高考一轮复习学案人教版选修七《Unit 2 Robots》

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111 必修 Unit 2.单词拼写1We always _ (渴望;渴求) to live in peace with our neighbours.答案:desire2The singer was _ (伴奏) on the piano by her sister.答案:accompanied3I have a lot of _ (同情) for him;he brought up his two children on his own.答案:sympathy4When they asked him for his opinion,he _ (声明) strongly against the policy.答案:declared5_ (离婚) is on the increase nowadays in our country.答案:Divorce6His sister is an _(高雅的)artist.答案:elegant7Soldiers are expected to _ (遵守) orders without questioning them.答案:obey8Much to his _ (满意),we finished the work ahead of time.答案:satisfaction9Environmentalists are _ (惊恐的) by the dramatic increase in pollution.答案:alarmed10To their disappointment,their father never showed them much _ (爱;感情)答案:affection.完成句子1_ _ _,or youll break it.别碰它,否则你会把它弄坏的。答案:Leave it alone2Youd better _ _ some money in case of future use.你最好留出些钱来以备将来之用。答案:set aside3He _ _ the police station for help.他给警察局打电话求助。答案:rang up4_ _ and let me look at your face.转过身来,让我看看你的脸。答案:Turn around5These problems _ _ _ arise.这些问题注定会出现。答案:were bound to.单项选择1How did _ feel to run 3,000 metres in the sports meet?Terrible!Especially when I saw I was left so far _ by the others.Athat;aloneBit;aloneCthat;behind Dit;behind解析:考查代词的用法和动词的搭配。第一个空用it作形式主语,真正的主语为后面的动词不定式。后半句句意:“太可怕了,尤其是看到我被远远地落在后面。”leave.behind“使落后,把抛在后面”符合句意。答案:D2(2012天津质检)Although they _ many experiments the robot needs _.Acarried on;testing onBcarried out;be tested onCcarried on;to be tested outDcarried out;to be tested out解析:句意:尽管他们做了许多试验,这个机器人仍需要被试用。carry out实施,进行。test out试验,试用,与主语the robot有被动关系,所以needs后面的动词不定式使用被动式。答案:D3As is known,we Chinese people are _ triumph(成功,战胜) over the battle against the present severe drought under the leadership of the Party.Awilling to Balert toCbound to Dallergic to解析:句意为:大家都知道,在党的领导下,我们中国人一定会战胜目前严峻的旱灾。be willing to表示“愿意”;be alert to表示“对保持警惕”;be allergic to表示“对敏感,过敏”,只有be bound to 表示“一定会”,符合句意。答案:C4(2012海淀模拟)Its reported that the disease is accompanied _ sneezing and fever.Aat BinCof Dwith解析:句意:据报道,这种疾病伴随有打喷嚏和发烧症状。accompany sth.with/by sth.与同时存在或同时发生。题干涉及此结构的被动式。答案:D5The hotel was _.To begin with,our room was far too small.Then we found that the shower didnt work.Acommon BnormalC convenient Dawful解析:awful糟糕的。由“our room was far too small.Then we found that the shower didnt work.”可以看出,这个宾馆的条件是很差的。common普通的;normal正常的;convenient方便的。答案:D6(2012天津模拟)We _ to paint the house at dawn but finished only the front part till dusk.Aset out Bset offCset about Dset aside解析:set out to do开始做;set off出发,动身,启程;set about doing开始做;set aside把放一边,保留。答案:A7They envy her _ so much wealth together with a happy life.Ahaving Bto haveChave Dto having解析:envy后不能跟复合宾语。 envy sb.doing sth.“忌妒某人做某事”,为固定搭配。答案:A8(2011银川模拟)Hundreds of people had to be _ from the stadium,because it was full.Aturned away Bturned offCturned around Dturned against解析:句意:因满座,数以百计的人被体育场拒之门外。turn away驱逐;turn off关掉;解雇;turn around转向,回转;turn against背叛。答案:A9(2012杭州模拟)Oh,dear,whats wrong?If I had _ the dog alone it wouldnt have bitten me.Aset BleftChad Dput解析:leave sb./sth.alone为固定用法,意为“不惹,不管,不碰”。答语句意为:如果我不惹那条狗的话,它就不会咬我了。答案:B10The patient is seriously ill.Better have him _ on in no time.Aoperate Bto operateCoperating Doperated解析:句意:这个病人病得很重。最好立刻给他做手术。此题涉及have宾语宾补结构,句中宾语him与宾补operate间为被动关系,故用have sb.done结构,正确答案为D。答案:D11Sometimes,while living in a foreign country,one _ for special dish from home.Alongs BdesiresCcooks Dbrings解析:考查动词词义。