高考一轮复习学案人教版必修五《Unit 3 Life in the future》

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111 必修 Unit 3.单词拼写1His speech made a good _ (印象) on the audience.答案:impression2Lightning _ (闪光) in the sky.答案:flashed3I need an _ (立即的) reply.答案:instant4Zhang Haidi is _ (乐观) about her life.答案:optimistic5He _ (经常) calls me,which makes me angry.答案:constantly6Its necessary for everyone to _ (系牢) your safety belt when driving.答案:fasten7If you _ (按) the button,the machine will start.答案:press8The _ (周围的) scenery in our school is very beautiful.答案:surrounding9They have _(相似的)experiences,but their end result is different.答案:similar10If you want to get the job,youd better have _(以前的) experience.答案:previous.完成句子1I _ _ _ him in the crowd.在人群中我再也看不到他了。答案:lost sight of2She _ _ her first teaching post in 2010.2010年她走上第一个教学岗位。答案:took up3Wed better _ _ if we want to be in time for the film.如果我们想及时看电影,最好要加快速度。答案:speed up4_ _ _,the problem seems easy.乍看起来,这个问题好像容易。答案:At first sight5The project had to be given up _ _ _ money由于缺钱,这项工程被迫放弃。答案:for lack of.单项选择1As there is less and less coal and oil,scientists are exploring new ways of making use of _ energy,such as sunlight,wind and water for power and fuel.AprimaryBalternativeCinstant Dunique解析:考查形容词辨析。primary“基本的”;alternative“供选择的,可替代的”;instant“瞬间的”;unique“独一无二的”。B项最合句意。答案:B2(2012合肥模拟)In order to meet the demands,they had to _ production.Afasten up Brise upCspeed up Dgo up解析:speed up“加速”,符合句意:为了满足需求,他们不得不加快了生产速度。答案:C3(2011宁波模拟)Now I have come here at the _ of Mr Smith to assist him in finishing the work.Arequire BremarkCdemand Drequest解析:at the request of sb.或at sb.s request是固定短语,意为“应某人的请求”。答案:D4The old man volunteers to _ the fallen leaves in the street every autumn.Asweep aside Bsweep upCclear up Dmake up解析:sweep aside“不予理会”;sweep up“打扫”;clear up“澄清,解释,天气变晴”;make up“弥补;编造;化妆;组成”。句意:这个老人每年秋天都义务打扫街道上的落叶。答案:B5(2011济宁模拟)She made a _ in our plan to play basketball when it started to rain.Aturn BswitchCpoint Dexchange解析:turn不与make搭配;exchange“交流”;point“要点”,都不合句意。此处make a switch意为“做了一个更改”。答案:B6The new manager hopes to get the company back _ its feet within five months.Aon BofCto Doff解析:句意:新经理希望在五个月内使公司恢复元气。be back on ones feet“(困境后)恢复,完全复原”,符合句意。答案:A7We found the old man lying in bed,_.Acoldly and hungrily Bcold and hungryCcoldly and hungry Dcold and hungrily解析:句意:我们发现那个老人躺在床上,又冷又饿。此题考查形容词作状语,表示伴随状态。形容词作状语一般用逗号隔开,可位于句首、句末,也可位于句中,相当于一个从句。表示时间、原因、方式或伴随状态。答案:B8(2012南通质检)After ten minutes,Martin _ the guests to the reception room.Aguided BaimedCdirected Dfocused解析:句意:10分钟以后,马丁领着客人到了接待室。所以选择guide。focus“集中在”;aim“瞄准”;direct“指导”都不符合句意。答案:A9For years workers have to _ low wages and terrible working conditions.Apreserve BprohibitCignore Dtolerate解析:句意:多年以来工人们不得不忍受低工资和残酷的工作环境。A项“保护,保持”;B项“禁止”;C项“忽视”;D项“忍受,容忍”。答案:D10(2012泉州质检)Bad reading habits and a _ of enough practice usually result in poor English.Alimit BlackCneed Ddemand解析:考查名词词义辨析。lack“缺乏”;need“需要”;demand“要求”。由题意可知B项正确。答案:B11Were trying to ring you back,Bryan,but we think we _ your number incorrectly.Alooked up Btook downCworked out Dbrought out解析:句意:我们试图给你回电话,布赖恩,但我们想我们把你的号码记错了。