高三英语一轮复习:Module1 Unit3《Looking good,feeling good》语言点复习

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高三英语一轮复习:Module1 Unit3《Looking good,feeling good》语言点复习_第1页
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高三英语一轮复习:Module1 Unit3《Looking good,feeling good》语言点复习_第3页
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111M1 Unit3 RevisionTeaching aims:Enable students to have a deep understanding of the passage. Enable students to master some important words and phrases.Teaching difficulties and key points: How to use the words and phrases in praticeStep 1 RevisionRead the summary of the passageStep 2 Language points1. stay持续不变,保持(用作系动词) stay away走开,别接近 stay up 熬夜 How can you (一直年轻) after so many years?Why dont you put the meat in the fridge? It will fresh for several days.A.be stayed B.stay C. be staying D. have stayed2. failure n.1) 失败(不可数名词)eg. Failure is the mother of success.end in failure 以失败告终2) 失败者;失败的事(可数名词)eg. He is a failure as an artist, but a success as an art teacher.3) 衰退;减退;倒闭,破产liver failure 肝功能衰竭 failure of eyesight 视力减退试题回顾His plan ended in failure, so as a writer, he was complete failure.A. the;/ B./;a C./; the D. the; a 3. contain vt.包含;容纳contain 侧重包含的内容,成分include 包括,指作为一部分被包括进去Beer alcohol.The speech some interesting ideas.There are 20 passengers on the bus, a baby.4consider vi 1) consider +doing 考虑eg. He is considering working in Australia.2) consider sb (to be )+n/adj , consider sb to have done认为eg. Tom is considered (to be ) very honest I consider him ( to be)/as the best football plyer in our class.试题回顾1)Charles Babbage is generally considered the first computer.A. to invent B.inventing C. to have invented D. having invented2) What are you considering? my job.A. Changing B. To change C.Chang D. Changed5risk n eg. Although there was a storm, they took the risk of driving on.at all risks(=at any risk)无论冒什么危险at the risk of 冒之险 run ( take ) the risk of doing 冒险(做某事) risk vt 冒之险,后接名词或动名词试题回顾改错:He risked to get caught in a storm and went out.6. in secret 秘密地;暗地里keep a secret 保守秘密 keep sth a secret from sb 不把某事告诉某人let ( take ) sb into the secret 将秘密告诉某人7make sb do sth 使某人做某事 eg. The teacher made Tom learn the whole text by heart.注意:该结构变成被动语态时要使用带to 的动词不定式Tom learn the whole text by heart.He often made his sister but this time he was made by his sister.A. cry;cry B.to cry; to cry C. to cry; cry D. cry; to cry 8.keep 1) keep doing一直做某事;继续做某事 2) keep sb from doing 阻止某人做某事3)keep +宾语+宾语补足语试题回顾:1) We must do something to keep the roof .A. to fall B. falling C. fallen D. from falling 2) John was so sleepy that he could hardly keep his eyes .A. to open B. open C.opened D. opening 9.suggestion (suggest)make/offer/put forward a suggestion 提出建议follow/take/ act on ones suggestion 遵照某人的建议eg. He made the suggestion that we (go) by train.suggest 1) 表示“建议,提议”时,后接名词或代词;动词的-ing 形式及that 从句。所接宾语从句中用虚拟语气(should )doeg. We suggested a visit to the factory.= We dsuggested visiting the factory. 2)表示表明;暗示时,suggest 后的宾语从句不用虚拟语气eg. Her expression suggested that she was angry.1) Janes pale face suggested that she ill, and his parents suggested that she a medical examination. A. be; should have B.was;have C. should be; had D.was; was 10. So +be 动词/助动词/情态动词+主语,表示某人也如此否定句用“Neither/Nor+be动词/情态动词/助动词+主语eg. Tom plays the piano well. his sister. I cant speak Japanese. he. So +主语 +be 动词/助动词/情态动词,表示的确如此试题回顾1)-You forgot your purse when you went out. -Good heavens, .A. so did I B. so I did C.I did so D.I so did2) -I would never come to this restaurant again. The food is terrible. - .A. Nor am I B. Neither would I C. Same with me D. So do I 单项选择1. - These shoes are beautiful. - But they do not _your dress.A. fitB. matchC. followD. suit 2. This kind of fruit _ large amounts of vitamin C.A. includesB. takesC. holdsD. contains3. In such a close game, every point _.A. doesB. worksC. countsD. pays4. _ I have enough time, I can help you with the program.A. Now