高二英语同步测试:M5U2《The Environment》期终复习(牛津译林版必修5)

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高二英语同步测试:M5U2《The Environment》期终复习(牛津译林版必修5)_第1页
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高二英语同步测试:M5U2《The Environment》期终复习(牛津译林版必修5)_第2页
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高二英语同步测试:M5U2《The Environment》期终复习(牛津译林版必修5)_第3页
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111M5U2期终考试复习练习一、单词拼写: 1. As a country, we c_ a lot more than we produce.2. China has taken many m_ to stop the process of desertification.3. Foreign literature cant be fully _(欣赏) in translation because much has been lost while it is being translated.4. Alice i_ her teacher with her hard work.(留下印象)5. We only have a small supply of water, so water c_ is important.6. The new model will be in p_ by the end of the year, and go on market very soon.7. We can plant more trees because trees a_ carbon dioxide in the air to produce oxygen.8. The two sides had a fierce d_ before they reached an agreement.9.The _(环境) pollution here is very serious, which the government should not take no notice of.10. Police will a_ criminals by firing nets instead of guns.11. Because his interest in this subject gradually d_, he got a “D”12. As is known to all, it is i_ to hunt wildlife. 13. The driver should take r_ for passengers safety.14. The amount of rubbish is turning into a big problem, so we need to think more about r_ our waste.15. As a business development c_, Im often looked on as being against the environment.16. When people think of factories, they think of g_ businessmen.二、动词填空:1. Other types of waster flow into our water, _ (kill) river and sea life.2. _ (work) with them, I know that a healthy environment and development should be possible at the same time.3. When people think of factories, they always think of pipes _ (pour) chemical waste into rivers.4. The people _ (operate) these factories care much about the environment.5. This makes wood and seafood more expensive, but _ (pay) a higher price for some thing is not always bad.6. One customs officer saw a woman _ (walk) in front of a group with feathers _ (fall) from under her coat.7. He traveled on the plane like this, _ (keep) the tortoise _ (hide) in a blanket.8. I used to find a trip to the park _ (relax), but now I just find it _ (tire)9. _ straight down this street, and you will see the post office on your left.10. We should produce more things from _ (recycle) materials 三、句型转换:1. My suggestion is that we should try to cut back on production.I _ _ to _ production.2. We still have a long way to go to solve all the problem s.All the problems remain _ _ _. 3. The pollution of the river has led to unsafe drinking water. The pollution of the river has _ _ unsafe drinking water.Unsafe drinking water has _ _ the pollution of the river.4. The woman is singing now. The woman writes her own folk songs.The woman_ now _ her own folk songs.5. As an economist, I am often looked upon as being not for the environment protection._an economist, Im often_as_ _the environment protection.6. Asia is four times as large as Europe. Asia is four times _ _ _of Europe.7. It is clear that that you care much about the present situation of our environment.It is clear that that you_very _ _the present situation of our environment.8. This weekend, I would rather stay at home doing my homework than go to see the film, which is boring. This weekend, I _ _stay at home doing my homework_ _ go to see the film, which is boring.9. Our food has run out = We_ _ _ _ our food. =Our food_ _ _ _ _= Our food_ _ _ _.10. If you work hard, you will achieve your goal._ hard, you will _ your goal.四、完成句子:1. 这条路是四年前的三倍长。The length of the road is three times what_ _ _ _ _.2. 他们正在客厅铺设新地毯。They_ _ _ _ _in the living room.3.如果大家有任何疑问或评论,可以利用这个时间段来提出。If you have any questions or_, you can use this time to _ them.4.目前的世界人口与1800年相比已经增长了六倍。The worlds population has_ _ six times_ _ _in 1800. 5.他们就会联想到贪婪的商人逃避自己对环境的责任,一味追求金钱。They think of greedy businessmen_ _ _ _ _the environment and only _ _ money.6.当发展经济时,我们不得不吧环境保护考虑在内。We have to _ environmental protection_ _ when_ the _.7.两个保护长江的政府特别项目正在实施中。Two special government projects are also_ _ to protect the river.8.为了解决长江的各种问题,我们还有很长的路要走。We still have a long way _ _ to solve all the problems_ the Yangtze River.9.我们相信,中国政府和人民保护这条他们所挚爱的河流的努力在将来是会得到后人肯定的。We believe that the _ of the Chinese government and the Chinese people_ _ this much-loved river will be _ for years to come by_ _.10. 每次出现什么问题,大家都把问题归咎于我。Whenever something _ wrong, everyone _ it _me.M5U2期终考试复习练习单词拼写:1.consume 2.measures 3.appreciated 4.impressed 5.conservation 6.production 7.absorb 8.debate 9.environmental 10.arrest 11.decreased 12.illegal 13.responsibility 14.recycling 15.consultant 16.greedy动词填空:1.killing 2.Having worked 3.pouing 4.operating 5.paying 6.walking, falling 7.keeping, hidden 8.relaxing, tiring 9.Walk 10.recycled句型转换1. suggest trying , decrease/reduce 2. to be solved 3. resulted in; resulted from 4.singing, writes 5. Being, seen, being against 6. the size of 7. are, concerned about 8. prefer to, rather than 9. have run out of; has been run out of; has been used up 10.Working, meet完成句子:1. it was four years ago 2. are laying a new carpet 3.comments/voice 4.grown by ;what it was 5. hiding from their responsibilities to /worrying about 6. take/into consideration /developing /economy 7. under way 8.to go /concerning 9.efforts/ to protect /appreciated /future generations 10.goes, blames, on111


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