Unit5《Nelson Mandela-a modern hero-vocabulary》同步练习34(新人教版必修1)

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Unit5《Nelson Mandela-a modern hero-vocabulary》同步练习34(新人教版必修1)_第1页
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Unit5《Nelson Mandela-a modern hero-vocabulary》同步练习34(新人教版必修1)_第3页
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111Unit5 Nelson Mandela a modern hero-vocabulary测试(一) 词汇练习I. 从每题中找出与划线部分意义最接近的选项1. Woman demand equal pay for equal work.A. biggerB. differentC. smallD. same2. She failed this time, but she did not lose heart.A. feel discouraged B. feel sadC. feel upsetD. feel excited3. By telling her that, you have put me in a very difficult position.A. place B. conditionC. roomD. feeling4. I sincerely hope your father will be well again soon.A. almostB. entirelyC. hardly D. truly5. He gave the boy a reward of $10 for bringing back the lost dog.A. moneyB. toyC. bookD. pen6. I dont accept your reason for being late.A. receiveB. expressC. believeD. like7. The fighting around the airport continued for a week before the enemy were defeated.A. went alongB. went overC. went byD. went on8. A group of people set up an organization to support him.A. joined B. helped C. led D. formed9. The people have just voted for a new government.A. electedB. supportedC. defendD. destroyed10. He was sentenced to three years in prison.A. was closedB. was keptC. was taughtD. was punished.II. 选择填空:1. The boy fell into the water, but he _ swim to the bank.A. fought forB. fought againstC. fought to D. fought with2. My father holds an important _ in a factory.A. locationB. careerC. job D. position3. Few pleasures can _ that of a cool drink on a hot day.A. same B. similarC. likeD. equal4. The doctor _ me to have a holiday, but I am too busy.A. persuaded B. suggestedC. advisedD. let5. That evening she _ writing the report.A. went offB. set offC. set upD. set about6. He was killed when a bomb _ near by.A. blew againstB. blew offC. blew upD. blew away7. While I was watching TV., a great idea _ me.A. occurredB. happenedC. hit D. struck8. I hope there are enough glasses for each guest to have _.A. it B. thoseC. themD. one9. He _ the telegram yesterday.A. received B. acceptedC. expectedD. reached10. The foreign minister gave a banquet in _ of the delegation.A. respectB. loveC. honorD. reason11. This school was _ in 1950 and has a history of nearly sixty years.A. got upB. set up C. set upD. taken up.12. Though you have failed many times, you shouldnt _. A. make up your mindB. lose your heartC. lose heartD. lose mind13. Youve lost your hat? Well, thats not much to _. A. worryB. worry aboutC. worry forD. worry at14. She asked me to go to the party and I _.A. acceptedB. receivedC. recognizedD. took15. He was well _ by the kind things people said about him.A. prizedB. worthC. respectedD. rewarded16. We spoke in whispers _ waking the baby.A. in fear thatB. for fear of C. with fear toD. in fear to17. If the enemies dare to come, we will take up arms and fight _ peace _ soldiers.A. against; forB. for; withC. with; withD. against; against18. The building was _ by police.A. guardedB. protectedC. watchedD.kept19. -Can you give me an example to show how useful a computer is ?-Sure. _ people get _ information from it every day.A. A large number of; plenty ofB. The number of; a lot ofC. All kinds of; a great of dealD. plenty of; a large amount20. Professor Yang gave us some very good _ how to learn English well and he will also give some _ how to improve our spoken language.A. advices about; suggestion onB. advice on; suggestions onC. advices on; suggestions aboutD. advice for; suggestions overIII. 从下列中选出合适的词(适当的形式)完成下列句子vote sentence degree trouble youth quality willing continue violence period1. The policeman had to use _ to arrest the murderer.2. The furniture that the store sells is known for its good _.3. The chairman was chosen by a _.4. How can you _ working with all that noise going on?5. Is your father _ for you to go abroad?6. The slave was _ to hard labor.7. Dont borrow _ by worrying about next year. Its too far away.8. The students have different _ of ability.9. The work must be completed within a two-month _. 10. I am determined to give my _ to the motherland.KEYs(一)词汇练习:I. 1-5 DABDA6-10 CDDADII. 1-5 CDDCD6-10 CDDAC11-15 BCBAD16-20 BBAABIII. 1. violence2. quality 3. vote 4. continue 5. willing 6. sentenced 7. trouble 8. degrees 9. period 10. youth111


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