高考英语复习冲刺训练:外研版选修6 Module2《Fantasy Literature—Philip Pullman》(附解析)

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高考英语复习冲刺训练:外研版选修6 Module2《Fantasy Literature—Philip Pullman》(附解析)_第1页
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高考英语复习冲刺训练:外研版选修6 Module2《Fantasy Literature—Philip Pullman》(附解析)_第2页
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高考英语复习冲刺训练:外研版选修6 Module2《Fantasy Literature—Philip Pullman》(附解析)_第3页
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111Module 2Fantasy Literature能 力 闯 关 .单词拼写1If I can be of any other help,dont h_ to write to me.2I have seen clouds of different s_ in the sky.3There is some d_ whether the famous film star will come on time.4At last the sun was s_ after weeks of rain.5With the telescope,they can observe distant stars that are i_ to the naked eyes.6He stood there still,as if he were _(卡住)7She made herself _(舒心的)in a big chair.8I would like you to answer _(确定地)“yes” or “no”9The boy was thirsty for _(复仇)after his fathers death.10He has _(积攒)a large sum of money.答案:1.hesitate2.shapes3.doubt4.shining5.invisible6.stuck7.comfortable8.definitely9.revenge10.accumulated.单项填空1Dick is unhappy.He doesnt like _ life. Amarriage Bmarry Cmarried Dmarrying解析:句意:“Dick不幸福。他不喜欢婚后生活。”本题考查married作定语“已婚的”,故答案是C。答案:C2_ is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language.AThere BIt CThis DThat解析:本题考查代词的用法。从句子意思和句子结构分析,此处用it作形式主语,代替that引导的主语从句。答案:B3We have every reason to believe that _ 2008 Beijing Olympic Games will be _ success.A/;a Bthe;/ Cthe;a Da;a解析:考查冠词。由普通名词构成的专有名词前应加定冠词the,故第一个空填the。success作“成功的人或事”讲时,用作可数名词,前加不定冠词,故选C项。答案:C4The suspect was very cunning._ the man,the policeman found he told a lie at the scene.AWhen questioned BWhile to be questionedCWhen questioning DWhile to be questioning解析:句意:“这个嫌疑犯太狡猾了,当审问那人时,警察发现他在现场就说谎。”question的逻辑主语是policeman,而且question后跟着宾语the man。可排除A、B;question和tell a lie同时发生,所以不用D,故答案是C。答案:C5He was busy writing a story,only _ once in a while to smoke a cigarette.Ato stop Bstopping Cto have stopped Dhaving stopped解析:句意为“他正忙着写一个故事,只是偶尔停下来吸支烟”。考查非谓语动词,用现在分词stopping作伴随状语,表示伴随主要动作write所发生的次要动作。A、C项用only to do结构表示“意外的事或者不好的结果”,作结果状语,语意和结构都不合适。D项ing的完成式表示动作先于谓语动词之前完成,语意和结构也都不合适。答案:B6What sort of house do you want to have?Something big?Well,it _ be bigthats not important.Amustnt Bneednt Ccant Dwont解析:考查情态动词用法。根据下文thats not important可知房子没必要大,故选B项;neednt没必要;mustnt禁止;cant不能,不可能;wont将不能;不愿意,均与句意不符。答案:B7The building around the corner caught fire last night.The police are now _ the matter.Aseeing through Bworking out Clooking into Dwatching over解析:句意:“昨晚拐角处的一座大楼着火了,现在警方正在对这一事件进行调查”。考查短语动词:see through“看透,识破”;work out“解决”;look into.“调查”;watch over“监督,保护”,显然答案C最合语境。答案:C8Does the young man standing there _ the company?No.The company is _ his father.Ain possession of;in the possession of Bhave possession of;in the possession ofCtake possession of;in possession of Dhave possession of;in possession of解析:have the possession of表示“拥有”;be in the possession of表示“被拥有”。答案:B.翻译句子1这对夫妇已离婚两年了。(marry)_2这些战士们正密切地注视着一群群的敌人。(keep ones eyes on)_3汤姆的公司与那家公司有合作关系。_4他对是否去参加探险仍拿不定主意。_5新的证据令人怀疑他作为证人的可靠性。_答案:1.It is two years since they were married.(The married couple separated two years ago.)2The soldiers are keeping their eyes on the groups of enemy.3Toms company is in association with that firm.4Hes still hesitating about joining/over whether to join the expedition.5The new evidence cast some doubt on his reliability as a witness.