2012《夺冠之路》高三英语人教版一轮课堂练习(安徽专用):选修6:Unit 1 Art

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2012《夺冠之路》高三英语人教版一轮课堂练习(安徽专用):选修6:Unit 1 Art_第1页
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2012《夺冠之路》高三英语人教版一轮课堂练习(安徽专用):选修6:Unit 1 Art_第2页
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2012《夺冠之路》高三英语人教版一轮课堂练习(安徽专用):选修6:Unit 1 Art_第3页
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111课时作业(二十六)选修6Unit 1Art.单项填空1Im going to London next Monday.What a_!So am I.Aconclusion BconsequenceCcoincidence Dcelebration2Did he say anything that_to you especially?Not really.Actually I slept halfway through his speech.Aadapted BattachedCappealed Dreferred3She bought_eggs yesterday,but there were_them broken.Atwo scores of;scores of Bscores of;two scores ofCscores of;two score of Dscore of;two scores4Tom wasnt good at physics at first,but his physics has improved_since the new teacher began teaching him.Aa great deal Bscores ofCplenty of Da great many5The film 2012_that there will be a disaster on the earth in 2012.Do you believe so?Aexpects BappealsCinfluences Dpredicts6They didntell me a_time,but I guess the party is going to begin at 9 pm.Aspecial BspecificCcontemporary Dconventional7(2011温州模拟)The man didnt know_the thief broke into the house and stole all his valuable things.Ait was when that Bwhen it was thatCthat it was when Dwas it when that8I heard that he grew worse after taking the medicine.Yes.He was_to it.Apermanent BfragileCallergic Ddelicate9They will start their project _at helping the poor children to be educated in the west of China.Aaims BaimingCbeing aimed Daimed10Have you heard that Tom,as well as his parents,_moved to Beijing?Really?No_I havent seen him for a long time.Ahave;doubt Bhas;wonderChave;reason Dhas;choice11What the professor said was so_that most of us can not understand it.Acontroversial BabstractCappropriate Duniversal12The expert advised the boy,who always fails to remember the new words,to_an effective way of learning vocabulary.Aadmire BdesignCadopt Dinvent13Of the two paintings,Mr Black chose the cheaper one out of_,though it was not the work of a famous painter.Apossession BtechniqueCadjustment Dpreference14Charlie made a(n)_to apologize for what he had done,but his classmates wouldnt even talk to him.Apromise BprogressCattempt Dreputation15Its_of him to set his aim high but do little,so he is always leaving things undone.Acontroversial BtypicalCconventional Devident.阅读理解(2011广东惠州第三次调研)A new study suggests that the more teenagers watch television,the more likely they are to develop depression (抑郁) as young adults.But the extent to which TV may be to blame is a question that the study leaves unanswered.The researchers used a national longterm survey of adolescent health to investigate the relationship between media use and depression.They based their findings on more than 4,000 adolescents who were not depressed when the survey began in 1995.As part of the survey,the young people were asked how many hours of television or videos they watched daily.They were also asked how often they played computer games and listened to the radio.Media use totaled an average of 5 and onehalf hours a day.More than 2 hours of that was spent watching TV.7 years later,in 2002,more than 7 percent of the young people had signs of depression.The average age at that time was 21.Brian Primack at the University of Pittsburgh medical school was the lead author of the new study.He says every extra hour of television meant an 8 percent increase in the chances of developing signs of depression.The researchers say they did not find any such relationship with the use of other media such as movies,video games or radio.But the study did find that young men were more likely than young women to develop depression given the same amount of media use.Doctor Primack says the study did not explore why watching TV causes depression.But one possibility,he says,is that it may take time away from activities that could help prevent depression,like sports and socializing.It might also interfere with sleep,he says,and that could have an influence.The study was just published in the Archives of General Psychiatry.In December,the journal Social Indicators Research published a study of activities that help lead to happy lives.Sociologists from the University of Maryland found that people who describe themselves as happy spend less time watching television than unhappy people.The study found that happy people are more likely to be socially active,to read,attend religious services and to vote.1According to the first paragraph,what remains unsolved in the new study?AWho is more likely to be influenced by TV.BHow much teenagers are depressed by TV.CWhether teenagers are influenced by TV.DWhat should be done to help the teenagers.2More than 4,000 adolescents were chosen as the subjects of the study because they_.Awere free from depressionBwere keen on using the mediaCattached much importance to their healthDcould afford the time for the longterm survey3What can be inferred from the seventh paragraph?ADepression is not related to the use of other media than TV.BEvery extra hour of media uses increases the chance of depression.CLonger use of media other than TV doesnt increase the chance of depression.DThe influence of movies,video games and radio on depression varies respectively.4In the last sentence of the eighth paragraph,“It” refers to_.Adepression Bwatching TVClack of activities Dthe result of the study5The study done by the sociologists from the University of Maryland was mainly intended to _.Atell the difference between happy and unhappy peopleBprove the relationship between TV and depressionCstress the importance of being socially activeDprovide a happy recipe (秘方) for all people.任务型读写(安徽名校2011届高三第一次联考)About six years ago,I was eating lunch in a restaurant in New York City when a woman and a young boy sat down at the next table.I couldnt help overhearing parts of their conversation.At one point the woman asked,“So,how have you been?” And the boywho could not have been more than seven or eight years old replied,“Frankly,Ive been feeling a little depressed lately.”This incident (小事) stuck in my mind because it confirmed my growing belief that children are changing.As far as I can remember,my friends and I hardly found out we were “depressed” until we were in high school.The evidence of changes in children has increased steadily in recent years.Children dont seem childlike anymore.Children speak more like adults,dress more like adults and behave more like adults than they used to.Whether this is good or bad is difficult to say,but it certainly is different.Childhood as it once was no longer exists.Why?Human development is based not only on natural biological states,but also on patterns of access to social knowledge.Movement from one social role to another usually involves learning the secrets of the new situation.Children have always been taught adult secrets,but slowly and in gradual stages:traditionally,we tell sixth graders things we keep hidden from fifth graders.In the past 30 years,however,a secretrevelation (提示) machine has been installed in 98 percent of American homes.It is called television.Television passes information,and indiscriminately (不加区分地),to all viewers alike,whether they are children or adults.Unable to resist the temptation (诱惑),many children turn their attention from printed texts to the less challenging,more vivid moving pictures.Communication through print,as a matter of fact,allows for a great deal of control over the social information to which children have access.Reading and writing involve a complex code of symbols that must be memorized and practiced.Children must read simple books before they can read complex materials.Title:1._in Todays ChildrenMain comparisonsContextsDifferent2_Children in the past just did what they were 3._to.Children today act as if they were 4._.Different5_Children in the past 6._experienced depression in the authors view.Sometimes sadness 7._to children nowadays.Different8_toget knowledgeChildren in the past got knowledge in 9_and guided stages.Children nowadays get some knowledge by10_TV without control.书面表达(2011云南高中毕业生统一检测)假设你是李华,你的美国朋友Chris给你发来email,询问你校正在开展的“低碳生活”活动情况。请根据以下要点用英语写一封回信。活动主题:行动改变世界活动目的:倡导低碳生活具体内容:1.尽量乘公交车、骑自行车或步行;2使用电子贺卡;3双面使用纸张;4节约用电、用水注意:1.词数100左右;2可适当增加细节,使行文连贯;3开头语已为你写好。Dear Chris,Im happy to receive your email asking about what we are doing to promote a lowcarbon lifestyle._w。w-w*k&s%5¥u111

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