州,邦”adj.表示“政府的,国家的”statement n陈述,说明stately adj.庄严的;威严的;堂皇的stateless adj.(指人)无国籍的;无公民身份的statesman n政治家(尤指贤明公正的)state ones views说明自己的见解in a state of.处于状态中She was in a terrible state when we arrived.我们到达时,她情绪很不好。The head of state played a key role in politics.国家元首在政治上起关键作用。He has publicly stated his support for the policy.他已公开声明支持那项政策。The railways were once privately owned,but are now under state control.铁路一度是属于私营,但现在归国家管制。The president made a statement of his aims.总统提出了他的目标。How many states are there in the US?美国有多少个州?易混辨析state,condition和situation这三个词都可以表示“状态,情形”。state表示“状态、状况、情形”时,只用单数形式,强调内在状态。condition表示“条件、前提”是可数名词;表示“环境、情况、状况”常用复数;表示身体状况,用作不可数名词。in/out of condition健康状况好/不好;improve prison conditions改善监狱的条件。situation表示“位置、地点;形势、处境、局面”。The building is in a bad state.那座建筑情况很糟。Mary is in a poor state of health.玛丽的健康状况不好。Its hard to seek a highpaid job under the present situation.在目前形势下很难找到一份薪水很高的工作。即境活用单项填空School children must be taught how to deal with dangerous_.AstatesBconditionsCsituations Dpositions答案:C句意为:必须教给学生怎样处理危险处境。situations情形;states状态,情形;conditions状况,条件;positions位置,地位,状况。2tend vi.趋于;易于;照顾vt.照顾;护理People under stress tend to express their full range of potential.处于压力下的人容易发挥自己全部的潜力。My job is to tend the sick.我的工作是护理病人。All the evidences tend to the same conclusion.所有证据都趋向同一结论。用法拓展tend常与介词to连用,表示“有某种倾向;有的趋势”。Boys tend to be bigger than girls.男孩的个子往往比女孩高大。My composition shows a tendency to improve.我的作文显示出改善的趋向。即境活用单项填空Todays _ is towards less formal clothing for the youth.AattendanceBtendencyCidea Dconsequence答案:B3oppose vt.反对;反抗;与(某人)较量Many people opposed the idea of building a new high way because of the great cost.由于需要巨额开支的原因,许多人反对另修一条新公路的主意。用法拓展(1)opposed adj.反对的;对立的(2)be opposed to反对(3)oppose oneself to sth.反对某事(4)opposition n反对,对立,抵抗,敌对(5)opposite adj.相反的,对面的;n.对立的事物;adv.在对面,在相反的位置(6)oppositepzitprep.在对面(7)on the opposite side of在的对面(8)be the opposite of的反义词(9)be opposite to在对面,和相反We are firmly opposed to the practice of power politics between nations.我们坚决反对国与国之间实行强权政治。The bank is opposite the supermarket.银行在超市对面。Our school is on the opposite side of the street.我们学校在街道对面。Hot is opposite to cold.Hot is the opposite of cold.热与冷相反。即境活用单项填空I find myself in _ to him on the matter of buying a big TV set.AoppositionBexistenceCpresence Dpossession答案:A4average adj.平均的What is the average rainfall for August in your country?你们国家八月份的平均降雨量是多少?In an average week I drive about 250 miles.一般我每周开车250英里。用法拓展(1)average adj.普通的;中等的;一般的(2)average n平均;平均数;平均水平(3)average vt.算出的平均数;将平均分配(4)above/below the average一般水准以上/下(5)up to the average达到一般水准(6)on (an/the) average平均而言;通常;按平均(7)the average of.的平均数(8)average (sth.) out平均数为;算出的平均数(9)an average rate/cost/price平均比率/成本/价格(10)an average of.的平均数Id say he was of average height.我或许可以说他是中等身材。The average of 4, 8 and 60 is 24.4、8和60的平均数是24。House prices have gone up by an average of 2%.房价平均上涨了2%。Susies school work is well above average.苏西的学习成绩远远高于平均水平。On average men smoke more cigarettes than women.平均来看,男子比女子吸烟多。I averaged out the total increase at about 10%.我算出总增长平均为10%左右。