外研版三年级下册Module 10 Unit 2一课一练-

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外研版三年级下册Module 10 Unit 2一课一练-_第1页
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Module 10 Unit 2 Shes got an orange sweater同步练习一、读句子,根据图片写单词 1. Amy has got a_. A. shirt 2. Sam has got a_. B. shoes 3. Daming has got_. C. sweater 4 .Ms Smart has got a_. D. trousers 二、写出下列单词的汉语意思1. Orange 2. Shirt 3.shoe 4. White 5. Photo 6. skirt 三、翻译下列句子1. Shes got an orange sweater. 2. Has he got trousers? 3. Its for the class photo. 四、英语、汉语对号入座。( ) 1. The boy is behind the door.( ) 2. Shes got an orange sweater.( ) 3.He goes to work by bus.( ) 4.I fly a kite in the park.( ) 5.Its sunny and warm today.( ) 6 .What does Tom have in the afternoon?( ) 7.Does Amy go to school on Saturdays?( )8 .Heres a yellow hat.A. 今天天气晴朗温暖。B. 这是一顶黄色的帽子。C. 那个男孩在门后。D. 他乘坐公共汽车去上班。E. 她有一件橙色的毛线衫。F. 埃米每星期六都上学吗?G. 我在公园里放风筝。 h.汤姆下午有什么课?五、选出不同类的一项。( )1、A. fly B. swim C. walk D. goes( )2、A. walks B. has C. get D. flies( )3、A. apple B. snow C. orange D. pear( )4、A. lake B. park C. zoo D. does( )5、A. happy B. am C. is D. are六、选择。( )1、My bother_got a new dress. Ahave B. havent C. has( )2、Has _got a shirt ?A. he B. you C. we( )3、Have you got_? A. trouser B. trousersC. a trousers( )4、_an orange shirt. A. Heres B. Here are C. heres( )5、_he got green trousers? A. has B. have C.Has七、用havegothasgot填空 1. I_ a new football.2. You_a brother.3. We_a new teacher.4. She_a new shirt.5. Amy_a very nice bike.6._he_a new bike? Yes, he_.


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