take down“记下”;look up“查阅”;work out“算出”;bring out“取出,使显示。”答案:B12(2012常德模拟)She speaks English very fluently _ she were an American.Aas though Beven thoughCnow that Dso that解析:考查从属连词。句意:她英语讲得非常流利,就像个美国人似的。as thoughas if,意为“似乎;好像”,此处引导方式状语从句,从句用虚拟语气。even thougheven if“即使,虽然”;now that“既然”;so that“以便;结果”。答案:A13(2011汕头模拟)There is no _ method of measuring intelligence.Aprecious BpreviousCprimary Dprecise解析:句意:智力的测量没有准确的方法。A.“珍贵的”;B.“之前的,先于的”;C.“主要的,初期的”;D.“准确的,精确的”。根据句意可知应选D项。答案:D14Ive applied for the job but Im not very _ about my chance of getting it.Aoptimistic BcomfortableCtiresome Dsuccessful解析:句意:我申请了这份工作,但我对获取这份工作的机会持不乐观的态度。be optimistic about意为“对感到乐观的”,符合句意。comfortable“舒服的”;tiresome“令人厌烦的”;successful“成功的”。答案:A15(2012龙岩质检)It is wrong to read peoples _ letters without permission.Apublic BpublishedCprivate Dselfish解析:句意:未经许可阅读别人的私人信件是不对的private“私人的”;public“公共的”;published“出版了的”;selfish“自私的”。答案:C.完形填空Many adults see teens as energetic.Many of us see ourselves as proud.This thinking _1_ many adults and us to have the idea that if we cant handle school or _2_ life well,we are just not trying hardBut in my opinion that may not be _3_.Earlier this school year,I was leaving my class one Friday _4_ suddenly it _5_ like I had pulled a muscle in my back.I knew I was ill.After a few days I stopped eating.This meant I lost _6_;the clothes that I bought two weeks earlier began _7_ loose.This time my parents got scared._8_,I started sleeping less.My eyelids(眼皮)were constantly _9_.I refused to _10_ that I was ill.I kept my job working 25 hours a week in a shop;I didnt _11_ any classes.When I was hurting,I didnt mind and kept on going._12_ it kills you,it makes you stronger,right?But now I find myself thinking.Is it _13_ it?Im taking the classes and working for the newspaper because it does good _14_ college applications.And Im working 25 hours a week so that,once I get into my dream school,I can _15_ it.Here I am,already sick from the _16_ of work Im doing in and out of school.So,what good is a(n) _17_ application if Im badly ill?What is the _18_ of doing this work if I cant enjoy the results?In fact,by writing my _19_ Im telling all the people who _20_ much about the future to worry about it now.解题导语为了使自己的大学申请表更有吸引力,作者带病学习、工作。但后来,作者深刻反省了这种舍本逐末的做法。1A.makes BforcesCcauses Dintends解析:cause sb.to do sth.促使某人做某事。答案:C2A.still BevenCjust Dyet解析:如果我不能很好地应付学业甚至生活设空前school与空后life之间存在递进关系,故选用even。答案:B3A.true BrealCwrong Dfalse解析:由下文可知,作者认为这种想法也许不对。true指合乎事实的而不是捏造的;real指人或事物真实存在的,而不是想象的。答案:A4A.while BwhenCthen Dhow解析:我正要离开教室,突然感觉像是背部抽筋了。when“恰在此时”。答案:B5A.looked BsoundedCappeared Dfelt解析:feel like“感觉好像”答案:D6A.face BhopeCweight Ddirection解析:几天不吃饭肯定是体重减轻(lose weight)。答案:C7A.hanging BholdingCchanging Ddressing解析:hang loose松松垮垮地吊/垂/耷拉着。答案:A8A.In fact BIn additionCIn disorder DIn general解析:in addition“此外”,用以表递进关系。in fact“事实上”;in disorder“混乱,紊乱”;in general“一般而言”。答案:B9A.light BshutCopen Dheavy解析:睡得少会感觉眼皮抬不起来,所以用heavy(很沉)。答案:D10A.insist BdetermineCaccept Dconsider解析:根据下文可知:我拒绝接受生病的事实。accept“接受”;insist“坚持”;determine“决定”;consider“考虑”。答案:C11A.lose BdropCgive Dtake解析:我继续长时间地工作,也没有旷课(drop class)。