完形填空The year I went away to college was a very difficult transition(过渡期)for me._1_ is probably true with many people,I got quite homesick and _2_ thought about going home.Although the _3_ time for many students is getting _4_ from home,my mailbox was frequently _5_.One day when I went to the mailbox,there was a postcard _6_ out at me.I sat down to read it,_7_ a note from someone back home._8_ I became increasingly puzzled(困惑)as _9_ postcards were like this:It was a full news report about a woman named Mabel and her newborn baby.I took the card back to my room and _10_ about it.Several days later I _11_ another postcard,this one _12_ news about Maybelline,Mabels cousin.Soon after,another card arrived and then another,_13_ full of news of different people.I began to _14_ look forward to the next one,_15_ to see what this author would come up with _16_.I was never _17_.Finally,the cards _18_ coming,right about the time I had begun to feel _19_ about college life.They had been such a happy distraction(调剂)that I have _20_ all the postcards and still bring them out to read whenever I need a lift.1A.If BSo CAs DWhat解析:用as引导非限制性定语从句,指后面整句的内容,表示我和许多人一样,都很想家。而if表条件;so表结果;what表内容,用在句中均不合逻辑。答案:C2A.often Bcarefully Cseldom Dmerely解析:由于前面有homesick和后面的going home,所以应该是“经常”考虑回家。答案:A3A.hard Blast Cbusiest Dhappiest解析:由前文中的想家、想回家,可以推出收到家中的来信应该是最快乐的时刻。答案:D4A.visitors Bletters Ccalls Ddirections解析:由下文中的mailbox可知是“信”。答案:B5A.empty Bfull Cclosed Dopen解析:句意:虽然对于很多学生来说,最高兴的时刻是收到来自家里的信,但我的邮箱却总是空的。答案:A6A.pouring Breaching Cstaring Drolling解析:根据该题的四个选项,首先排除pouring和rolling,因为文中清楚地说是“一张明信片”,pour表示数量大,而roll通常用于“圆形”物体;而reach通常又不与at连用,根据排除法,只有C项表示“一张明信片从信箱中伸出头来,盯着我”比较贴切。答案:C7A.describing Bconsidering Cenjoying Dexpecting解析:句意:当我坐下准备读这封明信片时,心中想该不会是老家的人寄过来的便条吧。用v.ing形式作伴随状语。最大的干扰项是consider,但是consider意为:考虑。答案:D8A.But BThus CAlso DEven解析:由前面“我”的预测和后一句所写的内容“一些关于一个妇人的信息”,可知应该用转折关系。答案:A9A.any Bno Csome Dsuch解析:句意:但是我越来越感到困惑,因为没有像这样的明信片,整个明信片中全都是一名叫Mabel和她的新生孩子的新闻报道。答案:B10A.joked Btalked Cforgot Dcared解析:由于该明信片所写内容与“我”无关,所以虽然“我”将其带回宿舍,但是很快就忘掉了。答案:C11A.mailed Baccepted Cwrote Dreceived解析:由文中意思可知几天后“我”又收到了一张明信片,而最大的干扰项是accept。但是它们的侧重点不一样,receive侧重于客观上的“收到”;accept则侧重于主观上的“承认;接受”。答案:D12A.delivering Bdemanding Cdiscovering Ddeveloping解析:根据句意,这张明信片传递的是关于Maybelline的信息。而demand是“要求”;discover是“发现”;develop是“发展;开发”,都与文意不符。答案:A13.A.one Beach Ceither Dboth解析:由上文写到的不久,作者收到一张又一张的明信片和后文中的different可知,应该是每一张都是关于不同人的信息。答案:B14A.nearly Bpossibly Cusually Dreally解析:由上文对明信片内容的描述和下文的to see,以及该空前的began to等信息,我们很容易看出,作者对明信片态度的转变:从puzzled到look forward to,所以用really符合句意。答案:D15A.promising Bsurprised Cinterested Dpretending解析:用分词短语作状语,补充说明我渴望收到下一张明信片的原因:对下一张可能会出现的消息感兴趣。答案:C16A.below Blately Cnext Dbehind解析:由上一空前面的the next one可知。答案:C17A.frightened Bdisappointed Cexcited Dpleased解析:由于前面说到“我”渴望收到下一张明信片,想了解明信片的作者又想出了什么花样,可知明信片的作者没有让“我”失望,明信片一张接一张地寄来了。答案:B18A.continued Bstopped Cstarted Davoided解析:天下没有不散的筵席,finally和right about the time是暗示语,所以用stopped(停止)符合句意。答案:B19A.easy Bsafe Ctired Danxious解析:与文中第一句中的difficult相对照,feel easy about college life,暗示了明信片作者的良苦用心,同时也让“我”明白了明信片作者的意图。答案:A20A.lost Bcollected Ctorn Dsaved解析:由上一空解释和下文中的still可知,由于“我”意识到明信片作者的用心,所以才感觉到这些明信片弥足珍贵,因此用save“保存”更合文意,而最大的干扰项collect侧重于“分门别类地收集”,而没有“珍藏”的意思。答案:D111


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