高一英语外研版必修1《Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab》同步练习

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111Words1111. autograph _2. capsule _3. historical _4. financial _5. review _6. spaceship _7. politics_8. telescope_9. fan_10. 经济_11. 创立;建立_12. 创作;生产_13. 证据_14. 业余的_15. 标题_16. 文化的_17. 信念;信条_18. 角色_19. 代替;取代_20. Backstage_Phrases:1. 总共;合计_2. 既然_3. 相信_4. 和-相似 _5. 推迟_6. 轮流_7. 在获得成功_8. 一系列的_9. 从-可以看出_10. 起飞_11. 在太空_12. 拍照_13. 集中注意力于_14. 把-分成 _15. go abroad_111Sentences1. 既然你们已经完成了工作,最好还是休息吧。_ _ you _ _ the work,youd better _ _ _ .2. 当Yang在昨天9点钟从中国西北部Jiuquan起飞时,中国成为把人类送入太空的第三个国家。_ Yang _ _ from Jiuquan in northwest China at 9 am yesterday, China became _ _ nation _ _ a man _ space. 3. 全世界的许多国家发来贺电。Many countries _ the world sent messages _ congratulations.4. 我一点也不相信。_5. 你不会当真吧!/ 你不是认真的吧! _6. 真是个疯狂的想法! 7.Everyone is here,_(包括) Mary .8. 得了吧!_9. You dont believe in aliens, do you?_10. You must be joking. _11. In the United States, newspapers usually have the name of the city where they are produced._.1. Because he has achieved_ great success in his work, everybody considers him_ success. A. a; /a B./; a C. a; / D. /; /2. I _a little more than ten yuan for the book.A. cost B took C. spent D. paid3. He was about halfway through his meal_ a familiar voice came to his ears.A. why B. where C. when D. while4. Electric lights have_ candles.A. taken the place B. instead of C. replaced D. in place of5. I felt a great sense of_ when I reached the top of the mountain.A. achievement B. talent C. advance D. insurance6. As we all know., an artist should_ works that will educate and encourage the people.A. write B. cause C. produce D. do7.This business company was_ in 1724.A. found B. founded C. produced D. adopted8._ _I visited the city, I liked it and decided to settle down there.A. Since the first time B. The first time C. The first time which D. For the first time9.Is this the first time you_ to Beijing? Whats your first impression of this city?A. have come B. came C. had come D. are coming10.-This is my reference book.-_It has my name on it.A. Yes, its quite possible. B. You must be joking! C. Here you are D. Well, Im not so sure. 11._youve got a chance, you might as well make full use of it.A. Now that B. After C. Although D. As soon as12. The film brought the hours back to me_ I was taken good care of in the far-way village.A .until B. that C. when D. where13.The best reporters were sent to _the war.A. covering B. cover C. interview D. interviewing14._his English is so poor, I dont expect he will get a job here.A. Seeing that B. So that C. Even though D. In order that15.I have a slight headache, _I could not sleep well last night.A. so B. but C. and D. for16.We_him_his passing the college entrance exam.A. congratulated; in B. congratulated; on C. celebrated; in D. celebrated; on17._time went on, he was getting older and older. A. While B. When C. As D. Since18.The traffic was very heavy. When we_ to the airport, Sunnys plane_.A. had gotten; arrived B. got; had arrived C. had gotten; had arrived D. got; arrived19.While she_, my mother kept checking the list to make sure she hadnt forgotten anything. A. is shopped B. was shopping C. had shopped D. shopped20.We were watching the World Cup last night_ the lights went out and we were left in the dark. A. when B. while C. until D. before 111

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