高一英语外研版必修4同步学案:Module 2《Traffic Jam》

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111Module TwoTraffic Jam一 知识归纳1重点词组1) get around/round/about 2) raise/put up/hold up ones hand3) be connected to/with 4) be/get stuck in5) in no time/at once/immediately 6) ask for a receipt7) air-conditioned buses 8) rush hours9) offer an alternative to sth. 10) be under construction11) run regular services 12)mark sth. with sth.13) keep cool/calm 14)be in a good/bad mood15) drive sb. mad 16)suffer from17) be crowded with 18)a single/return ticket19) blow the horn 20)limitto.21) permit doing/sb. to do sth. 22) a business permit23)provide sb. with sth./sth.for sb. 24) for convenience25 ) switch on/off 26) be well worth doing 2.重点句型1) Simply raise your hand,and a taxi appears in no time.2) Why not take the underground?3) Its a good idea to avoid public transportation during the rush hours.4) Trolleybuses can get very crowded.3.语法项目1)Imperatives-Giving instructions2)Giving advice二.随堂训练1. 单词拼写1)Its the first time that the painting has been _(展出) to the public. 2)its unusually comfortable for us to travel in an _(带空调的)double-decker. 3)After two days of our walking across the desert, we arrived at our final _(目的地). 4)The speech that the famous professor made yesterday was most _(印象深刻的). 5)Iron_(反应)withwater and air to produce rust(锈). 6) Columbus discovered America but did not _(考察) the new continent. _7)I keep my reference book near my desk for _(方便). 8)To our joy, the _(郊区)streets are lined with green trees on either side. 9)Because of the traffic jam, we had to drive home by a roundabout _(路)10)Without the teachers _(允许), no one can play outside the classroom while having classes. 2.句型转换 1) Every time I meet a traffic jam, I can keep cool. Every time I am _ _ a traffic jam, I can keep cool.2) Youll not regret using tricycles if you want to explore the narrow alleys of old Beijing.Tricycles are _using if you want to explore the narrow alleys of old Beijing3) In order to welcome the 2008 Olympic Games, many new buildings and stadiums are being built now. In order to welcome the 2008 Olympic Games, many new buildings and stadiums are_ _.4) In China, only raise your hand and a taxi will appear at once. In China, only raise your hand and a taxi will appear _ _ _.5) Trolleybuses are buses which are joined to electric wires. Trolleybuses are buses which are _ _ electric wires.3.根据汉语意思完成句子1)乘出租车时,一定确保你要了收据. _ _ you ask for a receipt while taking a taxi. 2)坐在双层公共汽车的上层,你会更好地浏览这个快速发展的城市.While sitting upstairs on a double-decker bus, you will _ _ good _ of the rapidly _ city.3)你想乘哪种交通工具逛北京城? Which _ _ transport would you like to use to _ _ the city of Beijing?4)高峰期时避开公交车是明智的, 那时公共汽车和电车都非常拥挤. Its a good _ _ _public transport during the rush hours, when both buses and trolleybuses will get very _.5)人的生命是有限的,但为人民服务是无限的. There is a _ _ _ones life, but no limit to _ the people.6)他付不起钱进公园. He couldnt _ the charge for the admission to the park.4.单句改错 1) Fares of taking a public transport are cheap, starting from 0.5 yuan.2) The most important thing that we must pay attention to is whether we can find a solution about avoiding traffic jams.3) Why not you switch off the motor immediately when you saw an old man crossing the road?4) Make sure to keep your passport in you in your inside pocket when traveling abroad.5) The problem is worth to be discussed.5.词汇与语法 1) If it is quite _ to you, Ill visit you next Tuesday. A. convenient B. fair C. easy D. comfortable2) Its a headache trying to _ in a strange new town. Ill just take a taxi and avoid all the trouble. A. get over B. get on with C. get around D. get out of3) I have a few dictionaries at hand. I can get the meaning of the phrase for you_. A. in no time B. all the time C. at one time D. by the time4) -Will you help me do this? - _. Do it yourself! A. No doubt B. No wonder C. No matter D. No way5) -Im so tired. Ive worked all morning on the farm. - Why not _ a rest, then? A. to take B. take C. taking D. you take6) Dont get excited about the examination. _. A. Go ahead B. Never mind C. Forget it D. Keep cool7) _ on time, or youll be fired. A. Arriving B. If you arrive C. Arrive D. to arrive8) _ I hadnt seen my classmate for many years, I recognized him immediately. A. As though B. Even though C. As long as D. Even so9) Whoever has helped to save the drowning girl is worth _. A. praised B. being praised C. to praise D. praising10) Tell the boy to _ all lights as he leaves the room. A. take off B. switch on C. turn on D. switch off6. 阅读理解阅读下面短文,从题后所给的A、B、C、D四个答案中选出最佳选项。AWalter had been a good high school student but not an excellent one. He got almost all Bs and a few Cs. He had done his homework most of the time and once in a while he had skipped class(旷课).When he got to Furnell, he didnt change his study habits. As a result he got a bad grade on the first test in chemistry-65 percent, or D. When the teaching assistant gave back his quiz, he also gave him some advice.