4-3《Using Language》必修1英语同步练习(名师解析)(人教版必修1)

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4-3《Using Language》必修1英语同步练习(名师解析)(人教版必修1)_第3页
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111课时作业.单词拼写1An earthquake is a great _ (灾难) which can cause much damage.2He o_ (组织) the workers into a trade union.3In the earthquake the building fell into _ (废墟)4He was lucky enough to be r_ (营救) from drowning.5The scholar _ (邀请) to his party yesterday evening is our headmaster.6J_ (判断) from his look, he must have been told the news.7I wish to express my thanks for the great _ (努力) you have made.8Lets go outside and get some f_ (新鲜的) air.9Dont leave the lights onit wastes e_ (电)10The miners were b_ (掩埋) alive when the tunnel collapsed.答案1disaster2.organized3.ruin4.rescued5.invited6Judging7.efforts8.fresh9.electricity10.buried.完成句子1_ _ (判断) his accent, he must be from the south.2He is _ _ (以为自豪) his daughters ability to speak four languages.3I also joined them in _ _ (募捐) for the Hope Project.4_ _ _ (正如我们所知), the earth travels around the sun once a year.5Teenagers often have difficulty _ _ (表达自己的思想)6所有出席的科学家都对他的提议给予高度评价。All the scientists present _ _ _ his suggestion.7我们建立人民英雄纪念碑是为了纪念在战斗中牺牲了的英雄们。We built the Monument to the Peoples Heroes _ _ _ those who were killed in battles.8What about the loss from the grand tsunami (海啸) there?Dead and _ (受伤的) people lay everywhere after the terrible accident.9成千上万的人地震之后无家可归。_ _ _ _ people were homeless after the earthquake.10我们现在立刻就出发,都已经9点了。We must start off _ _. It is already 9 oclock.答案1Judging from/by2.proud of3.raising/collecting money4.As we know5.expressing themselves6.spoke highly of7.in honour of8.injured9.Tens of thousands of10.right now.单项填空1_ is mentioned above, the number of the students in senior high school is increasing.AWhichBAsCThat DIt解析:as 引导非限制性定语从句,可放在主句之前,也可放在主句之后,as 指主句的内容。答案:B2_ that he was thinking about the matter.AIt seemed BHe seemedCIt was seeming DHe was seeming解析:It seemed that.似乎,好像。答案:A3Living in the central Australian desert has its problems, _ getting water is not the least.Aas Bfor whatCof which Dwhose解析:该句考查定语从句,从句还原为:getting water is not the least of the problems。答案:C4Dad, I got the first place in the table tennis game._AWell done, son! BCongratulate to you.CDont be proud! DNext better.解析:A项意为“做得好”,符合语境。B项不能加 to。C项和D项是汉式思维,不符合西方人的思维模式。答案:A5Wilma became the first American woman to win three Olympic gold medals in tracks, _ made her mother very proud.Ait BthatCwhich Dthis解析:which 引导非限制性定语从句,指代整个主句所表达的内容,在从句中作主语。答案:C6Thank you so much for the book you sent me._ANo thanks! BPlease dont say so.CIm glad you like it. DNo, it isnt so good.解析:A、B、D三项都是中国人的自谦,不符合英国人的思维习惯,故排除。答案:C7The most important thing _ we should pay attention to is the first thing _ I have said.Awhich; that Bthat; whichCwhich; which Dthat; that解析:当先行词被形容词最高级或序数词修饰时,引导定语从句的关系代词要用 that。答案:D8Aunt Lucy is busy _ breakfast for us.Apreparing Bpreparing forCprepared Dprepared for解析:句意为“露茜阿姨正在忙着为我们做早饭”。“准备早饭”应该用 prepare breakfast;而 prepare for breakfast 则表示“为早饭作准备”。答案:A9They returned to their camp _ all the directions.Ain BfromCto Dby解析:from all the directions “从四面八方”;in all directions “朝四面八方”。答案:B10I think it a great honour _ to visit your country.Ato invite Bto be invitedCinviting Dto be inviting解析:句意为“我很荣幸能被邀请访问你的国家”。应用被动语态。答案:B11It was not _ the fire fighters came and controlled the big fire.Along before Bbefore longClong ago that Dlong which解析:It was not long before.意为“没过多久就”。答案:A12The proposal seems quite good, but I cant easily _ without all the facts.Ajoin BjudgeCsay Dspeak解析:句意为“该建议似乎不错,但我在没有全部事实的情况下不会轻易下结论”。join 表示“加入”;say, speak 表示“说”,都不合题意。答案:B13You will realize _ break the law will be punished.Athat those who BwhoeverCthat who Dthose whoever解析:those who break the law “违法的人”。答案:A14Jacob Lawrence excuted many cycles of paintings _ significant social themes.Aexpressed BexpressingCexpress Dexpression of解析:句意为“雅各布劳伦斯制作了许多套油画来表现有意义的社会主题”。本句空白处需要作定语的词,用来修饰前面的名词 painting,由于 painting 本身能够主动表达“有意义的社会主题”,用 expressed 不合适,应用 expressing。答案:B15_ from _ number of cars, he thought there were not many people at the club yet.AJudge; a BJudging; aCJudging; the DJudge; the解析:judging by/from.“从来判断”为固定结构;the number of.“的数目”,而 a number of 意为“许多”。答案:C.书面表达假如你是四川成都的一名学生,请你根据以下提示描述一下你在512地震中的难忘经历。地震发生时你们班正在上课。由于以前你们学校组织过防震训练,所以地震中同学们保持了镇定,在老师的带领下去了操场。地震中你们班除两人受轻伤外无一人死亡。词数100左右。范文On the afternoon of May 12, we were having class. Suddenly we felt the whole classroom was strongly shaking and we realized that an earthquake was happening. In time of danger, the teacher asked us to stay calm and told us to leave the classroom in order. We had just left when the school building fell to the ground. With the teacher leading the way, finally we came to the playground which was a safe place. Thanks to our earthquake prevention training before the earthquake, no one in our class was killed in the strong earthquake. Only two were slightly injured.111


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