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111江苏省南京市东山外国语学校高中英语选修七 高中英语典型错误例析1、他仍和老朋友保持联系.误: He still keeps touch with his old friends.正: He still keeps in touch with his old friends.析: keep in touch with 与保持联系。注意touch的有关短语:(1) in touch a/adv.(和)接触,取得联络;知道(的)情况.其反义词组为:out of touch;(2)lose touch (with) (和)失去联系,断绝联络;(3)get in touch with 与取得联系;例如:1) I want to get in touch with the agency.我想和那个代办处取得联系。2) Im out of touch with economic conditions now.我现在对经济情况已生疏了。3) With mobile phones, we can keep in touch with others wherever we are.有了手机,无论何处,我们都可以与别人保持联系。2、他把许多的时间都用来研究英语惯用法。误:He contributed much time to study English usage.正:He contributed much time to studying English usage.析:contribute to; 捐献给;贡献给;介词to后一般接名词或v-ing形式,其中to可以用towards 替换。例:All the children contributed their free time to the concert.所有的孩子都把业余时间用在听音乐会上了。注意:contribute to /towards 还有有助于;对起作用;投稿(给报社,杂志)的意思。A proper amount of exercise contributes to good health.适量运动有益健康。It is an honor to be invited to contribute to your magazine.承蒙贵刊邀稿,甚感荣幸。其同义词组为:make a contribution to ; to为介词。3、正因如此,至今还未能确定是谁发明了电视。误:Because of this, it is still not sure who invented TV.正:Because of this, it is still uncertain who invented TV.析:uncertain 是certain 的反义词,意为不确定,无把握的意思。这里涉及到certain和sure 的用法区别:(1)certain (more certain, most certain)与sure 同义,但比sure 依据客观事实。(2)相同点:be certain/sure of /about sth. 对有把握;(指主语对有把握,有信心);be sure/certain to do sth.必定会,一定会(指从旁观者的角度或者根据某种客观情况得出结论,确信某情况一定会发生)be sure /certain +that 从句. 相信、认为例如:He is sure /certain of winning the game. (他自己有把握赢得比赛)He is sure /certain to win the game. (根据客观情况,旁观者认为他能赢得比赛。)The professor is sure to live to 90. 这教授一定能活到90岁。(旁观者认为)The professor is sure of living to 90. 这教授自己有信心活到90岁。make sure/certain of +名词/that 从句/wh- 弄清楚,弄确定;确定,确保。例:Make sure /certain of the time and the place of his arrival.=Make sure /certain when and where he arrived.弄清楚他到达的时间和地点。Lets make sure /certain that well get seats.确保我们要有座位。区别:在it为主语的结构中,只能用certain 或uncertain不能用sure. It is certain that, 是确定的。certain 还表示未指明真实名称的某,说出名称但不熟悉的某,一位姓的人。 a certain car= some carA certain Mr. Jones called while you were out.有个琼斯先生在你出去的时候打电话来过。4、水虽深,但却清澈见底。误:Though the water is deep, but it is clear.正: Though the water is deep, it is clear.正:The water is deep, but it is clear.正:Though the water is deep, yet it is clear.析:though绝不能与表示转折的关系连词but连用,二者只具其一,如果要强调反面,可用yet, still, nevertheless等副词。 5、那工作很辛苦,但是我却做得很愉快。误:It was hard work; Though I enjoyed it.正:It was hard work; I enjoyed it though.析:though 作副词,口语中表示可是,但是,还是通常置与句尾或插入句中。又如:Theres no excuse, though, for hurting her feelings.伤到她的感情的事还是不可原谅的。6、尽管他们穷,他们还是买了很多书。误:Though poor they are, they buy a great many books.正:Though they are poor, they buy a great many books.正:Poor though they are, they buy a great many books.析:though作连词,引导状语从句中有形容词,名词等在句子中做表语时,有时为加强语气而置于though前面形成倒装。又如:Child though he was, he knew what was the right thing to do.=Though he was a child, he knew what was the right thing to do.7、他虽然穷,却很幸福。