【冀教版】高一英语必修1(同步练习)Unit 6 Learning through Travel

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111【模拟试题】(答题时间:50分钟)第一部分 语言知识运用第一节 词语运用单词拼写1. The two men e_ greetings when they met. 2. _(花费,花 ) time in Canada with you all is fun.3. When in Rome, r_ the traditions of the Roman people.4. Can you find out the s_ and differences between the culture of China and Italy?5. Pat has _(申请) to go camping in Australia.6. Your kitchen is n_ and tidy. 7. When he failed the exam, he got worried and l_ his eyes.8. I am _(不知道) if you can do us a favor.9. We are all looking forward to _(经历,感受) something exciting in the North Pole.10. We can _(提高) our English by speaking out loud.第二节 单项选择1. What about going for a picnic? _A. Help yourself, please. B. Go ahead, please.C. Sounds great! D. Yes, wed better.2. _ are the days _ we spent in our college together.A. Going; when B. Going; thatC. Gone; when D. Gone; /3. Remember the times _ we children played happily, but now I have to go, because its time that I _ for work.A. that; leave B. when; am leavingC. that; am leaving D. when; left4. I wont go to the lecture. I know nothing about it; _, I have an appointment.A. besides B. therefore C. however D. otherwise5.Your living room is very nice_ the fact that it is a little dark inside.A. butB. except forC. exceptD. besides6. She plays the violin _, if not better than my sister.A. as well B. as well as C. so well D. so well as7. _ my surprise, she saw _ Jeffs trick.A. To; off B. In; through C. To; through D. In ; off8.It _ me much time to finish my work. A. costs B. pays C. spends D. takes9. John shut everybody out of the kitchen, _ he could prepare his grand surprise for the party.A. which B. when C. so that D. as if10. Roses need special care_ they can live through winter.A. because B. so that C. even if D. as11.The day we look forward to _.A. come B. coming C. comes D. came12. With her son _, the old father _ himself.A. disappointing; hanged B. disappointed; hanged C. disappointing; hung D. disappointed; hung13.You should spend as much time as you can _ English.A. learn B. to learn C. learning D. to have learned14.In Guangzhou, you will hear people_ speak Cantonese.A. most B. almost C. mostly D. more15. She is absent from the meeting. Im so sorry. What _ to her?A. have happened B. can have happened C. must have happened D. would have happened16. Tomorrow the debate will be held. Dont forget to come. _.A. I dont B. I wont C. I cant D. I havent17. Could I come here again tomorrow? Yes, you_.A. could B. may C. can D. might18. In addition _ Paris, I have traveled to New York and Venice.A. on B. in C. to D. with19. Your room is twice_ mine.A. big than B. as bigger as C. size of D. as big as20. In _ countries, you can have a good environment to practice your _ English.A. English-spoken, speaking B. English-spoken, spokenC. English-speaking, speaking D. English-speaking, spoken第三节 完形填空Suzhou, an ancient city in East Chinas Jiangsu Province, has again attracted world attention, chosen 1 the host city for the 28th session of the World Heritage Committee, _2 will be held from June 28 to July 7.Popularly 3 as a “paradise on earth” in ancient times, Suzhou is _4_ famous for its _5_ gardens. Nine gardens in Suzhou are included on UNESCOs World Cultural Heritage List. And Suzhous