高考英语顶尖学案:外研版 必修1 ModuLe5《A Lesson in a Lab》

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1112012届高考英语顶尖学案:外研版Module 5A Lesson in a Lab一堂实验课核心词汇1She spent the afternoon_(漂浮)on her back in the pool.2It is good because it is written in friendly,_(普通)language.3What was Jeffs_(反应)when you told him about the job?4Were getting to the _(阶段)where we hardly ever go out together.5The hotel wants to _(扩大)its business by adding a swimming pool.6Hearing the news,she felt a strange _(混合)of excitement and fear.7 Ive got a good sense of_(平衡)and learnt to ski quite quickly.8My father caught me and gave me a long_ (演讲)about the dangers of drinking.9We talked late into the night,but nothing was_,because it was hard for us to draw a_.(conclude)10To our_,he was not _ at the _news, but it really_his parents.(astonish)1.floating2.ordinary3.reaction4.stage5.expand6.mixture7.balance8.lecture9.concluded;conclusion10.astonishment;astonished;astonishing;astonished高频短语1_按顺序排列;使有条理2_ 在的顶部/底部3_ 往加入4_ 不让入内5_ 控制;保留6_ 进行;(表示准许)请做(说)吧7_ 过去(常常)8_ 在领域9_ 为感到骄傲/自豪10_ 理应;应当1. put.in order2.at the top/bottom of3.add.to.4.keep.out of.5.keep.down6.go ahead7.used to8.in the area of9.be proud of10.be supposed to重点句式1_the earths surface _water.地球表面三分之二是水。2The earth is _the moon.地球比月球大49倍。3When we use metals,_ to know how they_different substances,_,water and oxygen.使用金属时,我们要了解金属和不同的物质(例如水和氧)如何发生反应,这一点很重要。4_a table with the metals that _,and the metals that_.下面是一张金属反应表,列于顶部的金属反应最剧烈,下部的则最缓慢。5_the tube for one week.把试管放置一个星期。6Its getting_! 天越来越亮了!7_you are,_youll see.你靠得越近,看到的就越多。8_,seven Canadian scientists_the Nobel Prize!在过去的20年里,有七位加拿大科学家已获得诺贝尔奖!1.Twothirds of;is2.fortynine times larger than3.it is important;react with;for example4.Here is;react most at the top;react least at the bottom5.Leave6.brighter and brighter7.The closer;the more8.In the last twenty years;have won知识详解 expand vi.膨胀vt.扩大,扩充(回归课本P41)When you heat a metal,it expands.当你加热金属时,它就会膨胀。【归纳总结】expand sth.使膨胀,扩大expand on/upon sth.详述,充分叙述expansion n.扩张,膨胀 Metals expand when they are heated.金属受热会膨胀。As children grow older they expand their interests and become more confident.随着儿童的成长,他们的兴趣会变广,人也会变得更自信。Could you expand on that point,please?请你把那一点详细说明一下,好吗?【例句探源】expand,extend,spread, stretch(1)expand展开,扩大,不仅指尺寸的增加,还可指范围和体积的扩大。(2)extend伸出,延伸,指空间范围的扩大,以及长度、宽度的朝外延伸,也可指时间的延长。(3)spread伸开,传播,一般指向四面八方扩大传播的范围,如传播(疾病),散布(信息等)。(4)stretch伸展,拉长,一般指由曲变直、由短变长的伸展,不是加长。stretch out 躺下,伸展。【易混辨析】Water expands when it freezes.The hot weather extended to October.The fire soon spread to the nearby buildings.The cat_stretched out in front of the fire.1Why not try to_your story into a novel?AreviseBsummariseCorganise Dexpand解析:选D。句意是:你为什么不把你的故事扩展成一部小说呢?此句要用expand.into.表示“把扩展成”。revise 的意思是“温习”;summarise总结;organise组织起来;expand扩展。【即境活用】2.Having finished his homework,Tony stood up behind the desk,_himself.AexpandingBextendingCstretching Dspreading解析:选C。