外研版七上Module 5 模块测试题

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Module5 My school day 一、单项选择 1.I five books and my brother two books.A. have; haveB. has; hasC. have; hasD. has; have 2.My parents like salad but they like hamburgers.A. arentB. dontC. isntD. doesnt 3.We any Chinese classes on Friday.A. are havingB. arent havingC. dont haveD. are have 4.I used to be crazy about the film when I was young, but I it that way any more.A. dont feelB. didnt feelC. havent feltD. hadnt felt 5.The Greens arrived New York a sunny day.A. in; inB. at; inC. at; onD. in; on 6.Lei Feng died 1962 the age of 22, but the spirit of Lei Feng will never be out of style.A. in; onB. in; atC. on; inD. on; at 7. Sally morning exercises every day?A. Do; doB. Does; doC. Does; doesD. Is; doing 8. your brother like singing?A. AreB. DoesC. DoD. Is 9.The English for “8:30” is .A. eight past half B. half to eight C. half past eight D. eight thirteen10.What shall we have lunch?A. withB. forC. atD. to11.Does she any pencils?Yes, she three pencils.A. have; hasB. have; haveC. has; haveD. has; has12.I wouldnt go by plane. I like flying.A. doesntB. dontC. wouldntD. didnt13.They go to work today.A. arentB. dontC. doesntD. isnt14.The boat like a duck.A. isnt lookB. dont lookC. doesnt lookD. doesnt looks15. Sunday morning, he cleaned his room. the afternoon, he did his homework. Sunday night, he went to the movies.A. On; On; OnB. On; In; OnC. In; In; InD. In; On; At二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)16. Jim didnt go to s until he finished his work.17. Im b getting ready for the exam now, so I cant go with you.18. Peter usually w his clothes on weekends.19. My parents usually w TV in the evening.20. The third question is the most d of the three.21. Lets play computer games!That sounds i .22. At school we study many s such as English, Chinese, maths and so on.23. China is a country with a very long h .24. G is my favourite subject. I can learn more about mountains and rivers.25. You are good at t to people. They all like you.三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)26. If you want to learn English, please (开始) with ABC.27. This is a(n) (有趣的) game.28. After getting up, he usually (洗) his face with cold water.29. It was (困难的) to find the lost dog.30. The Lion King is such an interesting cartoon film that it is worth (看) a second time.31. Stop (讲话). Our teacher is reading.32. We have six (课) every day.33. We have a (地理) lesson every week.34. I have porridge and eggs for (早餐).35. Jason often does his (作业) at 8:00 in the evening.四、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)36. 我每天晚上十一点半结束工作。I finish my work every night.37. 我通常每天早上6:30起床。I usually at 6:30 every morning.38. 安迪晚上没有时间看电视。Andy _ _ _ _ watch TV in the evening.39. Oh, dear! Its eleven oclock. Why dont you (睡觉) ?Sorry, I have too much homework to do today.40. 下午我们上其他的课程像音乐,美术还有体育课。(词数不限)In the afternoon, we .五、完形填空A: Hello, Tom. 41 you in Class Five, 42 ?B: Yes, I 43 . I am new here. Whats your 44 ?A: Im Daming. Im your classmate. Are you from New York?B: No, I am from 45 . Its the capital of England.A: Whats your 46 ?B: Tom Green. How 47 are you?A: I am 48 years old. What 49 you?B: Im thirteen years old, so Im one year older(更大) than 50 .41.A. AreB. IsC. AmD. Be42.A. tooB. andC. butD. so43.A. areB. isC. amD. be44.A. nameB. classC. gradeD. school45.A. ShanghaiB. New YorkC. GuangzhouD. London46.A. given nameB. full nameC. family nameD. last name47.A. /B. oldC. longD. much48.A. twelveB. fourteenC. fifteenD. sixteen49.A. aboutB. onC. fromD. for50.A. himB. youC. herD. it六、阅读理解AMake the world a better place Lets learn facts about the Earth about air/light/water/noise problems how to make better use of garbage how to grow trees and flowers Bring a sleeping bag clothes for 7 days Join Camp 1 July 5-11 Camp 2 July 15-21 Camp 3 August 1-7 Camp 4 August 10-16 We welcome students between 12 and 18 years old Young Student Center51. Which is the best logo(标志) for Big Dream Summer Camp?A. B. C. D. 52. The kids cant learn in Big Dream Summer Camp.A. how to go fishing B. air problems about the earthC. how to grow trees and flowers D. how to make better use of the garbage(垃圾)53. David needs to take with him for Big Dream Summer Camp.A. his pet dog and some clothes B. a sleeping bag and his MP4C. a sleeping bag and some clothes D. a mobile phone and some snacks54. Jenny has to join because of her piano lessons from July 7 to August 7.A. Camp 1B. Camp 2C. Camp 3D. Camp 455. Who cant join Big Dream Summer Camp according to the poster?A. Jack, a 15-year-old boy. B. Cindy, a college girl of 20.C. Tony, a naughty boy of 13. D. Tina, a 16-year-old school girl.BTHE SCHOOL NEWS June 8th, 2011 School trip on Childrens Day. They went to Blue Water Aquarium by bus. The teachers were very happy because the students cleaned the buses after the trip. Sixteen visitors from America arrived at our school on June 3rd, Saturday. And they have visited a few places of interest in Beijing. Heres good news for football fans! A football match will be held between Class 1 and Class 3 in our school on June 16th. We hope you have a good time. Therell be a concert in our school on June 30th. Some students will show their talents by singing, dancing and playing the piano at the music hall.56. The students on Childrens Day.A. visited Beijing B. watched a matchC. took a trip D. gave a concert57. Sixteen visitors from arrived at our school.A. ChinaB. AmericaC. EnglandD. Germany58. On June 16th, therell