即境活用单项填空Its not easy for a student of _ intelligence to meet the requirements of a world leading university.AaverageBnaturalCmiddle Dregular答案:A5existence n生存;存在Do you believe in the existence of ghosts?你相信有鬼吗?This is the oldest Hebrew manuscript in existence.这是现存最古老的希伯来语手稿。归纳延伸come into existence开始存在;形成bring into existence使产生;使成立exist vi.存在;生存exist in存在exist on靠活下去;靠生存They cant exist on the money hes earning.他们靠他挣得那点钱无法维持生活。即境活用改写同义句People believe that there is only one copy of the book in the world.It _ that this is the only copy of the book _.He discovered that there were some rare birds on the island.He discovered _ some rare birds on the island.答案:is believed; in existencethe existence of6steady adj. 坚定的;稳定的;不变的;扎实的;从容的;沉着的;镇定的The desk isnt steady.这张课桌不稳固。The boy is making steady progress in his learning.男孩在学习中不断进步。Her brother is a steady young man.她哥哥是个稳健的年轻人。归纳延伸steady steps 稳健的步伐steady faith坚定的信念a steady friendship牢固的友谊a steady wind持续而不变的风a steady income稳定的收入steadily adv.坚定地,稳定地,坚固地steadiness n稳固,稳定,不变即境活用翻译句子我知道她意志坚定。_完成句子战争的威胁正在一步步地临近。The threat of war is coming _ nearer to home.市场的稳定应归功于政府的干预。The _ of the market is due to the governments intervention.答案:I know she is steady in her purpose.steadilysteadiness7glance vi.看一下;扫视 n一瞥He glanced at his watch and got up quickly.他瞥了一眼手表,迅速起床了。用法拓展glance at/over/through浏览;匆匆地看一眼glance off擦过;掠过at a glance一眼;立刻at first glance乍一看;乍看之下take/have/cast a glance at匆匆看一遍,浏览steal a glance偷偷看一眼Could you glance through this letter and see if its all right?请你浏览一下这封信,看看内容是否合适好吗?He often glances over newspapers at tea.他常常边吃茶点边浏览报纸。易混辨析stare,glare与glance这组词都有“看”的意思。stare指由于生气、害怕或吃惊而睁大眼睛注视某事物,特别表示“睁大眼睛凝视”。glare指怒目而视。glance指扫视、瞥一眼。The noble stared at the blank sheet of paper for a few seconds.那位贵族对那张空白纸凝视了几秒钟。He glared angrily at her but did not say a word.他怒视着她,却一言不发。Dont glance left and right.不要左顾右盼。即境活用单项填空She_shyly at the young fellow from behind his fans.Aglanced BglimpsedCglared Dstared答案:B8range n种类;范围;幅度用法拓展range v(在一定范围内)变动,变化;排列,排序in the range of.在之间beyond/out of ones range超出某人的范围;超出某人所知within/outside the range of.在范围之内/外range from.to.从到之间变化range between.and.在到之间即境活用单项填空What is the cost of your shirts here,sir?It depends on which fashion you want to buy,and the prices_from 100 dollars to 500 dollars.Aincrease BrangeCreach DdifferentGrades would_from one or two,for outstanding or excellent,to six or seven,for poor or very poor.Asuffer BdifferCcome Drange答案:B本题考查动词辨析。A项为“增加,增长”;C项为“到达,达到”;D项为形容词,不能充当谓语;B项为“分布,在范围内排列”。本处意为:价格在100美元到500美元之间。故选B项。Dsuffer from“遭受,忍受”;differ from“与不同”;come from“来自于”;range from A to B/between A and B“在A、B之间变化或变动”。句意为:各年级分组将从一两个杰出或优秀的到六七个差的或者很差的。重点短语1.come about发生;变方向;造成Ill never understand how it came about that you were an hour late on such a short journey.我真不明白这么短的路程你怎么会迟到一个小时。The wind has come about to the north.风转向北吹。It came about in this way.它就是这样发生的。用法拓展How does it come about that.?是怎样发生的?How is it that.?How come that.?come across偶遇,穿越,被理解come out出来;出版;结果是come up上来;被提出讨论;发芽come round顺道拜访;苏醒易混辨析take place,come about,happen,occur与break out五者都有“发生”之意,并且都用作不及物动词,即无被动语态。take place强调必然性或按事先的安排而发生。