误:He was happy, though was poor.正:He was happy, though poor.析:though 从句动词如与主语为同一动词,则有时省略主语与动词。8、在我看来,手工制作的裤子要比机器加工的裤子要好。误:In my opinion, trousers made by hand are superior than those made by machines.正:In my opinion, trousers made by hand are superior to those made by machines.析:短语be superior to 的意思是比好,比强。to不能用than代替。9、他大概很快就会来的。误:He is possible to come soon.正:It is possible that he will come soon.正:He is likely to come soon.正:It is likely that he will come soon.析: likely和possible都有有可能的意思,意思相同,但用法有区别:likely的逻辑主语可以是sb.也可以是sth.而possible的逻辑主语不可以是sb. It is likely that sb./sth. is likely to do sth.It is possible that sb. is possible to do sth.10、在这个办公室里,没有人比她打字更出色。误:No one is her superior to typewriting in this office.正:No one is her superior in typewriting in this office.析:be ones superior in 在方面比某人优越。superior 作可数名词是优越的人后面通常加介词in,表示在上。另外superior 还有上级,长者等意思。ones superior = ones superior office,某人的长官。11、这个厂有30的钢出口了。误:Thirty per cent of the steel in this factory have been exported.正:Thirty per cent of the steel in this factory has been exported.析:per cent可写成percent 表示每百分之中的,百分之用在数词的后面,通常接of短语,表示范围。谓语动词往往随of后的名词或代词的数而定。如:Ten per cent of the students are absent.12、40以上的学生戴眼镜。误:More than 40 percentage of the students wear glasses.正:More than 40 percent of the students wear glasses.析:percentage 百分数,百分比不能与具体数词连用(如不可说40 percentage,只可说40 percent)。后面也可接of短语,of后的名词若为单数,则视为单数,复数时视为复数。如:A large percentage of the population lives in big cities.大部分的人口都在城市。A large percentage of schoolbooks have pictures.大部分教科书都有插图。13、随后的五年里,美国的消费者已能接收到200个频道。误:Within 5 years, consumers in the USA had access 200 channels.正:Within 5 years, consumers in the USA had access to 200 channels.析:access作接近的权利(机会),利用的权利(机会)讲时是不可数名词。have access to = gain access to = get access to 如:Every student has free access to the library.每位学生都可以自由利用图书馆。get access to 还可以用于进入电脑。His son likes getting access to the Internet and chatting online at weekends.他儿子喜欢在周末上网聊天。14、这种型号的自行车是昨天才投放到市场上出售的。误:This kind of bicycles only came on the market yesterday.正:This kind of bicycles only came onto the market yesterday正:This kind of bicycles only came into the market yesterday析:大家应熟记market有关的几个短语:come onto /into the market (vi) (商品)上市,开始被出售be on the market (vi) (商品)上市,出售中be in the market for (vt.)想买bring to market (vt.)把推出市场,出售play the market (vi)玩股票,做(股票的)投机生意15、寓教于乐是教这些孩子的一种好方式。误:A good way of teaching children is to combine teaching to pleasure.正:A good way of teaching children is to combine teaching with pleasure.析:combine with 把结合起来,其中的with 不能用to。Theory should be combined with practice.理论必须与实践相结合。注意:combine 本身就有把两个或两个以上的事物结合在一起的意思,故句中不能再用into, together等表示聚合的介词或副词。如:Later the two team were combined .不能说Later the two team were combined together.16、当时的唱机必须用手摇。误:At that time, the record player had to be winded up by hand.正:At that time, the record player had to be wound up by hand.析:wind的过去式和过去分词都是wound。17、这项研究成果将应用与肺癌的治疗。