long“渴望”,long for sth.“渴望某物”,符合题意。答案:A12(2012太原模拟)It seems quite _ to expect a student to master 3,000 words within only 5 days.Aawful BavailableCabsurd Daccessible解析:考查形容词辨析。句意为:让一个学生只在5天内掌握3 000个单词似乎是荒唐的。absurd“荒唐的,荒谬的”。符合句意。答案:C13It was _ that only when the fire was under control would the residents be permitted to return to their homes.Adeclared BannouncedCsuggested Ddesired解析:句意:据宣布,只有当火势被控制了,这些居民才被允许回家。此处指明确地向公众“宣布”,故选A项。答案:A14Wang Lin behaves well at table.It is said that the tradition has been _ from father to son for generations.Ataken over Bturned aroundCpassed down Dpicked up解析:句意:王林餐桌礼仪很好,据说他这种好传统是一代代传给他的;pass down传递;take over接管;turn around转向;回转;pick up拾起;接收(信号)。答案:C15(2012福州模拟)He said that he hated to go out alone and that he often asked his roommate to _ him.Adefend BprotectCaccompany Dguard解析:句意:他说他不喜欢一个人出去,他经常让他室友陪伴他一块。guard保卫;守护。答案:C.阅读理解AA pioneering headteacher is calling for all high schools to follow his lead and start classes at 11 am,allowing teenagers two hours extra in bed.Dr.Paul Kelley,head of Monkseaton Community High School in North Tyneside,said it would mean the end of sleeping in lessons before lunch,after experiments showed teenagers could have different body clocks from adults and younger children.Russell Foster,an Oxford professor of neuroscience(神经系统科学),tested the memory of 200 Monkseaton pupils at 9 am and 2 pm using pairs of words,and discovered a 9% improvement in the afternoon.Students correctly identified 51% of word pairs in the later session,compared with 42% in the morning.Tayler McCullough,15,one of the test subjects,said “The majority of students would welcome the extra hours in bed.Im extremely hard to get up in the morning.One or two people like to get to school early,but most of us would be up for going in later.Im sure it would make a big difference to our learning ability.”Kelley is adamant that a change of school timetable will have a meaningful effect on exam performance.He wants his schools governors to approve his plan and put the new timetable in place before the opening of Monkseatons new school building,the most technologically advanced in the country,in September.Kelley hopes his latest idea will be just as successful.“We have to be practical.But this proves that,by starting later,childrens learning improves,as does their health.”Foster said,“This is preliminary(初步的)data,but whats exciting is that it matches more detailed studies carried out in Canada and the US.Teenagers get up late not because they are lazy but because they are biologically programmed to do so.”解题导语经过研究发现学生在下午的记忆效果更好,因而一位高中校长呼吁高中学校更改作息时间表,认为这样更加符合青少年的生物钟。1How many professors are mentioned in the passage?AOne. BTwo.CThree. DFour.解析:细节理解题。文章中只提到一个教授,此人是牛津大学的Russell Foster。答案:A2According to Russell Fosters research,_.Athe students tested had very good memoriesBthe students tested did better jobs in the afternoonC42% of the students tested could do very good jobsD51% of the students tested could master 9% of words解析:细节理解题。根据第三段第一句的内容可知他的研究表明被测试的学生在下午的表现更好。答案:B3What does the underlined word “adamant” in the fourth paragraph mean?AAngry. BAbsorbedCAdaptable. DDetermined.解析:猜测词义题。根据第二段中Kelley所持的观点以及第三段中的测验结果和被测验对象所说的话可推测Kelley“坚定不移”地认为学校时间表的变化能对考试表现产生有意义的影响。前三项分别表示“生气的”“全神贯注的”“能适应的”,均不符合语境。答案:D4Fosters opinion on teenagers getting up late is that _.Ateenagers are practicalBteenagers are lazybonesCits based on their body developmentDits good for their learning and health解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段最后一句的内容可知他认为青少年晚起是由他们身体的发展所决定的。