“Look, Walter, I know youre having problems with this course, Gordon told Walter, “Remember that the teacher requires attendance. In other courses it might be okay to skip class once in a while, but not in this one. A good grade in chemistry depends on attendance, good homework, and going to lab every week. If you continue to do the quiz poorly, youre going to have problems.”Walter thought about his advice a lot over the weekend. “The teaching assistant was serious. Im doing poorly, and I might fail chemistry. In that case I would have to leave Furnell. I dont want to go home and find a job” From that weekend he started studying very hard. In addition, he started to do all his assignments and to go to lab every week. After a month, he was able to answer almost all the quiz questions correctly.“ Im happy to see that youre doing better in this course” the teaching assistant said to Walter.“ Yeah, me too. Its a challenge(挑战) to study every afternoon when I fell like playing football or video games. But now I know that chemistry is not an impossible course. 1. During his first period in university, Walter_.A. goes to class every day B. does only a small part of his homeworkC. skips class once in a while D. studies very hard2. What advice did the teaching assistant NOT give Walter?A. Take a literature course (文学课). B. Start studying a lot.C. Do his homework. D. Go to class every day.3. If Walter failed chemistry at the end of the term, what would he need to do?A. Study hard for his other courses. B. Play video games every afternoon.C. Look for work in his hometown. D. Go to lab every week.4. In this reading, what was a challenge for Walter?A. To skip class once in a while. B. To change his study habits and do well in chemistry.C. To find a job at home. D. To major in chemistry.BMy father and I were very close. I loved pleasing him, and he was always proud of my success. If I won a spelling contest(竞赛) at school, he was on top of the world. Later in life whenever I got a promotion(提升), Id call my father right away and hed rush out to tell all his friends. In 1970, when I was named president of the Ford Motor Company, I dont know which of us was more excited.Like many native Italians, my parents were very open with their feelings and their loves not only at home, but also in public. Most of my friends would never hug their fathers. But I hugged and kissed my dad at every opportunity nothing could have felt more natural.He was a curious man who was always trying new things. He was the first person in Allentown to buy a motorcycle. Unfortunately, my father and his motorcycle didnt get along too well. He fell off it so often that he got rid of it just a month after buying it. As a result, he never again trusted any vehicle with less than four wheels.Because of that motorcycle, I wasnt allowed to have a bicycle when I was growing up. Whenever I wanted to ride a bike, I had to borrow one from a friend. On the other hand, my father let me drive a car as soon as I turned sixteen.5. I hugged and kissed my father at every opportunity,_.A. even though I hated to do so B. because I was told to do so by my motherC. as I was named president of the Ford Motor companyD. for I felt it quite natural to do so6. My father trusted no vehicle with less than for wheels because _.A. he did not like the way I always borrowed bicycles from friendsB. he thought that cars were faster than motorcyclesC. he liked every new model made by the Ford Motor companyD. he had trouble in riding his motorcycle7. Which of the following statements shows that my father was a curious man?A. I wasnt allowed to have a car when I was growing up.B. He was the first person in town to buy a motorcycle.C. He was always proud of my success.D. He was very open with his feelings and his love.8. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A. My father loved his motorcycle. He rode through the dirty streets of Allentown every day.B. I was not allowed to have a bicycle when I was growing up, but when I was just 16 I was allowed to drive a car.C. My father was always proud of what I did. He was very pleased when I won a spelling contest at school.D. My father bought a motorcycle, but got rid of it because he fell off it so often. Module Two参考答案基础知识运用1. 单词拼写1) displayed 2) air-conditioned 3) destination 4) impressive 5) reacts 6) explore 7) convenience 8) suburban 9) route 10) permission2. 句型转换 1) stuck in 2) worth 3) under construction 4) in no time 5) connected to3. 完成句子 1) Make sure 2) have a; view; changing 3) means of; get round 4) idea; to avoid; crowded 5) a limit to; serving 6) afford4. 单句改错 1) from-at 2) about- to 3) not you -not 4) to keep-keep 5)to be discussed-discussing 5. 词汇与语法 1)-5) ACADB 6)10) DCBDD6. 阅读理解 1)-4) CACB 5)-8) DDBA111

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