浙江省安吉县振民中学高二英语:Unit 2《Poems》学案(2)

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111Unit 2: PoemsPaper 2Class:_ Name:_【Targets】To learn language points from line 1 to line 27.【Key Points】To enable the students about some simple forms of English poetry and to develop their reading ability.Develop students integrative skills.【Difficult Points】Learn to understand the new words in the passage;Let students learn to create their own poems.【Before the lesson】Poetry_ rhyme_ 传达,运送_ Emotion_ 钻石_ 灵活的_ pattern_ 轻松,不紧张(词组)_ 由构成(词组)_ 取笑,戏弄_ endless_ 翻译_ branch_ melt_ 尤其,特别(词组) _ 最后,终于_ utter _ 赤裸的,稀少的_ 永远_适当的,正当的_ 新娘_ 新郎_ 奖学金_ 【Steps of the New Lesson】1. There are various reasons why people write poetry. Various 意为_, 它是一个_ (词性),它的名词形式是_,动词形式是_Poetry 是一个总称,意为_, “一首诗”应该说_2. Some poems tell a story or describe something in a way that will give the reader a strong impression翻译:_句中的in a way意为“_”,way后接的是一个that引导的定语从句。Eg:翻译:我们应该以一种不伤害到这个贫困生的自尊的方式来帮助他 We should help the poor student _ wont hurt his _.3.Others try to convey certain emotion. Some others/One the other (s) 常常以固定的搭配形式出现Convey 意为:”_”Eg. Colors like red convey a sense of energy and strength. 翻译:_Body language conveys much more information than language spoken.翻译:_Emotion 意为_; 其形容词为emotional, 意为:易动情的。kinds of feelings:忧伤 sorrow/sadness 乡愁 homesickness 悲伤 grief 憎恨 hatred 幸福 happiness 爱love 喜欢 fondness 热情 enthusiasm 激情 passion4. are still a common type of childrens poetry. Common:existing in large numbers or in many places 常见的, 普遍的Usual: happen most of the time or in most cases 惯常的 Normal: of what you would expect 正常的练习:用common、usual、normal填空1.The doctor said the childs temperature was_.2. Its a _ bag,and you can find it in every store3. He wasnt a hero but just a _man. 4. He arrived later than _5. Weeping is _response to pain.6. Its _ for us to see him crying like a kid.7. He has nothing in _with his father.8. It is _ for him to sit up late at night5.they delight small children becauseDelight 作为名词,意为”_”,习惯搭配:with delight, 意为”_”; to ones delight 意为”_”翻译:1、拜读大函, 至感欣慰. I read your letter _. 2、儿子通过考试令我大感欣慰。 _, my son passed the examinationDelight作为动词,意为”_” 习惯搭配: delight +n.+(with+n) 意为:_; delight+in +n. 意为_翻译:1、他讲的笑话使大家很开心。 _2、他时常以魔术逗他的小孩高兴。_3、那个老人喜欢听爵士乐。 _6. We would have won if Jack had scored that goal. Score 作为动词意为“_”,作为名词意为“_”;Eg: Yao Ming scored 23 points in the first quarter.翻译:_注意:score与数词many, several 等连用时, 不加 “s”, 所修饰的名词前常省去 “of”two score of people 中应加of , 但three score and ten people 中不加 of,scores of people 指”许多人” 。 7. We would have won if we hadnt taken it easy. Take it easy 意为_;Eg: 翻译:You have done quite enough work for today, _. 今天你做的工作足够了,现在休息一小时Eg:The doctor said Bob would have to take things easy for a while after he had his tonsils (扁桃体) out. 【Exercise in class】: already included in the steps above.【Exercise after class】: Finish workbook section1【Reflection after class(if needed)】Paper2答案:【Before the lesson】:eliminated【Steps of the New Lesson】1. 各种各样的;形容词;variety;vary;2. 诗歌;a poem;有些诗讲述一个故事,或者描述某件事情,这样给读者留下强烈的印象;用一种方式;in a way that; self-respect3. 传达、运送;两句翻译答案略;感情,情感;4. 练习答案:Normal; common; common; usual; normal; usual; common; usual;5. 愉快、高兴; 高兴地,欣然;令人高兴的是with great delight;To my great delight ;使高兴;以逗人高兴; 喜欢;His joke delighted everyone ;He often delighted his children with his magicThe old man delighted in (listening to) jazz6. 得分;分数、二十;该句翻译略;7. 松散,松懈、放心别着急;now take it easy for an hour;111


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