句意是:完成作业后,托尼从写字桌后站了起来,伸了伸懒腰。此题要用stretch指身体的伸展。 conclusion n结论Conclusion(回归课本P45)Iron rusts in ordinary water.结论:铁在普通水中生锈。draw/come to/arrive at/reach a conclusion得出结论make a conclusion下结论bring.to a conclusion使结束in conclusion最后,作为结论地;总之conclude v.得出结论;断定,推断出;结束to conclude最后conclude from sth.that从中断定【归纳总结】They came to the conclusion that its time Chinese football should be regulated.他们得出的结论是:中国足球到了该整顿的时候了。 In conclusion,I would like to say how much I have enjoyed myself today.最后,我想说我今天过得很开心。It was concluded that the level of necessary change would be low.据认定必要的变化水平将会很低。I concluded from what they said that they wanted to accept the offer.我从他们的话中推断出他们想接受这份帮助。【例句探源】3After a long discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of the plan,they finally came to a(n)_that it was practical.AdecisionBopinionCconclusion Dimpression 解析:选C。句意:关于这项计划的优缺点,他们讨论了很长时间,最后终于得出了结论这项计划实用。decision决定;opinion观点;conclusion结论;impression印象。come to a conclusion“得出结论”,为固定短语。【即境活用】 ordinary adj.普通的,平常的(回归课本P45)The nails rust in the tube with ordinary water.钉子在装有普通水的试管中生锈了。ordinarylooking相貌平平的,相貌普通的out of the ordinary不寻常的;例外的in the ordinary way一般;通常【归纳总结】 Jim was not in the ordinary way a romantic,but he decided to bring Mary some roses.吉姆通常并不是一个浪漫的人,但他决定带一些玫瑰花给玛丽。The new taxes came as a shock to ordinary Americans.新税费对普通美国人来说如同一次重击。Nothing out of the ordinary had happened.没发生什么意外之事。What is ordinary in one country may be very strange in another.在一个国家很普通的事,在另一个国家可能很奇怪。【例句探源】【易混辨析】ordinary,common,usual,normal(1)ordinary普通的,平常的,平凡的。强调等级和类属方面普通。有“平庸无奇”之意。(2)common普通的,常见的。强调经常发生,司空见惯,可修饰人或物。也可指共同的、共存的。common sense常识。(3)usual 通常的,惯常的,惯例的,强调依照惯例来判断,有“遵循常规”之意。(4) normal正常的,合乎标准的。强调在正常情况下应有的。Whoever has common sense knows that smoking is harmful to peoples health.Last Sunday,he went to work as usual.Free medical treatment in this country covers sickness of mind as well as ordinary_illness.It is known that a persons normal_temperature is about 36.5.4I really miss the security of a(n)_pay cheque.AordinaryBusualCcommon Dregular解析:选D。ordinary“平常的,平凡的”;usual“通常的,惯例的”;common “常见的,共有的”;regular“定期的,固定的”。根据句意“我实在怀念定期领取工资支票的安全感”,可知选D项。【即境活用】 react vi.(化学)反应;起作用;起反应(回归课本P44).it is important to know how they react with different substances.要了解它们和不同的物质如何发生反应,这一点很重要react to对作出反应react with与起(化学)反应react against反对;反抗react on/upon对有影响reaction n.反应【归纳总结】 How did he react to your suggestion?他对你的建议反应如何?Children tend to react against their parents by going against their wishes.孩子们通常以违背父母的意愿来反抗他们。Iron reacts with water and air to produce rust.铁与水和空气起化学反应而生锈。How do acids react on metals?酸对金属起什么反应?What was her reaction to the news?她对这消息的反应如何?【例句探源】5How did you react_your fathers suggestion?I reacted strongly_it.Aon;toBon;withCagainst;with Dto;against解析:选D。react with“与发生反应”;react to“对的反应”;react against“反对”。