误:The results of this research will be applied for the treatment of lung Cancer. 正:The results of this research will be applied to the treatment of lung Cancer.析:掌握以下几个短语的用法:apply sth. to sth. (把)应用(于);apply sth. to do sth.把用于做某事。这两个短语中apply 的意思是运用。另外,apply 还有申请,请求的意思。如:I will apply to the company for the job.我将去那家公司申请那份工作。apply oneself to 专心致志于专心从事于;如:He applied himself to his job.他埋头与他的工作。18、伊拉克战争导致了更多恐怖袭击。误:The Iraqi War has led more terrorist attacks.正:The Iraqi War has led to more terrorist attacks.析:lead vi.(结果)导致,招致,后常接介词to,不能用于被动语态。lead to 还有通向的意思。如:This bridge leads to the island.这座桥通往那个岛屿。All roads lead to Rome.(谚)条条大路通罗马。记住以下短语的用法:lead sb. to sp.把某人带(引)至某地,在此情况下可以用被动语态如:The lost boy was led to the police post by the passerby.迷路男孩被路人带到派出所。lead /live a happy /busy /quiet life 过幸福/忙碌/宁静的生活;lead sb. to do sth. 使某人干某事。What led you to believe it? 什么使你相信它?19、这些数字总计为50。误:These figures add to 50.正:These figures add up to 50.析:add to 中的to 为介词,后接n.或ving形式,意思是增加,增添。如: The news added to his anxiety. 这则消息增添了他的忧虑。add和to还可以分开,add A to B 把A加到B上; 如:Will you add some more sugar to your coffee?你的咖啡要多加一点糖吗?add up 合计,加起来;如: Add the figures up.把这些数字加起来。add up to 加起来是,总计共达,总之就是,意味着(mean);如:His remarks added up to a condemnation of my plan.他的意见总之就是谴责我的计划。20、他父亲的公司破产了,他已决定把它接管过来。误:His fathers company became bankrupt, He has decided to take over it.正:His fathers company became bankrupt, He has decided to take it over.析:take over 接管,接收,继承,占据既可以作及物动词又可以做不及物,动副结构(即:可分开用;当宾语是代词时,用宾格放在动词和副词之间)。如:They have taken over our firm by buying up shares.他们借收购股权而接管了我们公司。21、儿童游乐场所雨后春笋般的在这个地方涌现。误:Play areas for children are springing all over the place.正:Play areas for children are springing up all over the place.析:spring up 表示突然出现,涌现的意思。注意spring的过去式sprang,过去分词sprung。22、不仅学生,老师们也去野营。误:The students as well as the teachers are going camping.正:The teachers as well as the students are going camping.正:Not only the students but also the teachers are going camping.析:as well as 侧重点在前,连接两个并列成分作主语,谓语动词与其前面的数保持一致,相同的用法的词还有:along with, together with ,with等;not only but also 侧重点在后,连接两个并列成分作主语,谓语动词采用就近原则,相同用法的词还有:neither nor, either or , there be 结构等。23、100万美元对我来说是一笔巨款。误:A million dollars is a large number of money to me.正:A million dollars is a large amount of money to me.析:用数来计算的东西用number,用量来计算的东西用amount.a large/limited/small amount of + n.(不可数) 大量/定量/少量的;a large/small/great number of + n.(可数复数) 许多的;The number of + n.(可数复数)+V(复数) 的数目The amount of +n.(不可数)+V(单数) 的量24、这部影片的录制花了很长时间。误: The record of the film took a long time.正: The recording of the film took a long time.析:指录制的过程要用recording ,不能用record。25、经理要求我马上告诉他真相。误:The manager demanded that I told him the truth at once.正:The manager demanded that I (should) tell him the truth at once.析:demand 后接宾语从句,表示要求,命令的语气时,要用虚拟语气,即should v(原形),should可以省略。26、大家都知道,水在华氏32度或摄氏0度时结冰。误:As we know, water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit or zero degree Celsius.正:As we know, water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit or zero degrees Celsius.