Module 5《The Great Sports Personality》Grammar同步练习1(外研版必修5)

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Module 5《The Great Sports Personality》Grammar同步练习1(外研版必修5)_第1页
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Module 5《The Great Sports Personality》Grammar同步练习1(外研版必修5)_第3页
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111Module 5 The Great Sports Personality选择填空:1.You like sports_Id like to read.AwhenBwhileCbutDyet2. _ we were singing, the teacher came in.ABeforeBafterCAsDUntil3.I was about to leave my house _the phone rang.AwhileB whenCasDafter4.They did not stop fighting_ there was no enemy left.AuntilBafterCwhenDsince5.I have not seen him_ he went to college.Awhen BbeforeCasDsince6.It is five days_ we came here.AwhenBbeforeCasDsince7.It was not long_ he got to know it.AwhenBbeforeCafterDuntil8.We shall go_we are free.AwheneverBwhateverCwhereverDhowever9. _I live I must serve the people heart and soul.AWhenBSo long asCAs soon asDOn condition10.I was reading a novel_ he was watchingTV.AwhenBwhileCbeforeDas11.Put the medicine_you can easily get it.Aso that BwhereCwhichDthere12.We will go_the Party wants us to go.AwhereverBthereCto the placeDwhich13. _ there is a will there is a way.AWhenBWhereCWhetherDHow 14.I am going_ you went last week.AwhereBwhereverCwhenDthe place15. _ you go , you should bear the motherland in your mind.AWhereBWhereverCWhateverDHowever 16. _ weather permits, well have an outing.AFor BThoughCWhileDIf17.You wont succeed_harder.Aunless you will workBunless you workCunless you dont workDif you wont work18.I wonder if he_us, and I think if he_us well be able to complete the task ahead of time.Ahelps, helpsBwill help, helpsChelps, will helpDwill help, will help 19.I dont like to be interrupted if I_.Aspeak Bwill speakCam speakingDspoke 20.If you_this experiment you will understand the theory better.Awill be doingBhave doneCwill have doneD would do21.I would like to do it_I like it.AsinceBbecauseCbecause of Dnow that22. _everybody is here, Lets set off.ASinceBBecauseCForDAfter23.It was_he was ill that he was absent yesterday.AbecauseBasCsinceDnow that24. _it is raining, we had better take a taxi.AForBAsCBecause of DWhen25.“Why cant you do it now?” “_Im too busy.”ASinceBAsCBecauseDFor 26.He must have passed this way, _here are his footprints.AsinceBbecause of Cnow thatDfor27. _everybody is here, Lets begin our meeting.ANow thatBBecauseCForDWhen28.His speech made_deep impression on the audience that they could hardly forget it.Asuch a Bso a CsoDsuch29.They worked hard_they finished their work ahead of time.AsoBso thatCsuch thatDso as to30.He was_weak_ he couldnt stand up.Asuch, thatBso, thatCvery, thatDso, as to31.The foreigner spoke_ his interpreter could hardly catch his words.Asuch fast thatBso fastCso fast thatDso fastly that32.The book is_ it gives a wrong idea of the facts. Aso writing that Bsuch written thatCsuch writing thatDso written that33.The house cost_ we didnt buy it.Aso much money thatBso many money thatCsuch much money thatDsuch many money that 34.It is_ all of us can do it.Aso easy exercise thatBsuch easy an exerciseCsuch easy exerciseDso easy an exercise that35.She has _she remembers all the names of the students she has taught.Aso good memory thatBsuch a good memory thatCsuch good memory thatDgood memory36.They stopped at Tianjing_they might visit the TV tower.Aso BbecauseCso thatDin order37.We all got up early_we might start at six.Ain order that Bin order toCso Dso as to38.Let the dog loose so that it_have a run.Ashould BmustCcouldDneed39. _clearly so that your teacher_you correctly.AWrite, can understandBHaving written, can understandCTo write, could understandDWriting, will understand40.He started early so that he_there in time.Acould getBgotChad gotDwould have got41. _it was late , she went on working.AThoughBBecauseCSinceDWhether42. _we fail , we _trying.AEven if , dont stopBEven though, wont stopCEven, will not stopDEven although, shall never stop43. _ the pain was bad, _he did not complain.AAlthough, butBThough, butCThough, yetDEven, still44. _ physics, he likes maths better.AAs he much likes BMuch as he likes CMuch likes as he DLikes much as he 45. _telephones, tell him Im out.ANo matter whoeverBWhoCWhoeverDAnyone46.Well carry the reform to the end_ happens.Ano matter howBwhateverCanythingDno matter which47.It takes_time to go there by plane than by ship.Afar fewerBfar lessCmuch fewerDmore less48.He is taller than_ in his class.AothersBall the students Cany other one Dthe other49. _ it was finished in time.AAs the work was difficultBDifficult as the work wasCDifficult as was the workDAs was the work difficult50.I am sorry_ I have caused so much trouble.Athat BforCasDsince 51. _ he came, he would bring us a lot of flowers.AEvery times Bone timeCEvery time DOnce a time 52.Ill tell him about it_I see him.Aas soon asBso soon asCwhile Das 53.I had hardly sat down_ the telephone rangAthan BwhenCas Dafter 54.Sit _ you like.AwhereBat the placeCas Dwherever 55. _ he wasnt ready in time, we went without him.ASince BAsCForDBecause of 56.All plants need air_ they need water.Alike Bas if Cas Dso 57.Work hard _ you can succeed.Ain order to Bso thatCfor fear thatDin case 58.If you_I will go with you.Ago to Bwent CwillDshould go 59.The hard he works, _he will make.Athe greater Bthe greater progressCand the moreDmore 60. _ we have thought it over , well take_steps.ATill, not BWhen , noCUntil, any DUntil, no(1.B 2.C 3.B4.A5.D6.D7.B8.A9.B10.B11.B12.A 13.B14.A15.B16.D17.B18.B19.C 20.B21.B22.A23.A24.B25.C26.D27.A28.A29.B30.B31.C32.D33.A34.D35.B36.C37.A 8.C39.A40.A41.A42.B43.C44.B45.C46.B47.B48.C49.B50.A51.C52.A53.B54.D55.B56.C 57.B58.C59.B60.D) 111


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