高一英语北师大版必修4:Unit12 Culture Shock《Lesson 1 Visting Britain》导学案2

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111班级 姓名 小组 层次 Unit12 Culture Shock(2)Lesson1 Visiting Britain寄语:All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马。 学习目标:1.复读课文,理解文章内容。 (B级) 2.学习并掌握本课重要的词语用法及句型。(B/C级)学习重点:知识点的掌握与应用(B/C级)学习过程:当堂检测:(导学案1)课文填空(B级)I am so happy you are coming to visit me in London. When I first came here I _1_find that London is such an international city. Something that always confused me is tipping. If you want to_2_ confused, you should always check your bill. But when you come here you should _3_at a “Bed and Breakfast”. Some shopkeepers _4_ change 50 notes. Also, you shouldnt _5_ lots of cash. Anyway, I cant _6_ see you here.新授课:Step I 词组听写。(听写上节导学案上词组)(B级)_Step II复读课文,学习下列知识点。(B/C级)1 owe 1)vi./vt. 欠(钱、物),欠情 常用owe sb. some money = owe some money to sbYou owe me 10 yuan.= You owe 10 yuan to me.翻译:_2) 将某事归因、或归功于某人/某物翻译:他将成功归功于母亲。_3) (对某人)负有(义务等)翻译:我应该向他道歉。_4) owing to意同 because of因为,由于。 _the shower,_was stoppedd.由于骤雨,足球赛被迫中断。【及时反馈】1) He is the person_I will owe my success.A who B whom C to whom D to who2) I owe _the doctor that I am still alive.A to Bto it C it to D that to2 absorb vt.吸收,吸入聪明的孩子容易吸收知识。Clever children _ _ easily.短语 be absorbed in 专心于.,使全神贯注于.【及时反馈】完成句子1)_(专心于学习),he didnt know what happened outside.2) We need some facilities _(吸收太阳的光和热)3 be/get confused 不知所措,困惑【练一练】1)Do you think geography _to learn?A is confused B is confusing C it is confusing D it is confused2)_ by so many rules in maths,we had to look for the teacher with the _problems.A Confused; confused B Confused; confusing C Confusing; confused D Confusing; confusing4 I wish your visit wasnt going to be so brief but there is a lot we can do and see in a week.翻译:_导学 wish的用法1)希望,祝愿 I wish you a happy New Year. 翻译:_2) wish to do sth.希望做某事I wish to travel around the world.翻译:_3) wish sb to do sth.希望某人做某事We will do whatever the Party wishes us to do.翻译:_4) wish后接that 引导的从句,从句中一般要用虚拟语气。A 用过去时表示和现在事实相反。我要是能返老还童该多好啊! I wish that I were young again!B 用过去完成时表示和过去事实相反。他希望那时要是留在家里就好了。He wished that he had stayed at home!C“would/could/might+动词原形”表示与将来事实相反。但愿有一天我能乘宇宙飞船飞上月球。I wish I could fly to the moon in a spaceship one day!完成句子:1) How I wish _(我能像鸟儿一样飞)2) What you said yesterday is right.I wish_(我接受了你的建议)then I wouldnt have been refused.3) I wish you _the work on time,but you didnt.A had finished B finishes C finished D finish5 Talking of money-its really easy to exchange travellers cheques at banks or hotels so I advise you to get some of those before you come.翻译:_【句式分析】talking of money是_短语在句子中做时间状语。表示分词和谓语动词两个动作同时发生。相当于时间状语从句:When I talk ofHearing the news,they all jumped with joy.(把分词转化成状语从句)_【及时反馈】1)_(一到北京),he was warmly welcomed.2) _(知道了真相), he made an apology to me immediately.3)_many times,he finally understood it.A Told B Telling C Having tell D Having been told4) _around the lab,the visitors were taken to the playground.A Having shown B Having been showing C Being shown D To be shown自我提高:(附加)(C级)1. Im not used to _ in that rude way.A. being spoken to B. being spoken C. be spoken to D. be spoken 2. To get up late means _.A. to miss the early bus B. missing the early bus C. having missed the early bus D. to have missed the early bus3. Why didnt you make me a telephone call yesterday? I _ about it.A. ought to tellB. ought to have been toldC. might have told D. might have been told4. Dont forget to give this to him, _?A. can you B. wont you C. will you D. do you小结反思:答案:1 I think you owe us an explanation.2 We cant afford to go away for a holiday this summer3 You should avoid making the same mistake again.4 We have been advised not to risk traveling in these conditions.5 We are really looking forward to seeing you again.111

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