Module 6《Films and TV Programmes》-reading学案1(外研版必修2)

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111Module6-reading 学案一 从下面选择合适单词,并用其正确形式填空.access via browser control source develop come in allow which talk start operate traffic basic system possible rise version invent go down document The Internet is the biggest_of information and it is_through a computer. In 1969, DARPA _ a way for all their computers to _ to each other through the telephone. Then in 1984, the NSF _NSFNET. It then became _for universities to use the _ as well. The World Wide Web was _by Tim Berbers Lee in 1991.It is a computer net work that _computer users to _information from millions of websites _the Internet. About 80 percent web traffic is in English, but this percentage is _. By 2020, much web _could be in Chinese. Burners Lee developed the first major _, named Mosaic, which allowed users to access_. It was the first browser to _ several different_ , each of _ was designed to run on a different _ system. Operating systems are the _ software that _ computers. Within five years, the number of Internet users_ from 600,000 to 40 million.二 汉译英1 他在会上提出一项建议。(come up with)2 西湖以人间天堂而著称。(know)3 他们允许孩子们免费进入公园。(allow)4 这个俱乐部由200多位会员组成。(consist)5 他把那个小商店发展成为一家大型百货商店。(develop)6 爱迪生发明了电灯。哥伦布在1492年发现了美洲大陆。(invent , discover)7 她为这位歌手设计服装。(design)8 太阳从东方升起。那个学生举手要回答老师的问题。(rise , raise)9 她的职业是医生。(work)10海水含有盐分。这里所有人,包括老人,都参加了抗洪斗争。(contain , include)三 单词拼写1 He is so kind that you can easily get a _to him.2 The exam is coming. They are c_ their mind on study.3 On the a_, there are 1,000 visitors a day.4 China has become i_, since she was founded in 1949.5 Without p_, you can not park your car here.6 You must give me a d_ answer, whether you come or not.7 The wealth of society is c_ by the laboring people.8 During the first days of college, the college students usually experience m_ training.9 Printing is one of the four i_. 10 The hall can c_ five hundred people.11 Our teacher is a_ to the students. We all like her.12 We went to London v_ Siberia.13 The article is too long, so you should s_ it.14 A famous architect d_ the national stadium.15 This hardship is nothing, c_ with those the Red Army faced on the Long March. 四, 单项选择1. _ modeling business is by no means easy to get into, the good model will always be in demand.(2004, 浙江)A While B Since C As D If2 While he was playing his toys, a good idea _him. A came up with B came upon C came up D came down3 - I am taking my drive test tomorrow. (2002 NMET). -_! A Cheers B Good luck C Come on D Congratulations4 The place has_ from a fishing port into a tourist centre. A increased B discovered C developed D improved5 The success of this car shows the importance of good _in helping to sell the product. A color B price C design D model6 We can not stand by and _ such a thing. A allowing B allowed C allow D to allow7 Tom _his parents like playing football. A and B as well as C as well D also8 Mr White has written some short stories, but he is _known for his plays. (NMET 1998)A the best B more C better D the worst9 With extraordinary strength, he raised himself _the moment. A at B for C in D 10 As a result of destroying the forest, a large _of the desert _covered the land.(2001, 上海) A number, has B quantity, has C number, has D quantity, have11 Comrade Wang is on his way to Hang Zhou _Shanghai. A by the way of B via C around D past12 They were surprised that a child should work out the problem _they themselves could not. A once B then C while D if13 _the day went on, the weather got worse. (NMET 2000) A With B Since C While D As14 Americans eat _vegetables per person today as they did in 1910. (2002 NMET)A more than twice B as twice as many C twice as many as D more than twice as many.15 There are more _ houses in this village than in that one. A new-built B new-building C newly-built D built-newly16 -John, there is _ Mr Wilson on the phone for you. -I am in _ bath.(NMET 2004) A a, the B the ; C a ;the D a;17 I hesitate _you, but will you recommend me for the post?A ask B asking C asked D to ask.18 - You are so lucky. - What do you mean _that? A for B in C of D by19 - Is this book interesting? - Yes, but I am sure it will not interest _.A nobody B somebody C anybody D everybody20 She often gets up late, _when she has classes in the morning.A usually B especially C generally D hardly21 His school education _no more than one year. A added up to B added up C added to D added22 This book _forty maps, _ three of Great Britain.A contains; includes B is containing; including C includes; contains D contains; including五 阅读WHO AM I?I began only as a calculating machine in 1642 in France. Then in 1822 I was built as an analytical machine by Charles Babbage. I followed instructions from cards with holes. I know this sounds very simple, but at that time it was a technological revolution. My real father was Alan Turing, who in 1936 wrote a book to describe how computers could be made to work, and built a “universal machine” to solve any mathematical problem. Earlier I was not very big, but then I become huge!However, people thought I was simple-minded until they discovered I had “artificial intelligence. Artificial!I did not know what they were talking about. Anyway, lets go back to my history. Then I was the size of a large room!As the years have gone by, I have been made smaller and smaller. No one could recognize me after I got my new transistors in the 1960s. There were times when my size was totally changed. I became small and thin but I got cleverer and cleverer, quicker and quicker. And my memory became so large that I could not believe it!But I was always so lonely standing there by myself, until in the early 1960s, they gave me a family connected by a network. I could share information with others and we could talk to each other. At about the same time we learned to talk to humans using BASIC.I was brought into peoples homes in the 1970s.Since then, my family and I have been used by billions of people to deal with information and communicate with each other around the world by the Internet. I love being used to connect people who are not close enough to speak to each other. I have truly been built to serve the human race since my birth. 1 Look at the timeline below. Fill in the blanks with information from the reading above. Timeline 1642: _: The Analytical Machine was made by Charles Babbage.1936: _1960s:_: The first family of computers was connected to each other.1970s:_Now: _参考答案:一 source, accessible, developed, talk, started, possible, system, invented, allows, access, via, going down, traffic, browser, documents, come in, versions, which, operating, basic, control, rose二 1 He came up with a proposal at the meeting.2 The West Lake is known as the paradise on earth.3 They allowed the children to go into the park for free.4 This club consists of more than 200 members.5 He developed the little store into a big department store.6 Edison invented the electric light. Columbus discovered America in 1492.7 She designs dresses for the singer.8 The sun rises in the east. The student raised his hand to answer the teachers question.9 She works as a doctor.10 Sea water contains salt. Everyone here took part in the fight against the flood , including old people.三. 1 access 2 concentrate 3 average 4 independent 5 permission 6 definite 7 created 8 military 9 inventions 10 contain 11 accessible 12 via 13 shorten 14 designed 15 compared四1A 2B 3B 4 C 5C 6 C 7B 8 C 9B 10B 11B12C 13D 14D 15C 16A 17D 18D 19D 20B 21A 22D 五 The computer only worked as a calculating machine in France. 1822 A “universal machine” to solve any mathematical problem was built by Alan Turing. Smaller but cleverer computers with new transistors was invented. In the early 1960s Computers using BASIC was brought into peoples homes. Computers are used by billions of people on the Internet.111

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