答案:CBAt the middle school level,there are many academic clubs in which students can participate.Students can choose clubs that focus on an area of interest.Mathcounts ClubMathcounts tries to increase excitement towards mathematic achievement.It hopes to provide students with the foundation for success in science,technology,engineering and mathematics careers.Schools select individuals and teams to participate in competitions.Local competitions are held in February with winners progressing to state competitions and then on to the national level.Mathcounts works to challenge students math skills,develop selfconfidence and give rewards for their achievements.EnvirothonThe Envirothon program focuses on natural resources knowledge and exposes students to diverse environmental issues,and ecosystems(生态学)The ecology field competition for fivemember middle school teams offers competitions in wildlife,soil,forestry,and current environmental issues.Students work and learn in middle school clubs and can compete at the local and state level.Future Problem SolversFuture Problem Solvers is an academic club that uses a sixstep process to solve problems that may happen in the future.Students who are in the talented and gifted program,who like to “think out of the box”,or who enjoy thinking about futuristic problems may like this club.Teams made up of four students read future scenes and write up solutions in a booklet using the sixstep process.Teams that score high enough can go to the state competition and then to the international competition.Builders ClubBuilders Club is open to any middle school student who wishes to perform community service.Each Builders Club is cosponsored by a Kiwanis club and a middle school.The members learn by doing,and they learn organization,teamwork,and leadership.Builders Clubs can sponsor a “Teacher of the Year”program,provide a recycling collection point,organize canned food and clothing to support local shelters.Middle school academic clubs offer students a place to explore interests or talents.The clubs they join in middle school can help guide choices in high school and beyond.解题导语本文是一篇说明文,着重向读者介绍了几个能吸引学生兴趣的学术俱乐部。在这里,学生能充分展示他们的才能与天赋。5Students choosing Mathcounts Club could_.Aget help in science careersBenjoy solving future problemsCperform community serviceDstudy wildlife and soil解析:事实细节题。从第二段Mathcounts Club中的“.It hopes to provide students with the foundation for success in science,technology,engineering.”可知,该俱乐部希望为学生在科学、技术等方面的成功奠定基础,所以答案选A项。答案:A6If you enjoy thinking about futuristic problems,_ is a good choice for you.AMathcounts Club BBuilders ClubCFuture Problem Solvers DEnvirothon解析:事实细节题。从第四段Future Problem Solvers中的“who enjoy thinking about futuristic problems may like this club”可知,如果学生对未来感兴趣,可以参加该俱乐部,所以答案选C项。答案:C7The students who are not interested in competitions would like to choose _.AMathcounts Club BBuilders ClubCFuture Problem Solvers DEnvirothon解析:事实细节题。从第五段Builders Club中的“.learn organization,teamwork,and leadership”可知,该俱乐部培养学生的组织、合作和领导能力,没提到竞赛,而其他三个俱乐部都提到了竞赛。由此可知答案选B。答案:B8What is the common feature of the four clubs?ACompetitions. BLeadership.CScientific researches. DExploration of talents.解析:逻辑推理题。通读全文可知,这四个俱乐部可以在不同的方面培养学生的才能,所以exploration of talents是这四个俱乐部的共有的特性,答案选D项。答案:D111

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