Kunqu Opera was also classed as a “Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Cultural Heritage” by UNESCO in 2001. But Suzhou has much more to offer _6_ its beautiful gardens and marvelous Kunqu Opera.The fabric of the citys history is resplendent with its many strands of _7_ history and culture.Suzhou people 8_ their history back to the end of the Shang Dynasty around 1100 BC. When Taibo, _9_ his brother Zhongyong, both princes of Zhou, fled from Chinas northwest to the middle and 10_ reaches of the Yangtze River, they were elected as leaders of the local people, _11_ the foundation of the ancient Gou-Wu State. That is 12_ Suzhou was originally called Wu.In 514 BC, Wu Zixu, the prime minister of King Helu, supervised the re-construction of Suzhou, and that marked the beginning of todays city. The city, _13_ that time a town, was called Helu. It had a circumference of 23.5 kilometers, 14_ walls and a moat and eight gates, traces of which can still be found today. 15 its history, Suzhou has 16 many changes, 17_ its name. The present name was 18_ in AD 589 during the Sui Dynasty. _19 it has remained at the same site and retained its original construction for more than 2,500 years. With its grid structure of roads and waterways, ancient Suzhou _20_ to be one of the largest cities in China. 1. A. likeB. forC. asD. to2. A. whatB. thatC. itD. which3. A. referringB. referring toC. referredD. referred to4. A. mostB. almostC. mostlyD. more5. A. modernB. classicC. usedD. old6. A. asB. overC. beyondD. than7. A. ownB. itselfC. localD. national8. A. seeB. putC. traceD. remember9. A. as wellB. andC. togetherD. together with10.A. lowB. lowerC. lowererD. lowest11. A. layB. layingC. lieD. lying12. A. whatB. becauseC. whyD. when13. A. byB. inC. atD. till14. A. andB. withC. withoutD. no15. A. InB. FromC. ThoroughD. Through16. A. experienceB. goneC. seeD. seen17. A. includeB. includedC. includingD. includes18. A. adaptB. adoptC. adaptedD. adopted19. A. AndB. SoC. HoweverD. But20. A. get usedB. is usedC. usedD. has been used 第二部分 阅读理解ATwo men traveling through a forest together promised to help each other whatever danger threatened them. They had not gone far when a bear rushed at them from some bushes. One man was a good climber, and quickly climbed a nearby tree, but the other, seeing that he had no chance alone against the bear, fell flat on his back, and pretended to be dead. The Bear came up to him, sniffed at him, and thinking him dead went off into the wood again without hurting him. When he had gone, the other traveler came down from the tree, and smilingly asked his companion what the Bear had said to him.“For I could see,” he said, “ that he put his mouth close to your ear.”“He told me to tell you,” replied the other, “that you were a great coward, and that in future I should not trust those who make fine promises, but will not stand by their friends in danger.”1. Why did one of them fall flat on the floor in the forest?A. He was too frightened at the bear to stand still. B. He wanted to save his friend.C. He wanted to attract the bears attention. D. He wanted to escape by acting as a dead person.2. What does the underlined phrase “sniffed at” mean? It means _A. The bear stared at him. B. The bear smelt the man.C. The bear tasted him. D. The