浙江省安吉县振民中学高一英语人教版必修3《Unit 5 Canada--“The True North”》:Learning about language教案

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浙江省安吉县振民中学高一英语人教版必修3《Unit 5 Canada--“The True North”》:Learning about language教案_第1页
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浙江省安吉县振民中学高一英语人教版必修3《Unit 5 Canada--“The True North”》:Learning about language教案_第2页
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浙江省安吉县振民中学高一英语人教版必修3《Unit 5 Canada--“The True North”》:Learning about language教案_第3页
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111教学目标:1.掌握multi-, -words 构成的单词。2.本单元一些重点词汇的掌握。教学重难点:词汇的掌握和运用。预习案:。根据汉语提示或首字母用词的适当形式完成句子。1.There are 5 to 7 c_ in the world, depending on how you count them.2. The s_ here are quiet.3. Since 1965, the m_ leaf has been the centerpiece of the National Flag of Canada4. The countrys w_ comes from its oil.5. It is a long d_ from New York to Hongkong.6. The river is about 20 feet b_.7. Dont put the medicine _(在之内) the childrens reach.8 .The study _(证实)the findings of earlier research.9.Its his work attitude that _(使印象深刻) me deeply!10.The government has promised to take m_ to help the unemployed.新授案:1.理解multi-,-wards 构成词的意思。让学生反复读例词,体会其词意。 2.Give Ss five minutes to finish part 2,3., and ask Ss to read these sentences .课堂检测:.选择动词并用其的适当形式填空chatsurroundsettlebordermixconfirmterrifyimpress1. _ by trees and flowers,the building looks very beautiful.2. Tom spent hours _on the telephone to his friends3. It _ that Tom killed his master and took away all the money.4. _ by his handsome appearance and deep voice,Jane couldnt look through the mans simple trick and decided to marry him.5.If you _ green with yellow,you get blue.6.She was _ at the _ looking dog and stood there trembling with terror.7. Let us _down to write an article用括号里所给单词的正确形式填空。1. The _ breakfast is this area includes bacon and eggs. (tradition)2. I didnt have the _ idea who that man was. (slight)3. This area is _ in fruits and flowers. (wealth)4. Take _ of the room before you buy any piece of new furniture. (measure)5. It took me a few weeks to get used to my new _. (surround)6. Some members travelled a long _ to attend the meeting. (distant)7. She felt a strange _ of excitement and fear. (mix)8. We were _ that the bridge would break down. (terrify)9.The test (finish), we began our holiday.10.Weather (permit), we are going to visit you tomorrow.限时训练:完型填空Elizabeth Clay decided to go home and spend the holiday with her parents. The next day she drove her old car home along the road.1 she found she got a flat(扁平的)tire. The 22-year-old student 2 to stop her car by the side of the road in the winter night and opened the trunk. No 3 tire.At this time, a car 4.Paul and Diane told Clay to 5 them to a service station near their 6.They arrived to see that it had no suitable tires to 7 with her car. “Follow us home,” said Paul. The couple called around to find a tire. No 8.They decided to let her use their own car, “Here,” Paul said, handing Clay a9 of keys, “Take our car. We 10 be using it over the holiday.”Clay was 11.“But Im going all the way to South Carolina, and Ill be gone for two weeks,” she 12 them.“We know,” Paul said. “Well be 13 when you get back. Heres our number if you need to 14 us.”Unable to believe her eyes, Clay watched at the 15 put her luggage into their car and then 16 her off. Two weeks later she 17 to find her old car cleaned inside and out with three new tires and the radio 18.