高中英语外研版必修一学案Module 3 《My First Ride on a Train》(3)

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111Book1 Module 3 My First Ride on a Train Period 3【学习目标】掌握1. -ed形式作定语;2. 一般过去时 【学习重点难点】-ed形式作定语的意义与用法;【学习策略指导】让学生自主学习,小组合作探究解决当堂所学主要内容中存在的问题【预习自学】教学案相关语法;P109-110 语法四、语法六【教学环节设计】Step 1 自主学习课本P109-110 语法四、语法六及教学案,标出重点和疑难点。 【Grammar】1. -ed形式作定语(1)及物动词的ed形式表被动完成 ,如:a respected leader 受尊敬的领导 abandoned farms 被遗弃的农场 oppressed people 被压迫的人们 steamed bread 馒头动词的-ed 形式作定语说明所修饰的名词的状态,-ed形式在一定程度上失去了被动的意义,而是一个形容词。如:puzzled look 疑惑的表情 disappointed children沮丧的孩子们tired people 疲惫的人 satisfied expression满意的神情(2)不及物动词的-ed 形式一般不表示被动的意义,只表示完成意义。可这样用的只有少数表示位置转移或状态改变的-ed 形式。如:the gone days 逝去的日子fallen leaves 落叶 risen sun升起的太阳a retired teacher退休教师(3)动词的-ed 形式可构成合成词作前置定语,如: widely-used language广泛应用的语言 man-made satellite人造卫星 highly-developed industry高度发展的工业(4)分词短语常放在被修饰的名词之后作后置定语, 与其修饰的词是被动关系,相当于一个被动语态的定语从句。如:a letter written in pencil = a letter which was written in pencil 用铅笔写的信a woman called Li Hua = a woman who / that is called Li Hua 一个叫李华的女士Most of the people invited to the party were famous scientists. (=who were invited to the party). 被邀请到聚会上的大多数人是著名的科学家。注意:个别分词如given, left 等作定语放在被修饰词后面 This is the question given. 这是所给的问题。 Theres no money left. 没有剩下的钱了。2. 一般过去时(1)表示过去某一特定时间所发生的、可完成的动作或状态,常与表示确切过去时间的词、短语或从句连用。表过去的时间状语如:yesterday, last night, five years ago, just now, in those days, the other day, during the day, until the 1920s, in 1925. 如:We went to the cinema last night and saw a very interesting film.I played football every day when I was a boy.(2) 表示过去习惯性的动作。如:I used to do my homework in the library.He always went to class last.(3)在一些固定句型中用过去时表示虚拟。Would you mind if sb. did? It is time sb. did sth“早该”would (had) rather sb. did sth“宁愿某人”Would you mind if I smoked here?It is time you went to bed.Id rather you came tomorrow.Step 2小组合作讨论解决疑难问题Step 3【检测反馈】I. 单项选择1. There are many _ hunting tools _ by Australian Natives. A. strangely -shaped; owned B. shaped strangely; owned C. strangely-shaping; owning D. shaping strangely; owning 2. Linda worked for the Minnesota Manufacturing and Mining Company, _as 3M.A. knowingB. knownC. being knownD. to be known3. It was _back home after the experiment.A. not until midnight did he go B. until midnight that he didnt goC. not until midnight that he went D. until midnight when he didnt go4. It is said in the book that Thomas Edison (1847-1931)_the world leading inventor for sixty years.A. would beB. has beenC. had been D. was5. All morning as she waited for the medical report from the doctor, her nervousness_ .A. has grown B. is growingC. grewD. had grown6. I thought Jim would said a word about his new school report, but he _ it.A. doesnt mention B. hadnt mentioned C. didnt mention D. hasnt mentioned7. - You havent said a word about my new coat, Brenda. Do you like it?- Im sorry I _ anything about it sooner. I certainly think its pretty on you. A. wasnt sayingB. dont sayC. wont say D. didnt say8. Prices of daily goods_ through a computer can be lower than store prices.A. are boughtB. bought C. been bought D. buying9. Old MacDoald gave up smoking for a while, but soon _to his old ways.A. returnedB. returns C. was returning D. had returned10.The Olympic Games, _ in 776B.C,did not include women players until 1912.A. first playingB. to be first played C. first playedD. to be first playing11. The police all felt _ after a whole weekday searching for the lost child in the forest.A. abandonedB. exhaustedC. frightenedD. relaxed12. The experts _ to the meeting came from different countries around the world.A. invitingB. are invitingC. being invitedD. invited 13. Dont use words, expression, or phrases_ only to people with specific knowledge.A. being knownB. having been knownC. to be knownD. known14. I _ you not to move my dictionary - now I cant find it.A. askedB. askC. was askingD. had asked15. The discussion _ alive when an interesting topic was brought in.A. was comingB. had comeC. has comeD. came16. The computer center, _ last year, is very popular among the students in this school.A. openB. openingC. having openedD. opened17. He felt rather _that she should drive the car at such a _ speed.A. frightening; frighteningB. frightened; frighteningC. frightened; frightenedD. frightening; frightened18. With online course, Crazy English has over 20 million students all over China _ the class through Internet.A. attend B. attendingC. attended D. to be attending19. - Who would you like to see at the moment? - The man _ Mr. Nelson.A. called himself B. we call himC. calling himself D. is called20-Could I use your phone?-Yes, of course you _.A. canB. couldC. mayD. mightII. 动词正确形式填空 1. The computer center, _ last year, is very popular among the students in this school.(open)2. This is the problem _ at the meeting yesterday. (discuss)3. _ and happy, Tony stood up and accepted the prize. (amaze)4. He would like to have books of that kind _ into our library.(introduce)5. Would you mind if I _ here? (smoke)6. A boy _ himself Tom will come to meet you at the station. (call)7. With the magazine Student Times _ us, we will improve our language skills a lot. (help)Step4. 本单元课文重点句复习巩固: 1. 在白天,我坐着看窗外,有时和别的旅客说说话。_2. 有一个晚上,大约是在半夜,差不多有整整一小时我都在注视夜晚的天空。 _3. Ghan 是阿富汗的(Afghanistan)缩写。 _4. 直到20世纪20年代,阿富汗人和他们的骆驼还在做着这样的工作。 _【课外作业】预习Listening, writing, Everyday English和Cultural Corner部分,并完成相关练习【学后反思】_英语模块一学案13(Module 3 Period3)Step 3【检测反馈】I. 单项选择 1-5ABCDC 6-10CDBAC 11-15 BDDAD 16-20 DBBCAII. 动词正确形式填空 1. opened 2. discussed 3. amazed 4. introduced 5. smoked 6. calling 7. helpingStep4. 本单元课文重点句复习巩固:1. During the day, I sat and looked out of the window, and sometimes talked to other passengers.2. One night, at about midnight, I watched the night sky for about one hour. 3. Ghan is short for Afghanistan. 4. The Afghans and their camels did this until the 1920s. 英语模块一学案13(Module 3 Period3)Step 3【检测反馈】I. 单项选择 1-5ABCDC 6-10CDBAC 11-15 BDDAD 16-19 DBBCAII. 动词正确形式填空 1. opened 2. discussed 3. amazed 4. introduced 5. smoked 6. calling 7. helpingStep4. 本单元课文重点句复习巩固:1. During the day, I sat and looked out of the window, and sometimes talked to other passengers.2. One night, at about midnight, I watched the night sky for about one hour. 3. Ghan is short for Afghanistan. 4. The Afghans and their camels did this until the 1920s. 111

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