英语备课大师:外研版(三起)Module 5 Unit 2教案

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英语备课大师 www.shidaiedu.com!Module 5Unit 2 They were young.教学目标:知识与技能:Sentences: They werent old then. They were young. Grasp the simple past tense. And using the past tense to talk about some changes.Have the Ss say the chant.Have the Ss valve their time.过程与方法:讲授、过去时 情感、态度和价值观:说曾经辉煌德育目标:用适当的形容词修饰重点:Sentences: They werent old then. They were young.难点:Grasp the simple past tense. And using the past tense to talk about some changes.教学方法:讲授、过去时教学过程:(一)导入:Have the Ss retell the story.Check up Ss homework.( Activity IV)Get the Ss to act out the dialogue. (Have the Ss interest in English)(二)探究新知Leading Describe the photos or pictures with comparing the present and the past.Tell the Ss “wasnt”and “was not” are the same. And “werent” is the same as “were not”.Play the tape and have the Ss listen and find out the adjectives. And report them.( Review the adjectives and find out the differences) Learn the chant.First, get the Ss to look at the pictures and describe them.(A small chick and two big fat hens.) Then play the spoken version of the chant and get the Ss to repeat the words then chant.(三)巩固新知Listen and repeat.Chant and do the mimes at the same time.Have the Ss do Activity IV.Look at the pictures. Compare “now” and “then”. Then describe the pictures. (Cultivate the Ss oral English.)4. Do the Activity Book. Have the Ss work in groups. Sa will act out Sb who was in many years ago. Then Sc will introduce the two Ss. Find out some changes with the past and present tense.(四)作业布置(五)小结:接触一般过去时板书设计 Unit2 They were young.They werent old then. werent were notThey were young. wasnt was notA: Was it fat?B: No, it wasnt. Its thin.英语备课大师 www.shidaiedu.com英语老师自己的下载网站

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