析:degree表示温度的度数时,总是用复数。0度zero degrees。27、你能把所有的书一同放在包中吗?误:Can you put your books altogether in the bag?正:Can you put your books all together in the bag?析:altogether表示一共,总共;如:We have invited 50people altogether.我们共邀请了50人。此处指把所有的书一同放入包中,所以用all together,all together=together ,意思是全部在同一个地方或同一时间,在一起。如:They went to see the film all together.28、我家乡百分之四十的水都被污染了。误: Up 40% of the water in my hometown is polluted.正: Up to 40% of the water in my hometown is polluted.析:up to 表示达到某一数目。注意其用法:用在地点,数量,程度,时间等前面表示直到,到为止。如:The three-year-old boy counted up to a hundred.那个三岁男孩一直数到100.be up to sb. 是某人的责任,由某人决定。如:Its up to us to help them.帮助他们是我们的责任。用在疑问或否定句中,表示忍住,胜任。如:She is not up to the job.她不胜任那个工作。用在口语中表示计谋什么(坏事)。如:I see what you are up to.我知道你在动什么坏脑筋?29、电用炊具通常涂有不粘锅材料,很容易清洗。误:Electric work are usually coated with Teflon and easy to clean.正: Electric works are usually coated with Teflon and easy to clean.析:works 表示炊具,常用复数形式。work 作工作讲不可数名词;a piece of work(= a job)一份工作。work又作作品,著作讲,是可数名词。如:This is such an important work that all of us should read it carefully.30、我们原以为会迟到,但我们还是及时赶上了这个节目。误:We thought we should be late, but we were on time for the program.正: We thought we should be late, but we were in time for the program.析:in time for 表示及时赶上的意思。31、我认为即使你不熟悉数码相机,使用它也不困难。误:I think you will not have any difficulty to use it even if you are not familiar to digital cameras.正: I dont think you will have any difficulty using it even if you are not familiar with digital cameras.析:注意此句中的三处错误。英语中有些动词如:think, believe, suppose等,当它们引导一个具有否定意思的宾语从句,并且主语为第一人称时,通常要否定前置。如:I dont think you are right. 我想你是不对的。(不说:I think you are not right.)另外,其反意疑问句与其宾语从句的反意疑问句保持一致。如:I dont think you are right,are you?have some /no difficulty/problem (in )doing sth.做某事有/没有困难/问题be familiar to 为所熟悉;如:His name is familiar to me, but I havent met him.他的名字我耳熟,但未曾谋面。be familiar with 通晓,与(对)熟悉,与很亲密;如:He is more familiar with modern jazz than I.他比我更熟悉现代爵士乐。He is familiar with famous people in the political world.他与政界名人的关系很亲密。32、我觉得电视看的太多只会使你愚钝。误:I think watching much too TV just make you stupid.正: I think watching too much TV just make you stupid.析:副词too 修饰形容词时,前面可以用much, a lot , a bit, far 来修饰,表示强调,相当于very。而too much 的中心词为much,后常加不可数名词或单独使用表示太多。同样的too many常加可数名词复数形式,如:too many students 太多的学生。33、我想要他立刻做这件事。误:I preferred that he did it at once.正: I preferred that he (should) do it at once.析:prefer相当于like better,宁愿做,更喜欢其用法现归纳如下:prefer sth./doing sth./to do sth.prefer sb to do sth.prefer sth. to sth./prefer doing sth. to doing sth.prefer sth. rather than sth./prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.prefer that 从句(从句常用虚拟语气,谓语动词用should+ V原形,should 可以省略。)34、科学家们最近向我们提供了一些令人不安的发现。误:Scientists have recently provided us for some worrying findings.正: Scientists have recently provided us with some worrying findings.正:Scientists have recently provided some worrying findings for/to us.析:provide 为及物动词时意思是供给,供应。