高一同步学案外研版必修1《Module 2 My New Teachers》

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111辽宁省大连市第24中学高一同步学案 必修1 Module2 My New Teachers话题 1. Talk about the new teachers(谈论新老师) 2.Setting criteria for good teachers(设定一个评价好老师的标准) 3. Write an article about teachers(写一篇描述老师的作文)功能 Expressing preference (表达爱好)须掌握的句型 1. We dont dare to say a word unless she asks us to.2. would ratherthan 3. This is because he really enjoys teaching Chinese literature.4.Its up to you .须掌握的语法 Verbs followed by-ing (动词的-ing形式)独立完成的作业: p74 exercises 5-7(vocabulary)第一课时词汇词汇拓展 1. amusing (vt.)_(n.) 2. energetic (n.)3. intelligent (n.) 4.nervous (adv.) _(n.) 5. patient _(n.)_(反义词) 6.impression (vt.) 7.avoid (n.) 8.incorrectly (adj.)9.appreciate (n.) 10.admit (n.)11.loudly (adj.) 12.similarly (n .)_(adj.)_ (反义词)13.vacation (同义词) 14.relationship (vt.)15. relaxed_(v.) _(n.) 须掌握的短语1.be to 能;会2. a _ of 许多的 3.make_犯措4.ask sb. 要求某人做 5.so 如此以至于6.a 少许,几个7.be of 害怕;担忧 8.on 准时;按时 9._ than超过10. at 现在;目前11. to 答复;回答 12.prefer 更喜欢 13.what 怎样 14. than 宁愿;与其.不如15.a of 两个;几个 16.wait 等待 17.do 尽全力 18.look 看一看 19. example例如20.be_对适合 21.most_大部分22.be_for 迟到 23.in_事实上须掌握的单词1.有趣的;可笑的adj. 2.精力充沛的adj. 3.聪明的 adj. 4.紧张的;焦虑的 adj. 5.耐心的 adj. 6.严肃的adj. 7.害羞的;羞怯的adj. 8.严格的;严厉的adj. 9.印象n. 10.(故意)避开 vt. 11.讨厌;不喜欢vt. 12.不正确地 adv. 13.十分地;完全地 adv. 14.立即;即刻 adv. 15. 感激 vt. 16.承认 vt. 17.大声地 adv. 18.同样地;类似地 adv. 19.玩笑;笑话 n. 20.尊敬;尊重vt.& n. 21.假期n. 22.纪律 n. 23.关系n. 24.轻松的 _第二、三课时课文理解及配套练习佳句背诵:1 人们说第一印象很重要。2.她不会让你感到自己是个笨蛋。3我觉得跟着她学习一定能取得进步。4她很严厉如果她不要求,我们连一句话也不敢说。5有一些学生承认喜欢她!6我觉得有陈老师教我,今后考试我一定会考得不错的。7吴老师只教了我们两星期就已经很受大家欢迎了。8他精力充沛,这是一节你不会想睡觉(感到困倦)的课。9他说起话来响亮快速,激动时不停地挥动双手。10我很尊敬他。知识点配套练习1. Mr Li is strict _ us _ our studies.A. in; with B. on; with C. with; in D. with; with 2. My grandfather is as _ as a young man and hates sitting around doing nothing all day.A. energetic B. patient C. nervous D. intelligent 3. Hearing the _ story, she had an _ look on the face. A. amused; amusing B. amusing; amused C. amusing; amusing D. amused; amused4. My first impression _ Mrs Zhang was that she was nervous and shy.A. for B. on C. of D. by 5. I tried to avoid _ him because he always bored me. A. meeting B. to have met C. having D. be met 6. His works were not _ until after his death.A. appreciated B. moved C. appreciating D. appreciation 7. Sarah, hurry up. Im afraid you cant have time to _ before the party.A. get changed B. get change C. get changing D. get to change 8. _ it is to have a cold drink on such a hot day!A. What a fun B. How fun C. What fun D. How a fun 9. I recognized him _ I saw him.A. immediately B. immediate C. direct D. unless10. -What did you mean by saying that?- I mean no harm. I only _. A. meant helping B. want to help C. meant to help D. want helping 11. I dont think the characters are very true _ life.A. to B. of C. about D. in 12. In America, students and teachers are quite _ with each other. A. relaxed B. relaxing C. relaxation D. relax13. - I usually go there by train.- Why not _ by boat for a change?A. to try going B. trying to go C. to try and go D. try going14. _ two exams to worry about, I have to work really hard this weekend.A. With B. Besides C. As for D. Because15. -You looked tired, Jane.- Yes. I _ my uncle clean the house all the day.A. have helped B. have been helping C. was helping D. am helping 第四课时写作美文背诵 The City of SongListening to music is the favorite pastime of many people all over the world. This is especially true for people living in Vienna, the city of song. Being the home of Mozart, this city is the birthplace of classical music and the waltz. Music fills the air in Vienna. Going to public concerts is often free of charge. And dont forget, Vienna is also home to the world famous Vienna Boys Choir. No wonder people say Austria is always alive with the sound of music. birthplace 发源地,诞生日 classical 古典的 classic 经典的 sth. fill the air 充满着某物Eg:Romantic love songs fill the air in that cozy Italian restaurant.那家温馨的意大利餐馆充满着罗曼蒂克的情歌be free (of charge) 免费的 This sample is free of charge. be home to 某地是的所在地出产地聚集地be the home of 某地是的故乡老家no wonder + clause(主+v.) adv.难怪 Eg:No wonder Bruce is in such a good shape, he exercises. No wonder youre so thin, you eat so little.be alive with 充满的写作指导 : 人物介绍的写作:1). 属于记叙文体裁,分为记人和记事两种。3). 常见高考书面表达题:介绍同学,朋友,老师,父母,名人等等4). 记叙方法:顺叙,倒叙,插叙5). 注意事项:选材代表性;精炼,感人,记述时,外貌的描写、性格的刻画等都要服务于人物,不拖泥带水;注意人称和时态(一般用第一人称和第三人称,时态通常为一般过去时)。6). 开篇方式:从外貌入手;从环境落笔;从整体概括引导,先概述,再详写等等。描写人物外貌的句子:(一) I think she is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. She is exciting, amazing and charming. (二) She had a little thin face and a little thin body,thin light hair and a sour expression(三) He was a clever teacher and a philosopher, looking for truth and wisdom. Most of his teaching was about life in the world.(四) Prince William is quite handsome. He is tall, his hair is blond, and his eyes are blue. He is also left-handed. He takes after his beautiful mother, (五) .But her eyes. They are blue like the sky in spring or the ocean in a stormy night. They are so maddening. Well, lets talk about her mouth. When she is smiling she has two little face-lines by the side of her lips. (dimples) 习作练习: 假如你是某校高一学生,今天,你们班的学生召开了讨论会,讨论好老师的标准。请你根据下面提示写一篇短文介绍讨论情况。词数100 左右。提示:1 大家公认受欢迎的特征;2你最喜欢的老师类型。答案:佳句背诵:1. They say that first impressions are very important.2. She avoids making you feel stupid.3. I feel Im going to make progress with her.4. She is very strict- we dont dare to say a word unless she asks us to.5. A few students even admit liking her.6. I think Ill do well in the exam with Mrs Chen teaching me.7. Mr Wus only been teaching us for two weeks and hes already very popular.8. Hes got so much energy, this is one class you do not fall asleep in!9. He talks loudly and fast, and waves his hands about a lot when he gets excited.10. I respect him a lot.知识点配套练习:1-5 CABCA 6-10 AACAB 11-15 AADAB111

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