bear touched him.3. Whats the probable outcome (结果) after their experience with the bear?A. They would still be good friends.B. The man who climbed the tree would have more good companions in the future.C. The man who fell flat on the ground would make friends with the bear.D. The two men would go on separate ways at last.4. What is the moral (寓意) of the story?A. Never go through a forest without guns.B. Never rush immediately you see a bear.C. Dont trust fine promises unless you are sure of the person who makes them.D. When in emergencies (危急情况), one should keep calm.BGreenland offers adventures of ice and snow like nowhere else on this planet. The ice cap up to three kilometers thick covers an area 14 times the size of England, and icebergs snap off(折断) the glaciers(冰川)at the edges of the ice cap. Youll experience icebergs almost everywhere in Greenland. In the Disko Bay, icebergs often rise up to 100 meters above the waterline-keep in mind that 90 percent of an iceberg is hidden below the surface of the sea. The worlds most active glacier at Illissat moves 25-30 meters a day and calves(裂冰)across a front 10 kilometers in width. Visiting the ice cap is possible from most towns in Greenland, although it usually takes a helicopter flight or a boat trip to reach the edge of the inland ice. In Kangerlussuaq the ice cap is only 20 kilometers away and you can hike, drive, fly or mountain bike there -and stay overnight if you bring a tent. Springtime is the best season for dog-sledge tours and skiing although Greenland also offers first class summer skiing, even heli-skiing, on glaciers, and dog-sledge tours in the summer.Greenland hosts several international events related to ice & snow, such as the Arctic Circle Race regarded as the toughest ski race in the world, the Ice Golf World Championships, and the Snow Sculpture Festival. As a neighbor to the North Pole, Greenland has an Arctic climate, although there are great differences from north to south, and from coast to inland. Generally speaking, the climate is very dry, and as a result, temperatures feel quite different from most other places in the world. 10-15 degrees Celsius, that is, 50-60 degrees Fahrenheit, feels very warm, while minus 10 degrees Celsius (14 degrees Fahrenheit) is equivalent to a comfortable temperature. 5. Which of the following description of Greenland is false according to the passage?A. The ice cap is as much as three kilometers thick. B. The size of the ice cap is 14 times larger than that of England.C. In the Disko Bay, 90 percent of the iceberg cant be seen on the surface of the sea.D. Icebergs break off the glaciers from the center of the ice cap.6. Where is the worlds most active glacier in Greenland?A. In the Disko Bay. B. At IlulissatC. In Kangerlussuaq. D. In the North Pole.7. How do visitors reach the edge of the inland ice in Greenland?A. By helicopter. B. By boat.C. By snowboard. D. Both A and B.8. Whats the climate in Greenland like?A. There is little variety from region to region. B. The climate is fairly wet.C. It is characterized as Arctic. D. Minus 10 degrees Celsius make people there feel too hot.C(1) A bike tour and raceIt will be held at 5:30 a.m. on August 26 and 27(Sat. and Sun). The riders will leave Tiananmen Square and ride the first 35 kilometers