be a match in our school.A. footballB. basketballC. volleyballD. table tennis59. On June , therell be a concert in our school.A. 1stB. 16thC. 9thD. 30thC This is Mary. She is ten. She is in Beijing with her grandparents. Her parents are in the U.S.A. Mary doesnt have sisters or brothers. Every morning, her grandfather Mr. Lin brings(带来) breakfast to Marys room. He knows Mary likes Beijing food very much. Mary likes her grandfather and wants(想) to thank him. This morning, Mr. Lin takes breakfast to Marys room, but he cant find his granddaughter. Mary, where are you? Im here in the kitchen(厨房). Mary takes a hamburger with some vegetables(蔬菜) to her grandfather. Dear grandfather, thanks for your breakfast. And this is my breakfast for you. Its good for your health. What a nice girl.60. Where is Mary?A. She is in the U.S.A.B. She is in Beijing.C. She is in Shanghai.61. Whats Marys last name?A. LinB. LiC. Smith62. What does Marys grandfather do every morning?A. He takes Mary to school.B. He brings a hamburger to Mary.C. He brings breakfast to Marys room.63. What does Mary take to her grandfather?A. A hamburger with some fruit.B. A hamburger and some tomatoes.C. A hamburger with some vegetables64. Which is right?A. Mary likes hamburgers.B. Mary is with her father.C. Mary likes her grandfather.D I am a writer. My job is to write something for the newspaper. I work very hard. Every morning I get up at seven. I take some exercise and then have a light breakfast. Then I drive to my office. It takes me forty minutes, so I usually get there earlier than others. I am very busy. I think every minute counts, so I plan my work very carefully. I keep a diary to help me remember things. I meet and talk with many people. I make lots of telephone calls. I often go out and visit people. I come back home at seven. I often watch TV at supper time. Then I begin to write down what I know. I like being busy.65. What does the writer of the passage think of his job?A. He hates(讨厌) it B. He likes it very muchC. He feels it too tiresome(烦人)D. He doesnt like it at all66. The sentence every minutes counts means .A. 合计B. 数量C. 计算出D. 每分每秒都很重要67. How does he go to his office?A. By carB. By bike C. By busD. By train68. Why does he make lots of telephone calls? Because .A. he wants to visit some friendsB. he wants to make friends with othersC. he wants to have some telephone interviews(采访)D. he wants to ask for some stories69. What is the best title of the passage?A. My Busy Day B. How Busy I AmC. Do You Want to Be a Writer? D. My Job Is Interesting七、短文7选5(5选5等) Many young people want to be famous players like Yao Ming. They think they will own(拥有) everything when they are famous. 70. For example, when you are famous, you can do something good for schools and charities(慈善机构). 71. However, as a famous person, it is not easy. 72. If you are famous, people will know you everywhere. They are around you every day, but youll never know who your real(真正的) friends are. 73. In fact, 74. They feel that the life before was more interesting.A. You will meet many problems(问题).B. And then they can do what they want.C. Youll lose your own(自己的) life.D. You can also do some work to help others.E. many famous people are not happy.八、阅读与表达(判断式) Some days before Mothers Day, the teacher wanted to know how his students were going to show their love to their mothers. Some of the students came from far away to study here. “Are you going home to see your mother during the holiday?” the teacher asked one of them. The student answered, “I have no time to go home because Im going to get ready for the exam. But Ill write a letter to my mother.” “Then which do you think is more important(更重要), your mother or the exam?” “Of course the exam is more important,” answered the student. “My mother is always saying so.” 根据短文内容,判断正误,正确的为T,错误的为F。75. All children should(应该) show their love to their mother on Mothers Day.76. The students would have a holiday on Mothers Day.77. The student told his teacher that he wouldnt go home that day because his home was far away.78. The student didnt love his mother, so he wouldnt go back home.79. The mother thought the exam was very important for her son.九、补全对话(选择)A: 80. B: Hi, Lisa.A: Can you come to my birthday party?B: Sure, 81. 82. A: Its at 6:00 in the evening on Saturday.B: Im sorry. I cant. 83. A: Oh, thats too bad.B: 84. A. I have to study for the math test.B. Thank you for asking.C. Hi, Simon.D. Where is it?E. Id love to.F. What are you doing?G. What time is it?答案一、单项选择 1. C 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. D 6. B 7. B 8. B 9. C10. B11. A12. B13. B14. C15. B二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)16. Sleep 17. Busy 18. Washes 19. Watch 20. difficult21. Interesting 22. Subjects 23. History 24. Geography 25. talking三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)26. Begin 27. Interesting 28. Washes 29. Difficult 30. watching31. Talking 32. Lessons 33. Geography 34. Breakfast 35. homework四、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)36. at half past eleven 37. get up 38. has no time to watch TV in the evening39. go to bed 40. have other classes; such as music; art and PE五、完形填空41. A42. A43. C44. A45. D46. B47. B48. A49. A50. B六、阅读理解51. D52. A53. C54. D55. B56. C57. B58. A59. D60. B61. A62. C63. C64. C65. B66. D67. A68. C69. A七、短文7选5(5选5等)70. B71. D72. A73. C74. E八、阅读与表达(判断式)75. T76. T77. F78. F79. T九、补全对话(选择)80. C81. E82. G83. A84. B


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