高一英语《Module 2No Drugs》(第1课时)》学案(外研版必修2)

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111Module 2 No Drugs Section introduction & reading and Vocabulary 课型:新授课编号:120025使用范围:必修二编写者: 审核者: 一、教学目标1.总结运用新学词汇、短语2.掌握to do 做目的状语的用法二、教学重点难点动词不定式做目的状语三、预习导学(一)语篇理解Step 1 Fast reading Scan the text and choose the best answers. 1. Adam Rouse took drugs for less than . A. nine years B. five years C. four years D. two years 2. Why does the author say injecting the drug is more dangerous than only smoking it? A. Because drug can go directly into the blood through injecting. B. Because injecting the drug makes one more relaxed. C. Because only a small part of the drug can go into ones body through smoking it. D. Because one can get infected by used needles. 3. Crack cocaine can easily affect our . A. lung B. blood C. brain D. heart 4. From Adam Rouses experience, we know that . A. drug taking can be dangerous to ones health B. drug taking can lead one to commit crimes C. the habit of drug taking is hard to get into D. crack cocaine is more addictive than cannabis 5. The writer tells us of the danger of drug taking by means of . A. telling his own terrible experiences B. introducing the harms of cocaine C. comparing cannabis and crack cocaine D. describing the cruelty of drug dealers Step 2. Careful Reading . Read the text and judge whether the following sentences are true (T) false (F). 1. Adam Rouse used to be a drug dealer. ()2. Adam first began using drugs when he was fifteen. ()3. A man in the street gave Adam some crack cocaine at first. ()4. In order to get enough money for the drugs, Adam had to steal. ()5. Adam took a doctors prescription and stopped using the drug.()6. Adam is now helping others to stop taking drugs. (). Fill in the blanks according to the text. ArticlesPara.Main IdeasArticle 1 A Drug Addict and His Story2Adam became 1. to drugs, and without money for them, he was in terrible 2. 3One day, he 3. into a house and stole things to pay for 4. 5He had to 5. something every day and was taken to the police station. 6Luckily, a doctor helped him to stop 6. drugs.Article 2 The Dangers of Using Cocaine1Crack cocaine a 7. addictive drug. 4Using cocaine can 8. many diseases, such as heart rate, blood pressure and also cause anti-social behavior. Step 3. Summary Adam Rouse used to be a drug addict. He first started using drugs at 15 and he 1. to buy cannabis from a man in the street for about six months. Then the man 2. him some crack cocaine. When Adam went back and wanted 3. crack cocaine, the man asked him for a lot of money. But he didnt have enough money, and was in great 4. Then Adam 5. into a house, 6. a television and a video recorder and sold them in a shop. With the money he bought some more crack cocaine from the same man. By this time he was 7. to crack cocaine. And he had to steal something every day to pay for the drugs. Funally he was taken to the police station, where he took the doctors 8. and stopped taking crack cocaine 9. Now Adam Rouse works in a centre for drug addicts, 10. others to stop taking drugs. (二)Key words and Phrases I.单词训练营1. addictive adj.n. & v.瘾君子;使上瘾n.成瘾2. danger n.adj.危险的v.使处于危险中3. power n.adj. 有权利的adv.强大地,强烈地4. inject v.n. 注射5. reduce vt. n.缩小,减少n. & v.增加6. continue v. adj. 连续不断的,持续的 adv.连续不断地,持续地7. behaviourn.行为,举止8.centre n. adj. 中心的,中央的 v.集中.短语训练营1. be related to 2. break into 3. belong to 4. blood pressure 5. heart rate 6. 死于7.四分之一的8.对上瘾9.听某人的意见10.心脏病11.处于痛苦中12.与某人分享某物13.因而死亡14.在20世纪90年代15.由于四、Language Points 1. reduce v.减少,缩小(尺寸、数量等);降低(价格、程度等)归纳拓展reduceto将减少到reduceby将减少了反义词 increase 同义词 deerease (1) The number of the students in that school 1,000. 那所学校的学生人数减少到1000人。(2) Giving up smoking the risk of heart disease. A. turns B. increases C. reduces D. falls 2. Users who inject the drug are also in more danger if they share needles with other users. 如果那些毒品注射者与其他吸毒者共用针头的话,他们会面临更多的危险。归纳拓展danger n.危险;危险的人/物in danger 处于危险中out of danger 脱离危险in danger of 处于的危险中易混辨析in danger, dangerous (1) in danger 指主语“处于危险之中”,说明某一主体本身处境危险。(2) dangerous 危险的,指某一主体给他人带来危险。用in danger 和 dangerous填空It is to keep close the fierce dog. Childrens lives are every time they cross the road. 3. Users become addicted to crack cocaine much more easily if they somke it.如果吸毒者吸了这么强效纯可卡因,他们将更容易吸毒上瘾。归纳拓展become/ be addicted to 沉迷于;对上瘾addict oneself to 沉溺于addict vt.使沉溺;使上瘾;n.入迷的人;有瘾的人addictive adj.令人上瘾的;使人入迷的语境助记(1) Many people are of TV nowadays. 如今许多人都是电视迷。 (2) The children video games. 孩子们醉心于电子游戏。(3) He taking drugs.他吸毒上瘾了。(4) For some kids network can be as as heroin. 对有些孩子来说,网络同海洛因一样令人上瘾。完成句子He football. 他迷恋上了足球。4. The next day, I broke into a house and stole a television and a video recorder. 第二天,我闯入一栋房子,偷了一台电视机和一台录像机。归纳拓展break into 破门而入;强行闯入;突然起来break away 逃走,逃脱;断裂break down (机器)坏了;(身体)垮掉break in 闯入;打断break up 分裂;结束;解散语境助记(1) Thieves my house when I was out. 我不在家时小偷破门进入我的房子。(2) He heard footstpes behind him and a run. 他听到身后的脚步声就突然跑了起来。题组训练(1) She longed to on their conversation but didnt want to appear rude. 她很想打断他们的谈话,但又不愿显得粗鲁。(2) The car on the way the airport. A. broke away B. broke in C. broke into D. broke down 5. As a result, cocaine users sometimes have heart attacks. 