thatB. After allC. AlthoughD. Unless5.The moment I saw him at the conference, I _ him.A. rememberedB. recognizedC. knewD. realized6 It must have rained last night, _ the ground is wet.A. forB. becauseC. asD. since7.I regret _that you are putting on weight, but youd better not risk _the weight-loss pills.A. to say, taking B. saying, taking C. to say, to take D. saying, to take 8 Dont worry, dear. Well find the MP3 for you _.A. for some timeB. on time C. in no timeD. at times9.I think it is unfair, _?A. do IB. is itC. dont ID. isnt it10 Mary _ to know where you have been, as she has something important to tell you.A. is hopedB. is dyingC. is wantingD. dies11.Was it in 2002 _ he was still at middle school _ the boybecame expert at computer?A. that; whereB. when; whereC. that; when D. when; that12.I feel _ being unable to answer the teachers questions in class.A. ashamed of B. shameful forC. it a shame D. shameful to13.The story is very interesting, and it is _.A. well worth reading B. well worthy of readingC. very worthy of being readD. worthy to read14.He is considered _ the work ahead of time.A. finishingB. to finishC. having finished D. to have finished15.It is necessary for us to _ regularly to keep fit.A. work outB. do exercisesC. work D. go to the gym16 Ive tried my best and done quite well, but he _ faults with me.A. always finds B. has always found C. always found D.is always finding17 I wish to go swimming with you this afternoon, _?A. do IB. may IC. wont youD. dont I18 - John has made a great deal of progress lately. - _, and _.A. So he has; so you haveB. So he has; so have you C. So has he; so have youD. So has he; so you have19My study plan _ and I achieved high scores in the exam.A. workedB. helpedC. didD. counted20-Would you like some more chicken?-No,thanks.I am a diet and Im trying to weight.A.on;lose B.on ;put on C.in; have D.in; lose翻译句子1 吸烟对身体有害。(do harm to /be harmful to)2.他正在考虑变更计划.(consider)3.那种药对身体有很坏的影响。( have an effect on)4.健康的饮食习惯加上有规律的锻炼是保持健康的唯一途径。(along with )5.这个好消息让我们大家都感到很高兴。(ma M1 Unit3 Revision答案1.stay持续不变,保持(用作系动词) stay away走开,别接近 stay up 熬夜 试题回顾:1How can you stay young (一直年轻) after so many years?2Why dont you put the meat in the fridge? It will fresh for several days.A.be stayed B.stay C. be staying D. have stayed2.failure n.4) 失败(不可数名词)eg. Failure is the mother of success.end in failure 以失败告终5) 失败者;失败的事(可数名词)eg. He is a failure as an artist, but a success as an art teacher.6) 衰退;减退;倒闭,破产liver failure 肝功能衰竭 failure of eyesight 视力减退试题回顾His plan ended in failure, so as a writer, he was complete failure.A. the;/ B./;a C./; the D. the; a 3.contain vt.包含;容纳contain 侧重包含的内容,成分include 包括,指作为一部分被包括进去Beer contains alcohol.The speech contains some interesting ideas.There are 20 passengers on the bus,including a baby.4consider vi 1) consider +doing 考虑eg. He is considering working in Australia.2) consider sb (to be )+n/adj , consider sb to have done认为eg. Tom is considered (to be ) very honest I consider him ( to be)/as the best football plyer in our class.试题回顾1)Charles Babbage is generally considered the first computer.A. to invent B.inventing C. to have invented D. having invented2) What are you considering? my job.A. Changing B. To change C.Chang D. Changed5risk n eg. Although there was a storm, they took the risk of driving on.at all risks(=at any risk)无论冒什么危险at the risk of 冒之险 run ( take ) the risk of doing 冒险(做某事)risk vt 冒之险,后接名词或动名词试题回顾改错:He risked to get caught in a storm and went out. getting6. in secret 秘密地;暗地里keep a secret 保守秘密 keep sth a secret from sb 不把某事告诉某人let ( take ) sb into the secret 将秘密告诉某人7make sb do sth 使某人做某事 eg. The teacher made Tom learn the whole text by heart.