句意:“你对你父亲的建议有何反应?”“我坚决反对。”【即境活用】 add.to.把加到(回归课本P45)Add some oil to the water.This will keep air out of the water.在水中加些油。这样做可防止空气进入水中。【归纳总结】add v.加;继续说;补充说add to增加;增添add up把加起来add up to合计达;结果是addition n.加;(数)加法;增加in addition另外in addition to除之外【例句探源】Please add some sugar to the bread.请在面包上加些糖。Three added to four makes seven.三加四等于七。Fireworks added to the attraction of the festival night.烟花使节日之夜更具吸引力。Add up all the figures and find out what they add up to.把这些数字加起来,弄清楚总计是多少。6The total cost of their trip to America_$ 8,000.Aadded up to Badded upCadded to Dwas added up to 解析:选A。由题意可知,此处意指“总计”,故用add up to,此短语一般不用被动语态。7.The engine of the ship was out of order and the bad weather_the helplessness of the crew at sea.Aadded to Bresulted fromCturned out Dmade up解析:选A。add to 表示“增添”的意思。【即境活用】 keep.out of使进不去;不让进入;把挡在外面;避开(回归课本P45)This will keep air out of the water.这将阻止空气进入水中。【归纳总结】keep after追赶keep away远离keep back阻止;隐瞒keep down吞下;镇压;控制keep sb. from doing sth.阻止某人做某事keep off防止,避开keep on继续keep to坚持;履行keep up不低落;维持,坚持;继续keep up with跟上Youd better keep yourself out of other peoples quarrels.你最好不要卷入别人的纠纷中去。He begged the police to keep his name out of the papers.他恳求警察不要在报纸上披露他的名字。Please keep the dog out of the study.别让这只狗进书房。【例句探源】8.I warned Bill to_trouble while Im away.Akeep out of Bkeep outCkeep away Dkeep back解析:选A。句意“我警告比尔我不在的时候不要惹麻烦。”9_the fire,or your clothes may catch fire.AKeep outBKeep awayCKeep to DKeep off解析:选D。keep off 不靠近。句意“不要靠近火,否则衣服容易着火。”【即境活用】 go ahead开始;继续;进展;领先(回归课本P48) Go ahead!means Begin!“开始吧!”意思是“开始!”【归纳总结】go ahead with继续做go straight ahead一直往前走go ahead of走在前头“May I ask you a question?”“Yes,go ahead.”“我可以问你一个问题吗?”“可以,问吧!”Dont be disturbed;just go ahead with your work.不要受干扰,你们只管干你们的活。Things are going ahead smoothly.事情进展顺利。You go ahead and tell them that we will be there shortly.你先走一步,告诉他们我们随后就到。【例句探源】10(2009年高考四川卷)May I open the window to let in some fresh air?_ACome on!BTake care!CGo ahead! DHold on!解析:选C。问句是在请求许可,句意是:我可以打开窗户,让新鲜空气进来吗?四个选项中只有Go ahead!表示说话者同意,意为“打开吧!”Come on!用来催促对方,意为“快点吧!”Take care!小心!Hold on!坚持住!。【即境活用】11. (2009年高考安徽卷)Could you be so kind as to close the window?_.AWith pleasure BGo aheadCYes,please DThats OK解析:选A。问句的意思是“你可不可以好心把窗户关上?”这个情景是请对方做某事,所以回答不能用Go ahead,而是With pleasure(愿意)。12.(2010年高考重庆卷)Honey,lets go out for dinner._I dont have to cook.AForget it!BThats great!CWhy? DGo ahead.解析:选B。句意:亲爱的,我们去外面吃晚饭吧。太好了!我不必做饭了!由语境I dont have to cook可知,听话者非常赞同说话者提出的建议,故答案为B项。forget it“没关系”“不必太在意”;why?“干嘛?”go ahead“去做吧”,都不符合语境。 be supposed to do被期望或被要求(按规则、惯例等)做(某事)(回归课本P49).as both are supposed to have good Physics Departments.因为两个(大学)都有不错的物理系。suppose v.假设,假定It is supposed that.认为be supposed to do/ be sth.被期望做/应该I dont suppose(that)我以为不会I suppose so/not.我想可以/不可以。be supposed to have done被认为做过某事;本应当做某事【归纳总结】It was generally supposed that it would not happen again.