as a training leg. Then the next 55 kilometer leg, from Yanjiao to Jixian, will be the first competitive (竞争性的)part of the tour. The riders and their bikes will then be taken from Jixian to Changli.The second racing leg of the tour will be from Changli to the seaside of Nandaile, covering a distance of 20 kilometers. Saturday night includes the stay at Nandaihe and supper. Sunday morning is free for play at the seaside. At noon all the people and their bikes will be taken back to Beijing. Cost: 200 yuan Telephone: 4675027(2) Brazilian footballers The Brazilian Football Club will play Beijing Guoan Team at the Workers Stadium on August 26th.The club has four national team players. Also coming is 1994 US World Cup star Romero who has promised to play for at least 45 minutes. Ticket prices: 60,100,150 yuan Time/Date: 4:30 p.m., August 26(Sat.) Telephone: 5012372(3) Rocket climbing The Third National Rock Climbing Competition will be held on August 26-27 at the Huairou Mountain-climbing Training Base. More than 10 teams from Beijing, Wuhan, Jilin and other places will take part in it. A Japanese team will give an exhibition climbing.Free for spectators(观众). Take a long-distance bus from Dongzhimen to Huairou. Time/Date: 9-12a.m., August 26 and 27Telephone: 7143177,7148850.9. The main purpose of announcing the above events is to give information about_.A. visiting teamsB. famous players C. things to do for the weekendD. prices to pay for the sports events10. If you take part in the bike tour, you will ride for _ kilometers.A. 35 B. 55 C. 75 D. 11011. The underlined word “leg” in “ Bicycle tour and race” probably means_.A. race B. practice C. part of the training D. part of the tour12. If you want to find something to do for Saturday afternoon, which telephone number will you call?A. 4675027 B.7143177 C. 5012372 D.7144850第三部分 写作第一节 短文改错A boy who was cleaning the shoes in the street said to1. _a young man passed by. “ Let me clean your boots. Itll2. _spend you only a penny.” But the young man refused. Then3. _the boy told him that he will clean his boots for free.4. _The young man agreed, and soon a boot shining brightly.5. _Then he put the other boot on the box, and the boy refused6. _clean it unless he was paid two pence for his work. The7. _young man refused to pay for anything and went away. But8. _the well-cleaned boot made the dirty one so bad that he9. _could not walk on. He returned back and gave the boy 10. _two pence.第二节 汉译英根据每句后面括号内的提示,把下列句子翻译成英语。1. 我注意到他正把空瓶子收集到一个箱子里。(notice)2. 昨天, 双方就食品安全问题交换了意见。(exchange)3. 他常常工作到深夜。(tend to)4. 他说话时,两只眼睛一直盯着我看。(with复合结构)5. 你本来应该7:00前上交报告的(但是你没有做到)。 (be supposed to)第三节 书面表达根据下列提供的旅游信息,写一篇说明文,介绍峨眉山。资料:峨嵋山,位于中国四川,有2000年的历史,是佛教文化的圣地。主要风景及特色如下:scene(风景)features (特色)the Golden Summi在山顶,可以观云海,看日出,隐约可见雄伟的神庙和其他建筑,具有神秘色彩。Wannian Templestatue(塑像) of Samantabhadra,高7.85米, 重62吨,是中国重要的文化遗产。Leshan Giant Buddha建在九顶山上, 高达71米,是世界上最大的石佛像,与当地的自然风光和谐的融为一体。要求:(1)描述要细致,包含提供的所有信息 (2)字数:120-150字【试题答案】第一部分 语言知识运用第一节 词语运用单词拼写1. exchanged 2. Spending 3. respect 4. similarities 5. applied6. neat 7. lowered 8. wondering 9. experiencing 10. improve第二节 单项选择1. C2. D 此句为倒装句,那些日子已逝去.正常语序为:The days are gone. gone是形容词,意思是“消逝的”。第二个空考察的是定语从句。spend 是及物动词,the days 在从句中做spent的宾语,关系词为that/which,且可以省略。3. D the times,指一些时光,做先行词,定语从句we children played happily中,没有表示时间的状语,因此选关系副词when。