happen,come about多为偶然发生。break out多指战争、火灾、地震、疾病等的突然发生。occur多指意想不到的事情的发生。即境活用单项填空When did that book_?Acome off Bcome outCcome round Dcome trueHow is Dennis getting along with his work?Well,he can always_a new idea for increasing sales.Acome up with Bcome aboutCget away with Dget up翻译句子那起交通事故是如何发生的?_答案:BAHow did that traffic accident come about?2make a difference产生差别;有影响;有重要作用Does his absence make a difference to your work?假如没有他,对你的工作会有影响吗?It will make a difference whether you go today or tomorrow.你今天去还是明天去,这是不一样的。He wanted his work to make a difference,and it did.他希望自己的作品与众不同,并且他的作品真的不同凡响。用法拓展make some/no/any/not much/a great deal of difference颇有、没有、有些、没有多大、有很大重要性make sense of明白,理解make sense讲得通;有意义Does it make any difference whether he comes or not?他来不来关系重大吗?即境活用单项填空When shall I go there?It_whether you go today or tomorrow.Amade no differenceBmade no senseCmakes no differenceDmakes no senseCan you_the poem?If you can,please explain it to me.Amake senseBmake a differenceCmake sense ofDmake any difference翻译句子有人认为,上不上大学关系不大。_答案:CCIn someones opinion,it makes no difference whether to go to university or not.3keep on继续We kept on working in the field in spite of the rain.尽管下雨,我们还是坚持在地里劳动。用法拓展keep常见词组如下:keep oneself/sb. from sth./doing sth.使自己(某人)不能做某事keep sth. from sb.不将某事告诉某人keep off(sb./sth.)不接近/不接触某人/事keep a record(of)登记,记录keep back保留,阻止keep(on)doing不断做,反复做keep fit保持健康keep to固守,坚持keep up with跟上,不落在后面keep.free from/of.使免受(影响,伤害等)They tried their best to keep the little girl free from cold.他们尽量让这个小女孩不受冻。易混辨析continue,last,go on和keep on这几个词都可以表示将某事“继续”或“持续”进行下去。其细微区别在于:continue指任何事物或某一动作自开始后直至结束前都在不停地“继续”进行,通常强调“不间断”。last指“持久”“延续”,暗含存在的时间相当长,超过正常或所期望的时间。go on主要表示“延续”走下去的意思;也可指将某事“继续”做、说或进行下去。它是一个常用词组,含义较多。翻译时,必须视上下文的具体情况仔细处理。后面常接动名词、不定式作宾语,还可接介词with。keep on也指“继续”做某事。实际上,它的基本意思是不断地老是做某事,动作之间往往略有间隔。后面只能接动名词作宾语,不能用不定式作宾语。The rain continued(for)two days.雨连续下了两天。If you go on like this,you will make big mistakes some day.如果你继续这样下去,总有一天你会犯大错误的。The children kept on writing though the bell was ringing.尽管铃声在响着,孩子们还是继续写着。即境活用单项填空Do you think that housing price will keep_in the years to come?Sorry,I have no idea.Alifting up Bgoing upCbringing up Dgrowing up答案:B4on the whole大体上;基本上;总的看来On the whole,her work has been good,but this essay is dreadful.大体上来说,她的作品不错,不过这篇文章糟透了。用法拓展通常用于概括的词语还有:as a whole作为一个整体;总体上the whole of sth.全部;全体;所有more or less大体上;或多或少generally speaking一般来说in generalas a general rule通常;大体上;一般而言as a rule通常in most cases多数情况下in many cases在许多情况下broadly speaking广义地讲mostly多半;通常Generally speaking,the songs he has written are popular with the teens.一般来说,他所写的歌曲比较受青少年的欢迎。Polar bears live mostly on sea ice,which they use as a platform for hunting seals.北极熊通常赖以海冰为主,它们把海冰作为捕猎海豹的平台。即境活用单项填空There are some spelling and grammar mistakes in your graduation paper,but_it is satisfactory.Aabove all Bin shortCon the whole Don the other hand答案:C5result in导致;结果是用法拓展result from.因而引起,因而导致as a result结果是(作状语)as a/the result of.由于;作为的结果without result毫无结果地lead to导致;造成with the result that为此,因此特别提醒result是不及物动词,与in连用,表示“引起某种结果”,句子的主语是原因,in的宾语是结果。result from“由于而造成后果”,后接导致某事的原因;result in则后接所导致的结果。