Unit1《Festivals around the World》同步练习1(人教版必修3)

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Unit1《Festivals around the World》同步练习1(人教版必修3)_第1页
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Unit1《Festivals around the World》同步练习1(人教版必修3)_第3页
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111Unit 1 Festivals around the World一、单词拼写1. The poor old man _(挨饿) to death for lack of food.2. There is _ (充足) of rain for crops in this area.3. On our _(到达) at the airport, we received a warm welcome.4. Do you know when India gained _(独立) from Britain?5. I dont know whether Russia is a _(欧洲) country or an Asian country.6. Who is the h_ young man standing at the gate?7. In the countryside, winter is a season when a_ work is over.8. You must a_ to your teacher for the rude things you said to her.9. Yao Ming is a very strong and e_ basketball player.10. Christmas is a r_ festival in western countries.二、词组1. 发生,举行2.带领某人去3.纪念,追念4.盛装,打扮,装饰5. 诈骗,开玩笑6、用装饰7、穿 着 8、期待,盼望9、日夜,昼夜,整天10、似乎,好像11、覆盖着12、玩得开心13、 为感到自豪、骄傲14、出现,到场15、守信用,履行诺言16、屏息,屏气17、 与结婚18、 动身去19、使某人想起某事 20、很显然三、完形填空.Mr.West intended to buy his wife a Christmas present,but he was always very busy,so he was never 1 to find time to go to the shops.At last,when it was the week 2 Christmas,and the shops were very crowded,he 3 that he could not wait any longer.He worked in an office,and 4 had lunch in a restaurant,but one day he bought some sandwiches,ate them quickly and went out to a big shop near his office during his lunch 5 .The shop was full of women,who were also buying presents during their lunch hour.Mr.West stood politely at the edge(边)of a crowd of women who were 6 forward to try to get to the people who were 7 necklaces and earrings.He tried to move forward slowly,taking his turn with the others,but more and more women were 8 into the shop the whole time and pushing selfishly past him.After half an hour,he was just as far from the people who were selling the necklaces as he had been 9 he came in,and his lunch hour was coming to an end,so he decided to change his 10 of doing things:he put his head down, 11 a sudden loud shout and started to push his way towards the 12 of the crowd as hard as he could.The women around him became very 13 when they saw what he was doing,and began to scold him.“Why cant you behave like a gentleman?”they shouted.“Ladies,”he 14 them,“I have been behaving like a gentleman for the past half hour,and it has done me no 15 ,so now I am starting to behave like a lady!”1.A.sureB.certainC.ableD.possible2.A.beforeB.afterC.tillD.within3.A.promisedB.decidedC.agreedD.insisted4.A.never B.sometimesC.seldomD.usually5.A.hour B.momentC.minuteD.second6.A.pullingB.pushingC.gatheringD.managing7.A.sellingB.buyingC.choosingD.seizing8.A.goingB.enteringC.fetchingD.coming9.A.whereB.untilC.whenD.even if10.A.habitB.wayC.actionD.sign11.A.caughtB.madeC.blewD.gave12.A.centerB.endC.frontD.back13.A.patientB.angryC.surprisedD.nervous14.A.hatedB.wavedC.explainedD.answered15.A.treasureB.goodC.respectD.present四、阅读理解Several different stories are told about the origin of Saint Valentines Day. One legend dates as far back as the days of Roman Empire. According to the story. Claudius, the Emperor of Rome, wanted to increase the size of the army. He knew that it would be easier to get young men who were not married to join the army; therefore, he made a rule that no young men could marry until he had served in the army for a number of years.A priest named Valentine broke the rule and secretly married a great number of young people. Finally, Claudius found out about Valentine and put the priest in prison, where he remained until his death on February 14.After his death, Valentine was made a saint and the day of his death was named Saint Valentines Day-which is a time for people to send one another their greeting of many kinds. February 14, Valentines Day, is sweethearts day, on which people in love with each other express their tender emotions.People sometimes put their love message in a heart shaped box of chocolate or a bunch of flowers tied with red ribbons. Words of letters may be written on the flower covered card, or something else. Whatever the form may be, the message is almost the same “Will you be my Valentine?”1.According to the rule_.A. no young men could get married unless they were old enough.B. Young men could get married if they had served the army for a number of years.C. no one could get married without the emperors permissionD. young men could get married only in the army.2.The message mainly tells us about_.A.How Valentine died B.The emperor of RomeC. How Valentines Day is celebrated D.The origin of Valentines Day3.February 14 is chosen as Valentines Day because_.A. people want to remember ValentineB. lovers express their tender emotions on this dayC. people send one another greeting of many kinds on this dayD. people want to fix a date for lovers to express their emotion一1.starved 2.plenty 3.arrival 4.independence 5. European 6. handsome 7.agricultural 8.apologise/apologize 9.energetic 10.religious三. 1-5 CABDA 6-10 BADCB 11-15 DCBDB四 4-7ADAD高考资源网111


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