因此,可卡因吸食者有时患有心脏病。归纳拓展as a result 结果as a result of 因为,由于without result 徒劳result in 导致,结果为result from 由引起,源自语境助记(1) He runs every day. , he has lost weight. 他每天跑步,结果他减肥了。(2) exercise, he has built up his health. 由于锻炼的结果,他的身体强壮起来。(3) A love marriage, however, does not necessarily much sharing of interests and responsibilities. 然而,缘于爱情的婚姻未必一定会使得夫妻双方兴趣一致并且懂得如何分担责任。(4) The terrible accident his carelessness. 那桩可怕的意外事件因他的疏忽大意而引起。题组训练(1) There was a traffic jam. , he was late. 由于交通阻塞,他迟到了。(2) As we all know, acting before thinking always failure. A. results from B. results in C. resulted from D. resulted in6. Smoking crack cocaine alwo causes anti-social behaviour 归纳使某人做某事引起,造成=的原因7. I took his advice and stopped immediately. 听从的建议完成句子亚当听取了医生的建议,现在做帮助其他人戒毒的工作。and now worked to help others to stop taking drugs. 五、Exercises基础题用新学单词填空1. Users become a to crack cocaine much more easily if they smoke it. 2. As a result of new technology costs have been r by 20% over the last year. 3. Many people died because of smoking c every year. 4. Good teamwork is a p tool for efficient management. 5. One day he o me some crack cocaine, which made me addicted. 6. Drug users are in more danger if they (共用) needles with others. 7. Using cocaine (增加) the users heart rate and blood pressure. 8. Scientists say smoking cocaine can cause anti-social (行为).中档题1. The situation was . People there were and waited for help. A. danger; in danger B. dangerous, dangerous C. dangerous, in danger D. in danger, dangerous 2. His son, as well as many other American kids, surfing the Internet. A. are lost in B. are interested in C. is addicted to D. is fond in 3. Giving up smoking the risk of heart disease. A. turns B. increase C. reduces D. falls 4. Mr. Smith had his house while he was away on holiday last summer. A. broken out B. broken into C. broken off D. broken down 5. All his friends his happiness with him when he won the match. A. shared for B. shared with C. shared D. shared among 能力提升.阅读理解The Fight Against Youth SmokingSince I took office Ive done everything in my power to protect our children from harm. Weve worked to make their streets and their schools safer, to give them something positive to do after school and before their parents get home. Weve worked to teach our children that drugs are dangerous, illegal and wrong. Today, I want to talk to you about the historic opportunity we now have to protect our nations children from an even more deadly threat: smoking. Smoking kills more people every day than AIDS, alcohol, car accidents, murders, suicides, drugs and fires combined. Nearly 90 percent of those smokers lit their first cigarette before they turned 18. Consider this: 3,000 children start to smoke every day illegally and 1,000 of them will die sooner because of it. This is a national tragedy that every American should be honor-bound to help prevent. For more than five years weve worked to stop our children from smoking before they start, lauching a nationwide campaign to educate them about the dangers of smoking, to reduce their access to tobacco products, and to severely restrict tobacco companies from advertising to young people. If we do these, well cut teen smoking by almost half over the next five years. That means if we act now, we have it in our power to stop3 million children from smoking and to save a million lives as a result. 1. What has the author done in his power? A. To look after our children. B. To clean the street. C. To teach our children. D. To protect our children from harm. 2. Compared with other disasters, what kills more people every day? A. Smoking B. Car accidents C. Drugs D. Murders 3. How many children start to moke every day illegally? A. 1,000B. 3,000C.90D.184. For more than five years what have they done to stop their children from smoking? A. To educate them about the dangers of smoking. B. To reduce their access to tobacco products. C. To restrict tobacco companies from advertising to young people. D. All of the above. 5. How many children will be stopped from smoking if we act now? A. 1 million. B. 1.5 million C. 3 million D. 3,000Module 2 No Drugs Section introduction & reading and Vocabulary答案三、预习导学(一)Step 1.1.C 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.AStep 2.1.F2.T3.F4.T5.F6.T.1. addicted 2. pain 3. broke 4. drugs 5. steal 6. taking 7. powerfully 8. cause Step 31. continued 2. offered 3. more4. pain 5. broke 6. stole 7. addicted 8. advice 9. immediately 10. helping .1.与有关系的2.破门而入3.属于4.血压5.心率6. die of 7. a quarter of 8. be addicted to 9. take ones advice 10. heart attact 11. in pain12. share sth with sb 13. die of/ from 14. in/ during the 1990s15. as a result of 四、language Points 1.(1) reduced to (2)C2.dangerous in danger 题组训练:(1) break in (2) D5.语境助记:(1) As a result (2) As a result of (3) result in (4) resulted from 题目训练:(1) As a result (2) B 6. cause sb to do sth, cause sth, the cause of = the reason for 7. take ones advice, (完成句子) Adam took the doctors advice 五、.1. addicted2. reduced 3. cigarettes 4. powerful 5. offered 6. share 7. increases 8. behavior .1.C2.C3.C4.B5.C.1.D2.A3.B4.D5.C111

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