as a result为固定词组,意为“结果,因此”,在句中作状语,常置于句首,并用逗号和后面的句子隔开。as a result of.意为“作为的结果”,在句中特指引起某种结果的原因时,用定冠词代替不定冠词。即境活用单项填空A love marriage,however,does not necessarily_much sharing of interest and responsibilities.Atake over Bresult inCbelong to Dbring in答案:Bresult in导致,引起。take over接管;belong to属于;bring in引进;挣钱。均不符合句意。6quantity of 大量的At the same time, a large quantity of money started disappearing from the bank.与此同时,银行大批的资金开始丢失。用法拓展(1) quantities of许多的;大量地(2)in large quantities大量地(3)a (large) quantity of大量的I dont know why they buy cotton in large quantities.我不明白他们为什么大批购买棉花。易混辨析amount, number和quantityamount修饰不可数名词,number修饰可数名词复数。quantity修饰可数,不可数名词都可。(1)许多,很多(与不定冠词连用,或没有冠词)an amount(或amounts)of名词(U)单数动词a number(或numbers)of名词(C)复数动词a quantity of名词(C/U)复数动词这些短语常被形容词修饰,如:a large number of;a small amount of; a great quantity of(2)的数量,的总数(与定冠词连用)the amount of名词(U)单数动词;the number of名词(C)单数动词注意:一般不用the quantity of.(3)在数量上,大量地in amount; in amounts; in quantity; in quantities; in numberHe gave us quantities of advice.他给我们提了很多建议。The amount of money is $1,000.钱的总数为1 000美元。The number of mistakes in his composition has dropped.他作文中的错误减少了。温馨提示a large quantity of/quantities of后可以跟可数名词也可跟不可数名词。如果该短语作主语,谓语动词的单复数要依据quantity的单复数形式而定。7put up with忍受,忍耐I cant put up with your rudeness any more; leave the room.我不能再忍受你这种无礼的态度了,请离开这个房间。No longer being able to put up with my toothache, I went to consult a dentist.我再也忍受不住牙痛,于是就去找牙科医生诊治。We had to put up with the inconvenience.我们不得不忍受这种不便。用法拓展keep up with与保持一致;不落后catch up with赶上;提出常见的put短语有:(1)put up(at.)(在某处)获得食宿安排;暂住(2)put sb. up向某人提供食宿(3)put aside节省(钱、时间);储蓄;置之不理;把放在一边(4)put away储存(钱);储存备用;储蓄(put by)(5)put back拨回;向后移;推迟;延期;搁置;拖延(6)put down写下;记下;击败;平定(7)put forward提出(意见、建议);推荐;拨快;把时针向前拨(put on)(8)put off延期;推迟(9)put through接通电话(10)put up举起;抬起;张开(伞);张贴;公布(11)put on穿上;戴上;演出(12)put out出版;生产;扑灭;关掉Please put out the light before you go to bed.上床之前请把灯关掉。He arranged for the meeting to be put off for a week.他安排把会议延后一星期召开。He put forward a new theory at the meeting.在会上他提出了一种新理论。Where did you put up last night?昨晚你在哪儿过的夜?即境活用单项填空They can _ behavior from their daughter but not anyone else.Aget along withBcome up withCmake contact with Dput up with答案:D8built up逐步建立;增加;增进All the pressure built up and he was off work for weeks with stress.各方面的压力越来越大,他因负荷太重有好几个星期没上班。用法拓展(1)build up ones confidence/body增强自信/体质(2)build sb./oneself up增强某人的体质;使更加强壮(3)build on.在的基础上发展Traffic is building up on roads into the city.来往的车辆在通往市区的道路上越聚越多。You need more protein to build you up.你需要增加蛋白质以增强体质。即境活用单项填空I _ the hobby of collecting stamps as a child.Abuilt upBset upCkept up Dtook upWith the pressure _, she was off work for weeks because she couldnt stand it any more.Apicking up Bmaking upCbuilding up Dputting up答案:DC9compare to与相比;把比作Compared to/with many other women, she was indeed very fortunate.和其他许多妇女相比,她确实是很幸运的了。Life is often compared to a journey.人生常被比喻为一次旅行。用法拓展(1)compare notes交换意见(2)beyond comparison/compare无与伦比(3)compare.to.把比作(4)compare.with.把和相比Compared with your brother, you should make greater efforts to study English.和你哥哥相比,你应该更加努力学习英语。