高一英语导学案《Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained》(1)(牛津译林版必修2)

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高一英语导学案《Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained》(1)(牛津译林版必修2)_第1页
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高一英语导学案《Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained》(1)(牛津译林版必修2)_第3页
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111课题名称Unit 1 Reading (1)课型新授课课时No.1【学习目标】1.提高学生的阅读能力 2.通过阅读课文能理解课文内容【学习重点】理解课文内容 【学习难点】如何阅读报纸文章【学法指导】阅读、分工合作、讨论课前自主学习 A. 重点单词翻译1. adj.无法解释的 2. n.事件3. n.目击者 4. n.动物/人5. vt.认为,假定 6. vi.发生7. n.可能性 8. adj.令人惊叹的9. n.证据 10. adj.热情的11. adj.适当的 12. n. 折扣13. vt.检查 14. n.力量/力气15. vt. 使确信 16. n.陈述,声明17. vt.不予考虑,解雇 18. .n伤害19. n.厘米 20. n.存在21. n.祖先,祖宗 22. vi.生存B.报纸文章标题一般不完整,理解后完成英语标题Boy missing, police puzzled = .C.先看文中三幅图,猜猜发生了什么?What can you guess from the pictures?a boy missing + a UFO + an empty bed = ?D.阅读第三页 Reading strategy,掌握如何阅读报纸文章. 1. The title gives a idea about the news.2. The first paragraph tells the readers the main idea and the facts, including , what , , where, , and how.3. The following paragraphs give details but important background information.E.略读Boy missing, police puzzled,回答P2-A部分的三个问题.1. What is the article about?2. When was Justin last seen?3. Who is in charge of the case?课中合作探究A.Reading comprehension(根据课文内容进行选择).According to paragraph 1, . A. Justin was killed by Yetis B. people showed great interest in Justin Foster s being missingC. the police have discovered the truth of Justins being missingD. Justin went lost last night. According to paragraph 6, we know that .A. the light that Kelly saw was the light of the full moonB. the spaceship was white all overC. Kelly saw the aliens take Justin awayD. Kelly was quite sure that the aliens took Justin away. In the seventh paragraph, “show up” means .A. arrive or appear B. reachC. disappear D. reach for .From the last paragraph we can know that . A. the police have given up looking into spaceB. the police didnt believe what Kelly and other people said at allC. the police will also try to find out some other possibilities D. the people have found out that someone made up the story of Justins missing B. Read the passage again and answer these questions.1. Which city does Justin Foster live in?2. What did Justin do with friends last Friday?3. What time did Justin get back home that night?4. What does Kelly think happened to her brother?5. What colour are the aliens according to Kelly?6. What happened to Mrs. Mavis Wood?7. What do the police think about the incident?课堂自主检测:1.根据课文内容,完成下面短文Justin Foster went last Friday night in Dove. He didnt at the family lunch the next day. His friends said Justin went home after they played baseball. also said they saw him home. Besides, his sister, Kelly heard Justin return home. She saw lots of strange- looking in a spaceship and heard Justin .After the UFO disappeared. She was sure the aliens Justin. But police were not sure, and they were also other possibilities. 2.试试:不看原文,口述Justin Foster的故事课后自主巩固Do Exercises D and E after class.111

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