一般都认为此事不会再发生。Everybody is supposed to know the law,but few people do.人人都应当懂得法律,但很少有人懂。Whoever was supposed to be fit for the job was asked to sign up.无论是谁,只要被认为适合做这项工作都被要求报了名。【例句探源】You were supposed to have come,we had been waiting for you.你应当来,我们一直在等着你。Tom was supposed to have stolen the money.汤姆被认为偷了钱。13The plane _arrive at 1130,but was almost half an hour late.Common practice.Awas about toBwas likely toCwas supposed to Dwas certain to解析:选C。be supposed to do“本应该”。【即境活用】14.The message is very important,so it is supposed_as soon as possible.Ato be sentBto sendCbeing sent Dsending解析:选A。句意:这条信息很重要,所以要尽快发出去。be supposed后接不定式结构,意为“理应,应该”,排除C项和D项。it 指message,message和send之间为被动关系,排除B项,故A为正确答案。句型梳理 【教材原句】It is hard to think of a world without metals.(P44)很难想象一个没有金属的世界。【句法分析】本句中,it 为形式主语,真正的主语是不定式短语to think of.,构成It is/wasadj.to do sth.的结构。It is adj.for sb.to do sth.该句式中,作表语的形容词只能说明不定式的行为性质和特点,不能说明不定式的执行者。常见的这类形容词有:easy,important,difficult,hard,possible,impossible,necessary等。It isadj.of sb.to do sth.该句式中,作表语的形容词表达不定式的逻辑主语的品行、性格或性质。常见的这类形容词有:kind,nice,good,honest,careful,careless,clever,wise,stupid,foolish,rude,polite,impolite等。It isadj./n.thatclauseIt isno good/use doing sth.It is easier to say than to do.说比做容易。It is no good playing computer games.玩电脑游戏没有好处。It is a shame that he didnt pass the exam.很遗憾他没有通过考试。It is said that the tickets have been sold out.据说票已售完。15(2010年高考大纲全国卷)The doctor thought_would be good for you to have a holiday.AthisBthatCone Dit解析:选D。句意:医生认为度假对你有好处。本题考查代词it作形式主语。根据句意不定式短语to have a holiday在宾语从句中作真正的主语,只有it 可作形式主语,故选D项。【即境活用】16.(2009年高考天津卷)It is obvious to the students_they should get well prepared for their future.AasBwhichCwhether Dthat解析:选D。句意是:对学生来说,很明显的是他们应该为将来做好准备。It是形式主语,_they should get well prepared for their future是主语从句,作真正的主语。这个引导词起引导作用,不作成分,故用that。 【教材原句】Here is a table with the metals that react most at the top,and the metals that react least at the bottom.(P44)这儿有一个图表,那些反应最强烈的金属在上部,反应最不强烈的在下部。【句法分析】这是一个倒装句,正常语序是:A table with.is here.(1)在there ,here引导的句子中,谓语是be,exist等表示状态的不及物动词时,句子要全部倒装。(2)在there,here,now,then,thus等开头的句子里,谓语动词是come,go,follow等时,句子要全部倒装。(3)here,there引导的句子,当主语是代词时,不倒装,且此类句子不用进行时。Here are what I want you to do.下面是我想让你做的事情。There goes the bus. 公共汽车走了。Now comes my turn.现在该轮到我了。17(2010年高考江苏卷)Is everyone here?Not yet.Look,there_the rest of our guests!Acome BcomesCis coming Dare coming解析:选A。句意:都到了吗?还没有看,其余的客人过来了!本题考查主谓一致。本句中there放在句首,句子采用了倒装句式,谓语动词应该根据句子的主语the rest of our guests来判断,B项和C项为第三人称单数形式,可排除;come用于进行时态表示将来的动作,不合题意,可排除;A项谓语动词与主语一致,故答案为A。【即境活用】18.(2009年高考福建卷)For a moment nothing happened.Then_all shouting together.Avoices had come Bcame voicesCvoices would come Ddid voices come解析:选B。考查倒装结构。表示时间的副词now,then及表示方位的副词here,there等位于句首,与位移性动词come,go,arrive等连用,且主语不是人称代词,此时用完全倒装。从前一句可知此处描述的是过去的事情,所以用一般过去时。111


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