注意:该结构变成被动语态时要使用带to 的动词不定式1.Tom was made tolearn the whole text by heart.2.He often made his sister but this time he was made by his sister.A. cry;cry B.to cry; to cry C. to cry; cry D. cry; to cry 8.keep 1) keep doing一直做某事;继续做某事 2) keep sb from doing 阻止某人做某事3)keep +宾语+宾语补足语试题回顾:1) We must do something to keep the roof .A. to fall B. falling C. fallen D. from falling 2) John was so sleepy that he could hardly keep his eyes .A. to open B. open C.opened D. opening 9.suggestion (suggest)make/offer/put forward a suggestion 提出建议follow/take/ act on ones suggestion 遵照某人的建议eg. He made the suggestion that we (should) go (go) by train.suggest 1) 表示“建议,提议”时,后接名词或代词;动词的-ing 形式及that 从句。所接宾语从句中用虚拟语气(should )doeg. We suggested a visit to the factory.= We dsuggested visiting the factory. 2)表示表明;暗示时,suggest 后的宾语从句不用虚拟语气eg. Her expression suggested that she was angry.试题回顾:Jane s pale face suggested that she ill, and his parents suggested that she a medical examination. A. be; should have B.was;have C. should be; had D.was; was 10. So +be 动词/助动词/情态动词+主语,表示某人也如此否定句用“Neither/Nor+be动词/情态动词/助动词+主语eg. Tom plays the piano well. So does his sister. I cant speak Japanese.Neither can he. So +主语 +be 动词/助动词/情态动词,表示的确如此试题回顾1)-You forgot your purse when you went out. -Good heavens, .A. so did I B. so I did C.I did so D.I so did2) -I would never come to this restaurant again. The food is terrible. - .A. Nor am I B. Neither would I C. Same with me D. So do I 单项选择 BDCAB AACDB DAADA DBBAA1. - These shoes are beautiful. - But they do not _your dress.A. fitB. matchC. followD. suit 2. This kind of fruit _ large amounts of vitamin C.A. includesB. takesC. holdsD. contains3. In such a close game, every point _.A. doesB. worksC. countsD. pays4. _ I have enough time, I can help you with the program.A. Now thatB. After allC. AlthoughD. Unless5.The moment I saw him at the conference, I _ him.A. rememberedB. recognizedC. knewD. realized6 It must have rained last night, _ the ground is wet.A. forB. becauseC. asD. since7.I regret _that you are putting on weight, but youd better not risk _the weight-loss pills.A. to say, taking B. saying, taking C. to say, to take D. saying, to take 8 Dont worry, dear. Well find the MP3 for you _.A. for some timeB. on time C. in no timeD. at times9.I think it is unfair, _?A. do IB. is itC. dont ID. isnt it10 Mary _ to know where you have been, as she has something important to tell you.A. is hopedB. is dyingC. is wantingD. dies11.Was it in 2002 _ he was still at middle school _ the boybecame expert at computer?A. that; whereB. when; whereC. that; when D. when; that12.I feel _ being unable to answer the teachers questions in class.A. ashamed of B. shameful forC. it a shame D. shameful to13.The story is very interesting, and it is _.A. well worth reading B. well worthy of readingC. very worthy of being readD. worthy to read14.He is considered _ the work ahead of time.A. finishingB. to finishC. having finished D. to have finished15.It is necessary for us to _ regularly to keep fit.A. work outB. do exercisesC. work D. go to the gym16 Ive tried my best and done quite well, but he _ faults with me.A. always finds B. has always found C. always found D.is always finding17 I wish to go swimming with you this afternoon, _?A. do IB. may IC. wont youD. dont I18 - John has made a great deal of progress lately. - _, and _.A. So he has; so you haveB. So he has; so have you C. So has he; so have youD. So has he; so you have19My study plan _ and I achieved high scores in the exam.A. workedB. helpedC. didD. counted20-Would you like some more chicken?-No,thanks.I am a diet and Im trying to weight.A.on;lose B.on ;put on C.in; have D.in; lose翻译句子2 吸烟对身体有害。(do harm to /be harmful to)Smoking can be harmful to/ do harm to your health.2.他正在考虑变更计划.(consider)He is considering changing the plan.3.那种药对身体有很坏的影响。( have an effect on)The medicine had a bad effect on the body.4.健康的饮食习惯加上有规律的锻炼是保持健康的唯一途径。(along with )Healthy eating, along with regular exercise is the only way to become fit.5.这个好消息让我们大家都感到很高兴。(make)The good news made all of us (feel) very happy.ke)111


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