“Thank you so much,” she said. “How much do I 19 you?” “Oh, no,” Paul said ,“We dont want any money. Its our 20.” Clay realized that while it might have been their pleasure, it was now her duty to pass on their “do unto others” spirit.1.A.SuddenlyB. FinallyC. ImmediatelyD. Fortunately 2.A.affordedB. wantedC. allowedD. managed3.A.spareB. freeC. fullD. empty4.A.passedB. stoppedC. pausedD. started5.A.helpB. pushC. takeD. follow6.A.garageB. houseC. shopD. hotel7.A.agreeB. matchC. goD. deal8.A.wayB. messageC. successD. luck9.A.setB. numberC. pairD. chain10.A.cantB. shouldntC. mustntD. wont11.A. satisfiedB. worriedC. astonishedD. disturbed12.A.persuadedB. advisedC. remindedD. promised13.A.happyB. hereC. awayD. busy14. A. get in touch withB. keep in touch with C. be in touch withD. put in touch with15. A. repairmenB. cleanerC. friendsD. couple16.A.sentB. shookC. watchedD. drove17.A.shockedB. happenedC. returnedD. came18.A.loadedB. fixedC. tiedD. rebuilt19.A.oweB. lendC. giveD. offer20.A.wishB. jobC. dutyD. pleasure高考学习网Keys;1.continents 2. surroundings 3. maple 4.wealth 5.distance 6.broad 7. within 8. .confirmed 10.measures课堂一、1.Surrounded 2.chatting r3.has been confirmed 4.Impressed 5.mix6 terrified,terrifying 7. settle二、1. traditional 2. slightest 3. wealthy 4. measurements 5. surroundings 6. distance 7. mixture 8. terrified 9.finished 10. permitting 答案:1.A词义比较,逻辑推理。根据上下文,句子意思是“突然(suddenly),她发现她一个轮胎漏气了”。suddenly意为“突然地”,表示突发行为或事件;finally意为“最后,终于”;immediately意为“立即,马上”;fortunately意为“幸运地”。2.D词义比较,逻辑推理。根据上下文,句子意思是“在这冬日的夜晚,她这个22岁的学生想方设法(manage)把车停在了路边”。afford意为“提供,给予,供应得起”;want意为“想要”;allow意为“允许,承认”;manage意为“搞成,设法,达成”。3.A逻辑推理,词义辨析。前文提到she found she got a flat tire (扁平的),却没有备用的(spare)轮胎。spare意为“多余的,剩下的,备用的”;free意为“自由的,免费的”;full意为“充满的,丰富的”;empty意为“空的,空洞的,空闲”。4.B前后照应,词义比较。这句话的意思是“就在这时,有一辆车没有通过(pass),没有启动(start),而是停(stop)了下来”。stop意为“停止”;pause意为“中止,暂停”。5.D根据上下文,Paul和Diane 帮助(help)她,不是在后面推(push)她,也不用带(take)着她,而是要她跟(follow)在他们后面。 6.B前后照应。这句话的意思是“到了他们家(house)附近的一个服务站”。第二段中的Follow us home 有所暗示。 7.C词语搭配,词义比较。根据上下文,句子欲表示“结果服务站却没有合适的与之相配(go with)的轮胎”。agree with意为“同意,适合”;match with意为“使与相竞争”;go with意为“伴随,与相配”;dealwith意为“安排,处理,涉及,做生意”。8.D固定搭配,词语用法。文章提到虽然找到了一个轮胎,从后文They decided to let her use their own car可看出运气不佳,仍然不配套。no way意为“不,决不,没门”;no luck意为“运气不好,倒霉”。message和success应用复数形式才行。9.A词义辨析。句子表示“Paul递给她一串钥匙”。a set of意为“一套,一副,一串”,指一组套的物件;a number of意为“许多”;a pair of意为“一对,一双”;a chain of意为“一连串,一系列”,指连环相扣的一串物件,与keys搭配的应是a set of。10.D语法规则。句子表示“我们在假期间不会用到它”,假期还没有过,属于将来时,wont be using是指将来的某个时候不用,为将来进行时。cant“不能,不可能”,表示能力或可能性;shouldnt意为“不应该”,表示责任义务;mustnt意为“不得,不准”,表示禁止;wont意为“不会”,表示将来。11.C逻辑推理,前后照应,词义比较。Clay 找不到配套的而闷闷不乐的(worried)和扰乱(disturbed),听到Paul 的话,她虽然满意(satisfied),但更多的是惊讶(astonished),因为她得离开两周,把车借给陌生人用两周,对于任何人来说,都是会震惊(astonished)的。后文的but有所暗示。12.C词义比较。逻辑推理。她不是给提建议(advise),提出许诺(promise)或说服(persuade)他们,而是提醒(remind)他们说。 13.B逻辑推理。这句话表示“你回来的时候我们也会到这里(here)”,这样,就不存在两周后找不到人的顾虑了。14.A逻辑推理,词义比较,固定搭配。这句话表示“这是我们的电话号码,要联系(get in touch with)可用它”。get in touch with意为“与取得联系”,表示短暂性动作行为;keep in touch with意为“与保持联系”,表示原有联系状态的持续;be in touch with意为“与联系着/有联系”,表示处于联系的状态中;put通常不与in touch with搭配。15.D前后照应,逻辑推理。这句话表示“她不相信自己的眼睛,她注视着他们俩(couple)”。 16.A逻辑推理。这句话表示“她看着他们俩把她的行李放在他们的车上,然后送(send)她上路开车离开”。 shook表示“摇头”,watched表示“看着”,drove表示“开车”,根据句意,只能选A项。17.C逻辑推理,词义比较。两周后她回到那儿,发现了她的车发生了喜人的变化find her old car cleaned inside and out with three new tires,自然会吃惊(shocked)。be shocked to do sth.意为“吃惊地做某事”;happen to do sth.意为“碰巧做某事”;come to do sth.意为“开始做某事”。18.B词义比较,逻辑推理。 她回来后发现车内车外清洗得干干净净,三个轮胎和收音机都修理安装(fix)好了。这里的fixed是过去分词作定语修饰radio,表被动。load意为“装载,装填”;fix意为“装置,修理,安装”;tie意为“系,打结,扎”;rebuild意为“重建”。19.A逻辑推理,词义比较。 这句话表示“Clay说,我欠(owe)你们的太多了”,因为在她看来,这对夫妇帮她的实在太多了,她无以回报,所以说欠他们的太多了。owe意为“欠(债,钱,情等)”;lend意为“出借”;give意为“给予,授予”;offer意为“提供,贡献”。20.D词语用法,逻辑推理。这句话表示“帮助你是一件愉快(pleasure)的事情”,下文还提到it might have been their pleasure,也可以作个提示。wish意为“希望”;job意为“工作”;duty意为“义务,责任”;Its ones pleasure常用客套语,用于对人家的感谢的答语。111

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