provide +名for/to名(人) provide 名(人)with名。如:They provided food and clothes for the sufferers. = They provided the sufferers with food and clothes.他们提供食物和衣服给受难者。provide 做不及物动词意思是预防(灾害),赡养,抚养。如:Youd better provide against an earthquake.你最好做预防地震的准备。He had to provide for the large family.他必须赡养这个大家庭。provide 的过去分词provided,后面常加上that 引导的从句,相当于if引导的条件状语从句,表示倘若,在条件下。如:Provided that there is no opposition, I will act as representative of our class.倘若没有反对的话,我将作为我们班的代表。35、他把我家里做的面包比喻成硬实块,真是无礼。误:He rudely compared my homemade bread with a lump of rock.正: He rudely compared my homemade bread to a lump of rock.析:compare 作及物动词,把和比较,比起来。常用搭配:compare 名with/to名。如:I compared the translation with/to the original.我把译文和原文对照一番。另外compare名to名,还有把比拟为,比喻为意思。如:Shakespeare compared the world to a stage.莎士比亚把世界比喻舞台。compare 做不及物动词与with, to连用构成动词短语匹敌,可与相比的意思。如:My works dont compare with yours.我的作品不能和你的相比。Compare with/to her mother, she is tall.和她妈妈相比,她算是很高了。36、辐射量相当于每天使用两次,每次半小时的手机所接受的辐射。误:The amount of radiation was equal with a mobile phone for two half-hour periods per day.正: The amount of radiation was equal to a mobile phone for two half-hour periods per day.析:be equal to 表示等于其中的介词不能用as或with替代。如:One kilogram is equal to 1000 grams.一公斤等于1000克。On the whole, women are not equal to men in physical strength.总体上说,女性的体力不及男性。37、此前的科学实验都未表明使用手机与患癌之间有绝对的关联。误:Previous this, scientific experiments didnt show a definite link between mobile phone use and cancer.正: Previous to this, scientific experiments didnt show a definite link between mobile phone use and cancer.析:previous 做形容词与to 构成介词短语,意为在以前,后接名词或Ving ,引导的短语在句中作状语。如:Previous to leaving for France, he studied a lot about the country.在启程去法国之前,他对该国作了相当多的研究。另外,previous 置于名词之前表示(时间,顺序)前的,先的。如:(on) the previous day (在)前一天。口语中还有过早的,过急的意思(通常做表语)。如:Your thanking is rather previous, I havent decided to help you yet.你别谢的太早,我还没有决定要帮助你呢!38、人们常把威士忌同苏格兰联系起来。误:Whisky is usually associated to Scotland.正: Whisky is usually associated with Scotland.析:短语be associated with 意思是与有联系,与有关。39、她被认为是最卓越的钢琴家之一。误:She is acknowledged one of the greatest pianists.正: She is acknowledged as/to be one of the greatest pianists.析:acknowledge 作承认,认可讲,后接n./ doing sth. /that从句。如:She acknowledged defeat.She acknowledged having been defeated.She acknowledged that she was defeated.她承认输了。另外,acknowledge名to be /as名/形容词表示认为是的意思,类似的用法还有consider, regard, look on, have等。40、我们老师对我们很信任。误:Our teacher has faith to us.正: Our teacher has faith in us.析:短语have faith in 表示信任(某人或某事)意思。反义词组为lose faith in 。有时为了强调,faith前还口语家形容词firm, full, little 等词修饰。如:He has blind faith in what she says.他对她言听计从。lose full faith in God. 对上帝完全失去信心。41、马路上的噪音影响我们学习。误:The noise from the street effected our study.正: The noise from the street affected our study.析:affect 及物动词对影响,发生作用的意思,其名词形式为effect。have effect on/upon 对有影响,对起作用的意思。前面还可以用表示程度的形容词修饰。如: have a bad/good effect on/upon对有坏/好的影响;have an important effect on/upon 对有重大影响。注:这个短语的主语一般为事物。42、树上有只鸟。