易混辨析(1)Compare the two books and you can make sure which is more interesting.两本书对比,你能确定哪本更有趣。(2)Compared with the other book, this one is interesting.与另一本书相比,这本是有趣的。第一句话使用动词原形构成祈使句结构,注意后面的and所暗示的句型结构。第二句话为compared with/to短语用作状语,相当于状语从句If this book is compared with the other one。特别提醒compared to/with.和相比(过去分词短语用作状语,表示条件,此时,compared with与compared to两者之间没有区别,只是前者比后者更为常见。)即境活用单项填空It used to be a small village _ what it is now.Acompared withBcompared aboutCcompare to Dcompare with_ your handwriting with Li Huas and you will find his a little better.ACompared BComparingCTo compare DCompare答案:AD10as/so long as只要;与一样长用法拓展(1)与so/as long as同义的引导条件状语从句的连词还有:on condition that, provided (that), providing (that), only if, if等。(2)as far as远到;就而言(3)as many as“多达”,“达到之多”。与可数名词复数连用。(4)as much as“多达”,“达到之多”。与不可数名词连用。(5)as soon as作“一就”解,引导时间状语从句。(6)as well as不仅后者,前者也;除之外(7)as good as和一样好,实际上,相当于(8)as.as possible尽可能地You can go out, as long as you promise to be back before 11 oclock.你可以出去,只要答应在11点之前回来。If he finds out, Im as good as dead.如果他发现,我就没命了!即境活用单项填空It matters little who does it _ it is done, for you see, we are short of hands now.Aas soon asBas far asCas early as Das long as答案:D重点句式1.There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer.毫无疑问,地球正在变暖在本句型中,that从句是同位语从句,表示doubt的内容。用法与there is a chance that.是一样的。用法拓展(1)doubt作为名词,若用在否定句或疑问句中,后面接that引导的同位语从句;若用在肯定句中,后面接whether引导的同位语从句。注意此时不可以用if替换whether。(2)doubt作为动词,若用于否定句和疑问句中,后面接that引导的宾语从句;若用于肯定句中,后面一般接whether或if引导的宾语从句。(3)There is no/some room for doubt.没有怀疑余地/有可疑处(4)doubt组成的短语:in doubt怀疑,拿不定主意no/without/beyond doubt无疑地,必定There is no doubt that they will agree with you on this matter.毫无疑问,他们在这件事上会同意你的。I have no doubt that he will succeed.我相信他会成功的。I dont doubt that he can finish the task on time.我相信他能按时完成任务。He doubts if she will keep her word.他不敢肯定她是否会遵守诺言。We are in doubt about what to do next.我们不知道下一步要做什么。Beyond doubt he will give you some advice on your study.毫无疑问,他会对你的学习做一些指导。特别提醒高考常考句型结构:(1)There is no knowing/telling.没法知道/说(2)There is no need.没有必要(3)There is no question.是没有问题的(4)There is no reason.没有理由(5)There is no possibility that是没有可能的(6)It is no wonder that/No wonder(that).难怪(7)It is a wonder that.真奇怪/真是令人惊奇即境活用单项填空The Pacific region(地区)will be one of the fastest growing areas in the world in the 21st century._ shouldnt be any doubt about it now.AItBThatCThis DThere答案:D2We cant predict the climate well enough to know what to expect.我们预报天气的能力再强也不会完全知道会发生什么cant/couldnt表示“不能,不可能,不可以”等,注意一些特殊形式,如can not/can never.too或cannot.enough“无论怎么也不过分,越越好”,cannot help doing“禁不住,不由得”,cannot but do something“不得不,只好”等。即境活用翻译句子开车的时候越小心越好。_你英语单词记得越多越好。_答案:One cannot be too careful while driving a car./One cannot be careful enough while driving a car.You cant remember enough English words.3Rememberyour contribution counts!你的贡献很有意义!countbe meaningful/important意为“有意义”,为不及物动词。如:In sport what really counts is not be winning but the playing.就运动而言,重要的不是赢,而是参与。count还有其他含义,如:vt.计算;认为;将计算在内n计数,计算;总数如:They are counting the books they collected.他们正在数收集来的书。There are


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