It is time that“该到的时间了”。从句中要用一般过去时。4. A besides,另外,还有;therefore,因此,是原因副词;however,然而,副词;otherwise,否则,副词。5. B 6. B 7. C短语see through a trick的意思是“看穿诡计”。8. D 9. C 10. B 11. C 句子的主干是The day comes/will come,其中we look forward to 是定语从句。12. A with 复合结构中,选disappointing表“儿子是令人失望的”,爸爸才上吊而亡。hang的过去式hanged表示“上吊”,而hung表示“挂”。13. C 14. C15. B 对过去已经发生的事情做出可能性的推测,要用 can have done。16. B 17. C 18. C 19. D 20. D第三节 完形填空1. C as介词,意思是“作为”。D项应该改为to be才对。2. D which引导非限定性定语从句。C项改为and it 才对。3. D refer to 意思是“提到,谈到”,这里用过去分词短语作状语,表示被动意义。4. A 5. B classic 形容词,意思是“古典的,古代的”。6. D7. C8. C trace back to意思是“将追溯到”。9. D10. B11. B lay foundation for意思是“为奠定基础”。12. C13. C14. B15. D through与thorough不同。C项的thorough为形容词,意思是“彻底的,完全的”。16. D 其中A项改为experienced,B项改为gone through才正确。17. C18. D adapt意思是“改编,改写”;adopt意思是“采用”。19. D 若用C项,应在However后面加逗号。20. C used to be/do意思为“过去常常”;get/be used to sth/doing意思为“习惯于”。第二部分 阅读理解1. D 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. D 6. B7. D 8. C 9. C 10. D 11. D 12. C第三部分 写作第一节 短文改错1. 去掉the 2. passed改为passing或passed前加who/ that 3. spend改为cost4. will改为would 5. boot与shining之间加was 6. and改为but 7. clean前面加to8. 去掉for 9. 正确 10. 去掉back或将returned改为went第二节 汉译英1. I noticed him collecting empty bottles into a box.2. Yesterday, the two sides exchanged ideas about the safety of food with each other.3. He tends to work late into the night.4. He talked, with his eyes fixed on me.5. You are supposed to have handed in your report before 7:00.第三节 书面表达Located in Sichuan Province, Emei Mountain has a recorded history ofover 2,000 years, during which time a rich Buddhist cultural heritage has accumulated. Therere major sights as follows:At the top of the Golden Summit, one can enjoy the sunrise and seas of clouds. Magnificent temples and other buildings can be dimly seen in the sun, which seem mysterious. In the Wannian Temple towers a statue of Samantabhadra. It is 7.85 meters high, weighs 62 tons and is one of Chinas important cultural relics.The Giant Buddha statue, the worlds highest stone statue, with a height of 71m, is in perfect harmony with the natural landscape.Emei Mountain is blessed with the worlds natural beauty and culture.Welcome to Emei Mountain!附:课文翻译李明和珍妮谈旅游李明:昨天,在班上,我介绍了自己去加拿大参加的学生交流活动。我回忆起一些美好时光,此行也算收获不小。还记得吗,在你家后面,我们乘车滑过湖面?天气很冷,于是我们试着在冰上升火。为了找柴火,我们穿过深至双腿的雪地?(1)还记得吗,你的父母和我们一起,在雪中玩了整整一天?这让我的同学感到不可思议。我想,与中国人相比,加拿大人的休闲时间更多。珍妮:我同意!来到中国,我就喜欢上它。不仅因为中国有美食,还因为它有更为悠久的历史。我喜欢中国的古建筑和神庙以及关于它们的所有“鲜活”的传说。在郊外,比如在长城上,(2)我不仅能感受到人与自然的密切联系,还能感受到人类的历史。我进一步理解了中国人对祖先的崇敬之情。相比之下,加拿大人在这方面做得不太多。李明:的确,我们两国的文化有很多不同之处,然而在一定意义上讲,世界各国的文化都有相似之处。正因为这样,我们才成为朋友嘛!旅行是一种探寻人类文化(差异与相似之处)的绝妙方式。珍妮:我们通过异国旅行增长见识。(3)我眼中的世界也因旅行而改变。(4)人类使用的语言不同,除此之外,我还发现人们对生活有不同的理解。在墨西哥,我发现墨西哥人历史上保留下来的东西比我们加拿大还要少,他们并不认为那些东西十分重要。(5)他们偏重于使用和分享,而不是收集与保存。李明:噢,我明白你的意思了。难怪我来加拿大时,看到当地人有那么丰富的物品,那么大的房子,还有那么开阔的空间。(原来是生活态度使然)珍妮:李明,知道吗,你在加拿大还学了一样东西?你学会了一个单词“物品”!而且说得很地道。棒极了!李明:谢谢夸奖!在加拿大与讲英语的家庭一起生活,能极大地提高我的口语水平。我想多学些东西,因此报名参加了明年去澳大利亚的夏令营活动。我们不仅四处观光,参加野营,还会接触到来自世界各地的人。(6) 我对此充满了期待。为何不加入我们呢,珍妮?珍妮:好主意!我很想加入你们,不过明年夏天我已经有安排了。我接受邀请,要踏上由我校学生组织的去巴西的行程。我们将与那里的穷人一起工作三个星期:一部分人要帮助当地人建立一所小型医疗中心;另一部分人要给当地孩子上课。对此,我很激动,也有点紧张。在那里,我会懂得贫穷的含义,还可以练习西班牙语。我认为,旅行会增进世界各国间的相互了解,进而人们会更和平地生活在一起。李明:珍妮,那就祝你旅行顺利!我想我们明年夏天都会有许多珍贵的经历。如果我的旅行不能改变世界,但它至少可以让我开阔眼界。这可是我平生第一次去看袋鼠啊!111

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