误:A bird is on the tree.正: A bird is in the tree.析:on the tree 是指树本身所有的,含有树结出的果实的意味,in the tree 通常是指外部的人或物落到树上,含有在树枝叶里面的意思。如:There arent any apples on the tree now.现在树上没有苹果了。A sparrow is having a rest in a tree.一只麻雀在树上休息。43、你知道他缺席的原因吗?误:Do you know the reason of his absence?正:Do you know the reason for his absence?析:the reason for sth.和the cause of sth.两个短语中的介词是固定搭配,不能互换。同样的还有the ticket for sth.(的票);the way to sp.(去的路);the entrance /exit to (的入口/出口);the key/answer to(的答案)等。44、您这样说太客气了。误:It is very kind for you to say so.正:It is very kind of you to say so析:It is + adj.+ of + sb.+ to do sth.这一句式结构中的形容词用来说明某人(sb.)的行为方式的特征,这种结构中常用的形容词有:kind, nice, wise, stupid, silly, clever, young 等;而在It is + adj.+ for+ sb.+ to do sth这一结构中,常用的形容词有important, necessary, possible等。45、它还能拍摄移动画面。误:It is capable to take moving pictures as well.正:It is capable of taking moving pictures as well.析:capable 形容词有能力的,有本领的,如:She proved a very capable doctor.事实证明她是一位有能力的医生;capable 与of 连用,构成be capable of 短语,表示可以的,能的,如:She is capable of taking care of herself.她完全有能力照顾好自己。 The situation is capable of improvement.情况是可以改善的。注意able和capable 的区别:在意义上:able 只表示褒义,capable则表示褒贬两层意思。在搭配上:able仅用于有生命的人或动物,而capable还能用于无生命的事物;如:It is capable of holding 8 gallons.这可以装8加仑。able后接不定式to,capable后接of加(动)名词。【关于able和capable的用法大家还可以参阅英语周报28期】46、请尽早送货。误:Please deliver the goods for your earliest convenience.正:Please deliver the goods at your earliest convenience.析:注意convenience的几个固定搭配。at ones convenience 在方便的时候,如:Come to see me at your earliest convenience.尽早来见我。for the convenience of 为了方便It is convenient for sb. to do sth.某人做某事是方便的。(convenient是convenience 的形容词。)如:When is it most convenient foe us to meet?= When is the most convenient time for us to meet? 我们什么时候见面方便? 47、这种食物对病人是不适宜的。误:This kind of food is not suitable to the patients.正:This kind of food is not suitable for the patients.析:be suitable for 相当于be fit for, be good for , 意思是适合于,适于。48、他两小时后到达。误:He will arrive after two hours.正:He will arrive in two house.析:in一段时间往往用于将来时,当谓语动词为一时性的动作做在以后解,如例句,arrive 为一时性的动作,in 指两小时后;当谓语动词为延续性的动作时,in 作在以内解。如:These products will be produced in a month.这些产品将在一个月内生产出来。(produce表示延续性动作);after用于将来时间也指一段时间之后,但其后的时间是一点(如:after two oclock),而不是一段。 after一段时间往往用于过去时。49、他在胜利前夕去世。误:He died in the eve of victory.正:He died on the eve of victory.析:我们通常说在早晨,下午,晚上用in the morning/afternoon/evening但是在某个特定的早晨,下午,晚上时往往用on,如:on a night/morning/evening of;on a cold/cool/Friday morning等等。50、人们喜欢看彩色电视节目。误:People like to watch TV programmes in colours.正:People like to watch TV programmes in colour析:in colour表示彩色的,colour应该用单数。但前面要是有修饰词的话,则视具体情况而定,如:The room is painted in bright colours.房屋被漆成鲜艳的颜色。51、越南位于中国的南面。误:Vietnam lies in the south of China.正:Vietnam lies on the south of China.析:介词in, to, on表示方位时用法有区别:in表示在内(内含);on表示在外(有接壤,外切);to 表示在外(外邻,无接壤 )如:Jiangsu province is in the east of China.江苏省在中国东部。Japan lies to the east of China.日本在中国东面。111


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