答案:B12A.Unless BIfCThough DBefore解析:(病痛)如果不能把你折磨死,就会使你更坚强,对吗?unlessif.not“如果不”;if“如果”;though“虽然但是”;before“在之前”。答案:A13A.paid Bsimilar toCequal to Dworth解析:句意:这样做值吗?be similar to.与相似;be equal to.和相等。答案:D14A.at BtoCon Dwith解析:do good to对有好处,固定搭配。答案:B15A.control BmanageCsupport Dafford解析:句意:我一周工作25小时是为了一旦上了理想的大学,我能支付得起学费。afford“负担得起(钱/时间)”;control“控制”;pay后需要加for; support后接sb.。答案:D16A.amount BsetCkind Dnumber解析:the amount of.的数量,后接不可数名词;the number of后接可数名词。答案:A17A.suitable BimpressiveCbelievable Dusual解析:impressive“给人深刻印象的,有吸引力的”;suitable“合适的”;believable“可信的”;usual“往常的”。答案:B18A.reason BideaCpoint Dtip解析:句意:如果不能享受结果,做这工作又有什么意义呢?point“意义”;reason“原因”;idea“主意,想法”;tip“提示,忠告”。答案:C19A.time BworkCnewspaper Dstory解析:句意:通过写我的故事(story),我要告诉所有的人。答案:D20A.think BcareCmiss Drealize解析:care about“关注,关心”;其他三项都不能与about搭配。答案:B.阅读表达1As a parent who stays at home with gradeschoolkids,the last thing that you want to hear on a snowy day from your kids is “Im bored” when school is canceled.So how can you keep kids busy on a winter day without keeping them in front of the TV all day?2One of the best suggestions for a cold winter day is to have your kids play board games.You can always invite the neighborhood kids over and have them bring their favorite games.Another good idea is to have the kids put on a puppet show(木偶表演)This is the best way for them to use what God gave them and their imaginations!3We used to also play in a grocery store and my mom would allow us to go through the kitchen and get items and we had to pay for our groceriesa great way to have kids practice their counting skills.If you live in town and you can get out of the house then _ and have the kids pick a few books they would like to read there.Another good winter day activity is just making tents in the living room with all the blankets and chairs,and this is a great place for kids to relax and read.The kids could also put on a magic or talent show,again invite the other neighbor kids over.4And as a parent,you can work out an agreement with other parents.Youll take the kids on a snowy day then rotate and they can take the kids for another snowy day.In_this_way,you_get_a_break_as_a_parent_and_the_kids_get_different_scenery_too_and_you_wont_be_pulling_your_hair_out!1What is the best title for the text?(no more than 10 words)_答案:How to Keep Kids Busy on a Winter Day2Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one?The show can make the best use of the childrens talent and imaginations._答案:This is the best way for them to use what God gave them and their imaginations!3Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with proper words.(no more than 5 words)_答案:go to the local library/go to the book store4Which activity mentioned in the text is good for kids mathematical ability?Why?(no more than 20 words)_答案:Playing grocery store game is good for kids,because kids can practice their counting skills.5Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 into Chinese._答案:这样,作为父母你得到了休息,孩子们也欣赏了不同的景观,你也不必为此而抓狂。111

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